Check your voter registration online - and your family and friends, too.
Kari Chisholm
The Secretary of State has a fantastic new web tool available now. For the first time, you can verify online that you're registered to vote.
And you can even check your family and friends, too. All you need is a name, zip code, and birthday.
I recently shared the link with a bunch of friends on Facebook, and here's a couple of the responses:
Thank you so much, Kari. I passed on the link to everyone. I looked up both my sister and her husband and they were not listed, but did register. So, this was great to double check!Holy crap. thanks for that. it says I'm not registered. used to be. maybe it's because my driver's license expired. I renewed it, but... it says I'm not registered.
Don't take anything for granted, folks. I'm getting all kinds of reports of people who are having trouble with voter registration because of some of the new procedures.
For example, over at the Red Electric blog, Rick Seifert talks about his trouble registering voters in Oregon:
In a story running Thursday, the Times says a flawed registration procedure relying on social security information is a problem in swing states, but, based on my own experience registering Oregon voters, I believe it is also a problem here.If would-be registrants (or those re-registering to change their addresses) don't have their driver's license or driver's license number with them, the default seems to be to provide the last four digits of their Social Security number.
Turns out the default is causing all kinds of problems because social security records aren't matching with new addresses, resulting in disqualifications.
Check your own registration. Then, check your friends. If you're on Facebook, note that most of your friends have posted their birthdays there. To spread the word on Facebook, join this "event" and share it with everyone you know in Oregon.
It's too important to just assume everything is OK.
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connect with blueoregon
Oct 9, '08
Make sure you put your last name first, and that your first name (and any other information) is exactly how it appears in the database. "John" will not work for "Jonathan," for example.
Oct 9, '08
OK. My mother passed away last February and this site you mentioned still has her as being active. Go figure. I didn't know dead people could vote.
Oct 9, '08
"Go figure. I didn't know dead people could vote."
They can't notify the secretary of state that they're dead either.
8:05 p.m.
Oct 9, '08
They can only vote if someone forges the dead person's signature. And then the signature would have to match the one on file with the county. And you'd be breaking the law and could serve some serious jail time.
Otherwise, they stay on the voting rolls until the elections office is notified by someone - a family member, a funeral home, etc. - that the person is dead.
Oct 10, '08
Could we please have a voting fraud thread, specifically devoted to pulling together the investigations and developments in this area?
I'm watching developing strands "out there", some being teased up in tabloids, and others further along... ACORN is not the only peak in the range.
I am interested in tracking it in the media in the leadup to election.
Is this possible?
Houston Investigation, for instance: not a beloved resource for the intelligentsia, but it IS popping out all over.
Oct 10, '08
Warning: Rant Ahead - false alarums brought on by noisily manipulative media? Or something worth stampeding about?
Why are Obama and McCain not "joining hands across the aisle" [retch, gag, socket wrench] to repudiate ALL gains made via voter/voting fraud of all kinds? Registration, blocking registration, access planning...
Do these dorks not recognize a base-building opportunity, a photo op? Harmless to them, invaluable to the fundamentals we idealize, but which have always been travestied?
And why is Carter not in there just SWINGING and socking like the elder statesman he is? This guy has the knowledge base, has overseen elections around the world. Good god where is he THIS time? Still waiting twelve years later.
And a chance to put the brakes on their respective TROLLS?
OY. A little taste, bitter for a leftie-contrary like me:
"CLEVELAND - A man at the center of a voter-registration scandal told The Post [shudder, squawk, sawzall - not a great source, but there's more, kids...] yesterday he was given cash and cigarettes by aggressive ACORN activists in exchange for registering an astonishing 72 times, in apparent violation of Ohio laws.
'Sometimes, they come up and bribe me with a cigarette, or they'll give me a dollar to sign up," said Freddie Johnson, 19, who filled out 72 separate voter-registration cards over an 18-month period at the behest of the left-leaning Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now.'"
I hope anyone found to be subverting the process gets the entire book thrown at them. For keeps to the maximum allowable. ANYONE.
Oct 22, '08
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