Senate '08: Open mouth, insert foot.
Kari Chisholm
The latest and greatest from the U.S. Senate race.
- Let's start with the quote of the week. It's from our pal Gordon Smith - in this month's edition of the Jackson County Republican Party newsletter (see pdf, page 5).
"As a member of the Finance Committee I have had the unique privilege to be closely involved in formulating economic policies aimed at growing the American job market, and increasing the vibrancy of our economy and I am proud to continue my commitment to do that."
Oops. I guess "closely involved in formulating economic policies" means he's taking the blame for this meltdown.
- Since increasing the "vibrancy" of our economy sure isn't a Gordon Smith accomplishment, I wonder what his supporters would actually point to? Ten days ago, I asked his supporters to identify a single major Gordon Smith accomplishment -- and I didn't get a single taker.
So, I'll ask again: What major public policy initiative has Gordon Smith conceived of, built support for, and pushed through Congress? Name one. I'm not the only one asking, either. The Daily Astorian has the same question:
Why isn't Smith running on his record of accomplishment? Apparently there is none. ... It is deeply sad to see a man of such promise running such an empty, negative and frivolous campaign for his own re-election. Oregon deserves more and better from a man it twice sent to the U.S. Senate.
- Want to help Jeff Merkley win $5000 from the BlueAmerica PAC? They're running a little contest between five U.S. Senate candidates. Most votes gets the $5000. How do you vote? Contribute at least $1 to Jeff Merkley on the BlueAmerica page.
- Isn't it the job of the media to help voters understand the larger context - and provide facts to alleviate confusion? I know that voters don't differentiate between candidate ads and independent-expenditure ads, but the Oregonian could have done a much better job of explaining all that.
Instead, they gave us this confusing falsehood -- "To be clear, it's not just Merkley and Smith running the grainy photos and ominous soundtracks."
While that sentence leads off an explanation about IE ads, it confuses and misleads by suggesting that the DSCC's attack ads are in addition to Merkley's attack ads. But here's the thing: Jeff Merkley has NOT run a single attack ad in this fall campaign - no grainy photos, no ominous soundtracks. His ads have been focused on positive issues (jobs) and on responding to Smith's attacks. The media should be clarifying these distinctions, not confusing them.
- Bummer for Smith: Friday's big fundraiser with Arnold Schwarzenegger was a flop -- no Arnold. Imagine if you were one of the people who ponied up $10,000 for a photo with Gropinator: You have to deal with the indignity of a protest outside the event; and then you don't even get your promised photo. I wonder how many refund checks the Smith folks are cutting this week. (And don't forget: this was the second time Arnold canceled on Gordo. Some friend.)
- In Pennsylvania, Barack Obama is running on much the same campaign turf that Jeff Merkley is running on here in Oregon -- jobs and trade. Strong stuff.
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12:39 a.m.
Sep 22, '08
Full disclosure: My firm built Jeff Merkley's website, but I speak only for myself.
Sep 22, '08
Kari wrote: "Isn't it the job of the media to help voters understand the larger context - and provide facts to alleviate confusion?"
Your question is rhetorical, no? Come on, it's the O. This story is exactly what they most often do best: confuse. Seriously, Kari, there's little you or anyone can do about the local corporate media (or the national, for that matter) without coming across as whining. That said, I'm sensing that Mr. Smith may be digging his own hole with his ad approach. Here's hoping ... Beat Smith!
Sep 22, '08
Kari, the reason the Oregonian makes the claim is because YOUR OWN CANDIDATE ADMITS TO RUNNING THOSE ADS.
From the Oregonian:
'Merkley said much the same thing -- he'd rather run issue ads but feels compelled to respond to Smith's attacks, typically in ads that label his opponent "sleazy."'
9:17 a.m.
Sep 22, '08
Well, I suppose one could label a response ad an attack ad, but not in my book.
9:18 a.m.
Sep 22, '08
And, btw, before anyone loses sight of what I'm talking about here... I don't object to attack ads per se. Voters need to know why they should fire the old guy, not just why they should hire the new guy.
I'm just looking for some facts with my news.
Now that we know the Smith Fan Club is here... Anybody want to tell us about a single major policy achievement by Smith? Just one?
9:21 a.m.
Sep 22, '08
like I said: you lose when you compete under your opponent's frame. Merkley stepped into it, and now the meme is "race gets ugly," not "Smith gets ugly." the challenger in this race HAD to differentiate themselves, otherwise people just go with what they know.
Also interesting that Kari must note Jeff hasn't attacked his opponent in an the FALL campaign. No qualms about non-issue attacks on fellow Dems, I guess!
Sep 22, '08
By all means whack Gordon Smith all you can for his sins, but be careful. There are many Democrats as guilty as Smith when it comes to the current economic crisis.
