Uh oh. Schedule conflict.
Kari Chisholm
Last week, Oregonian sports columnist Ryan White noted an odd conflict on the schedule for August 28th.
While Barack Obama is accepting the Democratic nomination for President, the Oregon State Beavers football team will be playing their season opener against Stanford.
One of the games in conflict with the senator's speech is Oregon State's season opener at Stanford. Beavers fans will enjoy the early endorsement of the [New York] Observer, which writes, "Oregon State, a football doormat until coach Mike Riley arrived in the mid-'90s, has a rabid fan base and is poised to contend for the Pac-10 title and its first B.C.S. bowl since 2000."[Sports blog] Deadspin's resident Southeastern Conference honk, Clay Travis, was less than enamored with the Beavers or Cardinal or the idea that the conflict will hurt Obama in any way.
"Not just because it's a Pac-10 game between two of the worst teams in the Pac-10 but because there's no doubt that California and Oregon are Obama country," he wrote.
So, here's my question for the weekend. What will you do? Watch the speech? Watch the game? Or both?
Good thing it's not an Oregon State basketball game.
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Jul 18, '08
Just like many folks will say about our choices in November, it's interesting how "neither" is not an option here. Guess I can't vote.
Jul 18, '08
This is a false choice. The speech will only be about 45 minutes and the game will run over 3 hours. It's possible to watch both.
Jul 18, '08
How insulting! We should all watch the OSU game, not just because it will be more fun, but to protest and show support for the Beavs!
P.S. we should ask the Democratic (not Democrat notice, but DemocratIC; im sensitive to Progressives feelings :-) politicians in Oregon the same question...
Jul 18, '08
Sara Gelser better be watching the game...
Jul 18, '08
Jul 18, '08
Neither. I will be blissfully vacationing where the TV will be off. That's what Vacation means - to Vacate. My TV has been off by choice for a while now - less stess levels and the like. Besides - We all know Obama is the Dem Nominee already. We don't really need to watch him glorify the point.
Jul 18, '08
I only watch the Beavers when they play the ducks.
2:30 p.m.
Jul 18, '08
Definitely Obama. Although not because it still amazes me that Jim Harbaugh is a Pacific-10 Head Football Coach, or because for a golly gee-whilikers guy like Riley running the show, no pizza guy is safe in Corvallis, but because I won't have the opportunity to watch Beavs/Cards. It'll be something stupid like Noles/Wake, or Gators/Kentucky. Zzzz.
Which, by the way, since when should Blue Oregon give a flying Tebow about what an SEC guy says? Besides, there's better analysis in the Comments on Deadspin, and those usually read like a Michigan booster party.
2:50 p.m.
Jul 18, '08
That said, U of O is takin' some over there at DS for the Doxey tragedy.
8:26 p.m.
Jul 18, '08
First, quack. Second, I hope to be the 74,999th person sitting in Invesco Field in Denver.
Jul 18, '08
No contest. On the 44th anniversary, to the day, of the MLK "I have a dream" speech, we witness the first African American nominated to be President of the United States of America and give his acceptance speech before an historic audience of 75 thousand Americans. (As a duck alumnus I never watch the beavers until Civil war anyway.)
Jul 18, '08
AJ526-- I'll be at the convention, but as the Representative of Beaver Nation I'll be sure to be in close contact with my husband who I'm sure will be watching the game. However, I will wear orange that day. Go Beavs!!
Jul 19, '08
Jul 20, '08
BOTH. Record on one satellite receiver (beaver game) and watch Obama live on the other. Then go to the other receiver and high speed through the dead ball time until the game's live.
Jul 21, '08
There is obviously a conspiracy afoot here. Better scoot on over to Portland Indymedia for details. Or maybe to Lyndon LaRouche's website.
Jul 21, '08
The more interesting question for Kari Chisolm is whether he would watch Barack Obama's speech if Figueroa Tech were playing Ohio State at the same time ...
Jul 21, '08
This is dumb!
Jul 22, '08