Where's Gordo? Day One
Kevin Kamberg
This is the week that Gordon Smith said that he couldn't attend the GOP convention with his good friend John McCain - whom he supports "100 percent" for Prez - because he needed to be here talking to Oregonians on his own behalf.
So where is he? He apparently has no scheduled events all week long, either campaign or official.
You don't suppose he might be cruising the back nine on a golf course somewhere with those $1.25 million golf clubs rather than mix with grubby common folk? Or maybe even working that in with his alleged desire to campaign by charging everyone else on the course $5,000 to play near him?
Perhaps he figures that he can campaign by osmosis? Maybe being hunkered down in his Pendleton compound is supposed to somehow psychically touch Oregonians struggling in this Bush economy - that Gordo helped spawn - with Smith's pin-stripped empathy?
Or maybe this is just Gordo's way of demonstrating how he treats a "good friend" like McCain and he never had any intention of talking to regular Oregonians this week?
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Sep 2, '08
I don't blame him. The convention is lame. They just showed a tribute clip about Pres. Ford that was either recycled from who-knows-when or scripted by someone too young to know when he was president and too indifferent to care.
Rough quote... "It's been more than 2 decades since Gerald Ford called the White House home...".
Maybe I should look this up on Wikipedia first, but hasn't it been over THREE decades?
Sep 2, '08
btw, they sure could use more speakers. They have all of 8 scheduled today - and that's including 2 RNC leaders (nobodies), Boehner (the ringleader for the convention) and Bush's video address. I got the impression from the Dem convention that they had Democrats lined up around the block wanting their turn to speak.
Come on Gordo, they need more filler!
Sep 2, '08
I've been wondering where Gordo has been for years. Seems like he prefers junkets to Iraq over meeting with constituents (they probably terrify him more than any Iraqi insurgents). He gave up Town Hall meetings years ago, and then he would only do them in the company of Wyden.
Gordon Smith: Absentee Senator.
Why hasn't some bright Democrat designed some "Where's Gordo" puzzles?
Sep 2, '08
Speaking of the Republican Convention, it would be nice to see more info about the ugly police repression going on there, and what folks can to help out. Not only are activists being targeted, but street medics (including several from Portland), and journalists have been arrested in large numbers.
Free Press Action Alert
Sep 2, '08
As sad and pathetic as Smith is (and that he is), and as two faced and hypocritical as Smith is, what is even more sad, and pathetic, is that he will trounce Merkley by at least 5%, and maybe 6% or 7%.
You are looking for Smith? Where is Merkley?
Sep 2, '08
"I don't blame him. The convention is lame."
You said it, Brother. I can't take any more. I found this to be far more engaging over on CSPAN. As for the GOP shindig, it has been preempted in my household by reruns of Family Guy that I have probably seen at least a dozen times.
8:25 p.m.
Sep 2, '08
Try to keep up, Harry.
Gordon Smith is hiding from the citizens of Oregon.
Jeff Merkley has visited 93 of 100 cities and towns in his 100 Towns Tour
Cruise on over to the campaign's blog and you'll see lots of pictures of Merkley meeting lots of average, every day Oregonians.
Sep 2, '08
Merkley is nowhere. If he wants to win, money talks. I see Smith ads on TV. I don't see many Merkley ads. The 90 secs of TV time at the convention was a joke. The DNC got him into this, and now it is just Jeff against Smitty's millions. He is not very visible. I guess I will go over to his blog, like all the other voters. LOL.
10:15 p.m.
Sep 2, '08
So...Gordon Smith doesn't go to the RNC cuz he's just so jam packed with campaign events that don't exist?
Hell Harry--if its all TV for Gordo, he may as well have gone to the Convention...except he can't cuz then that bullshit independence crap he's schlepping on TV won't ring.
So how many days til Smith has an actual public campaign event that isn't a fundraiser? Time's a wastin'.
Sep 2, '08
Harry, the days of Republicans winning elections by bashing Democrats without saying anything about themselves are over!