This is the Senate vote for the Bankruptcy Bill in 2005 that helped grease the skids for this debacle. Note which side Obama's VP candidate was on. He was one of 16 Democrats in the senate voting for this bill written by and for the banking industry.
Sep 22, '08
The way that the DSCC and Merkley has responded to Smith and co. (and the other way around too) has made me realize that it won't matter who is in the position or who is voted into that position - As a single person with no children or no wife, I am, and will be, screwed no matter who is in office. That is why I will leave this race blank - because no matter who it is, the way they are acting shows me that being single with no wife or family makes me a pariah. God help us all.
Sep 22, '08
"Well, I suppose one could label a response ad an attack ad, but not in my book. "
Well, I suppose you should talk to Jeff Merkley, since he is the one Esteve quoted and attributed in the piece, and it is Merkley who made that definition, Kari.
10:49 a.m.
Sep 22, '08
Hey, G, I'm still waiting for that accomplishment. Any suggestions?
Sep 22, '08
"Jeff Merkley has NOT run a single attack ad in this fall campaign"
Unfortunately his "surrogates" have. And it's a fantasy to believe most voters will distinguish the difference.
Gordon Smith didn't run that stupid hot dog ad, yet I think we'd all like him to be held responsible for it. You can't have it both ways.
The ads Merkley has been running scream "status quo" so loud they drown out just about any other message.
"I suppose one could label a response ad an attack ad, but not in my book."
I guess it depends on what your definition if is is.
11:12 a.m.
Sep 22, '08
Pat, quoting myself:
Sep 22, '08
Obviously I agree with you there, unfortunately the people who are making their voting decisions based on 30-second TV commercials aren't going to be reached by a newspaper article about politics.
Fair or not, in the eyes of most voters Merkley owns each and every one of those negative ads attacking Smith, just as Smith owns all the ones attacking Merkley.
A candidate with an original idea would be looking for new ways to break through that haze rather than simply contributing to it.
Sep 22, '08
"Fair or not, in the eyes of most voters Merkley owns each and every one of those negative ads attacking Smith, just as Smith owns all the ones attacking Merkley"
They also don't care if there is a disconnect (as Kari has told us that Jeff has no say in what the DSCC sends out on the ads). They make that connection (dems = merkley, reps = smith)and proceed forth because they really don't have the time or the stomach to listen to much more than they already have.
Sep 22, '08
"They also don't care if there is a disconnect (as Kari has told us that Jeff has no say in what the DSCC sends out on the ads)."
The idea that Smith or Merkley have no control is a joke, Kari merely says that as a way to suggest that Merkley HIMSELF hasnt gone negative.Technicality IMHO.
It may be true that neither have a say as to the content. But it would be as simple as sending a press release saying he doesnt condone the ads, nor does he want them being negative, and the committee would have to cease with the ads.
Then again, Merkley cant do that, because without the DSCC, he isnt in this race.
Sep 22, '08
"Merkley cant do that, because without the DSCC, he isnt in this race."
Yeppers...those puppet strings really come in handy right now, don't they?
2:30 p.m.
Sep 22, '08
The spin here is getting rediculous.
Look, with the massive warchest that Gordo had amassed there was no way that whomever came out of the Dem primary was going to be able to go anything even remotely close to toe-to-toe with him on money basis. Whomever it emerged was going to need substantial help from the DSCC just to have a realistic chance of unseating Gordo.
Secondly, Gordo tried to steer the Dem primary by spending some of his warchest attempting to preemptively take out Merkley - which has implications on a variety of levels here, from the whole "negative ads" thing to why the DSCC has been running their own TV ads.
Sep 22, '08
Ok, it's official: It's hard to quickly come up with a single major accomplishment of Gordon Smith. According to his website, he touts 9 bipartisan efforts, only one of which he sponsored. Most of his list involves health care and stem cell research (a href= One would expect something more after two terms.
Sep 22, '08
The spin from who, Kevin?
It is Kari who tried to claim that Merkley didnt have anything to do with the ads. In the Oregonian story, MERKLEY IS QUOTED AND ATTRIBUTED TO ADMITING TO NEGATIVE ADS.
Then, he says the Oregonian doesnt do a good job of differentiating between the DSCC ads and Merkley's own ads, when you know both campaigns take the committee's ads into account when planning their own advertising.
As a matter of fact, it took the DSCC to convinve Merkley to run in the first place. So to suggest that they dont work closely together and that Merkley shouldnt be blamed for their ads, is in itself spin.
And finally, To suggest that the DSCC has been running ads because Smith started it is a joke. They were planning this approach from the beginning, when they recruited a candidate to run against Smith. Had they not assured Merkley that he would get their financial backing, there is no way Merkley runs....
So who is spinning?
To be clear, i have no problems with any of the decisions either campaign has made...I just get annoyed when people tied to the campaign, or the campaign itself, tries to act holier than thou. On the one hand, Kari is asking the Oregonian to better inform viewers, yet on the other he is suggesting that the DSCC ads dont factor into the Merkley campaign playbook...that in itsels is deceit.
