Sifting the other Duyck
Carla Axtman
And by that I mean Andy Duyck, not Jeff.
Andy (Jeff's cousin) is running for Oregon House District 30, a seat currently held by David Edwards.
Andy Duyck is a long time Washington County Commissioner. He represents District 4, including Hillsboro and the far west, rural parts of Washington County.
The Wa Co Commission is made up of five members: Tom Brian, Andy Duyck and Roy Rogers are Republicans, as I understand it and Desari Strader and Dick Schouten are Democrats. The Commissioners are elected in a nonpartisan election process, however.
Yesterday, I started sifting through the meeting minutes of the Washington County Commission. I figure one of the best ways to understanding this candidate is to see what he's been doing in his job.
I've decided to read them starting with the most current and working my way back. I'm doing that mostly because I'm not sure if I'll get to all of the votes during Duyck's tenure. I'm hopeful that I'll at least get a good chunk of the most current stuff that way.
I've only managed to read through 2008 and 2007 so far, but I noticed a weird pattern starting to emerge.
The majority of the time, the Commissioners vote in a unanimous fashion. But when there's a dissent, its often Duyck by himself. Votes at meetings here, here, here, here and here, Duyck is alone in his dissent.
That seems a little odd, given that there are two other likely ideological partners on the Commission with him.
One especially contentious-looking meeting had Commissioner Duyck and Commissioner Schouten going back and forth on an environment vs agriculture use land issue. After the debate was had and the vote taken, Duyck was again the lone dissenter.
On the surface, it appears that Duyck is taking some very hard line positions that are out of step with much of the rest of the Commission and by extension, the rest of Washington County.
I caution here that there's a lot of research and digging left to do. And there are a lot more meeting minutes left to read. Curious that he'd be so out there though, even beyond his Republican colleagues.
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Jul 9, '08
So it begins. This should be an interesting race.
I don't think you should put to much into lone dissents, which are pretty common even in the Legislature where there are many more people voting.
Also, the other Republicans I believe are pretty Liberal R's, (though I might be wrong). Duyck is also the only Comm. who represents many agricultural rural areas.
Jul 9, '08
Mabye he thinks for him self ever think of that... and how is he out of step with Washington County if they keep electing him. You people will go to any length to trash the GOP even if there is nothing at all to trash... its pretty pathetic.
1:58 p.m.
Jul 9, '08
amos: Mabye he thinks for him self ever think of that...
Normally, I think grammar flames are silly. But my goodness, doesn't amos look like he barely made it out of third grade?
Back on topic, I know Duyck thinks he's getting a "free shot". He's in the middle of his 4 year term, so he doesn't have to give up his seat to run. Still, I'm wondering if this is really such a smart move for him. He's clearly an extremist who up until now has been able to successfully disguise it by hiding in a non-partisan office. But running a real campaign may very well start to flush him out.
Time will tell.
Jul 9, '08
But but but he's a Duyck and everyone who has lived in Washington County knows that Duycks they'll say. That might be true IF most of the district hadn't moved there pretty recently. MORANS!
2:33 p.m.
Jul 9, '08
Also, the other Republicans I believe are pretty Liberal R's
Well, Tom Brian certainly isn't a "Liberal R" (whatever the hell that is.)
2:50 p.m.
Jul 9, '08
I don't think you should put to much into lone dissents, which are pretty common even in the Legislature where there are many more people voting.
True about the legislature. But that isn't what this group is. And based on my cursory review of the meeting minutes so far, the Commission tends to vote unanimously a lot. It just seems interesting that Duyck tends to be a lone dissenter a lot more than everyone else...even his GOP colleagues.
Also, the other Republicans I believe are pretty Liberal R's, (though I might be wrong). Duyck is also the only Comm. who represents many agricultural rural areas.
Those other Republicans may be more liberal than Duyck. Which is interesting to me...because that would place Duyck as more conservative...maybe much more. Given the influx of people moving into the Hillsboro area (turning it more Democratic), that makes the House seat a much tougher one for someone with that ideology.
Incidentally, Duyck isn't the only representative of "many agricultural areas". Large sections of Strader and Rogers districts are also agricultural. In fact, I'd say Duyck's district is much more "corporate" farming (there are a number of extremely large nurseries and wineries in that district) than the other districts.
Mabye he thinks for him self ever think of that... and how is he out of step with Washington County if they keep electing him.
I'm not suggesting that he doesn't think for himself.
