Who lives on Schwarzenegger Street? Gordon Smith's friends...

Kari Chisholm FacebookTwitterWebsite

OK, so this is a recycled video from the 2006 gubernatorial race in California. But since Arnold is visiting Oregon on August 21 to support Gordon Smith, I thought you might like to meet a few of Arnie's and Gordo's best friends...

Since it auto-plays, it's on the jump...

Trouble playing? Download it here.

  • JwJ Activist (unverified)

    Jobs with Justice and others are organizing a protest:

    Speak Out During the Governator's Visit to Oregon!

    Picket Outside the Smith/Schwarzenegger Fundraiser
    11:30 am * Thursday, August 21st
    921 SW 6th Ave * Portland, OR

    California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger is headlining a $1,000-a-plate fundraiser for Gordon Smith. They call it "The BIG Event" -- and they're not kidding. This promises to be the biggest GOP event in Portland since President Bush's visit in 2002. Join us in saying "Hasta La Vista" to the Smith-Schwarzenegger-Bush agenda!

    The ongoing assault on working people led by Gordon Smith, Arnold Schwarzenegger, George Bush and John McCain has been about:

    • dismantling essential public services like health care and education
    • outsourcing family-wage jobs through expanded "free trade"
    • short-changing public employees and busting unions
    • giving tax cuts to the rich, while ignoring the needs of ordinary people

    It's time to terminate this far-right agenda! Let's show Gordon Smith and his big-money backers what Oregon is really about.

    For more information, contact Portland Jobs with Justice at (503) 236-5573. This action is going to pump you up!

  • (Show?)

    had the two campaigns coordinated we could have had an event with the first lady of California.

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