When's the last time Gordon Smith
Paulie Brading
visited your Oregon town without Senator Wyden standing at his side? Future U.S. Senator Jeff Merkley campaigned at nine events yesterday throughout Jackson County. By noon today, Jeff Merkley had visited 77 Oregon towns on his 100 town tour of Oregon. If you're imagining lavish travel arrangements the real deal is he's riding around the state in a car that belongs to his young staffer's parents. Merkley sleeps in private homes as he tours the state and he learns literally over the kitchen table the serious concerns his fellow Oregonians have, be it health care, foreclosures, gas prices, credit debt or repairing railroad lines. To say Jeff Merkley is in touch with citizens is an understatement. He is not only listening hard to the citizens of Oregon; he's living with ordinary Oregonians' for a night or two in town after town as he criss-crosses the state. The other person working nearly as hard as Jeff Merkley is Gordon Smith's tracker who is at every event with his video camera rolling recording every move Merkley makes.
So when AP reporter Brad Cain reports Merkley was eating a hot dog at an event it appears Mr. Cain seems to have a special connection to Gordon Smith's tracker. In the space of 24 hours Brad Cain has filed two reports based on primary source material from Smith's tracker. Jeff Mapes and Brad Cain both reported as "news" that Jeff Merkley was caught off guard by a question about the conflict in Russia/Georgia. Jeff honestly answered he wasn't up to speed on the situation and would look into it as soon as he could. Gordon Smith's gift from the reporters was a "aha" moment . Which man do I want to be my Senator? The man who is listening to ordinary citizens all over the state from dawn to dark or the man sitting on millions to buy untruthful, out-of-context attack ads on TV? Gordon voted 90% of the time in support of Bush and his policies. Case closed.
US House Rep. Earl Blumenauer was in Jackson County yesterday as well, looking fit even after 40 years in Oregon politics. After Earl visited the Obama offices he took time to join up with state senator Alan Bates in expressing his firm support for Jeff Merkley.
Safe travels Speaker Merkley. You've got my vote.
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Aug 14, '08
Actually, I got to eat breakfast with Merkley in Rogue River this morning, and recorded an interview with him in Grants Pass about an hour ago. I believe he's now on his way to Douglas County for the night...
Aug 14, '08
Isn't he emitting a lot of CO2 with all that travel in an evil car?
Why doesn't he take the bus to reduce his CO2 footprint? (Greyhound serves most cities) Or is that only for the rest of us?
Thanks JK
Aug 14, '08
I grew up in Fossil (Wheeler CO.) where Sen. Wyden had his first town hall meeting in '96, and has continued to have them every year. I don't beleive Sen. Smith has ever been to Wheeler County as Senator. He did announce some local "non partisan" citizens committee to be his eyes and ears in '97, but they were all R's.
Aug 14, '08
Actually, I got to eat breakfast with Merkley in Rogue River this morning, and recorded an interview with him in Grants Pass about an hour ago. And he still thinks Atlanta is being invaded.
5:09 p.m.
Aug 14, '08
Well gee, Meg. At least Oregonians get to see and talk to Merkley.
Nobody seems to get to talk to Smith unless they've got big check in their hand.
Go figure.
Aug 14, '08
In 1990 Denny Smith was attacking his Democratic challenger as Iraq was invading Kuwait, but not saying anything about the international situation.
Is this Mr. Smith doing the same thing?
Not everyone who is as busy as a statewide candidate can follow all the news all the time.
Or maybe Meg would rather have a Senator who never appears in towns around Oregon--or she loves to make sarcastic remarks.
7:23 p.m.
Aug 14, '08
Merkley really did look like a clueless oaf in the video, however. Considering the question started off by referencing his national security credentials, why would the question relate to Atlanta?
It's not going to kill his chances, but it won't help. The worst part is the eating, complete with back-of-hand mouth wipe. There's a reason politicians usually go hungry at these things for the most part...
Aug 14, '08
"Well gee, Meg. At least Oregonians get to see and talk to Merkley." Just not about world events . Joey Chestnut has nothing on that guy.
9:22 p.m.
