Sarah Palin, her daughter's pregnancy, and Barack Obama's reaction
Kari Chisholm
Hurricane Gustav may turn out to be the worst possible thing for the Republican Party. While they're busy trying to organize a patriotic telethon to support hurricane victims, the cable TV talking heads have airtime to fill and nothing to talk about.
So, naturally, they're turning to talk about the latest internet rumors about Sarah Palin and her four-month-old son. And beyond the crazy rumors, the Palin family has now acknowledged that Bristol Palin (age 17) is five months pregnant right now (and thus couldn't have given birth four months ago).
And while the partisan hack in me delights in watching the other side implode, on reflection, I think Barack Obama is right. Speaking in Michigan (and transcribed from CNN):
I've heard some of the news on this, so let me be as clear as possible. I have said before and I will repeat again: I think people's families are off-limits. And people's children are especially off-limits.This shouldn't be part of our politics. It has no relevance to Governor Palin's performance as a governor, or her potential performance as a vice president. So, I would strongly urge people to back off these kinds of stories.
You know, my mother had me when she was 18. And how families deals with issues, and teenage children, that shouldn't be part of our politics. And I hope that anybody supporting me understands that's off-limits.
[Asked about allegations that the Obama campaign is pushing rumors....]
I am offended by that statement. There is no evidence at all that any of this involved us. I hope I am as clear as I can be. In case I'm not, let me repeat: We don't go after people's families. We don't get them involved in politics. It's not appropriate, and it's not relevant.
Our people were not involved in any way in this, and they will not be. And if I ever thought that there was somebody in my campaign that was involved in something like that, they'd be fired."
He's right. Let's leave the kids out of this.
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3:06 p.m.
Sep 1, '08
And Chuck Currie is right, too.
Sep 1, '08
Ms. Pallin is an outspoken devotee of "abstinence only" eduaction: Are we allowed to ask, "How's that workin' out for ya'"?
3:13 p.m.
Sep 1, '08
To me, it wasn't so much about whether or not the baby was hers or her daughter's. It was about the choices she made that day.
I can't understand how you can do a speech, hop on a plane, etc. when you're in labor. Doing so put her health in danger as well as the baby's.
I'm a mom, and I know that when I went into labor, my only thoughts were on the health of my baby. There were complications, and whatever was suggested, I followed. When the alarms started going off, I agreed to an emergency c-section even though it meant major surgery for me (surgery that ended up having to be done while I was knocked out).
If you can make such terrible decisions when it comes to something so important to you (a child), what does that say about other decisions you might make? How can a speech be more important than the health of your child?
So to me, this isn't about her kids, it's about the decisions she makes. As vice president (and possible president if something were to happen to McCain), her decision making skills are very important. And thus far, she hasn't shown that she can make good decisions.
Sep 1, '08
While I agree that the pregnancy is not the sort of thing we should debate in this election, I do think it's relevant that Palin and the campaign made the decision to out her daughter as "proof" that the governor's baby is her own. She could have released her own medical records if rebuttal was the desired goal.
So now they are stuck with this seeming cruelty hanging over them. It is entirely possible that the family (and therefore the campaign) didn't know the girl was pregnant. Even a mother can fail to recognize an obvious pregnancy in her daughter. It happened in my family, and yes the girl got this far along, wasn't fat, etc., etc.
Sep 1, '08
What I mean to say (in comment above) is that I think the announcement was cover. They knew the girl's pregnancy was going to come out and used the governor's pregnancy rumor to get it out.
Sep 1, '08
For me, there is no judgment on them to think they should be ostracized in some way, but her child having a child and another child having special needs suggests she's needed in a lot of places right now and I want someone without divided loyalties a heart beat from the Presidency.
Or is her patriotism so grand she would sacrifice her entire family for her country because no one else is available that could possibly do as good a job as she? If that is the thought, that alone would suggest she is not the candidate I could ever support for the office.
At this moment in time, Palin is a horrendous choice. I can question her abilities to manage all of these issues and I will. Maybe in 2012 she would be more viable for the Republicans to offer as a contender, but today, not so much.
Sep 1, '08
Wow. Obama is one seriously classy dude. This is truly rising above the politics of hate, to show such compassion, even to the point that he deflects the focus off of this poor girl and puts it on HIMSELF and his own mom. He's always had my respect and support, but this takes him even a notch higher in my book. I hope the rest of America can see and respect this as genuine, because it appears to me that it is.
Sep 1, '08
I agree, as far as Obama himself and his campaign staff are concerned. To maintain his credibility as a herald of "new politics," he cannot allow participate in Rovian nasty tricks. It's the curse of Democrats: the politics of projection allow the GOP to drape itself in the mantle of moral superiority and refining the art of dirty tricks ever more with each successive election cycle.
On the other hand, the plight of Bristol Palin does raise a question of hypocrisy on her gubernatorial mom's part (see Jimbo, above) and one of judgment on McCain's. I feel terribly sorry for Bristol Palin that she has to endure pregnancy at the focus of a political-media maelstrom. But somebody, if not Obama or his campaign staff, has got to make these points. If not BlueOregon, who?
Sep 1, '08
What is the age of the father? Will he need a pardon from the governor for statutory rape to get married?
Sep 1, '08
Obama got this one 100% right.
Leave people's families out of this crap. I first heard about this story and the first thing I thought was, 'I really feel for the kid.' It will also be the first thought of every swing voter in America.
So if you want Obama to win please follow his lead.
Sep 1, '08
Let's not confuse leaving kids out of this with not questioning Sarah Palin's ability to run her own family. If Palin wanted a private life she should have said no to public life. And it's not attacking Bristol to question Palin's positions on sex-education, abortion, family planning, and more. Does anyone not recall John McCain's joke about Chelsea Clinton, and Janet Reno being the father? That was when Chelsea was just a kid and didn't do anything wrong except being less than a beauty queen.
4:14 p.m.
Sep 1, '08
There are many, many reasons to abhor John McCain’s pick for the vice presidency and as progressives, we have a lot of fuel for our fire. Abortion. Gay rights. The environment. Creationism. Again, a LOT of fuel.
I am always wary, however, of using arguments against our opponents that will someday come back at us. I would hope, therefore, that we could reject criticisms of Palin’s motherhood.
I am very aware of our own Democratic women leaders, from Deborah Kafoury to Sara Gelser, who are serving with small children. They are doing it admirably.
The voices of parents with small children need to be heard in the public realm. Everyday, we live the realities of bad education funding, poor childcare choices, laughable family leave policies, inadequate health care options and the horror of leaving a dying planet to our children.
Let's show some of the same sort of class that Obama has and leave criticisms of Palin's motherhood out of it.
We certainly have plenty of other things to criticize.
Sep 1, '08
The story on Palin is her extremist ideas and positions and not her daughter, and the fact that McCain aligned himself with those ideas and positions. Her affiliation with the secessionist and anti-American Alaskan Independence Party is appalling.
McCain didn't get this choice. Except today, after the fact he is sending a team of lawyers to Alaska to vet, after the choice was made. Whoops!
4:17 p.m.
Sep 1, '08
So now you want to tell other people what to do about their pregnancies? Seriously, isn't this kind of second-guessing the exact kind of thing pro-choice advocates are against?
You don't know what advice her doctor gave her, if she was following it, or if it was good or bad advice.
4:18 p.m.
Sep 1, '08
The story is about McCain's judgement. The story isn't about Palin or her daughter. McCain's judgement, McCain's judgement, McCain's judgement.
Sep 1, '08
I agree with Obama. Let's leave the family and the daughter out of this race.
If you look at the timing of the pregnancy with her mother's impending birth, that suggests the family was under a lot of stress at that time. Usually that's a dangerous moment for any family.
Myself, I feel sorry for the daughter--many times over.
Sep 1, '08
I am very uncomfortable with criticism of Ms. Palin and her family except to the extent it is specifically directed toward her policies or her personal experience/qualifications. I know we are a zealot Dem site, but some of these comments could explode in a very negative way in the general press. Obama can win on his own merit and on the general population's justifiable disgust for George II. We don't need to use gutter tactics.
PS, how many of us have sisters, daughters, etc. who have had children without being married? I do. Does Blue Oregon wish to make that a campaign issue? Do I need to become a pig headed Repub to feel comfortable?
Sep 1, '08
I'm afraid Obama has tipped his hand he's either not quite as bright as everybody desperately needs to believe, and maybeis just a little bit desperate to keep up appearances to his base:
"This shouldn't be part of our politics. It has no relevance to Gov. Palin's performance as a governor or her potential performance as a vice president."
Sorry, a new baby with Down's Syndrome, a young and dumb son going off to wrong-headed war, and a unwed pregnant teenage daughter (obviously being forced into an marriage because she isn't 18 yet) had better take enough of Palin's attention that it most certainly should negatively impact her performance as a governor or VP. Or she is morally unfit for leadership.
Either way, Obama may be in over his head in this game and he owes it to the base who he has now asked to commit to him politically to do what it takes to win. Right now that means not spouting empty pap like this to mislead his base with some kind of juvenile sense of false propriety.
Sep 1, '08
This only proves she can't go out there and talk about abstinence only education. Obviously it doesn't work and her daughter is a representation of a failed moral policy.
4:39 p.m.
Sep 1, '08
OH, and thank you, Kari, for highlighting this statement. It reveals exactly the kind of amazing leader Obama really is...
Sep 1, '08
ObamaBiden's reaction to the VP pick:
From the Campaign Office: "Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama's campaign on Friday blasted his Republican rival's choice of Alaska Governor Sarah Palin as a running-mate, highlighting her "zero" foreign policy experience. "Today, John McCain put the former mayor of a town of 9,000 with zero foreign policy experience a heartbeat away from the presidency," Obama spokesman Bill Burton said in a statement."
From Biden: “There’s a gigantic difference between John McCain and Barack Obama and between me and I suspect my vice presidential opponent,” Biden said at an outdoor rally Sunday, getting ready to hit the GOP ticket for their economic policies.
<h1>“She’s good-looking,” he quipped."</h1>So Obama blasts Palin for "ZERO" experience!!! LOL Once the MSM gets ahold of Obama's 35% "Present" votes as a State Senator, versus Gov Palin ripping apart the Established Alaskan Republithug Party, the two light weights with ZERO experience will both be exposed.
Gov Palin's limited EXECUTIVE experience (of taking on entrenched Good-Old-Boy politics-as-usual) is hands down far SUPERIOR to an empty suit State Senator Obama, who hid behind his Vote-Present style to pander to the politics-as-usual crowd.
When both have very limited experience, the OBVIOUS question will be: "What did you both do in the first 20 months since taking office as Gov and Senator?"
Obama: "I spoke really well and looked really clean (quoteth Biden), and I ran for President; but didn't have anytime left over to Chair my insignificant Sub-Committee."
Palin: " I ripped the corrupt Republican Party Good-Old-Boys a new one, I shut-down the Bridge-to-Nowhere, and I cleaned house so hard, the GOP GoodOlBoys hate my guts, even though I have 70-90% approval rating."
And what does Sen Biden say? He says shes good looking, while trying to hide his erection in his pants!
Bring on the debates!!! Sen Biden can then really rip into the helpless little filly!!
4:54 p.m.
Sep 1, '08
Wow -- according to Oilau, the following people are not eligible for public service:
Parents of those serving in the War (sorry, Joe Biden) Parents of special needs kids (sorry Ted Kennedy) Parents of unwed mothers (wow, that list is probably pretty long).
4:55 p.m.
Sep 1, '08
Given the options available to her (i.e., releasing her own medical records) why did Gov. Palin choose to toss her daughter out into the public realm as a way to rebutt rumors surrounding baby Trig?
It's not as if releasing medical records isn't an established practice for politicians. McCain has released his own medical records to quell any rumors about him having skin cancer or some age-related debilitating condition, n'est pas?
There is something fundamentally odd going on here.
