Day two - Where's Gordo?
Kevin Kamberg
Where is Gordo hiding while his fellow Republicans grit their teeth through a real snoozer of a convention?
Nobody spotted him yesterday talking to Oregonians like he claimed he intended to do.
We have a good idea of what his speech to the convention would have sounded like... if he'd not chickened out. But that still doesn't tell us where's Gordo?
Perhaps he's up in Alaska, incognito of course, trying to secure more campaign cash from Sen. Stevens?
Or maybe he got an insider tip from a particularly pious and extremely well-connected one of those UK bookies that God might not be too happy with Republicans like him at the moment and he's crawled into a hidey hole to ride it out?
Whatever the case, I think Oregonians deserve to know whether his word is worth whatever pixels it took to publish it.
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Sep 3, '08
Looks like he was at Hamley's yesterday. Maybe you should check out his website every once and awhile. He seems to be getting around quite a bit lately. It's almost as if he's running a campaign.
It is surprising that he doesn't personally email his schedule to you every morning though
Sep 3, '08
Is it true that he is joining his good friend, Sen. Obama, (that first term, Junior Senator from Illinois, who is in Sen. Smith's TV ads) on FoxNews tomorrow? I hear they are tag team butt buddies entering the No Spin Zone.
4:03 p.m.
Sep 3, '08
Smith "greeted" two people in a practically empty coffee house on an unannounced visit? That's considered a "campaign" by Smith supporters?
Actually, it is surprising that Smith doesn't let HIS CONSTITUENTS know his campaign schedule. After all, he's allegedly wants to continue to represent us.
Sep 3, '08
I don't know where Gordo is hiding. Nor do I know where the bloke the Oregon Democratic Party picked to run against Greg Walden is hiding. We have not heard one single word from him in Central Oregon.
Sep 3, '08
Don't know where he's hiding?
How does this link not end the discussion?
5:28 p.m.
Sep 3, '08
It doesn't end the discussion because very few of Smith's constituents manage know to where to see him or how to get access to him. His website certainly doesn't put them up in advance--the link you sent is to stuff that already happened.
And frankly, that coffee house "visit" is lame. I've been in that place several times and its not very big. The fact that there are only two people he "greeted" is lame. And where was the announcement that he was going to be that the general public could actually see him and talk with him..?
I'm on Smith's mailing list both for general email and for press. I've yet to receive a single press or email advisory for a non-fundraising, public event.
Merkley has had at well over 100 of those kinds of events. Where is Gordon hiding--and why is he hiding?
5:56 p.m.
Sep 3, '08
When you only post where you're BEEN, it's hard for the average voter to hear what you have to say. I checked out the "journal" and didn't see any posting of where Gordon Smith plans to BE, Andy. Your defense of the "Senator" is lame.
And I love how you present as evidence that he is campaigning a single, impromptu stop in Pendleton. There is way more to the state than Pendleton. Just ask Jeff Merkley - he's visited much of it!
6:48 p.m.
Sep 3, '08
Just put my glasses on and see that I meant to say where you've BEEN, not where you're been. Sorry. Growing old is really quite inconvenient!
7:19 p.m.
Sep 3, '08
Very true. I'm on his list and I haven't seen anything either - even when he came to Gresham for a "tour" of downtown.
Sep 3, '08
Why the quotations on senator, local mom? He is one of two senators from Oregon. It wasn't some stolen election. He didn't get the seat by some nefarious deed.
The people of Oregon voted for him twice.
I get that you want Jeff to win. Kudos to you. However, I don't know if it does your cause any good with posts that amount to looking at Gordon's campaign with simple description of "lame."
Blue Oregon has to take a second and reconsider not only its use of quotation marks (rampant and unnecessary) but also what it considers to be a dialogue about democracy in Oregon (echo chamber).
Sep 3, '08
Congratulations of nullifying this entire thread, Andy. It's clear that the Blue Oregon community is hostile to knowledge; that the quality of their sleep at night is directly correlated to how sound their assumptions are.
I might have to exclude Kevin from that analysis though. He chooses to ignore you simply because you've left him with nothing else to blog about.
Sep 3, '08
It must be more difficult to carry Jeff's water on the tubes than actually working for him.
As a former employee of Jeff, I find it hilarious to see you degrade small town coffeeshops as "lame" campaign stops since, that's all Jeff has been doing on his 100 towns tour for 2 months. Or maybe I missed the article about the crowd of 35,000 at Rosie's Mountain Coffeehouse in Mill City or the few thousand people he brought together at the Apple Pedler Restaurant in Prinville.
Your frantic shifting of the goal posts is laughable.
In the words of Keith Olbermann: "get a shovel"
Sep 3, '08
Gordo's on TV two or three times an hour, calling his opponent a money-wasting, anti-democratic hypocrite who runs negative ads. Oh yeah, he's against the war too. I'm wondering where Merkley is.
Sep 3, '08
Sorry, I meant Smith is saying that he, Smith, is against the war. Damn commie.
Sep 3, '08
Where is Merkley? Kari, maybe you can help us out with this..being on his team and all.
