Yes, let's mess with Texas.

Kari Chisholm FacebookTwitterWebsite

So, Blue America is one of the premier ways that the national netroots stands up and supports progressive candidates. This year, they've only endorsed five U.S. Senate candidates - our own Jeff Merkley, Tom Allen (Maine), Mark Begich (Alaska), Andrew Rice (Oklahoma), and Rick Noriega (Texas).

Right now, they're running a little contest to determine which Blue America candidate should receive $5000 -- and bragging rights. The imprimatur of winning the Blue America contest wound up generating $30,000+ for the winning House candidate.

Here's how it works: All you have to do is donate $1 (or more) to Jeff Merkley on the Blue America page at ActBlue. The candidate with the most donors wins the $5000.

For the first few days, our man Merkley was leading handily. But now, with the strength of a much larger state behind him, the Texan - Rick Noriega - has taken a slight lead.

749 Rick Noriega
471 Jeff Merkley
238 Andrew Rice
227 Tom Allen
193 Mark Begich

Now, I think Rick Noriega's a great guy. But we've gotta show those Texans that up here in the rainy corner of the country, we can pull it together for Jeff Merkley.

What are you waiting for? Donate $1 to Jeff Merkley right now - and watch it turn into $5000 or more.

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    [Full disclosure: My firm built Jeff Merkley's website, but I speak only for myself.]

  • Stefan (unverified)

    Best photo I've seen on this site in a long time! Keep up the handy Photoshopping, Kari!

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    Latest Survey USA poll out today:

    Merkley 44

    Smith 42

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    In addition to local races (already given to Merkley once), I try to pick a few national races to contribute a few of my hard-earned pennies. I've given to Noriega the last two quarters (no disrespect to Jeff, but Rick is a great guy too, and John Cornyn makes Gordon Smith look like Paul Wellstone), as well as a couple others (Darcy Burner and Charlie Brown), but now it's time to focus closer to home. For the stretch run, I'm only gonna give to Oregon peeps.

    With that in mind, it might be neat to have a sort of open thread where some of the lesser-known local candidates can make a pitch for some small-dollar lovin' before the end of the quarter (only five days away!). A handful of $20 donations could actually mean something in some of these House races. I'm thinking of folks like Greg Matthews, Suzanne VanOrman, Jessica Adamson, Judy Steigler, Richard Riggs, Jim Gilbert, etc.

    So, yes, head over to ActBlue and give Jeff some love, but while you're there maybe think about some of the other local progressive folks fighting in much lower-profile races where a few bucks could really make a difference. It's easy to get caught up in the big federal campaigns, but the folks running for local offices need our help too, in many cases even more than the big guys.

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    lesser-known local candidates can make a pitch for some small-dollar lovin' before the end of the quarter (only five days away!)

    But of course, the "end of the quarter" doesn't mean anything to anyone but federal candidates.

    Here in Oregon, we have continuous reporting via ORESTAR. No more reporting deadlines!

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    Since Merkley's getting so much DSCC money and Noreiga doesn't appear to be, wouldn't Rick be the smarter choice? Chuck will pick up the slack, pretty obviously.

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    <h2>Well, Noriega's the much longer shot. National Journal puts that seat as the 19th most likely to flip. Also, the polling margin is sitting at 13.7% (according to which ain't so good. Still, Cornyn's approval numbers aren't so hot and he's polling right around 50%. I'm sure if Rick could close the gap, Chuck would throw some cash his way, as he's sitting on a bundle, but Merkley's clearly the better bet at this point.</h2>

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