And why are a variety of Alaskan websites associated with baby Trig being scrubbed or pulled?
As a parent of a teenage daughter I very much admire and respect Obama's desire to leave innocent kids out of the political games. But there are several legit political reasons why this story, if not the kid herself, are absolutely fair game in this race.
Not the least of which are Gov. Palin's very deliberate, very public views on how government ought to deal with teen sexuality.
She has not advocated for parents such as herself being allowed to exempt their own kids from sex education. She's advocated for denying that education to everyones kids!
4:56 p.m.
Sep 1, '08
Can we keep our focus on some real issues, lest we get a dream candidate with a similar circumstance ourselves.
Sep 1, '08
Yet again Palin is ahead of Obama. She asked for their privacy and then Obama called off the attack dogs on the Left. Good job Palin and good job Obama. Funny that doing the right thing now makes one an 'amazing leader'. Perhaps he understands that life and people aren't perfect. After all he is a product of unwed 18 year old. Unfortunate? No. Punishment? No. Unmoral? Rather doubtful since no lives were ended.
People are really trying to attack Palin's judgment? She took on a corrupt Republican Party that will lead Ted Stevens to jail, cleaned the statehouse of corrupt politicians, took on Big Oil, without the help of political insiders (unlike Obama and the Chicago political machine). You mention gay rights - don't you know she vetoed a bill that would have limited benefits for domestic partnership? Please educate yourself of her record before attacking her.
She has accomplished things Obama, Biden, Reid, and Peolsi only say in political speeches and in less time that Obama has been running for President.
I'd add Pelosi, Biden and Reid only pay it lip service as well given they have children who are lobbyist and are paid handsomely for favors. Anyone notice K-Street is at a level Delay could only dream of? It's Delay's version on steroids. Corruption knows no bounds.
Sep 1, '08
I will not vote for McCain/Palin because I know they will take our country in the wrong direction. I disagree with Sarah Palin on energy policy, climate change, choice, equal pay, civil liberties, endangered species, sex education and access to health care (just to name a few).
That said, it is discouraging that anyone would suggest that Sarah Palin as a mother of young children is incapable of taking on the same challenges that fathers of young children do. Fathers with young children have been running for high office without question for quite some time (Obama and John Edwards just to name two recent examples; not to mention Senator Ron Wyden who recently welcomed newborn twins). Women and men are perfectly able to parent their children (with and without disabilities) and be strong, engaged, and effective leaders at the same time.
Please join me in working to elect Barack Obama on his merits, and to oppose the McCain/Palin ticket based on their broken policies and misguided vision for our future. Let's not make this a referendum on motherhood-- nor an opportunity to heap ridicule and shame on a 17 year old child for political gain. If we do, we risk turning ourselves into a caricature of the intolerance we decry in the opposing party.
5:02 p.m.
Sep 1, '08
Gov Palin's limited EXECUTIVE experience (of taking on entrenched Good-Old-Boy politics-as-usual)
Um, abusing the authority of office is precisely what Good-Old-Boy politics has always been about. That would include trying to get public servants fired for non-public service reasons. Ditto for firing managers who refuse to acquiesce to such abuse of power.
Sep 1, '08
I'm not a member of the Palin family, and I don't know how Palin mothers her children. As a mother of teenagers (whose first baby was an accidental pre-marriage pregnancy at 20), I know that this sort of thing happens all the time. We can talk all we want to our children, and some of them, even the responsible, level-headed ones, turn up pregnant.
We can talk about her mothering all we want, but it has nothing to do with her ability to be president. Since we have so much to talk about in regards to her inability to effectively lead our country, why get sidetracked on her personal crisis?
Sep 1, '08
Every time I get my jaw set stoically against becoming a True Believer, this Obama makes another beautiful utterance. GOD I hope he's telling the truth in these words above! I really want to believe in this person!
I am too willfully naive for politics. I very much want to believe in Barack Obama. I want very much for him to be what he says he is, and step back if he's not (cf our collective irritation with Edwards and Co - it is not necessarily the morality, it's just that you really should have walked away since you were no longer in the condition required to get it done!). And I suppose I equally wish the backlash will be stupendous if he is proven to be yet another craven political.
A certain kind of personality type enters politics, which is, in its essence, COMMERCE. The commodification of Woman in this campaign has me very angry. We are being used in a templated manner! The Strategic Woman in me knows that this is how it has to be done - if we are to be eventually allowed in POSSIBLY on more merit than merely being useful to the ones who own it.
I realized a misdirect in my focus recently as a result of watching these posts - thanks: in the end it might not matter if Obama simply has smart speech writers and eventually is shown to be the same kind of asshole most are who are elected. A well-intentioned person bent on manifesting his belief system, but nevertheless, a political.... However, if his great speaking and uncompromising moments such as this post addresses will spark the People into action, Movement and action on the parts of the people, then this IS what democracy is. The spirit of democracy as Walt Whitman wrote of it. In which case, Barack Obama has done what he should: catalyzed that which he, as a mere politician, ultimately can only imperfectly embody.
Thank you Obama for speaking on behalf of hands off. Let's hope you really do mean it - a breath of fresh air, your utterances. And I hope you pay for it if it does come to light that somehow a whisper strategy was employed.
Sep 1, '08
Wow -- according to Oilau, the following people are not eligible for public service:
Parents of those serving in the War (sorry, Joe Biden) Parents of special needs kids (sorry Ted Kennedy) Parents of unwed mothers (wow, that list is probably pretty long).
Kristen, don't continue be the childish, simplistic ass you have already been in this thread, or a typical BO idiot who misrepresents what was said. It reflects badly on your defense of Kafoury and Gelser too.
What I said was that someone whose family faces the COMBINED challenges Palin faces had better be just a bit distracted from her professional life. That means, contrary to what Obama ignorantly said, that it's our right as voters to know the facts of her family life and decide if she is too distracted to be VP (and possibly P given McCain's age and health problems) Of if has other problems if she is not appropriately distracted. It's too early to know whether she is capable of carrying on the duties she is asking us to elect her to under these circumstances, and Obama is irresponsible for not talking about this responsibly.
You're a real jerk Kristin.
Sep 1, '08
Kevin: " That would include trying to get public servants fired for non-public service reasons. Ditto for firing managers who refuse to acquiesce to such abuse of power."
This first sentence is the real investigation. We will see if those 20+ phone calls constitute abuse of power. I hear she got a lawyer, so there may be more than smoke.
The 2nd sentence has been well documented that she could fire him for any reason she wanted to, including "differences" such as policy, strategy, personality, etc.
Sep 1, '08
I certainly can agree with Obama on this one. He has the class to clearly and succinctly tell everyone not to bring families of the nominees into the political debate. Perhaps we should all try to follow that not-too-subtle suggestion.
Sep 1, '08
And thanks for the link to BoJack's quest for the REAL mother. He is NOW saying that there may be another woman (other than the Gov or the Gov's 5 month preggers daughter) who is Trig's Mom. Jack Bogdansky is looking more and more foolish with his obsession!!
Maybe Trig is the Love Child of an illegal alian (from Venus, not Mars) who got preggers by the Gov's hubby while the Gov was outta town, and rather than have the alian abort the LoveChild, the Gov stepped in to save everybody's face. Is that what Jack is saying?
Sep 1, '08
If I come to believe that Oilau and his/her ilk represent the heart of the Dem party, I will repress my internal disgust of Repub policies, administrative stooges, etc. and vote Repub for the first time in my 55 year life.
Hopefully, we Dems will continue to believe that progressive policies are the solution, not meaningless and offensive personal attacks.
Sep 1, '08
It is curious that only the Left is constrained from expressing an opinion on Bristol Palin's pregnancy. The right-wing are hot-damn all over themselves excited about how wonderful it is that this child is about to have a child herself.
5:57 p.m.
Sep 1, '08
They've now confirmed her membership in the AIP, as far as attending the convention with her husband in 2004 and sending a video message earlier THIS year. Alaskan secession, US dissolution under "certain circumstances," abolition of all property tax, usurpation of federal public lands in Alaska (to be retained and developed by Alaskan "citizens")...
...why do I imagine this didn't come up in their one meeting before the decision?
6:01 p.m.
Sep 1, '08
"You're a real jerk, Kristin"
Oilau -- the new Ruler of Thoughtful Discourse.
I just LOVE judging people for their personal lives. It's so much fun. Instead of looking at policy issues, let's examine every nook and cranny to see if they live the kind of life WE like them to live.
Again, there's enough to dislike about Palin without having to stoop so low....
6:05 p.m.
Sep 1, '08
"We can talk about her mothering all we want, but it has nothing to do with her ability to be president. Since we have so much to talk about in regards to her inability to effectively lead our country, why get sidetracked on her personal crisis?"
Her "personal crisis" (which I think the right is working hard to make more of a blessed event than a crisis) is part and parcel of her desire to have my kids taught sex ed without any actual education about, y'know, sex. I think the key exception to disregarding personal matters, is when private actions so abruptly contrast with public policy intent by the candidate--particularly when that public policy seeks to regulate the personal lives of others. Sarah Palin cedes the right to push abstinence only ed on my family, when she can't even get it to work in her own clan. (Which I don't blame her OR Bristol for; that's rather the point--what more evident proof of abstinence's failure, despite the no-sex ed her daughter surely got, does Palin need?)
Sep 1, '08
"Again, there's enough to dislike about Palin without having to stoop so low...."
But "stooping so low" is lots of fun when its your opponent.
Doncha remember Hook vs Merk? Or the HillB!#ch vs Obama?
Now it is the big ticket... politics of personal destruction.
The side show is listening to the Palin Policy Haters try and SHUSH the Palin Personal Haters. Hate is hate.... wallow in it some more. Rep Gelser's tone is so sanctimonious it is rather funny, you know, from one loving mother, to another.
6:14 p.m.
Sep 1, '08
Oh, and as to combinations -- JFK had a child who died while he was in office, two other small children and a host of medical issues -- and nobody questioned his competency.
6:22 p.m.
Sep 1, '08
Since no one else has bothered to, let me say thank you to Sara Gelser for at least trying to get this back out of the gutter. Maybe we need a thread on "hipster misogyny" to address a lot of the slime that's accompanied these Palin threads.
Sep 1, '08
Since the start of this entire election process, misogyny has been the order of the day. From media selection of sound bytes and images/pictorial clips et. al., it has been misogyny on parade. The sociology of Gender trumps all sociological aspects that drive collective life. The Useage of Woman continues to transact.
Surprised? No. Sickened? Yep.
7:11 p.m.
Sep 1, '08
Neither being a mother or becoming a grandmother are relevant to the ability to serve.
However, I strongly concur with TJ up-thread:
Gov. Palin is pushing an agenda upon MY daughter which apparently hasn't worked so well for HER daughter. The former makes the latter very much a legit issue for public debate and discussion.
7:14 p.m.
Sep 1, '08
Let me rephrase that first line to better reflect what I meant (hat tip to Kristin)
Neither being a mother or becoming a grandmother are relevant to the ability to serve COMPETENTLY.
7:14 p.m.
Sep 1, '08
So now you want to tell other people what to do about their pregnancies? Seriously, isn't this kind of second-guessing the exact kind of thing pro-choice advocates are against?
You don't know what advice her doctor gave her, if she was following it, or if it was good or bad advice.
What we're talking about here are basics when you're pregnant - you don't fly on a place once you've hit a certain number of weeks, you don't wait hours to get to the hospital once you start leaking fluid, etc. These are common sense things. If her doctor gave her advice to the contrary, the medical board should be looking into it. However, just because a doctor gives you stupid advice doesn't mean you take it - especially when you've already had kids and are somewhat knowledgeable about this stuff.
When facing one of the most important decisions in her life, she did everything that any ObGyn would tell you not to do. If her decision making in that situation is questionable, how will it be in other situations? We're already hearing about other situations in her professional life where her decision making was questionable.