Aug 14, '08
After nearly 7 years of Republicans like Smith and Bush rhetorically going off half-cocked on foreign policy - but looking oh so confident in their assertions - only to later resort to wholesale reinvention of history (almost always their own) to cover for their own previous - but oh so confident seeming - Bull Shit, I'd have thought that progressives wouldn't be so shallow as to expect their own candidates to conform to such an absurd standard.
9:33 p.m.
Aug 14, '08
why would the question relate to Atlanta?
Because that's where the Carter Center is located?
Keep in mind folks that the story broke on Friday night. Merkley was asked about it on Saturday morning.
Sure, he could have been more artful in his initial response, and he shouldn't be eating while answering questions, but let's not get too carried away.
Not only that, but the video was edited by the GOP tracker. I'd love to see what Merkley said after the end of the video clip. I'm guessing it was some generalized comments about war, peace, diplomacy, etc.
9:35 p.m.
Aug 14, '08
p.s. What's Gordon said recently about Georgia?
Oh right, nothing... no one even knows where he is.
Seriously. Where is he? He's not been showing up to the meetings (about digital TV) that his staff has been announcing all over the state.
10:57 p.m.
Aug 14, '08
Well gee, Meg. At least Oregonians get to see and talk to Merkley." Just not about world events . Joey Chestnut has nothing on that guy.
Yeah, right.
Make sure you ask Smith about Georgia (or anything else) next time you write your check--cuz lord knows that's the only chance you'll have. But only if you get to at least 4 digits, of course.
Three will just get you a cheesy handshake.
Aug 15, '08
Paulie, if you're going to refer to this event in your story, at least post the clip. I had to find it by googling something like "Merkley talks about Georgia," which of course put me onto a right wing web cite where people are making Merkley look like Moe from the Three Stooges.
This is a news story. And Merkley either has an adequate response or he doesn't. "Being on the road for the last three days" is a stupid comment for a Senate candidate to make. Does it mean that both he and his staff don't give a damn about the world we live in outside of their own careers, so for three straight days, they ignored either the newspapers or the Internet? Presumably not. But if not, explain what did happen.
Perhaps the facts are that the story broke, say, the previous night just before bed time in Oregon, and the question was asked of him first thing the next morning. If that were the case, his response would be completely understandable. But Blue Oregon never really set forth all the facts, so I don't know what happened.
In a situation like this, Blue Oregon needs to be on top of this with the facts, not the spin. Right now, I have to say that writing another hit job against Gordon Smith while not taking on the Merkley clip head on looks Fox News-worthy. We're doing no favors to Jeff by trying to shield ourselves from the story here. As it stands now, the GOP will have this story all to themselves, and you know what fuels the GOP: ridicule, ridicule, ridicule!
Aug 15, '08
Merkley is not going to win. If he is campaigning where there is no cell phone coverage, that is dumb enough. But to not get a daily briefing on what's in the news before meeting with the public is just plain reckless. Flip on NPR for the top of the hour news, check Yahoo News. Jeff's campaign needs a major shakeup. Right now, he looks like just another politician, I can't think of anything about him that stands out. People will be willing to vote Smith out, but beating an incumbent requires you give voters a BETTER choice, not just a DIFFERENT choice. I'm voting for Merkley, but the only reason I can think of is to give the Dems another body in the Senate.
Aug 15, '08
"Perhaps the facts are that the story broke, say, the previous night just before bed time in Oregon, and the question was asked of him first thing the next morning."
"Blue Oregon needs to be on top of this with the facts, not the spin." -Daniel Spiro
Perhaps the facts are actually that it had been a full 24 hours since the invasion had begun. This question was asked on Saturday NIGHT after 7 PM. Here is the announcement for the event straight from Merkley's website:
7:00 pm The Dalles Wasco County Democrats Office 508 Washington Street Hot Dog Feed http://www.jeffmerkley.com/trail/2008/08/merkley_announces_additional_s.php
Our favorite speaker had plenty of time to get informed.
Now not to be unfair to Mr. Merkley: being on the Road can be tough and hard to keep up with the outside world. But he never has fewer than 4 full time staff traveling with him, not to mention a full office backing him up, and they all have cell phones, internet, TV, and can read (hopefully). So, why didn't someone inform the Speaker about this? There is really no excuse.
