Tucker Bounds flummoxed by questions about Sarah Palin
Kari Chisholm
I learned something interesting from the O's Jeff Mapes over the weekend: The top two mouthpieces for John McCain, communications director Jill Hazelbaker and national spokesman Tucker Bounds, are both University of Oregon alums and considered rising stars by Oregon Republicans.
So, when I saw Tucker pop up on CNN yesterday, I decided to watch and see how this Oregonian would handle the tough questions of the day.
And wow, was he ever flummoxed. Now, to be fair, the first rule of better marketing is "get better reality"... and his reality is a pretty ugly one. It's not entirely his fault.
You see, he got the tough job of explaining how Sarah Palin is qualified to lead this nation's foreign policy and serve as commander-in-chief -- should President John McCain fall over dead on Inauguration Day.
Watch the video. It's truly priceless.
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Sep 2, '08
Gotch'ya! Outch a Rooney!! He is Back pedaling really fast from this one.....
Sep 2, '08
But, Kari, on, um, "a factual basis," I think he HAS made it perfectly clear that she is deciding the decisions that decidedly others are deciding, regardless of what those decisions may be since nobody decided to tell poor Tucker, and so American voters will soon decide about the derivative of the Decider whose decisions others decided and you know, like that.
Sep 2, '08
"Ouch" is right. And Joyce: pitch-perfect. I love the talking point the "foreign policy experience" Palin has amassed in her 20-month tenure as commander of the Alaska National Guard. State governors haven't had operational military control over these guard troops -- i.e., the only sort of control that might impart "foreign policy experience" -- since the War of 1812, and part of the reason is that that war ended with Washington D.C. in smoldering cinders.
Intentionally or not, McCain's decision has put a multitude of GOP trench-fighters in the awkward position of arguing positions they assaulted as indefensible only the day before and of supporting those positions with "evidence," rhetorical flourishes, and dodges that they know are as phony as John McCain is old. Tucker Bound's involuntary twitches tell it all.
Sep 2, '08
More evidence of the Palin "bounce". Today's Hotline nat. poll- http://thepage.time.com/2008/09/02/new-national-numbers-36/
Obama by nine - up five from the last poll 48%-39%
Rasmussen reports Obama breaks 50% with leaners today.
Sep 2, '08
Now that it's been established beyond a reasonable doubt that Sarah Palin was a pathetic pick, so much so that Tucker Bounds can barely assemble a complete sentence in her defense; now that it's been established, moreover, that there was as good as zero vetting of Sarah Palin prior to the announcement of her vice-presidential candidacy (see the top story in this morning's NYT); now that we know that McCain's first choice for a running mate was not Sarah Palin but Joe Lieberman; perhaps now it's time to leave poor Bristol and Levi in peace and to focus instead on the political forces that prompted John McCain to ditch his preferred running mate in Palin's favor.
There's been talk in the blogosphere about a revolt among the GOP state chairmen against having Lieberman on the ticket; there's also been talk that the paramount chiefs of the religious right presented McCain with an ultimatum to the effect that they would publicly withdraw their support from McCain if he chose Lieberman as his running mate. If either or both of these things are true, they reflect poorly on John McCain, his strength as a leader, and his credibility as a "maverick."
The evident nonchalance with which McCain chose Palin has been striking from the start, and I've not bought into the argument that it somehow reflects a risk-taking impulse on McCain's part. The guy may be a risk-taker, but he's not an idiot, and the choice of Sarah Palin is plainly idiotic. Nor is he rash, and the choice of Sarah Palin was manifestly rash. So: what made McCain do such a rash and stupid thing? Did the paramount chiefs of the religious right give him no other choice? Or was it a rebellion by the state GOP heads? Either way, how does it reflect on his leadership, judgment, and character?
7:37 a.m.
Sep 2, '08
Thank goodness OSU doesn't have a school of journalism.
Sep 2, '08
Kunstler.com has a photo of Sarah Palin in a stars and stripes bikini, standing by a swimming pool, brandishing her rifle. In the background there is one man sitting on the pool's edge holding his rifle and another man standing up while dragging on his cigarette with a beer in his hand. The photo appears genuine and recent. I wonder what else will be found. McCain's judgment?