And no, this isn't about telling someone what to do with their pregnancy - you can have the baby, have an abortion, give the baby up for adoption - whatever you choose. This is about making good decisions that affect your health and your pregnancy once you choose to continue the pregnancy. And every action she took from the time she flew to that speech went against everything every doctor, baby book, etc. tells you to do.
Like I said, this is about her decision making, and this incident just continues what is becoming a pattern of bad decision making.
Sep 1, '08
I so agree that this electoral cycle has been rife with misogyny. I also agree that Obama took the only reasonable position on this situation under the circumstances. But I have a 20 year old daughter. If she had become pregnant at 16 (or at 20), I think it would have been reasonable for both her parents to seriously examine their parenting skills. If one, or both, of my daughter's parents had taken very public positions on how to raise children, and the governments role in children's education, and that very public position was very wrong, and frankly harmful, to children, then I think the parents should be publically called on their failure. I don't know Bristol's father's position on "abstinence only", but I do know her mom's position. That policy position is harming our children every day. Just because Ms. Palin has presented us with the poster child of this failed policy doesn't mean we shouldn't print the poster.
Sep 1, '08
There is such a target-rich environment around Palin, it wouldn't hurt anyone to let her daughter have this baby in peace and move on to the real issues Palin herself has supported:
Anti-Gay Rights- first veto was to deny same-sex couples benefits in AK
Anti-Environment- sued the EPA to prevent Polar Bears from being placed on the endangered species list, as doing so would interfere with her oil drilling and mining interests.
Pro-Animal Cruelty- Bucked a federal ban to allow aerial hunting of wolves in order to have larger herds of moose and caribou for "big game hunters" who support the tourism industry.
Anti-American- The MSM has confirmed she was a card-carrying member of the pro-secessionist group, AIP, as torridjoe has already mentioned. She's pro-Alaska, not pro-America.
Anti-science- supports Creationism being taught in public schools, refuses to support stem-cell research. Supports abstinence-only sex education, seeing how it's so effective.
Anti-Choice- Has stated no abortion under any circumstances, even in cases of rape, incest or the health of the mother.
I'm sure I've missed a whole host of other reasons why Palin is a terrible choice- for example her lack of experience, no understanding of foreign policy issues, her tendency to use her political office for personal gain, her ties to corrupt industries, politicians, and lobbyists. Just fill in the blanks where there's something that should be on the list.
I can't imagine how insulting this choice was for GOP women who have been in the political game for a long time, and who would have made for a respectable choice and a stronger ticket. It's insulting to me, and I'm not a McCain supporter. Now all we'll hear is "You can't attack McCain because he's a POW, and you can't attack Palin because she's a mother of five."
Sep 1, '08
Anderson Cooper from CNN is discussing whether or not the Palin family situation should be a topic covered by the press. In doing so, he details the Palin family situation. He also covers Obama's press conference enouraging the press not to talk about the Palin family situation.
So I guess it's ok to discuss the Palin family situation. I guess families are now not off limits as long as it goes through the press.
7:40 p.m.
Sep 1, '08
Sara, this isn't about whether a mother of young children can handle these rigors; clearly, the Palins (like you and Peter) have worked out means to combine her professional life and their family life. kudos to them on that.
but there is so much stinky about all this. if nothing else, the abysmal failure of "abstinence only" education should be clear to everyone — unless we're going to imply ugly things regarding either the parents or their daughter. and i have to admit, looking at pictures of a "7-months pregnant" Palin — she seems damn trim for having her 5th kid. it's not proof of anything; just stinky.
basically, the McCain campaign did a piss-poor job of vetting. between these rumors, Troopergate, her flip-flops on the Bridge, AIP ... the list is growing daily. maybe the rabid right-wing neocon/christianist is thrilled with her, but that doesn't mean you skip the normal process of seeing just how much baggage a candidate might carry.
in this case, it's likely to be too much either for McCain's old back or the nation's sickened stomachs.
your argument for Obama, btw: excellent. thanks.
Sep 1, '08
If Governor Palin was an unwedded woman who became pregnant while espousing abstinence, then the hypocrisy charge would be valid. Because this is her daughter, the hypocrisy charge is just more low-rent, gutter sniping carried out by low-rent gutter snipers.
Sep 1, '08
Rip the GOP VP candidate to shreds! Make them pay!
Louder with the hate!! LOUDER!! Tell everyone you know how disgusted you are with 17 year old being burdened with a child.
Sep 1, '08
I am reminded of the uproar after Hillary Clinton made her witless "you never know what can happen" allusion to Robert Kennedy's assassination: Obama rather promptly made a public statement that of course he did not think Sen. Clinton was hoping he'd be killed. But of course in the collective "memory" of the Obama-haters, he never said any such thing and instead attacked Sen. Clinton. This weekend, Obama promptly said hands off Palin's family, but that statement has already vanished down the collective memory hole of the Obama haters, who will instead "remember" how Obama milked the Palin-family-pregnancy story for political gain.
Sep 1, '08
I have difficulty understanding why a mother of five children- including a newborn baby with a disability and a 17 year old unwed pregnant teen- would say yes to an invitation to run for vice president of the US.
She must know that the demands of the campaign will require that her family cannot be her top priority. And she must know that she will be under scrutiny for everything she has ever done. Being a mom is only one of my hats; I have also been a RN, a CPA, and an elected official. But when my kids were little being a mom was top priority. Why would a so-called 'family values' person put her young family through this? Can someone please explain this to me?
Sep 1, '08
Obama couldn't have handled it better, which speaks volumes about his intellect & judgment.
Sep 1, '08
Jane--the same exact argument would apply to a man as well, right? Why has, say, Barack Obama been campaigning for the last 18 months? When his spouse is on the campaign trail as well, their two young daughters are staying with grandma. I'm all for extended families (I was in part raised by my grandmother) being involved in child-rearing, but let's be serious, surely Obama's daughters would like Daddy to be home a bit more.
Let's quit worrying about Palin's family and her parental choices and instead pay attention to her hard-right politics.
Sep 1, '08
Mamabigdog - get a grip. Palin vetoed the bill that would have denied domestic partnerships benefits. That means she domestic partners continued to receive benefits - the opposite of what you wrote.
Get the record straight. If that's what people in SadOregon want. Then again the obsession with Trig shows otherwise.
Funny that has a story saying that the teen pregnancy was so secret the entire town knew!
Sep 1, '08
Jane- there are lots of people asking your questions, including conservatives who don't agree with Palin's choice to put politics ahead of her family.
This situation seems to cause dissonance for Dems- we want to support a woman's right to serve in any business, political or public capacity she's qualified for, regardless of her family status. At the same time, many women feel strongly, as you seem to, that women have certain responsibilities to their families that men simply don't get questioned about. Those expectations don't exist for men the way they do for women. Even Democrats can have "family values" that prefer a woman be home in a case like Palin's.
Palin has lots of other problems on the policy, experience and corruption front as far as I'm concerned. I don't agree with her choice to accept the VP nod with her family situation, as she won't possibly be able to be there for those kids when she should be. Is this a double standard? Yes. If Palin were a man, would we be having this conversation? Not likely, and that's not likely to change anytime soon.
Sep 1, '08
It's so funny to read through these posts from 'progessives' - you people are in serious need of therapy. I have never seen so much hate. I guess that's the change we can believe in?
8:11 p.m.
Sep 1, '08
Barack Obama got this exactly right, as did Representative Gelser and several other posters here (notably Kristin).
That doesn't mean this situation won't still enter in voters' calculations when they decide who to support. That will be up to each voter, who has the right to vote for or against anyone for any reason he or she wishes. But those of you who think voters can't possibly work through this themselves without your partisan spin, I suggest you get another hobby.
I know a lot of you have valid reasons not to support Sarah Palin on the issues or your opinion about her experience. But would you really think more of John McCain if he had said, "I was going to pick Governor Palin, but when I heard about her Down Syndrome child and the fact that her unmarried 17-year-old daughter is pregnant, I decided that disqualified her"?
Sep 1, '08
@ jonnie- Get a grip yourself:
From the Anchorage Daily News, 12/29/06: "Gov. Sarah Palin vetoed a bill Thursday that sought to block the state from giving public employee benefits such as health insurance to same-sex couples.
In the first veto of an administration that isn't yet a month old, Palin said she rejected the bill despite her disagreement with a state Supreme Court order earlier this month that directed the state to offer benefits to same-sex partners of state employees.
Advice from her new attorney general said the bill passed by the Legislature was unconstitutional, she said.
"Signing this bill would be in direct violation of my oath of office," Palin said in a prepared statement released by her administration Thursday night.
For supporters, the Supreme Court ruling was considered a victory for gay rights and civil liberties. To opponents, it equated same-sex partners with married couples, despite the state's ban on gay marriage.
The Republican-controlled Legislature passed the bill barring regulations implementing same-sex benefits during a November special session. The measure would have prevented the commissioner of administration from taking action on the new benefits plan."
Sounds like a same-sex couples denial of benefits to me... anyone else agree?
Sep 1, '08
Joel: "Let's quit worrying about Palin's family and her parental choices and instead pay attention to her hard-right politics."
<hr/>Well said. Obama's comments were directed to the press. Frankly this pregnancy issue will be primarily a focus of judgment for the fundamentalist right wing, her core constituency, who concern themselves much more with the morality of teen pregnancy and whether women should work outside the home and family.
The focus of Democrats and voters should and will be the policy positions held by McCain and Palin, and their destructive impact on our country should they be given power.
It has become clear today in the reporting, (headline on the NY Times) that this choice was not vetted in any fashion, and upper level Rs are beginning to worry about that.
Sep 1, '08
Look how incredibly "lit up" this thread is. Everything else has been abandoned. Let's examine ourselves closely: why is this bit of fluff so damned hot?
Sep 1, '08
Once again, Obama rises above the s***storm. Very classy.
I feel sorry for Bristol (for many reasons).
I don't think there's anything wrong with questioning Gov. Palin's judgment.
But I think this all really goes back to McCain's judgment. This choice was a huge gamble - a reckless decision that demonstrates his own poor judment.
Sep 1, '08
"It has become clear today in the reporting, (headline on the NY Times) that this choice was not vetted in any fashion" That's not what the article says.
" this pregnancy issue will be primarily a focus of judgment for the fundamentalist right wing, her core constituency" That's your speculation. It seems to be a lot more imprtant to "progressives" at the moment.
8:31 p.m.
Sep 1, '08
In my view, its legitimate to critize Palin's decisions on their family and personal situation to the extent that she wants certain policies and social mores that in her own experiences don't add up to stronger families--which she says she's advocating for.
The irony of her stance advocating abstinence only education can't be lost on anyone who bothers rubbing two of their brain cells together, and frankly its a legitimate question to bring up, IMO.
But in terms of her decisions about her own pregnancies and child-raising, outside of her policy considerations and their repercussions, should be off-limits.
8:32 p.m.
Sep 1, '08
The New York Times is reporting:
Sep 1, '08
Don't blame the daughter. It wasn't her fault. She was just raised in a dysfunctional political party.
Sep 1, '08
Her daughter may have been using birth control, for all you know. And there are plenty of kids who don't get pregnant because they don't have sex. They don't report in to me. You can use this as a case to support your opinions about abstinence, but you're doing it without all the information.
8:45 p.m.
Sep 1, '08
Like a boomerang, Palin's stance on sex ed coming back to smack her
Sep 1, '08
McCain's judgment has shown to be superior to Obama's. Surge created space for the politics to take hold.
Obama picked a loose cannon old racist, corrupt Senator of a state with less population than AK as a running mate.
Both made political decisions for Veep. McCain's judgement is better for $, firing up the base, etc. Not even the "journalist" who give Obama standing ovations will be able to quell Biden mouth.