To top it off, the tracker (who you could say I am close with) has no staff anywhere with him at any time, but found this out on Friday night within a few hours of the story breaking.
So there you are Blue Oregon, now you are on top of your facts, no spin. -T
1:37 p.m.
Aug 15, '08
Now not to be unfair to Mr. Merkley: being on the Road can be tough and hard to keep up with the outside world. But he never has fewer than 4 full time staff traveling with him, not to mention a full office backing him up, and they all have cell phones, internet, TV, and can read (hopefully). So, why didn't someone inform the Speaker about this? There is really no excuse.
Again..at least someone got to ask Merkley about this. That's a lot more than we get from Smith. Nobody gets to talk to him unless they've got a big, fat check in their hand.
So we really have no idea what Smith thought of the Georgia situation at that exact time--because nobody who doesn't sport an extensive bank account can get within earshot to find out.
Aug 15, '08
"Again..at least someone got to ask Merkley about this". And he came across like a Pig, use a napkin not the back of your hand.
Aug 15, '08
"Again..at least someone got to ask Merkley about this. That's a lot more than we get from Smith. Nobody gets to talk to him unless they've got a big, fat check in their hand."
Good point, except you are answering a question that I didn't ask. Go and bring that up on an article about Smith not appearing around the state (which isn't true... go read some news papers across the state, there have been some announcements of events...) instead of on an article about Merkley not even knowing about the start of a new war a full 24 hours after it started. You are just trying to shift the focus of this situation.
2:29 p.m.
Aug 15, '08
I'm willing to bet that a hell of a lot of those Eastern Oregonians whom Smith claims Merkley is out of touch with would have used the back of their hand rather than a napkin too.
I mean, it was a friggin' HOT DOG for criminy sakes - finger food by f*&#ing definition!
Only an insipid poseur would eat a HOT DOG with knife, fork and silk napkin.
Aug 15, '08
"Only an insipid poseur would eat a HOT DOG with knife, fork and silk napkin."
Completely agree with you. And to be honest, the hot dog thing isn't any issue to me. I will say however, that everybody knows that Speech 101 tells you not to eat while giving a speech. Or standing up in front of people. It just looks sloppy.
3:50 p.m.
Aug 15, '08
By Saturday evening, Merkley had visited 7 towns in a little more than 24 hours. That is a grueling schedule - way too ambitious for the likes of Gordon Smith.
And, Mr. Nobody, this was no speech. It was a meet and greet with voters, something Gordon wouldn't know the first thing about. Maybe Jeff should not have eaten a hot dog right then, but perhaps the "Tracker" should have had the good manners not to interrupt Merkley's dinner!
Aug 15, '08
"...perhaps the "Tracker" should have had the good manners not to interrupt Merkley's dinner!" -Local Mom
Perhaps the people questioning Merkley should have had the good manners not to interrupt Merkley's dinner with questions he could not answer. Perhaps Merkley should have had the good manners not to be eating his dinner while he was giving a public presentation...
Sorry Local Mom, it was indeed a speech, with a question session at the end, which is where this came up. To be fair, since you don't have the rest of the video, you can't know that, but then again, since you don't have the video, don't make claims you can't back up!
Also, if Merkley is making 7 towns in 24 hours, then so is the tracker, but the tracker still knew about this Georgian conflict right after it started, even without a full time staff helping him out. Stop with the diversionary tactic that "smith didn't comment" and just admit that Merkley made a mistake here.
4:10 p.m.
Aug 15, '08
Good point, except you are answering a question that I didn't ask. Go and bring that up on an article about Smith not appearing around the state (which isn't true... go read some news papers across the state, there have been some announcements of events...) instead of on an article about Merkley not even knowing about the start of a new war a full 24 hours after it started. You are just trying to shift the focus of this situation.
Well actually, this post started out to be about Smith not being accessible to the public and was pulled off about the Merkley/Georgia thing...so in truth I'm bringing it back on topic. :)
I make it a habit to peruse most the small-town newspapers each Saturday AM--the ones that have online editions anyway. There's a very good list of them here.
