Quick Hits and Deep Thoughts: Bronze, Marble, Mahogany Edition (with skylights and fountains!)
Kari Chisholm
- As the BlueOregon crew twitters away through the Convention in Denver, the AP has a story about Oregon politicians getting into the act - twittering, facebooking, blogging, and more.
- Yes, the John McCain campaign now appears to be running ads here at BlueOregon (and a lot of other progressives blogs) featuring Joe Lieberman. If these guys really think that using Lieberman is going to appeal to Democrats, well, they're barking up the wrong tree.
- A group of volunteers has decided to start posting a weekly Merkley Progressive Roundup on DailyKos. Here's the first one.
- Also, don't miss today's front page story about Gordon Smith's furniture problem. Seriously, do Senators really need MORE offices - and makeup facilities?
Among the add-ons that have driven up the cost: 85,000 square feet of new office space for lawmakers who, in many cases, already have at least two separate offices on Capitol Hill; a 3,500-square-foot hearing room that will complement the dozens of hearing rooms already available to lawmakers; a TV and radio studio, complete with makeup facilities, that duplicates existing studios for members of the House and another for senators.
"So, what will visitors see when they walk into the CVC?" asks Rep. Jack Kingston, R-Ga., a critic of the project.
"They will enter a center that is two-thirds the size of the Capitol that will be composed of granite, marble, sandstone and bronze. There's a Great Hall with large skylights, fountains, mahogany wood paneling and spiral staircases. I suppose bronze, marble and fountains help one understand history better."
- The debate over debates. Merkley had previously proposed six debates. Now, Smith says he only wants three debates.
- Great story in the O about the DNC delegates - featuring Enrique Arias, as one of the many delegates that are relatively new to party politics.
Arias, 43, chairs the Oregon party's Faith Caucus -- a direct attempt to appeal to religious-minded voters who have been a key part of the Republican coalition -- and sees the nation's growing Latino population becoming an even more important part of the Democratic coalition.
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Aug 25, '08
Joe Lieberman reminds me of Wormtongue in Lord of the Rings. And when I think of McCain over the last few years, his transformation from maverick into a full blown neo-con just further extends the analogy. But there is no Gandolf to remove the crusty scales he has grown as he loses his Self in the political machine that promises it will destroy the government if elected to run the government.
Why can't people figure out why it's performed so pathetically?!?!
10:51 a.m.
Aug 25, '08
The O's piece on Smith's foibles is enlightening.
Smith's own staff concede that he spent $21,200 taxpayer dollars to outfit his Senate office in 1997.
Using a handy dandy Inflation Calculator provided by the Federal Government that amount translates to $29,054.43 in 2008 dollars - just to... y'know, make it an apples to apples comparison with his criticism of Merkley.
Add to that the additional $7,723 worth of furniture which has been purchased by taxpayers since then for Smith's opulent office digs.
Grand total: $36,777.43 in taxpayer dollars that Smith has spent on his own posh office furnishings.
And that doesn't even get into the opulence of the Senate visitors center which Smith dutifully rubberstamped and the fiscal irresponsibility which has followed it. Compared, of course, to the prudent fiscal management that the Oregon Lege has responsibly exercised in using taxpayer dollars - bringing the renovation in at nearly 10% under budget.
Aug 25, '08
If you're a Republican, yes you do need more makeup facilities. It takes a lot of makeup to make a warty old hop-toad look kissable.
Aug 25, '08
Lieberman is a traitor to lefties, progressives and loyal Dems, but I fear that he may still have some credibility - God knows why - with the undecided center. Not quite sure what to do about that.
1:48 p.m.
Aug 25, '08
Lieberman will never be apologetic to Democrats because he will never agree that he was a traitor in any sense of the word. And from his point of view it makes a certain degree of sense.
Don't get me wrong, I'm neither a fan nor a supporter of Lieberman. But the reality is that he is and always has been very socially progressive, just as most of his NeoConservative peers are.
My hunch is that he sees that as the core of what being a Democrat ought to be about and thus he probably sees Connecticut Dems as having betrayed him rather than the other way around.
Frankly, reading many of the comments of late around here I think most casual observors would reach a similar conclussion vis a vis social liberalism, as that seems to be the crux which most Nattering Nabobs of Naderism (hat tip: Kari) seem to be hanging their collective hats on.
3:17 p.m.
Aug 25, '08
Lieberman's never been "socially progressive." He's basically done the same balancing act that Gordon Smith does, putting up a veneer of moderation over support for right-wing policies that he really cares about, in order to get elected in a nominally Blue state. And because he's got (or had) the D after his name, all his buddies in Congress have made excuses for him and pitched him to the electorate as not such a bad guy, except for the crazy "let's invade Iraq" thing.
I see you've taken up the rube bait, Kevin. They just love the easily-remembered phrases.
4:15 p.m.
Aug 25, '08
LOL - Darrel, you're embarassing yourself in public.
2007: NARAL: Smith (40): Lieberman (100) 2006: NARAL: Smith (15): Lieberman (80)
2005-06: National Association of Alcohol & Drug Abuse Councilors: Smith (50): Lieberman (100)
2008: American Land Rights Association (rightwing): Smith (80): Lieberman (40) 2007: League of Conservation Voters: Smith (73): Lieberman (93)
2007: AFL-CIO: Smith (44): Lieberman (84)
2007: Sargent Shriver National Center on Poverty Law: Smith (C): Lieberman (A)
2007: American Association of University Women: Smith (66): Lieberman (100)
Aug 26, '08
Correct me if I'm wrong, but no matter how fancy-pants the new furniture in the Speaker's office is, Jeff's butt will never warm those seats because win or lose he's not going back.
This fuss over Legislative furniture and furnishings is much ado over something pretty minor when the cost overruns on Gordo's building project are 10+ times the Salem project which, I believe, came in on or under budget. Hmmm... who would I trust more with my tax dollars.