Whoops, look what happened today. Obama may be one heartbeat away from the Presidency:
""I will be back, I'll be back to campaign in earnest," Biden said, "but today is not the moment for me to campaign. Today is the moment for me as a United States senator running for president to put aside the national politics and focus on what's happening down there" in the Gulf Coast"
If Obama would have picked Hillary the election would have been over. Instead he blinked.
Go AK. Why wouldn't a state want to secede when environmentalist always are saying No! to any progress and when the Dem's Presidential candidate thinks there are 57 states.
Regarding the fake baby: NPR made one phone call to confirm it was a fake. One wonder's why the Atlantic Daily, DailyKos, and other "progressives" couldn't make a phone call?
Oh, almost forgot, BigMama - do get a grip Conservative don't hate gays. Read this:
Sep 1, '08
Kari's right. Let this go. If the now thoroughly-debunked rumor about Sarah Palin raising her daughter's child as her own had been true, there would have been a story there purely because it would show up Palin as dishonest, particularly if she'd been involved in falsifying public records.
But this? It's not a story. It's not a scandal. It doesn't reflect particularly poorly on Palin, who is standing by her daughter as a parent should. It doesn't reflect on Palin's honesty or her ability to govern or anything else relevant to this race. And that means it's none of anyone's freakin' business except the family's.
We can probably come up with several dozen legitimate reasons why Palin shouldn't be a heartbeat away from the oval office. "Pregnant daughter" is not one of them. (Neither, for that matter, is "new-born special-needs baby.")
Sep 1, '08
As noted by other blogs.
Palin is intelligent, reasonable and very skilled.
Here is the CNBC interview
Sep 1, '08
@ johnnie- At least make an effort to get my name right...
While you're at it, get your facts straight: I never said conservatives hate gays. I simply said Palin saw to it that same-sex couples wouldn't have benefits. You'd be surprised to know that I don't paint everyone of a particular party with the same brush, as you seem to.
We'll mark you down for the McCain/Palin vote in November, with a special star for becoming a future Alaskan in light of your undying love of Palin and her brand of "progress" there.
9:16 p.m.
Sep 1, '08
Wow. The GOP trolls continue to be out in force.
Folks like "Q.C." and "Jack Lansky" are showing to decry the "hate" and how we're "disgusted" with Palin's daughter.... except that no one here is doing that.
9:16 p.m.
Sep 1, '08
I remain, as yet, unconvinced that baby Trig is Gov. Palin's son. There seem to be as many questions as answers.
Sep 1, '08
thanks mamabigdog. Sorry for mixing up your name. I was listening to MSNBC thinking McCain didn't know all of Palin's background and that she wasn't vetted because the McCain campaign "doesn't comment on vetting processes". Hence, if they don't tell MSNBC they'll just assume she wasn't vetted. There is no such thing as journalism, eh?
Here's a spot on story:
Do write me down for McCain/Palin. I was going to sit it out this year, until this pick. Palin's pick drove me to contribute to a Presidential campaign (McSame of course) for the first time in my life! I was 0 for 5 elections until this cycle.
For all you libertarians out there:
Sep 1, '08
The GOP trolls continue to be out in force Can you define "troll?" Is it an offensive name used to describe anyone who disagrees with you? Or do you have to have a certain attitude and an offensive politic? Can someone think they're ok, but suddenly be called "troll" and be crushed to find out they're really on the wrong team?
Sep 1, '08
Did Oilau post here during the primary? If not, how do we know this person is a Democrat and not a Republican?
And Kevin, as much as I have agreed with you in the past, why does it matter? Conservatives love to attack "liberal bloggers" as if they think we have forgotten that it was conservative bloggers who cast a shadow over the documents on W's National Guard service.
The parenting skills of the Palin family, who a certain child's mother is, and all related questions do not answer policy questions:
Does Gov. Palin believe in fully funding special ed at the federal level, or are tax cuts more important?
Does Gov. Palin agree with the way Alaska's 2 Senators voted (both voted yes) on the recent GI Bill, or does she think Sen. McCain was wise to be out campaigning or whatever rather than being in the Senate to vote on the GI Bill?
What does Gov. Palin know about the handover of authority from US to Iraq (incl. that great speech given by the US Anbar commander, who I believe is a Marine) of Anbar Province, Iraq today?
And so on.
Obama is greatly to be praised for his strong stand. St. Rep. Gelser is right.
"Posted by: Rep. Sara Gelser | Sep 1, 2008 5:00:12 PM
I will not vote for McCain/Palin because I know they will take our country in the wrong direction. I disagree with Sarah Palin on energy policy, climate change, choice, equal pay, civil liberties, endangered species, sex education and access to health care (just to name a few).
That said, it is discouraging that anyone would suggest that Sarah Palin as a mother of young children is incapable of taking on the same challenges that fathers of young children do. Fathers with young children have been running for high office without question for quite some time "
For all those of you getting your jollies with this story, a reminder of a scene in The West Wing when the Republicans were holding hearings basically to make Leo (the President's chief of staff) look bad. Leo had problems in his background (incl. during the campaign) incl. a substance abuse problem not unlike what Betty Ford had.
In the scene, the Majority Counsel, the committee chair, and a very partisan member of the committee who was one of the ranking majority members were in a small office arguing. The partisan wanted to rake up every possible inuendo and require Leo to discuss them in televised hearings. The Majority Counsel would have none of it. Called it "penny ante". Told the committee chair to declare a recess until after Christmas to contemplate whether this committee should be asking such personal questions. When the partisan said "the purpose of these hearings is to win", the Maj. Counsel exploded. Since I'v seen the episode multiple times, I can recall some of the speech.
Something like the chair should call the recess and then to the partisan he said, "This is not the purpose of these hearings as long as I am the Majority Counsel. And if you persist, I will resign my position and wait in the tall grass for you, because you are killing the party. This sort of thing is why people hate us. "
Hooray for Obama! Hillary Clinton made mistakes not being so forceful (refused to act on a Mark Penn memo, but why didn't she fire him?). Ron Wyden is a US Senator because he ignored the advice to "go after" Gordon Smith and instead decided he wanted to be known as Mr. 100% positive (to the point that a staffer at one debate watching party played a recording of Bing Crosby's "Accentuate the Positive" to drive home the point).
We have a lot to be proud of in Obama-Biden. The GOP convention heard today that they should "take off their Republican hats and put on their American hats". Were they going to be Republicans first and Americans second until Gustav came along?
My sense is that most people are tired of the attacks and want to hear proposals for problem solving, where candidates stand on issues, policy debates. This garbage drowns that out.
The choice is clear: get your jollies on a story worthy of National Enquirer, or get Obama elected.
Anyone who was upset when Rush Limbaugh made fun of a young Chelsea Clinton on his TV show should extend the same courtesy to the Palin family.
I'm the grandchild of a politician. I know what it is like to have a famous relative (esp. for shy kids). I want nothing to do with anyone who wants to make a family's life miserable. That is NOT what politics should be about!
Sep 1, '08
Who cares about what her children did? The media is always full of bull craps that doesn't mean anything.How does Media feel about destroying young women's life?She will be scrutinized for the rest of the life and lead a shameful life. What Palin's children did or did not do says nothing about her character. But What I question is the character of the media that spreads the private information that will destroy this 's life. Teen pregnancy is not the end of the world. It is simply a mistake and that is all there is to it. What I do not understand is, how media treats this as some kind of sin.
I want those talking heads in media to reflect on how they would feel it the same thing happened to them. How they would feel as they watch their son or daughter destroys her life. How dare they question the integrity of Palin or her daughter, when same thing can happen to anyone. Obama handled the situation very well by attempting to separate himself from this petty bullsht. It is not the outside that matters, it is the inside that matters. You can look as morally sound as you want, but that doesn't mean you are morally sound. What I'm saying is you can not make decision upon somebody just by looking at their outside. Politic and private life should be completely separate. There should not be any impeachment because of family value or whatever, because it is the two different thing. By bringing private life into politic, our society is creating our nation into a big f**ing joke.
Sep 1, '08
The GOP trolls continue to be out in force
Can you define "troll?" Is it an insult meant for anyone who disagrees with you? Or the majority? Does it require you have the wrong politics and have an attitude? Or maybe there's a wink-wink handshake to not be one. Can you think you're ok, only to be crushed when unexpectedly labeled? If that's true then anyone may be vulnerable and you only think you're safe.
Sep 1, '08
Sorry for the double post. Trollish behavior?
Sep 1, '08
Kari has limited brainpower, so he screams "Troll!" if he can't articulate a better argument. He did that big time with the Novick crowd. Any Merkley critiques, and out comes the cry Troll, Troll, TROOLLLLLL until everybody agrees with him. But that is okay, since it is Kari's bat and ball. If you don't like the rules, then Kari will take his bat and ball away from you.
10:03 p.m.
Sep 1, '08
I simply said Palin saw to it that same-sex couples wouldn't have benefits.
The problem is that you apparently misunderstood what happened.
Palin made it clear that she would like to make sure same-sex couples wouldn't have benefits. However, she vetoed the bill that would have done that.
She did so because her Attorney General told her that the bill was unconstitutional.
Read carefully this sentence that you quoted earlier:
Gov. Sarah Palin vetoed a bill Thursday that sought to block the state from giving public employee benefits such as health insurance to same-sex couples.
The legislature passed a bill to block employee benefits for same sex partners. Palin vetoed that bill.
It's stupid to claim that means she is for gay rights, she isn't. It's incorrect, however, to claim that the veto denied same-sex partners benefits.
Sep 1, '08
doretta just killed this thread with her amazing analysis of a double negative. Thanks doretta, you explained (in 2nd grader language) a fairly uncomplicated issue.
kinda like how the 5 month pregnancy of the 17 year old daughter (who supposedly delivered Trig 4 months ago) killed the DailyKOS / Bojack stupidity.
remove the stupidity, kill the thread.
Sep 1, '08
"Hence, if they don't tell MSNBC they'll just assume she wasn't vetted. There is no such thing as journalism, eh?"
Since we don't have cable (and from what I've heard, over the air news people did a better job than cable covering the conventions so far). I didn't see cable coverage.
I do know this is what David Brooks (likely to have good Republican sources) said. There are 2 types of Republican delegates. One group are the folks thrilled with Palin--Reaganites, conservatives, evangelicals. The other group are the old timers--maybe even people going back to the days of Gerald Ford or at least GHW Bush. The second group includes a lot of people worried about Palin and the vetting process. Not a majority, but maybe 30% or so of the delegates.
Those people probably know history. Both Dan Quayle and Geraldine Ferraro were not well known and sprung on the country shortly before their conventions. In each case (Geraldine's family finances, Quayle's voting record) there turned out to be items which worried some people enough to not vote for the ticket--and in Quayle's case to make him the butt of jokes and play a part in Bush/Quayle losing to Clinton/Gore in 1992.
As multiple people have said, this will not be a "base" election. Independents and folks who don't pay much attention to primary campaigns and party conventions will decide these elections. I know some of these folks, and "that candidate didn't answer the question!" or "I understand what they are against, but what are they for and what concrete solutions do they propose?" can be deciding factors in their vote.
For all the back and forth between activists, the end result may be a surprise from ignored voters. Like, "if that is all you can think of to argue about, why should I pay any attention to the presidential race when I have lots of things going on in my life?".
A man I know who read both Obama books and reregistered to vote for Obama in the primary said he saw the speech in Bronco Stadium "but what we need now is action!". Does endless discussion of this story (esp. since Obama says families are off limits and kids are esp. off limits) really encourage people like the man I know to get involved in the fall election?
Or is this all inside baseball and ordinary voters don't really matter because they are just spectators in the battle between the D team and the R team with no rules about what is out of bounds?
Sep 1, '08
I'm sorry, but I find Sarah Palin's behavior to be weird beyond belief.
There are questions about whether she's the mother of her four-month-old son, so instead of releasing her own medical records, which would, you know, actually prove the rumors false, she decides to announce to the world that her teenage daughter is pregnant.