Very rarely does Smith have a public appearance that isn't associated with fundraising or that was announced to the public (so that we can attend and talk to him) prior to the event. In fact, I don't know of any at all.
I also get all of the Google alerts for Smith--which includes any online stories for events in towns around Oregon. They are much more rare than Merkley and Wyden.
In addition, I'm aware of Smith's press advisories and announcements from the campaign. I haven't seen a single press advisory for an event (except the Schwartzenegger fundraiser) since the recess. In fact, I haven't seen a press advisory for any event in the last three months for Smith where the general public was invited to attend.
So what's Smith afraid of? Why can't his constitutents attend events and ask questions of him without having to write a fat check first?
4:11 p.m.
Aug 15, '08
Also, if Merkley is making 7 towns in 24 hours, then so is the tracker, but the tracker still knew about this Georgian conflict right after it started, even without a full time staff helping him out.
That's a hell of an assumption.
Think about this for a second... He's a tracker (nice guy, btw. I chatted with him once), paid by the opposition to do a job that everyone knows involves hopefully finding something which can be used politically... otherwise there'd be no point to having trackers. N'est pas?
So, how hard would it have been for the tracker's boss to give him a quick call and pass on a question that the think-tank back at HQ would like to have posed to Merkley in hopes of it producing something favorable to said tracker's GOP employers?
Honestly, Occam's Razor seems to me to point to the tracker having been fed the question.
4:13 p.m.
Aug 15, '08
Also, if Merkley is making 7 towns in 24 hours, then so is the tracker, but the tracker still knew about this Georgian conflict right after it started, even without a full time staff helping him out. Stop with the diversionary tactic that "smith didn't comment" and just admit that Merkley made a mistake here.
Or somebody from the Smith campaign was nice enough to call the tracker to make sure that a question could be planted.
My questions about Smith's inaccessability still remain unanswered, btw. Why is it that the public can't talk to Gordon Smith unless they're ready to hand him a big, fat campaign donation?
4:16 p.m.
Aug 15, '08
So what's Smith afraid of? Why can't his constitutents attend events and ask questions of him without having to write a fat check first?
Excellent questions!
Just a guess here, but maybe he just doesn't wanna have to mix with us uncouth masses. God knows one of us might wipe our mouth with the back of our hand and gross out his delicate sensibilities...
And really... what does a HOT DOG eater have in common with the owner of million dollar golf clubs anyway?
Aug 15, '08
And really... what does a HOT DOG eater have in common with the owner of million dollar golf clubs anyway?
Well, they're both running horribly negative campaigns fueled by beltway consultants and national party money. They also both would prefer to talk more about their opponent's weaknesses than have a real discussion about the very serious threats facing our nation.
Speaking of which, when was the last time county timber payments were mentioned in this race?
5:32 p.m.
Aug 15, '08
I haven't seen Smith talk about it for weeks and weeks. Merkley's campaign put out a press release on Tuesday talking about creating rural jobs and Smith's refusal to authorize county timber payments, which are crucial to the rural economy.
Aug 15, '08
Thanks for that, Carla. I hadn't seen that. I'm glad he's making the effort, despite being a little offended (okay, I'm just being a tool about it) by the bastardization of the Arabic cultural term "sheik" to paint an image of shady brown men hording oil. Not productive.
I will vote for Merkley. But with a bit of a heavy conscience and without excitement.
Aug 15, '08
So about the "assumptions" I made about the tracker and his knowledge of the event, I say that not based on something I assumed or guessed, but because, as I said, I'm close with him. We have discussed these things. No one planted any questions, it was legit, being asked by a random person there.
Please, someone just admit merkley made a mistake here, and I'm gone. Should it even matter if the question was planted or not? It is a real issue that should be discussed. Merkley did not know what was happening, though it had been in the news for 24 hours. It's not even the end of the world if someone admits a mistake. We just say "whoops" and get on with ourselves.
9:13 p.m.
Aug 15, '08
Please, someone just admit merkley made a mistake here, and I'm gone. Should it even matter if the question was planted or not? It is a real issue that should be discussed. Merkley did not know what was happening, though it had been in the news for 24 hours. It's not even the end of the world if someone admits a mistake. We just say "whoops" and get on with ourselves.