When will Gordon Smith hold a public town hall meeting in Oregon which doesn't cost money to attend? Will it be open to the public or only invited guests? Will we see him in person anywhere in the state, or only on TV?
Gordon didn't win by swamping an opponent in a 2 person race in 1996. My friend justly described it as people voting 3rd party if they refused to choose between the slick one (Smith) and the chinless one (Bruggere). Check out the election results yourself.
This time he is running against a legislative leader (presiding officer like he was in 1996) who has lots of folks who know him and are willing to talk to their friends about him. I went to a Merkley open public town hall meeting at a local college during the primary. Will Smith appear in public anywhere except for fundraisers or debates?
A responsive answer to that question can only contain the proper noun Gordon Smith--mentioning Merkley or anyone else is means it is not a responsive answer.
Unless, of course, you believe Gordon Smith is not responsible for the actions of Gordon Smith. Whatever happened to Republicans being the party of indiv. responsibility?
Sep 3, '08
"When will Gordon Smith hold a public town hall meeting in Oregon which doesn't cost money to attend?"
Same as when Obama goes on FauxNews... WHEN HE HAS TO!!! LOL (negotiations ongoing, Obama will be with Bill O. within a week!) Because he has to! He needs their votes to win. He is No Idiot Blue Oregon flake, he is a Harvard educated politician who wants to win, and will do what he needs to.
Same with Smitty. When he has to. My prediction? He will not hold a town hall mtg in Oregon. Not this year. Maybe a "debate" w/o Q&A. Basically, he will only do a "commercial, advertisement" type stage event with Jeff. Because he doesn't have to do anything else. Better to do exactly what he is doing... duck and hide, smear and run. Cover the airwaves with TV ads. And win.
"Unless, of course, you believe Gordon Smith is not responsible for the actions of Gordon Smith."
Pretty close to what I believe, and Gordon Smith's beliefs as well. I think he is a sleaze ball, and when Smitty looks in the mirror, I bet he doesn't disagree. He is a successful politician, after all. He supported the War until the political winds changed. Same with most all his positions. Again, he is a politician. Evidently, a pretty good one. With lots of money.
"Whatever happened to Republicans being the party of indiv. responsibility?"
It went the way of Pres Clinton, Sen Edwards, and the other slime balls in both parties. Lie like a rug until it became OBVIOUS that you were a liar (sexual DNA on a blue dress, photos of you and your love child in a hotel, etc) then appologize and move on (dot org).
Don't you just love the politics of Democrat sleaze balls, now showing at a Republican theater near you?
9:58 a.m.
Sep 3, '08
So Gordon Smith shouldn't hold public events where his constituency can ask questions of him without having to write a check first...because Obama won't go on FOX?
Smith lies to Oregonians about why he didn't go to the RNC...and the best Smith's trolls have got is to trot out the Murdoch station?
LOL...gawd, no wonder Republicans are losing so badly.
9:59 a.m.
Sep 3, '08
Oops...that was me above. Forgot to add my last name. :)
9:59 a.m.
Sep 3, '08
Notice how doggedly "Harry" here keeps trying to move the focus off of the truthfulness of Gordo's claim. Oh sure, he throws vague digs at Gordo in here and there. But they lack specificity and the only specific issue here is the one that he keeps trying to move attention away from.
That's exactly what I would expect of a conservative posing as a progressive.
Sep 3, '08
What cracks me up about Harry was his earliest response about how Gordo has more money, as though whoever has the most money necessarily wins, or if I was to take a sinister view, maybe Harry believes whoever has the most money should win.
11:19 a.m.
Sep 3, '08
Jeff Merkley is so much more available than Gordon Smith. His 100 towns tour locations are posted on his website so any voter who wants to has the chance to speak to him. Gordon, on the other hand - MIA.
The sad truth is that many voters believe Gordon reaches across the aisle, is against the war, is a strong advocate for Oregon, is campaigning instead of attending the RNC convention because he says he is. Well, he's NOT doing any of those things and people who pay attention know it.
Wake up, Oregon!
Sep 3, '08
Carla: "So Gordon Smith shouldn't hold public events where his constituency can ask questions of him without having to write a check first..."