Sorry to bring this up, but you have to ask what happens if in a week, or a month, or two days after the election, we hear the news, God forbid, that Bristol Palin has had a miscarriage. If you think the rumors this weekend have been Hurricane Gustav, those rumors will be beyond Katrina.
Sep 1, '08
And what does it say about the decision-making ability of John McCain that, three days after he chose Sarah Palin as his running mate, he finally has people on the ground vetting her. Isn't that supposed to happen BEFORE the selection.
Sep 1, '08
I agree with Oilau, Kristin is a jerk. As a woman, I am highly insulted with the inference that we cannot make comments about Sarah Palin as a mother. I think her family situation has everything to do with her mothering skills, especially since she is running on them. Isn't she a "hockey mom?" Didn't they trot out her entire family when they announced her candidacy? Sorry, but for a person who claims to have "family values" as an important part of who she is, perhaps she should value her family and put them first, like not putting her daughter under the media microscope. Like not accepting the VP candidacy in the first place. And by the way, aren't there more qualified and knowledgable Republican women than SP? What about Elizabeth Dole, Olympia Snow, even Susan Molinari? It is an insult to them and their years of service to be passed over for a woman who clearly doesn't really know her own kids. That is not being a mother. That is using your kids to help further yourself. I am embarrassed for the Republican party and for John McCain. He shows such an utter lack of judgment and an impulsivity that this country cannot afford.
10:58 p.m.
Sep 1, '08
Metacomments warning: I'm not going to talk about the Palin children. Obama is right, that's still none of our business.
Kari is using the word "troll" because BO has been flooded by people exhibiting troll-like behavior. To wit: not engaging in discussion, just repeating Republican talking points and being as negative as possible. The point is to keep people focused on trivia, be extremely irritating and discourage real conversation as much as possible. Their intent is simply to deflate enthusiasm for Democratic candidates. It's exactly what Barack Obama pointed out in his convention speech. They are trying to make a big election be about small things so people will be distracted from the big things. They would love it if we got stuck on Sarah Palin's daughter's pregnancy.
They are doing that because they know the reality of the big things is heavily stacked against them. I think we shouldn't fall for it.
Did Oilau post here during the primary? If not, how do we know this person is a Democrat and not a Republican?
LT, where have you been? If "Oilau" isn't BO's longtime pet misanthrope, "Ask Questions First", et al ad nauseum, he's doing a heck of a job of channeling. "Oilau's" purpose in coming to BO is to bully people and call them names. He posted his bait, the negative comments about Obama, to provide cover for the payoff of berating whomever responded. Kristin is just the latest in a long line of targets. If Oilau isn't a sociopath in real life, he does an uncanny imitation on BlueOregon.
Let's examine ourselves closely: why is this bit of fluff so damned hot?
Don't read your preconceived notions into that. Go back and look at all the other bits of fluff that have been hot for a couple of posts. It's all over the media and some people just can't resist that. If it's still a big topic of discussion in a couple of days, then you'll have a point.
Sep 1, '08
There are questions about whether she's the mother of her four-month-old son, so instead of releasing her own medical records, which would, you know, actually prove the rumors false, she decides to announce to the world that her teenage daughter is pregnant.
I've been wondering about that too. Why use her daughter as a distraction tool when she could just product documents, witnesses, etc?
Sorry to bring this up, but you have to ask what happens if in a week, or a month, or two days after the election, we hear the news, God forbid, that Bristol Palin has had a miscarriage. If you think the rumors this weekend have been Hurricane Gustav, those rumors will be beyond Katrina.
Careful now. People are going to start accusing you of wearing pointy tinfoil hat.
If/when Bristol gives birth to a full term baby in December, that should answer any lingering questions.
11:13 p.m.
Sep 1, '08
I think it's a very slippery slope, tl, to judge women candidates on what kind of "mother" they are. I notice you didn't say what kind of "parent" which implies you have a different standard for mothers who are candidates than fathers.
I used to have arguments with Republicans who criticized Elizabeth Edwards for spending what could have been her final months out campaigning for her husband rather than staying home with their kids. Do we really feel competent to make those kind of judgments?
Also, mamabigdog, johnnie got it right about Sarah Palin's first veto. The Alaska Supreme Court ruled that same sex couples had to receive the same state employment benefits as married couples but then-Governor Frank Murkowski refused to implement it. When Palin beat him and took office, she adopted a policy designed to implement the same sex benefits as required by the court. The legislature adopted a bill to prevent her plan from taking effect but she vetoed it.
Her decision was based on her commitment to obeying the court, not a personal support for same-sex benefits, but it still showed a lot of guts and a lot of character, particularly for a someone so popular with social conservatives.
Sep 1, '08
I wanted to leave a comment but I don't have time to read all the comments above. I might just be repeating this, but oh well.
I totally respect what Obama said. He absolutely has to say that to show what a classy dude he is. But we don't have to listen to him. Have republicans stopped calling obama a muslim? Did mccain speak out about corsi's book? Have they left Michelle alone?
They have no problem with lying their asses off to win elections, and it seems to work for them. I have no problem attacking mccain/palin and their families.
I still say Trig is Bristol's baby. I also think that mccain wants to ditch cindy for sarah. He likes the beauty queens, remember?
Let's not take a knife to a gun fight.
Sep 1, '08
Obama's not a Muslim?
How can you prove that he's not? Clearly there is less certainty on that question than whether or not Sarah Palin gave birth to Trig?
There's a birth certificate, an attending obstestrician who could be deposed, and (if necessary) DNA tests.
But you can't prove that Obama isn't a Manchurian Muslim, just waiting to get his hands on the nuclear football and retarget all the missiles on Red States and the U.K.
HOW CAN WE REALLY KNOW? His middle name is Hussein and I have photographs of him in Muslim attire.
11:53 p.m.
Sep 1, '08
Can you define "troll?"
Look it up yourself. Google works great. Here, I'll make it easy.
Sep 2, '08
Jack Roberts- I stand corrected. I still do not believe Palin to be a friend to the GLBT community, as she retained her Princess of the Social Conservatives cred with her veto statement:
From Media
"The Governor's veto does not signal any change or modification to her disagreement with the action and order by the Alaska Supreme Court."
"Further, the AP did not note that as a candidate for governor, Palin also reportedly supported a ballot question banning benefits for same-sex couples."
Also, "A January 1, 2007, Juneau Empire article reported that Palin vetoed the bill despite "her opposition to equal benefits for gay and lesbian government employees."
And, "the Anchorage Daily News reported on August 6, 2006, that Palin believes "[e]lected officials can't defy the court when it comes to how rights are applied, she said, but she would support a ballot question that would deny benefits to homosexual couples. 'I believe that honoring the family structure is that important,' Palin said."
I must respectfully disagree that it shows "a lot of guts and a lot of character" to follow the law as handed down from the Supreme Court. Of course, we've seen how the Bush Administration has completed flouted the law, so I guess anyone who goes along with the law these days is "mavericky".
Sep 2, '08
Mamabigdog, you've given a comprehensive list of issues that are being run on in this election but I don't think that negates the necessity to investigate a candidate's questionable behavior.
I have to agree with fbear and Jenni S, the delivery of Trig raises serious, politically relevant questions, about Palin's judgement.
I come down to two possibilities as to why she got on that plane that day in TX: 1) She was either seriously freaking out and could not be dissuaded from endangering her unborn child and herself by flying, or 2) There was a compelling and publicly shrouded reason she had to give birth in that clinic, in AK.
The first is hard to believe since she gave a speech and is reported by the stewardesses to have been calm during the flight. Also, it was her fifth delivery--she knew the drill. A woman delivering her fifth child getting so worked up she just has to be back in her hospital of choice, has to be in her comfort zone, all risks be damned? Is that the hand we want steadying McCain's as it hovers over the red button?
That leaves the second option--we just don't know her motivation. It is relevant, it does reflect on her judgement under stress. We should know what those stresses were, what her motivations were.
As to Bristol's current pregnancy, what proof is there that she is five months pregnant? Why not four, or three? It's entirely possible for a woman to have two children within one calendar year. If she doesn't deliver on time in December what recourse is there to the voters who have been duped as they were with the allegations of WMD? Lying and being revealed after a key moment (an election, the start of a war) isn't unprecedented.
Sep 2, '08
@ Contentious- I couldn't agree more. Investigate away!
Sep 2, '08
LT...start a blog and start writing your manifestos there. I'm tired of scrolling down for 30 seconds to get past your comments.
Bristol Palin is off limits. Speaking as a person that had a pregnancy scare because I was young, stupid and didn't use a condom I feel for her...a lot.
John McCain didn't vet Sarah Palin. This is an issue because you have a woman that talks a lot of trash about people who do exactly what her daughter did. Sarah Palin is going to roast in her own trash talk about abstinence only etc...
Sarah Palin shows a giant lack of judgement for knowing this about her daughter and knowing she would be thrust in the national spotlight. That is the problem here...Sarah Palin knew her daughter was prego and was still willing to put her in front of the national press to further her own career. Poor Bristol is going to have giant issues for the rest of her life.
Sep 2, '08
Doretta - point taken. And I agree I was primarily pointing out that now this thread is the ONLY discussion going on here on BO! And on the tube and on the radio, etc. I'd have expected a few other very active threads alongside this, as is usual here. However, nuthin'.
NOW is a really good point at which each of us can spend a few private moments reviewing the content of our motivations for focusing on this. The Edwards topic themes will surface some, and valuable discussion has ensured. But it's a great chance for us all to just for a moment check in on ourselves. Now this is flooding every channel and even Cokie Roberts is busy speculating how the VP hopeful will answer. I hate the moronic speculations being treated as coverage for some hours now... great chance to surface misogyny, hypocrisy, basic rights and issues of coherence in how you live and what you legislate, you who seek to be in control of our lives via your lawmaking... The political class seem to feel special - as if they need not concern themselves with an authentic coherence between the tales they tell us about themlseves and then how they really live. We are all human, we all fail. But it's breathtaking to observe just now little these folks political utterances actually conform to that which is revealed of how they live.
I am still having trouble believing this woman would subject her daughter to what is coming. Our tax dollars at work will soon include counseling for a young woman who is held up under her mother's insupportable Belief systems. That's politics.
Sep 2, '08
doretta, you seem to prefer to behave in that pre-adolescent manner of throwing around emotive words to build "us versus them" solidarity rather than actually deal with arguments that were made, so let's try this:
1) Do you disagree that Palin has a number of significant challenges in her personal life?
2) Do you disagree that the amount of distraction from one's professional life that combined challenges on this order pose varies from person to person, and ranges from very little to total?
3) Do you disagree that for those for which this level of family stress is apparently not very distracting the reasons also vary, but one is a selfish lack of concern for others (including one's children)?
4) Do you know Palin personally that you have any factual knowledge as to how these types of personal challenges affect her? (We know for sure she tried to retaliate her ex-brother-in-law in response to other matters. This has nothing do with her politics, but is relevant to whether she has other character problems.)
5) Do you disagree that voters have a right to know whether a specific candidate, given the specific personal issues that candidate faces, can fulfill the demands of the particular office that candidate seeks?
6) Do you disagree that Obama is trading a little more on his "inspirational" skills in this campaign than his actual leadership on issues? (Or that there is a big difference between running for office and performing in that office?)
7) Finally, do you disagree that it is irresponsible for Obama to assert that voters don't have a right to know facts that are relevant to a candidate's actual ability to perform, but by unavoidable implication should base their decision solely on whatever they are fed in propagandistic stump speeches politicians target to their base and by a media only interested in the horse-race?
Just exactly which of these points to you disagree with so we can decide whether your judgement is such that you should be given any credence?
The rest of your comment doesn't make any sense to me. But for the record, I responded to Kristen only AFTER she made juvenile, snarky comments that were based on totally misrepresenting what was said. On the surface that would seem to be the kind of behavior that you hypocritically claim to find so objectionable. What do you think the average (silent) reader concludes about you from this?
