Debate Watch Parties

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PalinbingoA couple of quick notes:

Final question for you to discuss. Will Sarah Palin be more, or less, sharp than this?

And lest you think I'm unfairly mocking, compare and contrast:

  • (NOT) Bay Buchanan (unverified)

    Ms. Teen South Carolina is on the short list for Secretary of Education in a McCain-Palin Administration.

  • Stan Vicenti (Debate Party Leader) (unverified)

    [Racist, violent, misogynistic comment removed. -editor.]

  • Nadja S (unverified)

    No matter what, Sarah Palin will "win" the debate! All she has to do is smile, remember to sneeringly throw out a few zingers about how elite Obama is, and all the conservative pundits will be pleased. And no hard "gotcha" questions please - - we know that Ifill is already biased against her.

    She's playing to the "Bubba" vote because she thinks like them - - proudly and aggressively incurious, aligned with their narrow-minded social values, and who enjoy killing large mammals. Who cares whether or not she knows how the government is supposed to work - - she hates the federal government anyway! She'll make up her own rules as she goes along.

    This is the ignorance-is-knowledge candidate, and she thinks she has the moxie to muddle through anything that comes at her. Its a point of view that is utterly catastrophic for our country right now.

  • Lelo (unverified)

    I'm really looking forward to reading Karol's live blogging! [Response to racist comment removed. -editor]

  • steve (unverified)

    [Response to racist comment removed. -editor]

  • RW (unverified)

    Even my disaffected Native Yoot son finds the prospect of the Biden-Palin dustup appealing. We figure it's gonna be a glorious disaster: Biden with his cloppers in his choppers more than a few times, and Palin... well.... PALIN.

    We'll see if being in a slightly drunken madhouse makes it any more edifying.

    See you there.

  • yahoo (unverified)

    I believe "Debate Leader" was talking about this unfortunate incident. Although he couldn't resist stretching the truth quite a bit.

  • Greg D. (unverified)

    I would rather have sex with the blond girl.

    What was the question?

  • mp97303 (unverified)

    If Palin doesn't pass out due to a lack of oxygen to her brain, the GOPers will deem it a success. If she looses, the GOPers will blame the moderator.

    As a side note, has the GOP figured out how Obama brought about our financial ruination yet?

  • rw (unverified)

    I'm an idiot. Trust me to go where the live blog was LAST week. Looks like I'd better start a home business so that I can PROPERLY read these threads in between appointments. Just does not work to snatch a line or twelve on breaks and between breaths.


    It's official: I retire.


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