Sep 2, '08
I think that in light of a horrible decision by McCain, Tucker did a fair job with what he was given. It took him up until the very end, but he finally pivoted from "foreign policy experience" to "command experience" and then to "top of the ticket." I think he deserves some props for not throwing up his arms and saying, "I know, right? What a bunch of idiots I work for!"
Geez it's going to be so embarassing if we lose to these bozos in November!
Sep 2, '08
I just got up and watched Jill H. squirm under Dianne Sawyers persistent questioning "when did John McCain learn of this (illegitiment) pregnancy? True Republican to the core she talked all around the issue and didn't answer the question. I particularly liked her sentence about the VEEP candidate being 'knocked around' for this 'personal family issue'. I kept thinking didn't she mean knocked up???
Let's get serious folks and remember that the essence of Republican politics (maybe all politics?) is hypocracy. Now were gonna have not only a plutocracy but a hypocritical one at that too. This is exemplfied by our Senator Smith and his warped campaign ads. By our administrations response to Katrina and the 180 degree turnaround reaction to Gustave. By King George's written comments on Congressional bills that he signs saying that he will ignore them if he wishes. By our policy of torture to save "our way of life". My Alma Mater now hires a Law professor who "legitimized" that policy in the Justice Department of this criminal administration.
Forty eight years ago I got involved in politics at community college. We had a Board chairman (a John Birch cretin) who wanted to go through the campus library and 'remove politically questionable books and literature'. We (the students) revolted and the Board resigned. At the time it was a shock wave in Contra Costa county. I transferred to UC Berkeley just when the free speech movement started and got involved in that action also. Then Civil Rights, and the Vietnam War were front and center. Blood got spilled in the streets, and on the campuses.
Most conservatives view that time with a dour aspect (after all their boy Barry got creamed in 1964); but I found that era dangerously enlightening. It was a real high - not a chemical one. We need another one like that today and it may (will?) take blood in the streets to do it.
GNick McKibbin
Sep 2, '08
It's refreshing to see reporters actually asking follow-up questions and forcing these bozos to back up their talking points.
I've been waiting to see one of these mouthpieces have to actually come up with an example of Palin dealing with a foreign policy issue with Russia. Being in the vacinity of another country doesn't leak foreign policy experience to the governor via osmosis. Give us an example!
Sep 2, '08
The center of executive and military power in Wasilla, Alaska. http://i166.photobucket.com/albums/u101/kubla000/319098225_e3fb99541f.jpg
Sep 2, '08
I think we really need to stick up for Oregonians, regardless of their political leanings. Tucker and Jill have really gone a long way and I think we should be proud of them- maybe President Obama can hire them to show he really does want to do things differently!
Sep 2, '08
Look up Hazelbaker's wikipedia site. She is not one we want to adopt.
Sep 2, '08
Jane: that photo on Kunstler.com is not even close to real, there is a tuft of blonde hair still remaining from the real womans' hair.
Bill R.: awesome! http://www.cityofwasilla.com/ftp/tour/cityhall/Tourviewer_cityhall.html
Our potential VP's office as of 20 months ago. Soooo funny (and scary).
Sep 2, '08
Jane: that photo on Kunstler.com is not even close to real, there is a tuft of blonde hair still remaining from the real womans' hair.
Bill R.: awesome! <ahref=http: www.cityofwasilla.com="" ftp="" tour="" cityhall="" tourviewer_cityhall.html<="" a="">
Our potential VP's office as of 20 months ago. Soooo funny (and scary).
9:29 a.m.
Sep 2, '08
Even Karl Rove doesn't know what to do, other than call Biden names: http://www.blogfororegon.com/2008/09/when_all_else_fails_just_call_names
Sep 2, '08
Palin as VP will acquire much experience and will be positioned nicely to run for the presidency in a coming election. If she is called to relieve McCain for any reason prior to another election she will, at any juncture, already have more experience than Obama.
Showing pics of her mayoral office/city hall is supposed to what? Make us forget she is a governor?
Honestly this approach of yours is entertaining, but hardly cogent or enlightening.
Reminds me of your suggestions that Kitzhaber would make a good Democrat VP nominee. Too funny!
Sep 2, '08
Steve, hello? John MCain could drop over stone cold dead or have a debilitating stroke at any moment after the election and we would inaugurating "President Palin." He is what, 74 years old? One may not assume she will be able to acquire any experience from him.
I know your job is to puff up beyond recognition a resume that is painfully thin. But don't serve me fish bait and try and pass it off as fine caviar, ok.