1:42 a.m.
Sep 2, '08
"- But I think this all really goes back to McCain's judgment. This choice was a huge gamble - a reckless decision that demonstrates his own poor judment."
Worth repeating.
Sep 2, '08
I stand correct on Palin's veto...
Why is everyone assuming the daughter's boyfriend didn't use a condom? My parents and my friend parents all taught abstinence and we all used condoms (because I understand when life begins).
I find it amusing that because lefty bloggers are apparently the only ones who didn't know Palin's daughter was pregnant (i.e. not a secret in Alaska or to McCain), etc. that it reflects on McCain's "judgment." Anybody ever consider it really reflects the progressive's judgment to think that a DUI in 1986, a pregnant 17 year old, etc. actually matters? Nah! Who'd ever think we are the one who should be questioned for our judgment.
To think that this is all a surprise to McCain and the Right is very telling about the Left.
This was no secret, it was vetted, and none of these are surprises, nor are they problems or concerns. This think otherwise is pompous and arrogant.
Now onto more serious matters. Looks like it's more of Same with Obama/Biden. So much for "change." More nepotism and using your political stature for enriching your life. The washington political class is all the same:
Sep 2, '08
Overheard: If only John Edwards were the father the media (and Progressives) wouldn't care - it would be so "tabloid."
8:06 a.m.
Sep 2, '08
McCain is now in an impossible situation: which is worse, saying that he DID know everything that's coming out or that he didn't?
Elisabeth Bumiller's piece in the NYTimes this morning is revealing - suggesting that the lack of serious vetting was a trade-off McCain had to make in order to keep Palin's selection a surprise:
So there we have it: he didn't vet her because really vetting her would have ruined the surprise and thrill of the nomination. That was the overriding priority for John McCain.
8:42 a.m.
Sep 2, '08
I suspect this must be the 7th sign of the Apocalypse but I'm going to echo TJ for the second time in 24 hours,
"- But I think this all really goes back to McCain's judgment. This choice was a huge gamble - a reckless decision that demonstrates his own poor judment."
Worth repeating.
Indeed it is.
8:52 a.m.
Sep 2, '08
So there we have it: he didn't vet her because really vetting her would have ruined the surprise and thrill of the nomination. That was the overriding priority for John McCain.
This line of inquiry is perhaps akin to debating how many angels can dance in a pinhead but I disagree, Dan.
The pundits on PBS were discussing this last night. And a couple things they said make a great deal of sense.
McCain wanted Lieberman but was threatened in no uncertain terms by the TheoCons with an open revolt at the convention if he proceeded with that choice. Which pissed him off.
Choosing Palin was as much about tossing a spitwad at his critics (on all sides) as it was a choice calculated to scramble conventional wisdom which said that he could make a real race of it but would ultimately lose to Obama in a close decision.
IOW, true to form, McCain's decision making was colored by his own anger.
Sep 2, '08
"- But I think this all really goes back to McCain's judgment. This choice was a huge gamble - a reckless decision that demonstrates his own poor judment."
Worth repeating.
As much as I would really like to believe voters will see this pick demonstrates poor judgement, I wonder how many of you actually can put yourselves in the shoes of the disaffected base of largely white, working class voters who have voted Republican against their own interests since 1980?
I can imagine how those disaffected voters outside the Party, the disaffected voters to whom Clinton telegraphed a message when she courted their remaining brethren in the Party late in the campaign with her unacceptable arguments why Obama couldn't win, might be empathetic towards her:
New Palin details may help, not hurt
9:32 a.m.
Sep 2, '08
It almost seems to me, judging from this and other blogs, that before the Palin nomination was announced, that some mean-spirited trolls got together and decided to make this their cause.
I do believe, that fair-minded, intelligent people can see through such nastiness and are only reading for on-the-topic content.
9:38 a.m.
Sep 2, '08
Trooper-gate, her misstatements about her past positions and her former membership in the Alaskan Independence Party are political, not personal, issues and are fair game.
Joe Biden had a wife and three healthy children and the beginning of a promising political career. In the space of an instant he was mourning a wife and child and caring for two injured children while continuing in the career he had chosen to support those children. There are no guarantees about who will or won't have more personal distractions over time.
Leading the jury. Again, we'll have plenty of opportunity to judge whether Sarah Palin is excessively self-absorbed without resort to issues involving her children.
Palin's actions re: her brother-in-law have nothing to do with her political positions on issues but everything to do with how she handles executive power. That's a political issue big time and should be thoroughly scrutinized.
No, of course there's no "right to know" whether a candidate can fulfill the specific functions of the office they are seeking. How can there be a "right to know" something that's unknowable? Voters have a right to their own judgments about whether or not they think a candidate is up to the job. Again, there's plenty of fodder for that judgment on Palin completely apart from anything having to do with her children.
Political campaigns, alas, are never mostly about substantive issues. Obama has talked more about substantive issues in more detail than most Presidential candidates do. I think it's kind of ironic that you complain that Obama sticks to his principles with regard to leaving people's children out of the campaign while implying that being inspirational is suspect. I'd hardly want someone who is only inspirational as President but it certainly seems like a legitimate campaign asset as well as an asset for governing.
The media mostly filter out what candidates say about issues unless they can catch a candidate in what they think is a an issue-related gaffe. I long ago decided that I would ignore the media as much as possible and listen to candidates speeches and read what they have to say about issues. I was frankly stunned, those many years ago, at the difference between what candidates were saying and what was being reported.
It used to be kind of hard to access a lot of source material but the Internet makes it easy now. Obama is making it particularly easy.
Obama, by the way, has made a lot of speeches that were not stump speeches targeted to his base. It's certainly fair game to ask whether or not there has been significant substance in those speeches and whether or not one agrees with that substance. I recommend doing just that. Here's a link to a bunch of them. Choose the "issues" category. If you want more detail in writing, go here.
And finally, Kristin's comments were directed at what you said, not at you personally. There were no "fighting words" in her response. The same cannot be said for your response to her. You obviously understand the difference but your pattern is nevertheless clear and longstanding. Your protestations to the contrary are not credible.
9:40 a.m.
Sep 2, '08
As much as I would really like to believe voters will see this pick demonstrates poor judgement, I wonder how many of you actually can put yourselves in the shoes of the disaffected base of largely white, working class voters who have voted Republican against their own interests since 1980?
I think I can.
White, working class - check.
I was a Republican until 1992.
As an Indepenent/NAV I continued to vote for Republicans about 2/3 of the time up until 2002.
My first website was put up originally to try to help McCain gain Indie support in 2000. I remained a fairly unapologetic McCainiac until 2004.
I switched my registration from NAV for the very first time this past April so that I could vote for Obama and Merkley in the Oregon primary.
While I don't hate her and didn't spend many pixels disagreeing with her during the Primary, Hillary has never gained traction with me.
I well remember being initially pleased when Palin won the Goobernatorship of Alaska. But as a Veep candidate she has precisely zero appeal to me.
Sep 2, '08
I love the repub trolls attitude of, "It's no big deal." It would be a huge deal if it were a Biden daughter instead of a Palin daughter. There would be much wailing and gnashing of teeth about "moral failure," "permissive attitudes toward sex" and "Sets a horrible example for young girls."
But as usual there is a double standard in judging the two parties. "What applies to you doesn't apply to me."
"Lots of hate on this site." Really? Almost every post I have read simply wishes the young woman well. Repubs have a funny definition of hate. I just think her mother needs to spend more time with her and her other young child instead of galavanting around the country running for VP. These are the formative years and I think she needs two parents at home; not just a dad but a mom and a dad at home.
I sincerely do wish the young woman well. Many Conservative families have been started under just such circumstances. She isn't alone.
Sep 2, '08
I hope Mr Chisholm will close comments on this thread and exercise some IP address screening on the trolls....
10:24 a.m.
Sep 2, '08
you rock...
Sep 2, '08
Ok, so let me get this straight. Sarah Palin gave birth to a child with Down Syndrome on April 8th of this year. That would be just under 5 months ago, right? And now she's putting in who knows how many hours a day campaigning. That means 1 of 2 things in my mind.
Either she's lugging this infant around with her on the campaign trail, or someone else is caring for him at home. Either way it seems a bit neglectful to me. She's spoken of how Trig (the baby's name) is a gift from God for her and her family. I'm cool with this idea, but is this how a good mother CARES for her gift from God? I don't think so.
I'm quite sure McCain is using her in part to get votes from the disability community. I'm equally certain that when this community becomes aware that she views disability in her own family so carelessly, they will run from her like the plague. She can't have it both ways. She should either choose to be a good mom and take care of her newborn, or run for VP and let a nanny do the hard work.
10:29 a.m.
Sep 2, '08
I personally totally love Sarah Palin...I want to bake her some cookies.
"Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Tuesday shows Barack Obama attracting 48% of the vote while John McCain earns 43%. When "leaners" are included, it’s Obama 51%, McCain 45%.
This is the highest level of support enjoyed by Obama at any point in Election 2008"
Sep 2, '08
Unrepentant Liberal, you're quite wrong about how Righties would respond if it were Biden's daughter. If his 17 year old daughter were pregnant, we would probably never learn of it.
She would CHOOSE to not burden her father with the issue, CHOOSE to not burden herself or the child's father, and CHOOSE to not bring the poor child into such a stressful situation.
I thought the left would only be suckered into attacking a woman, to see them attacking her teenage daughter is more than I could have hoped for.
Obama seems classy, more than the left deserves, or can handle.
Sep 2, '08
Did someone say that flying while pregnant was a health risk? Was that a risk for the child or the mother. If the mother, then why would the Right care? If the fetus, then why was Bristol flying to this VP announcement?
It is amazing how the Right is calling the pregnancy a blessed event rather then a poor example. Me? I think Palin has to re-think her abstinence only stance unless, as I suspect to be the case, she intends to beat her daughter over the head with the issue for the rest of her life as well as the child's, all in the name of political expediency. I'm not suggesting she is careless about her children, I'm suggesting she is clueless about them.
With all those girls in the family, how IS it that she is a "hockey mom"? Are her daughters hockey players, or simly ignored in favor of the males offspring?
It's ridiculous to believe we can ignore each and every reference to her family, but as I recall, the Chelsea attacks were regarding her physical appearance. The only appearance-related issue concerning Bristol was that she seemed pregnant. That's an attack solely from a mean-spirited individual that has nothing to do with anything worht discussing. The rest of this is worth discussing because it speaks to management and judgment.
A friend of mine once said, "When you have a boy you have to watch your own and when you have a girl you have to watch everyone elses." Bottom line, Sarah Palin was not watching, nor was her husband.
Sep 2, '08
DailyKos or New York Times. The same thing...
How good is Obama's leadership if nobody on the Left follows it?
Sep 2, '08
Either she's lugging this infant around with her on the campaign trail, or someone else is caring for him at home. Either way it seems a bit neglectful to me. She's spoken of how Trig (the baby's name) is a gift from God for her and her family. I'm cool with this idea, but is this how a good mother CARES for her gift from God? I don't think so.
She's a working mother, and she's in a position to bring Trig along with her a lot of the time. Beyond that, she has three daughters and a husband at home to provide care when she has to be away from him.
There are plenty of solid reasons to question Palin's judgment, integrity, and competence in public office. Leave her family life alone. It's irrelevant.
Sep 2, '08
I completely agree with Obama that we should leave candidate's children out of the political mud puddle. Bristol deserves privacy during what must be a very difficult and stressful time.
Unfortunately, even with the opposing party calling the topic off limits, news stations will still report, and tongues will wag on the issue.
I find it disappointing that, knowing her daughter is underage, unmarried, and expecting, Gov. Palin would open her family (and Bristol) up to such public scrutiny and condemnation.
New baby at home, other children needing Mom's attention and support. Why did Palin accept the nomination? Why now?
11:42 a.m.
