The 50 most influential politicos in Oregon
Kari Chisholm
Over at PolitickerOR, they've posted their own ranking of the top 50 most powerful hacks, lobbyists, staffers, consultants in Oregon. (They excluded elected officials.)
Lists like this are designed to generate argument and debate. So, let's talk about it.
I'll start: The person ranked #39 absolutely, positively shouldn't be anywhere on this list. I'm sure I can think of at least fifty more people that should be ranked ahead of Mr. 39.
Here's the list. Who did they miss? Discuss.
1. | Chip Terhune | Kulongoski chief of staff |
2. | Josh Kardon | Wyden chief of staff |
3. | Art Towers | SEIU political director |
4. | Mark Nelson | lobbyist |
5. | Kerry Tymchuck | Smith state director |
6. | Bob Stoll | donor, trial lawyer |
7. | Lisa Grove | pollster |
8. | Tom Chamberlain | AFL-CIO president |
9. | Dan Lavey | lobbyist, Smith strategist |
10. | BethAnne Darby | OEA political director |
11. | Tim Nesbitt | Kulongoski deputy chief |
12. | Larry Campbell | lobbyist, former Speaker (R) |
13. | Eric Lemelson | winemaker, enviro donor |
14. | Mark Wiener | political consultant (D) |
15. | Chuck Adams | political consultant (R) |
16. | Jordan Schnitzer | donor |
17. | Ryan Deckert | OBA president |
18. | Liz Kaufman | political consultant (D) |
19. | Phil Knight | donor |
20. | Len Bergstein | lobbyist |
21. | Connie Seeley | Senate Dems chief of staff |
22. | Kristin Leonard & Kevin Neely | C&E Systems |
23. | Tim Phillips | political consultant (R) |
24. | Jon Isaacs | Merkley campaign manager |
25. | Michael Simon | election lawyer |
26. | Loren Parks | sexual hypnotist/donor |
27. | Meredith Wood Smith | DPO Chair |
28. | Junki Yoshida | donor |
29. | Steve Novick | political consultant (D) |
30. | Bill Sizemore | initiative racketeer |
31. | Dave Barrows | lobbyist |
32. | Gary Conkling | lobbyist |
33. | Ken Allen | Oregon AFSCME, exec. dir. |
34. | Mike Williams & Linda Love | donor, trial lawyer |
35. | Jeff Mapes | Oregonian reporter |
36. | Amy Langdon | political consultant (R) |
37. | Paul Romain | lobbyist |
38. | Bob Shiprack | Building Trades, exec. dir. |
39. | Kari Chisholm | political consultant (D) |
40. | Russ Walker | ORP vice-chair, FreedomWorks |
41. | Kevin Looper | Our Oregon, exec. dir. |
42. | Peter Bragdon | Columbia Sportswear VP |
43. | Alan Tresidder | lobbyist |
44. | Debi Coleman | donor |
45. | Trent Lutz | DPO exec. dir. |
46. | Vance Day | ORP chair |
47. | Beth Bernard | Oregon Trial Lawyers exec. dir. |
48. | Andrew Over | ORP exec. dir. |
49. | John DiLorenzo | lobbyist |
50. | Stacey Dycus | political consultant (D) |
Head on over to Politicker for full write-ups and photos.
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Jul 22, '08
Good list, but the descriptions seem to need a proofreader.
3:49 p.m.
Jul 22, '08
Based on the comments here, you'd think Kari would rate above 39. Perhaps old structures (see #3, 8, 10 etc) still have more juice than the netroots?
3:49 p.m.
Jul 22, '08
People they left out, that clearly should be ranked higher than me:
Barry Pack, political consultant (D) Bill McCormick, restaurateur, Ambassador to NZ Bob Caldwell, Oregonian opinion editor Bob Stacey, 1000 Friends exec dir Charles Swindells, banker, Ambassador to NZ Cheryl Perrin, political consultant (D) Chuck Sheketoff, OCPP exec dir Duke Shepard, AFL-CIO political dir Duncan Wyse, Oregon Business Council Dylan Amo, former Oregon Club for Growth guy Hiram Sachs, political consultant (D) Homer Williams, developer Jefferson Smith, Oregon Bus Project Joan Mooney Evans, Hooley chief of staff John Fregonese, land-use consultant Jonathan Poisner, OLCV exec dir Judy Peppler, Qwest Julia Brim-Edwards, Nike Michele Rossolo, FuturePAC exec dir Pat Egan, Pacificorp Patricia McCaig, pollster & strategist Rob Wagner, AFT-OR political dir Stephen Kafoury, lobbyist, former elected Steve Janik, attorney Terry Bean, donor Tim Hibbits, pollster Wayne Kinney, DPO Natl Committeeman, Wyden staffer Win McCormack, donor
And that's just in five minutes of thinking about it. I'm sure there are plenty more....
