Cartoon: Can the Leopard Change His Spots?

By Jesse Springer of Eugene, Oregon. Jesse is a long-time political cartoonist and illustrator. Previously, he contributed "The end of the primary season..."


  • Sid Leader (unverified)

    Poor Gordo!

    The junior Senator from Oregon was for the war before he was against it.

    That Porsche-driving elitist, wearing his custom $1,000 Parisian suits, couldn't find his own fat, rich, white @ss without a map, a compass and a call to Triple-A.

    Here's the AAA link, just for you, Monsieur Smitty!

  • AJ526 (unverified)

    Did you see this one?

    I am surprised that you haven't picked up the story about Iraq possibly setting a time table for our withdrawal. We wrote about it on ours if you are interested...

  • a (unverified)

    Not unlike how Mr. Merkley is trying to pass himself off as "the" anti war candidate. He touts his "foreign policy" credential and yet doesn't even recognize the Iraq debacle for what it is; an OCCUPATION. And an expensive one at that.

    Having failed to oppose the preemptive war when he had the chance (Merkley chose instead to praise the "courage" of Bush instead, as I recall) he wanted to "debate" Bush's policy "another day."

    Five years later, he's still all talk and no pony. Sure Smith has failed us in this aspect as well, but Merkley certainly doesn't deserve a promotion for his wishy washy mediocrity.

    The "Merkley Campaign to Bring Troops Home" is too little, too late (if anything at all)

  • Bill Bodden (unverified)

    The way Obama is moving to the right it might be appropriate to reverse the names in the cartoon from Obama to Smith and Smith to Obama.

  • (Show?)

    Sure Smith has failed us in this aspect as well, but Merkley certainly doesn't deserve a promotion for his wishy washy mediocrity.

    In other words... re-elect Smith.

    The self-defeating, infantile rants coming from the lunatic-fringe Left, such as "a" has demonstrated for us here, would do more to guarantee a permanent reich-wing Right control of this nation than everything Karl Rove could even dream of deceiving us into.

    And what level of cowardness does it take to talk smack about a great candidate while hiding under the anonymity of a lower-case vowel? At least Karl Rove had the courage of his convictions...

  • Sargent (unverified)

    Very funny cartoon. Thanks.

  • Neal Skorpen (unverified)

    Awesome Jesse!

  • Chris (unverified)

    fat, rich, white @ss. Skinny,rich Black @ss

  • Mike (unverified)

    Hilarious. Gordon is so ridiculous. I'm embarrassed that he's my Senator.

  • Bill Bodden (unverified)

    Let's not forget there are two elements in getting losers into Congress and state legislatures - the candidates and the electorate, both of which generally leave much to be desired. It may be that some people deserve better, but the old adage applies: A nation (and a state) gets the government it deserves. With the Democratic party mission to provide the voters with the lesser evil there isn't much hope for improvement in the foreseeable future.

  • (Show?)

    great cartoon. quality work.

  • Bill Bodden (unverified)

    Having been and being skeptical of Obama and critical of him on occasions, fairness requires that I recognize his superior good sense on the missile flap in Iran. On the Today Show Obama put an emphasis on negotiation. I didn't get anything about McCain's position, but it was presumably idiotically belligerent. I just watched the votes on amendments to FISA and was relieved to note that Obama got it right supporting Feingold and Dodd. Unfortunately, the same can't be said for several Democrats who voted with Lieberman, Smith and the Republicans.

  • Bill Bodden (unverified)

    Obama got it right (on FISA) supporting Feingold and Dodd. Unfortunately, the same can't be said for several Democrats who voted with Lieberman, Smith and the Republicans.

    Congressional Approval Rating Falls to 9%. That's since the Democrats gained the majority - not that it was much better under the Republicans.

  • Bill Bodden (unverified)

    Politico has another take on that poll: Single digit approval? Not exactly.

  • Bill Bodden (unverified)

    This is today's vote on FISA. Obama voted the right way. Whether he did that because of the pressure put on him by potential voters or whether he was given permission by the telecoms since his vote didn't make any difference is an open question. With 13 Democrats voting with Lieberman, Smith and the Republicans the party has little to be proud of.

  • Big Al (unverified)

    Obama got it right? Bullshit! Here are the senators with balls that got it right: Akaka, Biden, Bingaman, Boxer, Brown, Byrd, Cantwell, Cardin, CLINTON, Dodd, Dorgan, Durbin, Feingold, Harkin, Kerry, Klobucher, Lautenberg, Leahy, Levin, Menendez, Murray, Reed, Reid, Sanders, Schumer, Stabenow, Tester and WYDEN. Whoever heard of retroactive immunity outside of the Bush Administration? If the names are not listed above, they caved in to Bush.

  • Bill Bodden (unverified)

    My error. Obama got it right on the Amendments to the FISA bill but wrong on the final vote - the one that counted.

    Whoever heard of retroactive immunity outside of the Bush Administration? If the names are not listed above, they caved in to Bush.

    Kennedy didn't vote but would probably have voted against immunity. McCain didn't vote, but it would have been a sure bet he would have voted for immunity.

  • Helen Charles (unverified)

    Sid Leader seems like a crazy man. I demand he is banned.

  • Sid Leader (unverified)

    I second that motion!

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