Tick tock. Erickson still won't debate Schrader.

Kari Chisholm FacebookTwitterWebsite

Ten days ago, Mike Erickson was asked when he would respond to Kurt Schrader's proposal for five debates in the 5th District congressional race. From the West Linn Tidings, headlined "Erickson promises to debate Schrader – someday":

On Aug. 13, Schrader’s campaign issued a public challenge to Erickson, proposing five joint debates in Portland, Salem, Keizer and Lake Oswego. So far, Erickson hasn’t publicly responded to the call or agreed to any of the proposed events.

But Harvey said in a recent interview that his candidate will agree to debate – although the details have yet to be worked out.

“We are definitely going to be debating as many as we get Mike and Schrader to, where their schedules don’t conflict,” Harvey said.

The Oregonian's Steve Mayes follows up today:

Finding time for face-to-face meetings with Schrader has proven difficult, said Jeff Harvey, Erickson's campaign manager.

"Mike wants a debate. I'm trying to accommodate his needs and everybody else's needs," Harvey said.

"We're keeping him extremely busy," Harvey said. "Every day, his schedule fluctuates. On a daily basis, he's out there talking to people."

Not that you could tell from a look at Erickson's website. Not a single new press release since April. (I do love the cute litle red "New!" starburst next to the April 17th one.)

Visit Kurt Schrader for Congress to learn more and join Kurt's campaign.

Full disclosure: My firm built Kurt's website, but I speak only for myself.

  • Dave Lister (unverified)

    Erickson's strategy is pretty clear. Avoid debates. Spend scads of his personal fortune for slick TV ads and buy the seat. Same way he won the primary. Pretty crummy.

  • Joanne Rigutto (unverified)

    Kurt Schrader is by far the better candidate for district 5, at least in my opinion. Given the ammount of agriculture going on in this part of Oregon, both large scale and small scale commercial and noncommercial, it's dependance on animal agriculture, and USDA's backhanded and backdoor implementation of certain regulations, I would much rather have Kurt, a livestock veterinarian and vetran of Oregon's Senate, and who is well grounded in the needs of all types and scales of ag in this part of Oregon.

    It's not that I think Larry Erickson is a jerk - he may or may not be. I just don't think that he has the experience and background to understand the needs of this very large segment of society. Given that USDA appears to be hell bent on driving small producers and noncommercial producers out of agriculture, especially animal ag, I really think we need someone like Kurt in DC.

  • Joanne Rigutto (unverified)

    Opps, that should have been MIKE Erickson....

  • Bob Tiernan (unverified)

    Hard to imagine a candidate not finding time to have even one debate over a US House seat. The area covered isn't all that large, and a debate will reach more people than can be met by making instead of this a few appearances that night -- to the Clackamas Spelunkers Club at 7 pm, and the Clackamas Grapefruit Growers Association at 8:30.
    He's afraid to do it. I've not heard the guy. Does he stammer? Can he get beyond the sound bite? Does he even have enough sound bites?

    Bob Tiernan


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