Quick Hits and Deep Thoughts: Warm Napa Cabbage & Goat Cheese Salad Edition

Kari Chisholm FacebookTwitterWebsite

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    Full disclosure: My firm built the websites for Jeff Merkley and Kurt Schrader, but I speak only for myself.

  • edison (unverified)

    OMG! That salad looks wonderful!

  • DSS (unverified)

    No kidding! I totally want that for lunch now.

    Dr. Marino, if we vote for you, will you cook for the legislative staff next session? Rep. Cameron never fed us so well. (Cameron owns the Capitol building eatery)

  • Rulial (unverified)
    <h2>That salad looks wonderful! I probably wouldn't want Tony Marino to represent me in the legislature, but he can make my lunch any day.</h2>

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