Sep 2, '08
I personally totally love Sarah Palin...I want to bake her some cookies.
Kristin: I'll join you and help. If McCain and Palin keep this up, maybe we could even upgrade to sending them some yummy homegrown Oregon tomatoes from my garden, complete with love note!
12:22 p.m.
Sep 2, '08
Sep 2, '08
johnnie asked, "How good is Obama's leadership if nobody on the Left follows it?"
You continue to claim that Obama is the choice of "the left", but it just shows how ignorant you are about what "the left" is. No one to the left of the US center is happy about Obama, although many who should know better believe that Obama needs to be elected in order to keep the "much worse" candidate out of the presidency.
The two sets of candidates are right-of-center corporatists who are running on militarist platforms. This is not the perspective of "the left", nor has it ever been. It is not even the perspective of "the center", especially if you care about the views of those who live outside of our country.
Obama is the choice of the right wing of the DP, just as were Kerry, Gore, Lieberman, Biden and the Clintons. While one might argue that Kucinich is a "leftist", even he can be counted on to always acquiesce to the right when general election season comes around. There is no "left" in the DP.
1:11 p.m.
Sep 2, '08
"If only John Edwards were the father the media (and Progressives) wouldn't care - it would be so "tabloid.""
Whose ticket is Edwards on? Remind me.
2:14 p.m.
Sep 2, '08
I fail to see how Palin's daughter's pregnancy has anything at all to do with abstinence education.
I am surprised at the posters who would in other contexts defend a woman's right to choose her profession and defend a woman's ability to be both a mother and a professional, are now arguing that Palin cannot be a vice president and have five children. She does have a husband, right?
Sep 2, '08
doretta - Frankly, by your outrageous effort to "poison the well" with your talk about "fighting words", while excusing Kristin's snarky remark clearly intended as a direct insult, following your arrogant claim that Obama and you get to define what voters have a right to know about a candidate regardless of whether a candidate would in fact be impaired by things you arbitrarily declare to be off the table, you have rendered yourself not worthy of any further response.
For those who care, though, here is something from the ACLU about fighting words that I think highlights just how dishonorable doretta's high-handed remarks are (scroll down or search for "fighting words")
The U.S. Supreme Court did rule in 1942, in a case called Chaplinsky v. New Hampshire, that intimidating speech directed at a specific individual in a face-to-face confrontation amounts to "fighting words," and that the person engaging in such speech can be punished if "by their very utterance [the words] inflict injury or tend to incite an immediate breach of the peace."
The court has considerably narrowed even this constitutionally dubious argument the last 60+ years since even the Court perpetually finds it embarrassingly difficult to justify exactly where their assertion of their authority to decide what is relevant to the search for truth and freedom is found in the unequivocal words: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press;"
Makes one wonder where the actual moral and intellectual dividing line is between doretta's brand of authoritarianism we see on breathtaking display here, and that of others we see on display in St. Paul with the arrest of Democracy Now's Amy Goodman
2:20 p.m.
Sep 2, '08
All those I know who read BlueOregon have moved from a shocked and outraged place in reaction to comments like those above to simply a laughing while shaking their head place.
Have a nice day, Oilau!
Sep 2, '08
Harry - Ahh, but there is a Left in the US of A and therefore, the DP chose Obama. This site along with the DailyKos, NYT and others are showing that for the entire nation to see.
Joebama has been respectable and consistent with this issue. This is similar to how Obama came into being and how Joe cared for his kids while being a US Senator after his wife's tradgic death.
Torridjoe - Edwards is (was?) the Darling of this site and the DailyKos. The news of his affair was known but suppressed because they either believed his lies and/or didn't care/didn't think it was relevant to the campaign. It would be nice if the same people who loved Edwards would afford a 17 year old girl a bit of privacy.
Andrew Sullivan wanting medical records? having a name the baby contest? NYT writing false articles about the vetting process and sourcing corrupt republicans who lost ethics battles against Palin? Disgusting.
Journalism is dead. The standing ovations for Obama was the final stroke, the attacks on Palin are the new era of politics. This is the most disgusting election I have ever witnessed.
Sep 2, '08
Kevin, the only problem is in your checklist you don't indicate that you actually are in the "heartland" demographic McCain is actually after (and Clinton went after). One just has to compare the politics and speeches of Smith, Collins, Snowe to their own voters to the politics of rest of the Red Party, and the stump speeches McCain, Clinton, and Obama gave here to the speeches they gave in away from the coasts.
From the info you gave, you are in a disgruntled (fairly so in some cases) political minority in a purple-becoming-blue state, with a stable-to-growing population and economy, and a very different Republican tradition. I fully believe you when you say Palin has no appeal to you.
We'll just have to see if McCain asks her to step aside (ie. she resigns the candidacy sometime after being officially nominated) or they hang in there right to election day. Either seems possible, depending on what they hear from their target demographic in the next week.
4:02 p.m.
Sep 2, '08
Snort. Kristin probably has the right idea, but silly me, I'll respond one more time as though you mean your comments to be taken seriously.
People are clearly free to do many ill-considered things. Not everything we are free to do is something we should do or advocate that others do. Its an exercise of freedom of speech, not an abrogation thereof, to argue that some things we are free to do are things we ought not to do.
Or do you also argue that we should have daily reports on the candidates hormone levels and sexual activity? Why not? Those things might well be pertinent to their decision-making. Do you want John McCain's finger on the button if it turns out that Cindy has a headache every single night? I don't--but I still don't think I have a right to that knowledge. (Fortunately, John McCain has demonstrated his unsuitability for the job in plenty of other ways.)
The question we have been discussing is on which side of the candidates' children we ought to draw that line. I've found your arguments for putting Palin's children on the right-to-know side unpersuasive. Your resort to more name calling accompanied by fatuous comparisons--Amy Goodman, indeed--have not bolstered your arguments.
Sep 2, '08
I'm a bit conflicted by this. While I generally agree with Obama's position on this, isn't it Palin and McCain who have made her biography a substantive matter in this election?
Are we supposed to remember the hockey mom of 5 with a special needs kid, gun toting, union hubby fisherman, local mayor, kinda woman. But forget about the less than positive part of her narrative?
When you make politics personal to build support do you get to edit your story and not have to explain or defend the edits? In fact, do you get to be offended when an opponent points out the entire narrative?
Part of Gov. Palin's narrative is that she decided to accept the VP nomination knowing she faced with some rather challenging situations, and knowing that her young daughter would be mistreated, ridiculed, and embarrassed by the gossip and innuendo. Now no one has offerred me the VP slot, but I have to tell you, if they did, and I had a daughter in this position, there's no way I'd accept it.
I don't think its attacking, or judging the daughter, by questioning her mothers decision.
5:05 p.m.
Sep 2, '08
Are we supposed to remember the hockey mom of 5 with a special needs kid, gun toting, union hubby fisherman, local mayor, kinda woman. But forget about the less than positive part of her narrative?
The Republicans would like it if you did. Just as some Democrats would like you to remember only the less positive parts of her personal narrative.
I think we shouldn't promote either of those sets of things as though those are the most critical things we can know about this candidate. When we do we distract from the many issues of substance that are available.
What it comes down to, IMO, is that in order to know the reality of those particular details of Palin's personal life well enough to use them to accurately judge her fitness as a candidate, we would have to grossly violate her family's right to privacy. Short of those gross violations, the only sensible approach is to take all of it with a large grain of salt.
Again, it isn't like we don't have other things with which to judge her fitness for office. She's misstated the history of her positions on issues and her political affiliations. It's very possible that she used her executive powers in a grossly inappropriate and quite possibly illegal manner. The voters are certainly entitled to know everything there is to know about those reflections on her judgment and her "executive experience".
The more we talk about her children, the more her candidacy becomes about taking sides in the culture wars. Who do you think benefits most from that framing?
Sep 2, '08
Let's be clear that the arguments doretta makes, just like Kristin, depending on misrepresenting the rebuttals. It was not asserted she advocated new laws, but that she attempted to "poison the well" by throwing in terms like "fighting words" (in quotes no less which in standard English usage is a reference to an understood concept) to make an intellectually dishonest appeal to emotion.
Also, no one put Palin's children on the side of what voter's have a right to know because they aren't running and Palin isn't responsible for their actions. What was unambiguously said is that voters have a moral right to know what distractions of any type Palin faces, which in this case Palin defined herself, and how she responds to them that can determine whether she is capable of carrying out the requirements of the office. Just like voters have a moral right to know about any politician.
The question was and remains just what the moral and intellectual distinction is between the claims of dorettas of their authority to assert how we as voters should form our decisions (which is a textbook example of a feeling of "privilege" and declaring what should be off the table is really about) and other authoritarians who by definition believe in their right to control others?
Sep 2, '08
What it comes down to, IMO, is that in order to know the reality of those particular details of Palin's personal life well enough to use them to accurately judge her fitness as a candidate, we would have to grossly violate her family's right to privacy.
This of course is simply an idiotic and utterly baseless assertion by doretta.
I wonder if doretta feels we have a right to know if Bush has been sauced for a couple of years now as we hear?
7:53 p.m.
Sep 2, '08
No one name Oilau has posted on BlueOregon before, y'all..He's a troll...don't feed him. Let the crap hit the wall and let him go.
Sep 2, '08
Interesting just how people like Kristin (and doretta?) start shrieking "troll" just because someone disagrees with them and doesn't back down to their snarkiness and intellectual dishonesty in how they misrepresent what people say.
Sep 2, '08
This comment from Barney Frank is interesting, isn't it?
Let the accusations of "troll" begin. Come on Kirsten, doretta, Kari, Rep. Gelser, speak up and let us all know here how he can't possibly be a good Obama-supporting Democrat.
8:32 p.m.
Sep 2, '08
Crap...hitting wall...letting it go....
Sep 2, '08
Obama got my official vote with his comments about leaving the kids out of it and families being off limits. I think he truly means it and is not just trying to look like a good guy.
As far as Palin stepping down and taking care of her family issues.....People: So she has some family issues. And? So? Many people in the political limelight have greater issues, and we gloss over them because they sit on the correct side of the aisle. In fact, her issues are closer to the issues that us regular folk have. So her daughter chose to keep her baby...hell, right to CHOOSE? Remember?
We can say we don't like her because of her politics and that is fair. But, personal family issues, no. If she was a Democrat, we would not be harping on the challenges she has. We'd be so damb happy that we had a woman on the ticket that we would not be able to see straight.
Althought I do NOT agree with where she stands on so many things, I am happy that there is a woman out there in this election. Like her or not, she is there, and I am happy she is...a woman, a Mom, and what we have fought so hard for to attain.
Let's remember why we fought for equality, and embrace that there is a woman for VP. Don't vote for her if you don't like her views.
9:46 p.m.
Sep 2, '08
It was not asserted she advocated new laws, but that she attempted to "poison the well" by throwing in terms like "fighting words" (in quotes no less which in standard English usage is a reference to an understood concept) to make an intellectually dishonest appeal to emotion.
Your modus operandi on BlueOregon is to say something moderately provocative--sometimes on the actual topic of a thread but quite often only marginally related and sometimes not at all. Mostly those comments consist of some disparagement or other of progressives, Democrats, BlueOregon contributors or Democratic candidates. In this case, we got a twofer. 1. Barack Obama is not too bright, desperate, in over his head, spouting empty pap, possessed of a juvenile sense of propriety and failing in his responsibilities. 2. No woman with a 17-year-old daughter who is pregnant, an infant with Down Syndrome and a son who is a soldier heading off to war can possibly be an effective governor or vice president or presumably anything else requiring significant attention.
When someone responds to your assertions, whether or not they use any ad hominem argument--as Kristin did not--you attack that person. Your favorite adjectives are "arrogant" and "immature", this time you chose "childish" and "simplistic". I don't recall any particular nouns standing out, but in this case you chose "jerk", "ass" and "idiot".