3:52 p.m.
Jul 22, '08
Good list, but the descriptions seem to need a proofreader.
Yeah, those are my descriptions - not Politicker's.
Based on the comments here, you'd think Kari would rate above 39.
No kidding. Some of the folks hanging out at BlueOregon that seem to think I'm sort of Grand Puppetmaster of Oregon politics. Which couldn't possibly be further from the truth.
Jul 22, '08
I love that Oregon's #26 most influential politico is a sexual hypnotist. That Loren Parks gets me everytime!
Jul 22, '08
This is a silly list. Where are the congressional staff?
Stacey Dycus is on this list, but not Willie Smith, Joan Mooney Evans, Lisa Rockower, and Karmen Fore?
4:02 p.m.
Jul 22, '08
Paul Romain does seem a wee bit low, though. Wonder what the more connected hacky types think of the list and people's relative place on it?
Jul 22, '08
Jennifer Yocom - Ran campaigns of both Erik Sten and Sam Adams. Both races were contested and she put them over without a runoff. She also was a major force in the vitality of the Bus Project.
Jul 22, '08
Only 10 of these are women. 2 of the 8 share billing with men. Guess Oregon is a guy state.
Jul 22, '08
4:17 p.m.
Jul 22, '08
Yes, Jen Yocom!
And his mayoral run didn't go so well, but you gotta include Sho Dozono.
Where are the congressional staff?
Not to mention Portland City Hall staff...
4:19 p.m.
Jul 22, '08
Yeah, eleven women.... that's both a failing of the list and a failing of reality.
I'd also include Elaine Franklin, GOP consultant and the latest Mrs. Bob Packwood.
4:21 p.m.
Jul 22, '08
Much as I hate to admit it but Sizemore needs to be in the top 10. Not that he contributes in any way constructively, but we spend an awful lot of time and money defeating him and the legislature must constantly think about the implications of a ballot measure on any controversial legistlation. And how can we forget Mr. Mannix. In spite of his ability to snatch defeat from victory, he is also a perpetual political pain with a big impact on the political discussion and spending in Oregon.
4:42 p.m.
Jul 22, '08
OMG, you're right, John.
How does Kevin Mannix get left off this list?
Jul 22, '08
Kari writes, "OMG, you're right, John.
How does Kevin Mannix get left off this list?"
Same way Lars Larson gets left off (or should that be right off?) Some people earn their irrelevance.
I note that not only women get little notice, but also the down-State and rural folks. Like Kari, I think that Wayne Kinney should make the list as he is after all the man in most of the non-smoke filled rooms of power. Also, Pat Ackley has been behind the scenes for years and pulls a few strings here and there.
Jul 22, '08
Not much ethnic diversity in the list. Sad, but true. As a progressive I would expect more.
7:01 p.m.
Jul 22, '08
The fact that I'm not on this list renders the entire thing useless.
7:23 p.m.
Jul 22, '08
I feel the same way. ; )
7:43 p.m.
Jul 22, '08
Totally agree with your list...nice that your remembered some of the gay folk. I cannot believe, in particular, that Terry Bean did not make the original list. And what about Dan Ryan, the former co-chair of the School Board and new CEO of the Portland Schools Foundation?
And what about Fred Miller?
Jul 22, '08
Whether you like him or not, Dale Riddle.
8:25 p.m.
Jul 22, '08
and btw, number 39 on the list, work with a successful Senate candidate and three posts up on blueoregon right now...too bad parenting is slowing Kari down...:).
9:26 p.m.
Jul 22, '08
We could go all HuffPost and have a 50 Hottest Politicos in Oregon. Saw me some honies at the state convo.
9:33 p.m.
Jul 22, '08
Not much ethnic diversity in the list. Sad, but true. As a progressive I would expect more.
Well, most of that is a failure of reality - not a failure of the listmaking effort.
Jul 22, '08
Joan Mooney Evans? I think I'm going to be sick. Talk about earning her irrelevance. Kari, reality please.
10:22 p.m.
Jul 22, '08
I agree that Carla and Pat Ackley should be listed. Dan Carol should clearly be on any top 50 list for Oregon if not the country.
To make this not so Portland-centric, the off-the-top-of-my-head Lane County contributions that are not already listed above would be James Mattiace formerly OLCV board member and Lane Bus Project Chair(even though he is in Morocco he still has quite a lot of influence on the local political scene), Jana Rygas (long time environmental activist and brilliant political strategist), Juine Chada (Wyden staffer), Becky Flynn (BRO staffer), Harriet Merrick (Planned Parenthood and ACLU board member), Jared Mason-Gere (DPLC Chair and Dem. House staffer), George Grier (DPLC vice-chair, Lane Farm Bureau), Tony Corcoran, Autumn Wilburn (DNC staffer and former rodeo queen), Chuck Lindholm and Jack Roberts. CJ Mann, Pat Riggs Henson and Gary Gillespie from AFSME would be on any local list.