9:00 p.m.
Sep 3, '08
The people of Oregon voted for him twice.
I voted for him three times, including when he lost to Wyden. But no mas.
Visiting a local spot in Pendleton doesn't count in my book. He has a home there. That takes almost no effort and even less courage on Gordo's part.
What about folks in Cottage Grove or Astoria or Cave Junction or Yamhill or Sweet Home or Scio or any number of other small, rural communities. How many of them is Gordo willing to look in the eye?
Not very many from the looks of things.
Is he the Senator of Eastern Oregon or is he Senator of all Oregon?
Sep 3, '08
"Visiting a local spot in Pendleton doesn't count in my book. He has a home there. That takes almost no effort and even less courage on Gordo's part."
Please spare us the postmortem caveats, Kevin. You insinuated that Senator Smith was hiding, which Andy has proven false. It's dubious to then say, "but that doesn't count because..." You've been proven wrong. Be a grown-up and admit it. Otherwise I'd have to begin to question the character of yourself and other members of this community.
Sep 3, '08
I assume that random list of towns you threw out intentionally left out the towns of Elkington, Drain and Reedsport because I know you took the time to scroll down the page and see those stops too.
Maybe you and Carla can stop by Home Depot and get a 2 for 1 deal.
10:25 p.m.
Sep 3, '08
Please spare us the postmortem caveats, Kevin.
One coffee shop?
In his hometown?
In two days?
That's why he's avoiding John McCain and every other Republican at the convention, while running ads trying to link himself to Obama, Kerry and other Democrats?
To visit one coffee shop?
In his own hometown?
Sep 3, '08
I take those question marks as a sign of pleading, Kevin. I'm sorry, but what's done is done. You can't negotiate with facts.
Anyways, your feeble attempt at justifying this thread are recognized. I just have to wonder if you're putting up a fight because you have already written "Where's Gordo? Day 3" or you're really that much of a hack. For the sake of humanity I'll assume that it's the former, to which I'll add that Jeff Mapes doesn't care and he's not going to pick-up your little series and turn in into a MSM story.
Thread conclusion: Victory: Andy, Unreal, Captain Loss: Kevin, Carla
Sep 3, '08
Thread conclusion: Victory: Andy, Unreal, Captain Loss: Kevin, Carla
Hey!!! What about me? Throw some of that love my way!!!! Don't lump me in with those two losers!!
12:21 a.m.
Sep 4, '08
In terms of the Oregon campaign, nsr has a point. Where is Republican Gordon Smith? (Remember, his first name is Republican and we need to honor it). He's on the airwaves. His money advantage is showing. It looks like a problem to me. Hope Jeff's folks have a good next phase planned that will counter it, perhaps asymmetrically since they won't be able to match him dollar for dollar or even dollar for three dollars, probably.
But in terms of Kevin's question, which is, what is it that has been so important that Republican Gordon Smith "can't" go to the Republican National Convention, Andy, Unreal, Captain Crunch and Harry lose. Big time.
Nothing you've pointed to remotely approaches something that would make it important to do that rather than go to St. Paul.
So there must be another reason. And there is.
Where is Republican Gordon Smith? Trying to run away from his identity and his party. Or, to put it another way, anywhere but St. Paul and the RNC.
Kevin wins on that one. Clearly. Hands down.
The question is, can Republican Gordon Smith succeed in and by such running away from himself and his party? Unfortunately the jury's still out on that one.
9:36 a.m.
Sep 4, '08
Congratulations of nullifying this entire thread, Andy. It's clear that the Blue Oregon community is hostile to knowledge; that the quality of their sleep at night is directly correlated to how sound their assumptions are.
Or Smith could actually hold advertised, public events that his constituents don't have to pay to attend...imagine that!
As a former employee of Jeff, I find it hilarious to see you degrade small town coffeeshops as "lame" campaign stops since, that's all Jeff has been doing on his 100 towns tour for 2 months. Or maybe I missed the article about the crowd of 35,000 at Rosie's Mountain Coffeehouse in Mill City or the few thousand people he brought together at the Apple Pedler Restaurant in Prinville.
Please..spare me. Unannounced visits to Pendleton coffee shops being called a "campaign stop" IS lame. And this is Smith's excuse for not showing up to the Convention? Merkley's visits have not only been announced..they've been PROMOTED. Smith is in hiding..afraid to face the electorate. Why do you think his approval ratings are so far in the tank? Its not rocket science, man.
And where has Merkley been? All over announced and well-publicized visits (where people can see him without paying money) to listen to voters and answer their questions.
The only thing that posting the link from Smith's page did was to confirm what Kevin is saying: Smith is in hiding...ducking from being a Republican and hiding from the voters in Oregon.
1:49 p.m.
Sep 4, '08
Unannounced visits to Pendleton coffee shops being called a "campaign stop" IS lame.
Not a campaign stop. That is, unless getting a latte across the street this morning counts as a campaign stop for me!
Sep 4, '08
Are you running for the senate, Kari?
<h2>Anyways, a latte in the mornings? Is that all selling your soul to the establishment gets you?</h2>