I heart Brad. Meanwhile, Kevin embraces futility and Vic ponders life on Mars.
Carla Axtman
Its been a long slog of a campaign season. But there's a light at the end of the tunnel (yay)! So I'm pulling myself up by the straps of my Skechers and preparing for the bell lap.
To that end, here are a few things that may have missed your radar.
This has been one of those cycles where progressives have definitely been forking over cash. In fact, my good friend Labor Commissioner Brad Avakian has been working hard to help other progressives around the state raise their profile and some money in the process. He gave big to the coordinated campaign to help elect Obama and the downticket progressives as well. I've known Brad for a long time (he was my State Rep and my State Senator--not to mention a neighbor). He's definitely one of the good guys, as far as I'm concerned. He's running a campaign to keep his Labor Commissioner seat..and while lots of us politically wonky nerds are well aware of his exceptional cred, many Oregonians aren't. So he's running a substantive campaign (with TV ads) to introduce himself to the electorate. Send some love Brad's way if you can.
The good folks over at Kevin Cameron Watch are keeping close tabs on on the HD-19 Republican incumbent. They even taped Cameron's appearance on a local Christian radio show:
The money quote rears its head about the 3:20 mark, where Cameron says:
"It doesn't matter what the government does to strengthen the economy, no matter how strong it is. There's Somebody stronger who could wipe it all out in a heartbeat."
So apparently the fast train to futility that is the bailout plan isn't about a lack of oversight or deregulation or a taxpayer boondoggle, but about God's pestilence...? Odd that Cameron would choose the legislature as a place to work, given that everything he does could be wiped out like the Egyptians in the Red Sea of a Cecil B. DeMille epic.
Rep. Vic Gilliam (R-Silverton), continues to be dogged about the issue of his residency, and at least one Republican has been in on it. In 2007, a complaint to the Secretary of State by Marion County Republican precinct official Deborah Case of Stayton was dismissed. Case maintained that Gilliam doesn't live at the Silverton address he claims, but instead keeps his residence in Seattle. A recent LTE on the issue to the Molalla Pioneer prompted Gilliam to fire off a terse and very defensive response. (Warning: PDF) Gilliam accuses to the entire "Portland to Eugene legislative crowd" of living on Mars. Looks like someone is hitting a nerve with 'ol Vic.
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connect with blueoregon
Sep 24, '08
First, there's bipartisan agreement in Salem's Capitol that Cafe Today is overpriced and serves as a filling station rather than an actual eatery. Not the best eats in "The Kingdom."
Second, and more importantly, while easy to dismiss delusional holy rollers such as Cameron, it's imperative that we expose the theocrats for their pre-Enlightenment worldview for it certainly shapes their policy choices.
Kudos to Blue Oregon for doing what the mainstream media would never do......expose the theocratic-set in Salem.
The psychological frame of the theocrats predisposes them to dismissing EVIDENCE that contradicts THEIR understanding of "what God wants" and how things should be in "the Kingdom."
Forget the urban/rural divide - more important might be the theocrats vs. those seeking to uphold the Constitution, valuing scientific inquiry, and understanding a bit about the history of the country.
Sep 24, '08
Amen, Eric.
Sep 26, '08
Futility, indeed.
When Kevin Cameron says that: "It doesn't matter what the government does to strengthen the economy, no matter how strong it is. There's Somebody stronger who could wipe it all out in a heartbeat." What a great governing philosophy.
<h2>It seems that given current the economic crisis, the Hanten Day campaign should rightly point out that Kevin Cameron is not interested in doing what needs to be done to help secure Oregon's economy.</h2>