Uh oh. Gordon Smith has a Ted Stevens problem.
Kari Chisholm
In the wake of the indictment of Senator Ted Stevens (R-AK), the question arises: What's Gordon Smith's relationship with him? Has Smith ever taken any money from Stevens?
Politico.com is already poking around:
Stevens' Northern Lights PAC has doled out almost $145,000 to GOP candidates this cycle, including $10,000 checks to Republicans Elizabeth Dole, Pat Roberts and Gordon Smith, all running for re-election against credible challengers this year...
And it's not just money from Stevens directly - as some folks, like Norm Coleman, have also taken money from the guys who were playing footsy with Stevens:
Scroll back through the years and [Al] Franken's campaign charges Coleman with taking a total of $25,000 from Stevens, as well as another $6,000 from executives already caught up in the same VECO Corp. scandal that ensnared the Alaska Republican.
Time to start digging through OpenSecrets.org.
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3:00 p.m.
Jul 29, '08
TPM is reporting that Dole has already decided to give the $10K hot potato to the Society of St. Andrew.
Jul 29, '08