And why do they keep electing him? For one thing, he's got fantastic name ID in the district. He's got a lot of family ties here. And he hasn't had many significant challenges to the seat. In fact, I think there may have been only one significant challenge during his entire tenure. And based on what I've heard (but not yet researched), even that wasn't an especially strong one.
I don't know if these recent dissents are something that's just started happening or if its been consistent throughout Duyck's time on the Commission. I'll keep reading and see what I find.
4:12 p.m.
Jul 9, '08
He's clearly an extremist
Tell us you were joking.
4:25 p.m.
Jul 9, '08
I don't recall saying that Duyck is an extremist. But its entirely possible based on the votes I've seen so far that he is further to the right than the other Republicans on the Washington County Commission.
Given that Duyck is running for the House District 30 seat (which has a big chunk of the town of Hillsboro), that's not exactly a plus for him. Hillsboro has been trending more Democratic/progressive for the last several years.
4:26 p.m.
Jul 9, '08
Oh that was Steve who said "extremist"..sorry..
I'm not sure if that's correct or not...yet.
7:54 p.m.
Jul 9, '08
Hey Coyote,
I'll be more impressed by complaints from conservatives about being labeled extremist when said conservatives stop playing the stupid game of equating liberalism with socialism.
Jul 9, '08
BIG Tom, Measure 50, Brian is a classic RINO. Little Roy Rogers may be a registered republican but he his certainly not a conservative.
Andy is a thoughtful vote, an inconsistent conservative vote to be sure, but certainly not extreme when you match him with his associates.
Schouten is the extremist, Lefty. Kinda bland, lacks personality, is overheard in local eateries when he should've kept his yap shut.
Hey Carla I know you must love young Davey and if you wanna dig, we'll dig....
9:44 p.m.
Jul 9, '08
BIG Tom, Measure 50, Brian is a classic RINO. Little Roy Rogers may be a registered republican but he his certainly not a conservative.
Uh..okay. In other words, one of the righest of the rightwing bloggers in Oregon thinks that two of the GOPers aren't conservative enough. Whoopee.
Andy is a thoughtful vote, an inconsistent conservative vote to be sure, but certainly not extreme when you match him with his associates.
Hmm...again, one of the most rightwing bloggers around thinks that Duyck is "thoughtful" and that everyone else is "extreme". Interesting picture you're painting there, RINO. I'll bet the Duyck campaign LOVES reading this..LOL
Hey Carla I know you must love young Davey and if you wanna dig, we'll dig....
Do what you must. Given the lousy job that the GOP has done vetting their candidates this cycle...doesn't seem fair to you. :) David Edwards has already been highly vetted and scrutinized from the last go around. (shrug)
11:42 p.m.
Jul 9, '08
Carla Axtman: Hmm...again, one of the most rightwing bloggers around thinks that Duyck is "thoughtful" and that everyone else is "extreme".
It makes perfect sense if you're 90% of the way to being an American Nazi (yea for torture, yipee!!!). From that lunatic perspective, Duyck, the extremist, is the "normal" guy. Everyone else is "liberal", and the worst of them are the ones calling themselves "Republicans" (in name only). Why, some even think murdering innocents in cold blood is morally reprehensible, even when they're brown skinned foreigners!
Thank goodness we're now selling cigarettes to Iran to kill them. Much more acceptable, and the right kind of people make money at being nicotine drug dealers too!
Jul 10, '08
Has anyone else noticed what a bunch of whiny cry-babies conservatives have become? Every time Obama opens his mouth, McCain's feelings get hurt and his campaign demands an oppology. Every time a progressive does or says anything, some conservative feels wounded and cries about how he's been treated.
Geez. This is politics, not Candyland.
Jul 10, '08
"Liberal R" = oxymoron.
"R" = moron.
2:52 p.m.
Jul 10, '08
Carla, I think you will find that Andy Duyck is no "extremist." I'm sure you will find policy differences, as one would hope since he is running as a Republican.
However the extremist tag would be silly. And I know you are not the one who used it.
Chris, You are going to have to search pretty hard to find "said conservative" equating liberalism with socialism. Not that I would not agree to that at a point, but it is just so old and out dated.
I think you are reading this with your stereotype turned up too loud.
Now I have suggested on several occasions, that the birth of progressivism came from Fascism. Which is pretty well documented.
But you will ignore everything else in this comment except the last paragraph. So you can parrot some more of your stereotypical talking points.
yip yip
3:14 p.m.
Jul 11, '08