Not sure what is going on with the other counties but we have no shortage of women wielding political influence here in Lane County.
10:24 p.m.
Jul 22, '08
Ah well, Kari, so long as they THINK you have the power, wield it like a meathook. Make someone tremble. Make others feed you peeled grapes. Offer to be godfather to their children. And demand a raise from your skinflint employer.
In addition to Carla, I would add Jeff. And maybe Barbara Roberts and John Kitzhaber. Tom Walsh? The CEOs of Mentor Graphics or Intel? Doesn't anyone wield power for Big Timber anymore, like Allyn Ford, Rob Freres and Aaron Jones?
Downstaters like Dave Frohnmayer. Jack Roberts. Gayle Atteberry.
The list just seems terribly short and weighing the most influential? I'd say, follow the money first.
10:39 p.m.
Jul 22, '08
I keep thinking of names that should have been on the list:
Margi Hoffman, coordinated campaign Maura Roche, lobbyist Michelle Stranger-Hunter, NARAL Tom Novick, M&R Pat McCormick, lobbyist Paul Phillips, lobbyist/consultant
10:40 p.m.
Jul 22, '08
And maybe Barbara Roberts and John Kitzhaber.
They explicitly said they were excluding elected officials and former Governors and Senators. I think they also excluded former statewides too, judging from the lack of Jim Hill, Dan Gardner, Dave Frohnmayer, Norma Paulus, Phil Keisling, etc.
10:45 p.m.
Jul 22, '08
I agree that the lack of diversity is not a list issue as much as it is a matter of a lack of outreach. Politics is an insider game by nature and we need to do a better job of building our bench with people that don't look like the usual suspects whether that be in rural areas, the communities of color, religious groups, etc. Keeping the status quo is like fielding a baseball team and expecting the pitcher to cover center field, it just won't work in the long term. If we don't start building a deeper bench with some players from different communities, the other side will and we will lose our political advantage.
10:51 p.m.
Jul 22, '08
I'd add Jonah Edelman somewhere in the mix.
Jul 23, '08
Chip Terhune and Connie Seeley are rightly on this list.
But they left off Jeanne Atkins, Dmitri Palmateer, Debbie Dorris Koreski, Geoff Sugerman, Amelia Porterfield, and Michele Rossolo who collectively lead the Oregon House Democrats' staff team. They are major players with major achievements under their belts -- and many more to come in the future. And 67% of them are women!
2:53 a.m.
Jul 23, '08
Actually they had many former elected officals on their. I don't know why Barbara Roberts and John Kitzhaber being former governors matters at all.
Keep plugging away, your doing a great job! I would have voted for you.
Your so cute when you brag!
8:38 a.m.
Jul 23, '08
Uhh..I was joking.
I have no business being on a list like this. And if someone was going to slap my name on it, it would have to be the 1,357,459 most influential people in Oregon politics. I'd be down in the 1,000,000 area.
I'm just a blogger and writer. People like Jenni Simonis actually do real stuff.
Jul 23, '08
Boy, I'm struck how at least about the top half of this list is the very embodiment of the Peter Principle, and how that goes a LONG way to explaining the venal, surly, dysfunctional governance in this state. I can also think of a few names nobody mentioned who also belong in that top half because their influence is way out of proportion to their brains or the quality of their character and contributions, but since they weren't outed by PolitickerOR, I won't either.
Thanks for bringing it to our attention Kari (and actually, I think it is actually a testament to you that you aren't in that top half).
Jul 23, '08
I wonder why Mark Nelson ranks way above most other lobbyists listed, such as Dave Barrows who probably has as many clients? I suppose because of all of his ballot measure work.
Jul 23, '08
I know you all are focused on the Democratic side, which is understandable. So if you don't mind my making some suggestions from the right?
I think that Amy Langdon and Vance Day are way over rated. As is Elaine Franklin (ok not on that list but someone upthread suggested her.)
I agree, add Dale Riddle.
Dave Hunicutt? Larry George? Rob Kremer?
And though the Republicans are lagging behind the left in the new media are there any that might make the list?
9:44 a.m.
Jul 23, '08
This list is pretty interesting and for the most part, pretty thorough. Kari, you should be on the list and I'm glad you are. Many have tried but none have succeeded building this "water cooler" format on the interwebs.
To Val's point, politics is an insiders' game. There isn't going to be a ton of room for the folks who check "other." Even if you play the game, you aren't invited to the table that often. But I think that's part of the downside of living in a pretty homogeneous state.
I'm convinced times will change as will the faces of the players. I look forward to watching things unfold.