I did not suggest that he SHOULDN'T, I suggested that he won't. Remember, Smith wants to win, not talk to lots of people. And I thought that Carla was politically savvy, and not an ignoramous!
Gregor: "What cracks me up about Harry was his earliest response about how Gordo has more money, as though whoever has the most money necessarily wins,..."
Hmmm, you mean that I shouldn't predict that "she/he with the most money wins"? Q: How many elections are won by the big spender? A: The vast majority!
And also: Q: How many are won by incumbents? A: Most!
Call me a cynic. I will call you a dreamer.
Merkley? Dream on, unless there is a very big media buy in the next two months...
local mom: "The sad truth is that many voters believe Gordon reaches across the aisle, is against the war, is a strong advocate for Oregon, is campaigning instead of attending the RNC convention because he says he is. Well, he's NOT doing any of those things and people who pay attention know it.
<h2>Wake up, Oregon!"</h2>Well said, local mom.
How do you plan on 'waking up' Oregon? Maybe you agree with Kevin ("Cruise on over to the campaign's blog") ? I think if that is your solution to waking up Oregon, Merkley is toast and Smitty cruises to a victory.
Sep 3, '08
A question for political insiders. Smith appears to be pulling away based on the polling websites. Will the national party pour money into Merkley's campaign under these circumstances? Can Merkley win without a huge infusion of cash to buy media? I think not, but would be pleased to be proven wrong. Another 6 years of Gordo's smirk would be irritating, even if Obama carries the presidency.
1:47 p.m.
Sep 3, '08
I did not suggest that he SHOULDN'T, I suggested that he won't. Remember, Smith wants to win, not talk to lots of people. And I thought that Carla was politically savvy, and not an ignoramous!
So you think Smith will win without actually having to talk to his constituents...?
Speaking of ignoramouses...
Sep 3, '08
Smith appears to be pulling away?
Where's the poll site saying the incumbent gets over 50% of the vote in more than one poll?
My sense is that Gordon is in more trouble than he thinks, and it is a huge gamble for him to rely on only TV and not do public appearances. But if he thinks his Jan. 1996 strategy will get him re-elected, who are we to argue?
Now, as then, there will be folks saying they will vote for the candidate who cares enough to show up in person.
Sep 3, '08
Looks to me as if the Rasmussen and SurveyUSA polls show Smith pulling away in August. Happy to be wrong!
2:37 p.m.
Sep 3, '08
Smith is the two time incumbent, has spent TONS of money on attack ads and this is the best he can do? People are only just beginning to "tune in" - he should be (and given the negative campaign ads, most surely IS) scared!
Sep 3, '08
I wrote above: "Same as when Obama goes on FauxNews... WHEN HE HAS TO!!! LOL (negotiations ongoing, Obama will be with Bill O. within a week!) Because he has to! He needs their votes to win. He is No Idiot Blue Oregon flake, he is a Harvard educated politician who wants to win, and will do what he needs to."
Obama is going to be FoxNews tomorrow, on Bill O'Reilly. Obmama goes pimping for votes on FauxNews. LOL.
I bet he screams for massive tax increases, massive troop withdrawals from that Civil War in Iraq, and a bunch of other ultra liberal requests from his base!
No, on 2nd thought, he is gonna pander to Bill's conservative base. See the transformation of Barack Obama to FauxBama, right before your very eyes! Obama is running to the center very fast now!!!
Sep 3, '08
Harry, You're a cynic! [Well , you asked me to call you that.]
You've abandoned pursuing what you want in favor of what the wealthy deign to give you. You cheer for the trickle! I'm a dreamer. I have the audacity for hope. Did you think that calling me a dreamer was offensive somehow? Thanks for seeing me.
PS - If you think all you shoudl have is what the wealthy will leave for you, you should try visiting a Third World country so you will better know where this country is headed if we consent with our silence to stay the course.
11:23 p.m.
Sep 3, '08
Local Mom, this "best that he can do" may not be very impressive, but if the election were today, it would be enough.
<h2>What's the next phase after the 100 towns tour?</h2>