To return to your quote from the ACLU:
The U.S. Supreme Court did rule in 1942, in a case called Chaplinsky v. New Hampshire, that intimidating speech directed at a specific individual in a face-to-face confrontation amounts to "fighting words," and that the person engaging in such speech can be punished if "by their very utterance [the words] inflict injury or tend to incite an immediate breach of the peace."
Although it appears that my use of the terminology "fighting words" set you off into fantasies about punishment and authoritarianism, my point in using that description was, of course, that "intimidating speech directed at an individual with the intention to inflict injury and breach the peace" is quite a good description of what you tend to do on BlueOregon.
It doesn't incite physical violence, this not being that sort of physical medium, but it does, to use the phrase you have introduced in a slightly different metaphorical sense, poison the well.
I've watched you repeat that pattern here many, many times with many different people.
It appears to me that it's the main point to your presence on BlueOregon.
9:57 p.m.
Sep 2, '08
As you well know, "Oilau", whether or not a person is behaving as a troll is independent of their views on any particular issue or set of issues.
Perhaps you might notice further that the words "ass", "jerk" and "idiot" did not appear anywhere in Barney Frank's comments.
That you like to use the words "intellectually dishonest" is about as surprising as the fact that you like to use the words "arrogant" and "immature".
Sep 3, '08
I find it disappointing that, knowing her daughter is underage, unmarried, and expecting, Gov. Palin would open her family (and Bristol) up to such public scrutiny and condemnation. (From Kate, 11:21 a.m., 9/2/08)
Actually, it was some ninny posting on DailyKos who opened Bristol up to such public scrutiny and condemnation.
Sep 3, '08
Does anybody else notice that doretta seems to think she can make claims about what Barney Frank may have or may not have said on the issue from an article that only relates a couple of quotes (that happen to contradict her arrogant assertions about what voters have a moral right to know and consider) selected by the author of the article?
By this point though, isn't surprising given her pattern of arguments that rest solely on misrepresentations of what was actually written, bizarre assertions about motives, over-the-top false analogies, and whacked out accusations. All that because she is just beside herself that someone dares to make a carefully constructed point she disagrees with and doesn't back down from defending that point, or from calling out ignorant, arrogant, intellectually dishonest behavior. The throwing around of "troll" to build "us against them" alliances is about what one would expect in the school yard, and that seems to be about the level of character development the dorettas here never grew out of.
The bottom line remains that voters have a moral right to know about whatever distractions or other issues may prevent a candidate from performing well in the office, and to judge them for that, not what self-important nothings like the dorettas of the world say they have a right to know.
One last thing, does everyone notice doretta also hasn't responded to the question of whether we voters have a right to know if Bush has been sauced for a couple of years now?
1:27 a.m.
Sep 3, '08
Paul G., I agree with you & Sara Gelser & others, athough I'm not sure we can assume that people who are criticizing Sarah Palin necessarily hold the "presumed" or stereotypical or more or less conventional Democratic positions.
Howver, I do think that the case does speak to abstinence only sex education, not because of Sarah Palin's position on it, but because of her daughter's high school.
Bristol Palin attended Wasilla High School until transferring last year to a school in Anchorage. The Boston Herald quotes the Wasilla High principal this way
Also note the rather odd but illuminating comment upthread accusing someone of assuming that the boy in question didn't use a condom, in which the commenter notes that when he took part in abstinence-only education he used a condom, as did other boys or young men. Abstaining from abstinence, apparently.
It just doesn't work. Which speaks to Sarah Palin's position on it.
And, more importantly, to John McCain's. And the lack of good judgment by both of them and the likelihood of continuing destructive policies by them both at home and internationally.
Sep 3, '08
Paul G., I agree with you & Sara Gelser & others, athough I'm not sure we can assume that people who are criticizing Sarah Palin necessarily hold the "presumed" or stereotypical or more or less conventional Democratic positions.
Chris, how would you characterize Barney Frank. Does he hold "more or less conventional Democratic positions?" And how do you respond to what he said? Is it your position, and you don't say that it is, so that's why I am asking rather than making false claims, are just pro or con Palin? Or are there other positions outside that dichotomy being expressed here?
Sep 3, '08
Is it your position, and you don't say that it is, so that's why I am asking rather than making false claims, are just pro or con Palin?
should have been:
Is it your position, and you don't say that it is, so that's why I am asking rather than making false claims, that the views expressed here are fairly and adequately characterized as just pro or con Palin?
12:17 p.m.
Sep 3, '08
Is it my position "that the views expressed here are fairly and adequately characterized as just pro or con Palin?" No. I am not sure who you think may have tried to make such a reduction.
Actually there are a number of views expressed. Kari starts out by agreeing with Obama "that this shouldn't be part of our politics," which itself is based on two different claims: 1) "It has no relevance to Governor Palin's performance as a governor" (your main point of disagreement if I understand correctly); and 2) "how families deals with issues, and teenage children, that shouldn't be part of our politics," also "We don't go after people's families. We don't get them involved in politics." His statement "It's not appropriate, and it's not relevant" is a summary repetition of 2) & 1) in reversed order.
Most of the arguments here disagreeing with Obama and Kari, or questioning those arguments, are variants of the idea that Sarah Palin has, or should have, too much on her hands to be V.P., and ipso facto either is already a bad mother, or would be a bad V.P., or both. There also is an implication in some cases that her choices about her role as mother shows bad judgment that also should disqualify her from being V.P.
You have focused specifically on interference with her performance as V.P., e.g. "whatever distractions or other issues may prevent a candidate from performing well in the office," one variant of the "Palin has too much to cope with" argument. But other comments have not responded exclusively to your variant.
There are also two levels to your argument: generally that the topic in general is legitimate (which is where Barney Frank comes in) with the corollary that Obama and others are illegitimately trying to restrain discourse, and more specifically that it is legitimate because it is relevant to Palin's performance.
I don't agree with your conclusion on the latter point but do agree that it's a legitimate point to argue about.
The point made by Sara Gelser and Paul G. with which I was agreeing was criticism of a new variant of rather classic double standard arguments. If you read what Sara Gelser wrote it is focused elegantly and almost exclusively on that issue. This goes to the variants of "Palin has or should have too much to cope with" that make that claim about her as a mother.
In her last sentece Rep. Gelser says something more:
This goes to a different part of historical double standards, applied to young unmarried women's sexuality vs. young unmarried men's, that live on in so-called "traditional values." IMO this argument supports Obama's second claim, that "how families deal with issues ... shouldn't be part of our politics," which he asserts but doesn't argue. (Cf. below on Barney Frank). However, Rep. Gelser also makes her entire argument not as an assertion of what we must or must not do, but as a request that we not do certain things because of how they relate to double standards.
My comment about assumed or presumed shared Democratic values relates to the phrase "we risk turning ourselves into a caricature of the intolerance we decry in the opposing party." My point was I'm not sure "we" all do decry the underlying double standards, though "we" might more generally agree in criticism of harsh responses to them.
Your argument does not inherently involve a double standard. In principle it could be applied to a male V.P. appointment whose family was facing similar challenges. We don't have such a case at hand, so whether you would have made the same case is an imponderable. The nearest comparison I suppose was the debate over whether John Edwards should have dropped out over Elizabeth Edwards' cancer. I don't know if you had a view of that. I don't recall it being a common argument that it would interfere with his ability to do the job, however.
It seems possible that you and Rep. Gelser disagree on the substantive question of whether this is all too much to handle.
You ask if I agree with Barney Frank. I do, at least with the parts quoted by the AP, but think he is making a different argument from yours.
Here are the actual quotes from Frank in the AP Story:
"They’re the ones that made an issue of her family"
"Apparently she’s a great favorite with the conservative social movement. They have said that it’s liberalism and liberals who have undermined families — same-sex marriage has been a problem, they don’t want gay people to adopt ... This helps undercut those arguments."
"Well, hers is a family in great turmoil. She fired the state police commissioner because he wouldn’t fire her sister’s ex-husband. She has a daughter who became pregnant. That’s not her fault."
(N.B. "That's not her fault," which I think corresponds to Obama's point that I labeled 2) above.)
Frank is arguing about political-cultural rhetoric and arguments. He is not, at least not in these quotes, saying that Gelser is unfit to be vice-president because her family is too much of a mess & she would be too distracted. Actually if he is consistent (I don't follow him closely enough to know) I would expect him to disagree with that, given his own history. If anything, he might be worried that the pressures of public life could hurt her family more. Which is part what we should try to avoid in how we treat Bristol Palin, IMO.
What Frank is saying is that it is legitimate to argue against so-called traditional values self-righteousness and false claims about liberalism. It really isn't any different than talking about Newt Gingrich's dying wife or McCain's ill-treatment of his first wife or various other examples that get cited to the same end (which Obama's pronouncement would exclude if taken literally) except that it is in the present, and it carries a risk of hurting Bristol Palin in ways that lots of us don't think young women who get pregnant outside of marriage deserve. Those are significant exceptions.
Behind Barack Obama's statement I think there is a view that going after Sarah Palin over her daughter's pregnancy is bad politics for his campaign to engage in. I agree with the second part of his claims for reasons related to Sara Gelser's last sentence, and also in a more political way because the risks of manipulation of sentiment and sympathy in the media.
Also I just disagree with you on the substantive point about the effects of her family situation on Palin's ability to be a good vice-president. She'd be a bad vice-president because she'd be part of a bad administration and helping it put across bad policies.
Barney Frank identifies a different sort of "relevance to her performance," and that of any entire McCain administration, from what Obama means which you disagree with.
Since I agree with Barney Frank about the legitimacy of taking on the politics of "traditional values" and how they are used to attack different groups of people as well as a straw-man of "liberalism," I also disagree with Barack Obama, insofar as he seems to be enunciating a general principle.
In some ways what's most interesting to me about Obama's statement is how he's apparently not willing to extend the same benefit of the doubt when it comes to criticizing single motherhood and teen pregnancy (not the same things though often conflated) among lower income people & in a somewhat coded way intended to reassure "middle class" sensibilities against class-racial prejudices, among members of racial minorities.
The rhetoric of "personal responsibility" and blaming of social problems on lack thereof simply isn't enough, whether it comes from Obama or Bill Clinton or the religious right wing of which Sarah Palin forms a part. The failure of "abstinence only" sex education is a particular instance of that. And Obama seems to be exercising a different sort of double standard when it comes to teen pregnancy and childbearing among poor people vs. (white) middle class people like Sarah Palin.
It will also be interesting to see how this plays out on the right in the longer run. No one seems to be attacking Palin for calling herself a feminist. Does that mean anything about shifting debates over double standards within hard religious right culture -- or will it just lead to an effort to redefine feminism? Does cutting Sarah Palin & her family & Bristol Palin slack over the pregnancy create pressure against hypocritical moralism? Or are the two young people involved facing the mass-mediated equivalent of a shotgun wedding?
12:20 p.m.
Sep 3, '08
Inadvertently in quoting I left out the part of Obama's statement saying "irrelevant to her ... prospective performance as vice-president" which I meant to include.
5:46 p.m.
Sep 3, '08
One last thing, does everyone notice doretta also hasn't responded to the question of whether we voters have a right to know if Bush has been sauced for a couple of years now?
Because, of course, everyone here is obliged to answer every tangential question you ask?
It's more or less irrelevant to us as voters at this point whether or not Bush is drinking heavily--he won't be running for anything we get to vote on again.
There's also the point that it's hard to think how he could be any worse as a drunken President than he's been as a sober one.
In general though, yes, if the President spends a lot of his time impaired, I think the citizenry has a right to know that.
Now if the President's daughter spends a lot of her time being drunk? No, I don't think that's any of our business.
7:09 p.m.
Sep 4, '08
...and please tell me you didn't ask that question because you were planning to compare having children with special needs with being drunk.
Sep 6, '08
Go Check out - Lots of great stuff on Sarah Palin!