Tell ya what..you answer mine and I'll answer yours.
What is Gordon Smith afraid of? Why can't his constitutents attend events and ask questions of him without having to write a fat check first?
9:22 p.m.
Aug 15, '08
Mr. Nobody,
If you say that you have knowledge that the tracker asked the question on his own initiative then I'm not going to challenge it further. I only chatted with him for about 20 minutes. But I read people very well and he struck me as very much of a straight-up kinda guy.
Personally, I think that this whole thing is a classic case of much ado about nothing.
Do I think that Merkley made a mistake? No. Whether his reply was an attempt at humor - which has been my gut sense of it all along - or he just misunderstood the question doesn't really matter to me.
The inference that a candidate deeply immersed in the extremely demanding requirements of a hotly contested campaign is exhibiting the same level of attention to the outside world as he or she would once having been elected and the demands of the campaign trail are but a memory is ludicrous on it's face.
Aug 15, '08
Carla, I'd answer your question, but unfortunately, I can't speak for Smith. However, I'm not asking you to tell me why Merkley was unaware of the situation in Georgia, I'm just asking you to admit that this situation was a surprising lapse of awareness by an otherwise intelligent man, and that his staff should have been more helpful.
Kevin, glad you got to converse with the tracker. I'm sure he'd be happy to hear your comment regarding his character. Also, on a side note, he did not ask the question. It was just a random person there. Trackers are to be seen and not heard, and I doubt Jeff would have accepted a question from him given his political affiliations.
Anyway, it has been fun all. You kept me entertained on a Friday night when I had to stay in because my car is in the shop. Till next time!
Aug 15, '08
Mr. Nobody, I am very happy for you if never in your life has a question caught you unawares. Must be nice.
I think the point is this. Maybe Merkley was overtired, not well informed, using humor unappropriately, or whatever. He's human, like everyone else.
At least we heard a comment from him. What has Gordon said about Georgia? Or specifically about any issue? The local newspaper article about the senior citizens forum he attended in Salem (open to people who registered in advance and with other speakers talking about senior citizen issues) just had a couple of vague quotes.
Or is this a situation like Denny Smith almost exactly 18 years ago when there was breaking overseas news in August. He ran attack ads about what his opponent had said, but never made a comment of his own. There was a wonderful Steve Duin column about it (late Aug. or early Sept.) titled UP IN THE AIR, JR BIRDMAN which was one of the best pieces of political satire I have ever read.
"Merkley muffed a question" is not a responsive answer to "Why doesn't Gordon Smith do town hall meetings, free and open to the public, where ordinary citizens can ask questions?".
I've known both Smith and Merkley for years. Smith can be overly slick. Perhaps that is why he doesn't want to subject himself to questions from ordinary voters.
Aug 16, '08
Frankly, I could care less how much Merkley runs around as the gladhanding weasel that he has always been. It's his typical cowardly silence in not speaking out against this that fails to earn my vote so far:
Judge OKs 'free speech zones' at upcoming Democratic National Convention http://rawstory.com/news/2008/Judge_OKs_free_speech_zones_at_0806.html
News crew crashes Denver's DNC 'concentration camp' http://rawstory.com/news/2008/News_crew_crashes_Denvers_DNC_massdetention_0815.html
9:08 a.m.
Aug 16, '08
Carla, I'd answer your question, but unfortunately, I can't speak for Smith. However, I'm not asking you to tell me why Merkley was unaware of the situation in Georgia, I'm just asking you to admit that this situation was a surprising lapse of awareness by an otherwise intelligent man, and that his staff should have been more helpful.
But you must have some idea--or at least a reasonable thought on why Smith isn't allowing constituents to meet him at events unless they'll contribute to his campaign. Why do you think this is?
1:21 p.m.
Aug 16, '08
Mr. Nobody says this: Go and bring that up on an article about Smith not appearing around the state (which isn't true... go read some news papers across the state, there have been some announcements of events...
You're right that there have been announcements. Like this one, from the East Oregonian:
Just one problem: Smith didn't show up. He flaked.
I wasn't there, but it's my understanding that the folks in Pendleton were pretty torqued off.
Aug 16, '08