She was mayor of a town of 8,000. In a town that size, it was her turn to be mayor. "Hey, Wally did it last year," Governor less than two years....... if that were you or me in a job we wouldn't of even had our second yearly evaluation yet.
Sorry, that is not a person I want one stopped heartbeat of a very old heart, away from being addressed as "President Palin."
Besides, at this time I think her family needs both a mom and a dad at home with a new child in the family and one more on the way. I just think the first years are just the most important ones to have two parents present.
Sep 2, '08
Kitzhaber has more foreign policy experience than Palin. Remember, he was Governor for 8 years.....and Oregon is really close to Canada.
Sep 2, '08
Think she could have responded to the line - she has just as much experience as Barack Obama. Follow up -- "so you think that that's enough experience?" Either answer damns him.
Sep 2, '08
How long was Obama a governor? Or any position of any executive responsibility? Zero.
So showing the pic of Palin's Wasilla City Hall is simply adolescent.
Well you can all stop the blue buses rolling over Palin.
Here it is! The left's most cosmopolitan view of Sarah Palin yet.
It's the perfect piece for all blues to yeild to.
Demonstrating your "down to earth approach".
By MAUREEN DOWD Published: August 31, 2008 PITTSBURGH
"It’s easy to see where this movie is going. It begins, of course, with a cute, cool unknown from Alaska who has never even been on “Meet the Press” Sarah is a zealot, but she’s a fun zealot. She has a beehive and sexy shoes, and the day she’s named she goes shopping with McCain in Ohio for a cheerleader outfit for her daughter. This chick flick, naturally, features a wild stroke of fate, when the two-year governor of an oversized igloo becomes commander in chief after the president-elect chokes on a pretzel on day one."
11:14 a.m.
Sep 2, '08
When I saw this I immediately thought of the Simpsons classic episode, "The Germans." Having taken over the nuclear plant, they ask Homer, "You have been safety officer for the past 5 years. Please tell how many safety initiatives you have spearheaded during this time."
Homer looks uncomfortable, not unlike Tucker Bounds, and says, "...uh, all of them?"
Maybe he should have tried that.
Sep 2, '08
How long was McCain a governor? Or any position of any executive responsibility? Zero.
Glad to see the wingnuts are now claiming that Sarah Palin's experience in public office trumps Senator McCains. Apparently, the wrong person is at the top of the Republican ticket. Maybe they should switch off at the convention?
"Palin/McCain -- Experience You Can Believe In"
Sep 2, '08
"Nope, Campbell, I don't know of one damn decision that short, shrew hillbilly broad, who got knocked up in high school, just like her daughter, by the way, has made in her short time running a state with fewer people in it than San Francisco.
Nope, I'm as clueless as I look, babydoll!"
Ouch. I hope Tucker'sMommy wasn't watching her son get bent over on national TV.
But, as Dan Ackroyd once said, when you fly in MIG Alley, you better be prepared to crash and burn.
Kinda like McCain in Vietnam.
Sep 2, '08
Douglas, At least McCain and Biden have decades of senatorial governance under their belt. But I see you have now contorted the comparison between Obama and Palin to something else.
Was that supposed to be clever?
We have our ticket just right. It is obvioulsy your ticket that is upside down.
The junior Obama, most left wing Senator on top of Biden.
But your silliness has you asking whether we should switch off at the convention?
"Biden/Obama -- Hope and Change You Can Believe In"
Sep 2, '08
Steve -
You're the one who brought up "executive experience". McCain has none. If Palin is more qualified than Obama based on "executive experience" she's also more qualified than McCain. I agree, switching the ticket is silly ... but it's your silliness at work here, not mine.
Sep 2, '08
Of course we are proud that a UofO alum can recite the RNC talking points. Too, we wonder if that is worth being the chum bringing Republican bottom feeders to the surface on this site. Same ones over and over; as they occupy and waste our time anyone can name at least ten more important topics for Blue Oregon. Ho Hum.
Sep 2, '08
This just in to the Blue Oregon newsroom... tonight's much-awaited RNC "Safer Sex Through Abstinence" seminar, starring Bristol Palin, has been cancelled.
Oh, and the curly-haired stud who knocked her up says he'd "kick the ass" of anyone who challenged him... of course he said that before deleting his MySpace page and disappearing into the Bering Strait for... ever?