Sep 22, '08
I don't object to attack ads per se. Voters need to know why they should fire the old guy, not just why they should hire the new guy.
I would much rather see Candidate A say vote for me, this is what how I stand on issue A versus my opponent. What I hate to see is don't vote for candidate B because he shoves a whole hotdog in his mouth type ads.
BTW, I am voting Merkely just on the basis of that stupid Smith ad alone.
3:04 p.m.
Sep 22, '08
I would much rather see Candidate A say vote for me, this is what how I stand on issue A
You mean, like this ad? Or maybe this one?
Meanwhile, I'm still waiting for someone to name a single major policy achievement from Gordon Smith. It's been 12 years, folks. There must be one. Right?
Sep 22, '08
OK...While your waiting for that, Kari, maybe I can wait for someome to tell me, from either side, what anyone can do for the single person with no family. All I ever hear is "family" this and "family" that. What about those like me who are single, middle aged, with no wife and no kids? When it comes to Tax Breaks, I am ignored (for just an example). A lot of policy is 'family' oriented - from both sides - and people like me are just ignored. Sorry if this is way off topic, but it's really starting to gall me to no end...
3:24 p.m.
Sep 22, '08
Eric -- Let's not get off topic. But you should check out
3:27 p.m.
Sep 22, '08
Boy, McCain is on Rachel Ray's show today, and the Smith campaign has just filled the commercial time with their ads. Not just one here and one there, but multiple commercials in a row.
3:45 p.m.
Sep 22, '08
"Look, with the massive warchest that Gordo had amassed there was no way that whomever came out of the Dem primary was going to be able to go anything even remotely close to toe-to-toe with him on money basis"
Of course, had the DSCC stayed out of it like they should have, they'd have almost a million more dollars to spend on the GENERAL ELECTION race...
3:46 p.m.
Sep 22, '08
Jenni, how did McCentury respond to Rachel's questions about the bailout?
4:21 p.m.
Sep 22, '08
The little bit I saw was pretty much completely non-political. Andy turned on the tv and it was partly through the segment. The McCains were on there about their ribs and corn that they cook. The show even had a "kiss the candidate" apron that his wife put on him.
The whole segment made him seem real and down to earth (especially when he talked about shopping at Costco).
It was definitely a good campaign move.
Sep 22, '08
Look, with the massive warchest that Gordo had amassed there was no way that whomever came out of the Dem primary was going to be able to go anything even remotely close to toe-to-toe with him on money basis. Whomever it emerged was going to need substantial help from the DSCC just to have a realistic chance of unseating Gordo.
So maybe the strategy in the primary shouldn't have been "Oh no, we're losing! Quick, just buy this race and we'll try to run an actual campaign in the fall!"
When running against that kind of warchest, it probably would have been an even better idea to let the better man win....
Beat Smith.
6:01 p.m.
Sep 22, '08
When running against that kind of warchest, it probably would have been an even better idea to let the better man win....
So all of us Oregonians who weighed the candidates, worked and voted for Jeff are just too stupid to know who the "better man" is?
6:50 p.m.
Sep 22, '08
Of course, had the DSCC stayed out of it like they should have, they'd have almost a million more dollars to spend on the GENERAL ELECTION race...
Non sequitur.
Even if the DSCC had witheld it's funds that has nothing to do with whether whomever emerged from the primary would need financial assistance against Gordo's massive warchest. Nor does it address the fact that Gordo launched attack ads before the GE had even begun, which is the primary topic here.
But then again... look who I'm responding to. Torrid "more tongue and less teeth" Joe who once again couldn't resist giving Gordo cover by attempting to change the focus onto something else.
Sep 22, '08
Right on Carla!
So "the better man" is the guy who got most of his votes in Mult. Co?
That's the way to win statewide--say Mult. is the only county that matters?
Sep 23, '08
Carla/Kevin/LT: Sheesh. Focus. I thought this post was (in part) about the corporate media and their love affair with Gordo. At least, that was my impression. Smith is not only a very wealthy man, he also obviously has many supporters in that media. To offset this, and BTW to beat Smith, Merkley supporters are better served by focusing on Smith's incredibly arrogant concept of representating the voters of Oregon.
(Full disclosure: I openly supported the 'other guy' in the primary, but now, without public complaint, support Merkley. The primary is history. The GE is the future.)
11:03 a.m.
Sep 23, '08
Your remarks/comments in this regard might be more reasonable to my eyes if they include all of those who still grouse about the primary, rather than just those of us who supported Jeff.
It becomes tedious to continually read BS about Merkley (and that is my opinion of what a lot of this is), and not much in the way of rebuttal.
<h2>It takes two to tangle--and the recognition of this would be helpful.</h2>