Debate Watch Parties
Kari Chisholm
- Tonight, BlueOregon's Karol Collymore and Jeff Alworth will be coming at you live from the Bagdad Theater - where they'll be live-blogging from the site of the KOIN-6 debate watch party.
- Also, Progressive Happy Hour is once again doing a debate watch party at Blitz Bar, 110 NW 10th (this time with three times as many bartenders!) Be sure to sign up at to get on the email list.
- PDX Pipeline has another extensive list of debate watch parties.
- And be sure to visit for all your drinking-game/debate-bingo needs.
Final question for you to discuss. Will Sarah Palin be more, or less, sharp than this?
And lest you think I'm unfairly mocking, compare and contrast:
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Oct 2, '08
Ms. Teen South Carolina is on the short list for Secretary of Education in a McCain-Palin Administration.
Oct 2, '08
[Racist, violent, misogynistic comment removed. -editor.]
Oct 2, '08
No matter what, Sarah Palin will "win" the debate! All she has to do is smile, remember to sneeringly throw out a few zingers about how elite Obama is, and all the conservative pundits will be pleased. And no hard "gotcha" questions please - - we know that Ifill is already biased against her.
She's playing to the "Bubba" vote because she thinks like them - - proudly and aggressively incurious, aligned with their narrow-minded social values, and who enjoy killing large mammals. Who cares whether or not she knows how the government is supposed to work - - she hates the federal government anyway! She'll make up her own rules as she goes along.
This is the ignorance-is-knowledge candidate, and she thinks she has the moxie to muddle through anything that comes at her. Its a point of view that is utterly catastrophic for our country right now.
Oct 2, '08
I'm really looking forward to reading Karol's live blogging! [Response to racist comment removed. -editor]
Oct 2, '08
[Response to racist comment removed. -editor]
Oct 2, '08
Even my disaffected Native Yoot son finds the prospect of the Biden-Palin dustup appealing. We figure it's gonna be a glorious disaster: Biden with his cloppers in his choppers more than a few times, and Palin... well.... PALIN.
We'll see if being in a slightly drunken madhouse makes it any more edifying.
See you there.
Oct 2, '08
I believe "Debate Leader" was talking about this unfortunate incident. Although he couldn't resist stretching the truth quite a bit.
Oct 2, '08
I would rather have sex with the blond girl.
What was the question?
Oct 2, '08
If Palin doesn't pass out due to a lack of oxygen to her brain, the GOPers will deem it a success. If she looses, the GOPers will blame the moderator.
As a side note, has the GOP figured out how Obama brought about our financial ruination yet?
Oct 2, '08
I'm an idiot. Trust me to go where the live blog was LAST week. Looks like I'd better start a home business so that I can PROPERLY read these threads in between appointments. Just does not work to snatch a line or twelve on breaks and between breaths.
It's official: I retire.