9:52 a.m.
Jul 23, '08
I'm just a blogger and writer.
None of us has any real influence, but if you devoted a slot to the entire blogosphere, it might make us the fiftieth most influential. Might. Kari's there almost in spite of his association with us rabble.
Jul 23, '08
What have Hunnicutt or Kremer won recently? Seems to me the young farmers who were the face of Measure 49 (yea, that's a group, not an individual) are more powerful--look at the results of Yes on 49 in rural counties.
And I would choose Frank Morse over any Republican who deserves to be listed--for his work on the Public Comm. on the Legislature (no one from that group mentioned except for Connie Seeley) and as the hope of someday restoring the Republicans to the glory of the McCall-Atiyeh years.
10:50 a.m.
Jul 23, '08
I agree Kari should be on this list. OK, folks on my side can slap me now. However in all fairness his idea (OK and his other fellow travlers, but I am just thinking as a figurehead.) with BO did break some new ground. And he is involved in other campaigns.
The fact that he is one of the "go-to guys" with the mainstream press with news stories periodically I think speaks to that.
Actually Hunnicutt (again more as a figure head) should be in that group. Oh sure ya'll can call up M49 all you want but what about M7? M47? He (and his organization) has shaped the debate on land use in Oregon over the last ten years.
Would you have even HAD a M49 if not for Hunnicutt's group?
And further the list speaks a lot of folks behind the scenes. Whenever there are discussions of Republican candidates and if they are going to be viable, there is always a question "what does OIA think?"
Whether you like it or not Hunnicutt is always part of the discussion.
Kremer? Well he does have a radio show. He is part of the group that Tim Phillips put together and he made the list.
He is the father of the charter school movement.
He plays a role when discussing Republican candidates. Maybe not so much as Hunnicutt.
Although his recent comments about Sen. Smith might have had him removed from some Christmas card lists.
Other than all that it is probably a prett good list and one of those fun things to bounce around. I am not surprised that there are more Democrats on that list. It is Oregon after all.
Just think however of some of the folks who, ten years ago, would have been on it but now would not get close.
Neil Goldschmidt Craig Berkman
Ouch that would have to hurt.
10:52 a.m.
Jul 23, '08
Are my eyes decieving me or do I not see Earl Blumenour on that list? Shouldn't he be there somewhere?
Jul 23, '08
Remarkably absent are Marla Rae and Fred VanNatta. And what about Scott Harra at DAS?
Jul 23, '08
Great list! Of course, some of the most powerful people intentionally stay behind the scenes. Thus, they are glad not to be on the list.
Thus, I give a vote to "Anonymous" to be on the list.
Jul 23, '08
this must be like porn for blue oregon readers
Jul 23, '08
How did Josh Kardon get to be No. 2? Given his performance on this site representing Hillary and failing to respond to her critics it is difficult to see how he even made the cut.
Jul 23, '08
How about the list everyone really wants, forget power and influence, who has the looks in Oregon politics??? Here is my first crack at the list (in no particular order), but as always on BlueOregon, this is "up" for discussion.
Drew Johnston – Tobias Read Staff
Rob Wagner –lobbyist
Karmen Fore – DeFazio staff
Brett Barton – State House candidate
Mayor Elect Sam Adams
Joe Bollenbaugh – Blumenauer staff
Hasina Squires – lobbyist
Joyce Fleming – Blumenauer staff
Patrick Capper - lobbyist
Sarah Walker -
Treasure Mackley – Kate Brown staff
Amanda Dalton - lobbyist
Senator Jason Atkinson
Representative Chris Edwards
Angie Dilkes - lobbyist
Nabil Kanso
Erica Hagedorn - lobbyist
Jen Gilbreth – DeFazio staff
Kristine Phillips - lobbyist
Kristen Leonard - C & E Systems
Shawn Miller - lobbyist
Jefferson Smith
Lauren Rhodes- lobbyist
Jenna Swearingen - lobbyist
Marshall Jenning – Wu staff
Leyla Estes – House Republican office
Jarel Lapan – Obama staff
Hillary Barbour – Blumenauer Staff
Jack Dempsey - lobbyist
Trent Lutz – Democratic Party of Oregon
Representative Scott Bruin
Elizabeth Wilson – Blumenauer Staff
11:02 p.m.
Jul 23, '08
Oh Bill, your candidate won. Can't you let it go?
Jul 24, '08
Downstate list includes Sizemore and Ron Saxton...and most of all, their paymaster and puppeteer, Dick Wendt of Jeld-Wen, who also pulls a lot of Mannix's strings and finances much of the right wing agenda. Amazing that Wendt manages to be under the radar so much.
Jul 25, '08
Don't forget Dan Carol, the content advisor to the Obama campaign. He resides in Eugene but currently is working in Obama's Chicago headquarters.