Poor GOP, an angry geezer and a woman who'd rather be hunting.. or speaking inTexas for a big, fat fee... rather than Momming.
That's a ticket?
4:34 p.m.
Sep 2, '08
anyone can name at least ten more important topics for Blue Oregon.
You know where the guest column link is.
Sep 2, '08
Mr. Bounds cried about his grilling so much, The Maverick himself has refused an interview with CNN's Mr. Softie, Larry King.
And imagine if CNN's Campbell Brown had actually reminded this little boy that Obama's VP pick is Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.
Poor Tucker's head might have exploded. In tears.
Sep 2, '08
I love how Sid Leader and others claim that Bristol's pregnancy is evidence that "abstinence only" doesn't work. Unless she attends an "Abstinence Only" high school, it appears that she is evidence that the "Everybody's doing it, so you better use a condom, and here's how" approach, doesn't work.
7:01 p.m.
Sep 2, '08
Not quite Bill. If you do a little investigation into sex ed curriculum in Oregon and around the country, I think you will see how little comprehensive information is given. As a parent of a 13 year old myself, we want our child to be well educated about her body and equipped to make emotionally healthy choices for herself .
Campbell Brown looked like a teacher who didn't want to hurt the kid's feelings but knew she had to teach him a lesson.
7:30 p.m.
Sep 2, '08
Mr. Bounds cried about his grilling so much, The Maverick himself has refused an interview with CNN's Mr. Softie, Larry King.
Karl Rove meets the Keystone Kops?
Isn't it kind of unusual to announce to the world that you intend to "punish" a network for asking perfectly reasonable questions that you just don't happen to want to answer?
The President might be in a position to "punish" CNN for asking questions they don't like but McCain is still a candidate trying to get elected. Who takes the bigger hit from his skipping an interview with Larry King?
He's already taken up nearly all of Bush's policy positions, now he's also going to start behaving just like him too?
That should help distance him from the worst President ever...
Sep 2, '08
It seems that abstinance only education in High school leads to creationism.
12:32 a.m.
Sep 3, '08
Bill Holmer, Bristol Palin attended Wasilla High School until transferring last year to a school in Anchorage. The Boston Herald quotes the Wasilla High principal this way
The same story reports that Bristol Palin's boyfriend was being homeschooled though playing on the high school hockey team. Not clear how long that has been going on.
It appears that stories that Sarah Palin homeschooled her children are mistaken, although she strongly supports the right to homeschool and parental rights to refuse parts of school curricula, as a matter of policy.
Sep 3, '08
Too bad little Bristol didn't go to a PPS high school -- where the slogan in Health class is always "No glove? No love!"
Memo to GOP: You can take the hillbilly out of the woods, but you can't take the woods outta the hillbilly!
And Jeffrey Mapes is a coward. The "Tucker Gets Bound" video has had 200,000 hits on Youtube but the Oregonian refuses to mention that their "cover boy" got a facial...on global TV... so bad his boss, The Maverick, threw a hissy fit!
And you want these two FREAKS in the Oval Office?
Sep 3, '08
I am no stranger to "rough and tumble" politics, nor am I thin-skinned, but I have to say... I am very embarrassed for all of you who have posted in this thread.
I can hardly believe the mean-spirited personal attacks being launched at both Gov. Palin and Tucker Bounds.
This blog may have reached a new low here, and if this same sort of fifth-grade name calling continues from those on the left; it will backfire. The average American will be offended, and at that point, all the momentum in the world will not be enough to carry Barack Obama over the top.
I'm sure this little post will elicit the same abuse directed at myself, but for those of you reading this with any shred of conscience left, I hope my point gets through.
Sep 4, '08
little known fact: tucker bounds 6 years ago was an attempted mole with the Bus Project. Hilarious.
Sep 4, '08
to be clear: I think ridiculing Palin is not the best course. We are at our strongest when we focus on how we want the world to be, not on personalities.
Sep 16, '08
TUCKER-All I can say is -What an IDIOT - Dude you need to get a new job.
Sep 18, '08
Campbell is my new favorite reporter! Go Campbell! You are awesome!
PS. No one is "ridiculing" Governor Palin. They are just pointing out the "stretching" that is going on to qualify the twit. So glad I dont live in Alaska! Phew ..what an embarrasment.