Being Oregonian
Carla Axtman
There's a section of dialogue in the film Gone With The Wind where Rhett Butler says to Scarlett O'Hara, "You get your strength from the red earth of Tara". I love this section of the film in part because it expresses how I feel about my home state of Oregon. I've traveled extensively throughout the United States and for me, there's no place like home.
I didn't begin my life as an Oregonian. In fact, I was born in Idaho. But my folks packed us up while I was still a toddler and moved us to a small house across from the Grant County Fairgrounds in John Day.
This is me at age 2, taken at the portrait studio in John Day, circa (gulp) 1966.
I attended Humboldt Elementary School, John Day Middle School and Grant Union High School--my entire K-12 education. I spent summers hiking to Strawberry Lake and camping at Magone. When I was a kid, a trip to the "big city" was the three hour journey to Bend, where (when my folks could afford it, which wasn't often) we would buy school clothes.
I lived in that small community until I left for college, which is also in Oregon. I couldn't wait to leave the small town..but I don't know that its ever totally left me. I don't think you can live your formative years in such a place and not retain it as an intregal part of who you are. After college I moved to Washington State and lived for a number of years. But I longed to be home, and that meant moving back to Oregon which I did in 1995.
I love our bottle bill. I think Tom McCall was an ass-kicking enviro and I'm proud that he was our Guv. I'm even more proud of Oregon's Death With Dignity Act--which I think is the ultimate expression of what it means to be an Oregonian: let me live and die as I long as I do no harm to others.
So when I saw Gordon Smith's latest TV ad..claiming rural Oregon as "home", I found myself thinking about what that really means..both to me and to Smith.
Unlike myself, Smith was indeed born in Oregon. But he left at an early age and moved to Maryland, as his father went to work for the Eisenhower Administration. As far as I can tell, Smith didn't come back to Oregon until the 80s, when he was an adult.
Smith's business is here (which he hasn't run since 1996). He has a house here. But he went back to Maryland when he was elected to the U.S. Senate. He apparently owns a very nice home in Maryland, and spends a great deal of time there. I've called Smith's office in Portland to find out how many public town hall meetings he's held in Oregon in the last year in an effort to get an idea of how much Smith is in the state, but they haven't called me back. Cross your fingers.
Its entirely possible that Gordon Smith feels the same way about Oregon that I do. But I haven't seen him working for Oregonians the way that I think someone who really loves our state would. I've kept an eye out for chances to meet Smith , but they're few and very far between. It seems to me that its got to be tough to do what Oregonians need/want when you don't spend much time with Oregonians in Oregon.
But maybe Smith is Oregon's version of Carnac .
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connect with blueoregon
Jul 1, '08
What a cutie...oh back to the point.
I made some points regarding Jeff Merkley's connection to this state,, that are, hmmmm, in his favor. Gordon just doesn't seem to have such.
9:21 p.m.
Jul 1, '08
Is there any way that you or someone else could get a more definitive reading on Smith's time in Oregon? My reading is that he has only lived in Oregon as an adult for about ten years and about fifteen in his entire life. He keeps that carefully hidden in all the bios I could find on line doing a quick search. I don't know if that would resonate with the public much, but it might help frame the "he is out of touch with Oregonians" message if this was better known. Let's face it, he grew up in Maryland and has lived there for the last decade.
And I agree with Chuck; very cute.
Jul 1, '08
Its amazing how perspective works. You say Gordon "left" Oregon to work in the Senate and that you haven't seen him work for Oregonians "as someone from our state would."
Yet in my mind, a man that could run his family's business the rest of his life and make millions chose to go into public office. An option he didn't NEED or have to take...chose to do that...and REPRESENT OREGON. I would say that would be something that says alot about how he feels about his state, Carla. I dunno about you, but serving in public office is one of the most giving things you can do for your state...again, perspective.
He CHOSE to go to Maryland? Or he was elected by Oregonians to continue to represent Oregon in the Senate? Again, perspective.
And before you go crazy about his home in maryland....if im not mistaken, Jeff Merkley refinanced his OWN home in Washington DC to help pay for his campaign against Novick.
Where's the google map to that?
Seems to me that you have an issue with perspective...bang on his voting record all you want...but don't hold against him that he was fortunate in life and yet chose to go into public office...again, perspective and perception. Amazing how that works.
But apparently, thats how the Merkley camp wants to go...hypocritical to ding Smith for being grey on the facts when you yourself are choosing to blur the lines....hmmmm this seems like a similar play...ive seen this before.
9:32 p.m.
Jul 1, '08
You say Gordon "left" Oregon to work in the Senate and that you haven't seen him work for Oregonians "as someone from our state would."
Actually, that's not what I said.
I said, "I haven't seen him working for Oregonians the way that I think someone who really loves our state would."
Reading is fundamental.
And yes, Jeff Merkley has a home in Washington D.C. that he's allowed the Lutheran Volunteer Corps to use as a group home for the mentally ill. Would you like to compare that to Gordon Smith's $4 million mansion in Maryland? Be my guest.
Frankly, my problem with Smith isn't that he lives in Maryland while he's serving in the Senate. Its that he didn't really grow up here, doesn't appear to spend that much time here, doesn't appear to talk with Oregonians in Oregon ABOUT Oregon..and doesn't much appear to give a rat's ass about us. He doesn't seem to have much interest in REPRESENTING OREGONIANS.
And yeah, that's my perspective as an Oregonian who loves this state very, very much.
9:58 p.m.
Jul 1, '08
Yet in my mind, a man that could run his family's business the rest of his life and make millions chose to go into public office. An option he didn't NEED or have to take...chose to do that...and REPRESENT OREGON. I would say that would be something that says alot about how he feels about his state, Carla.
The problem is he doesn't represent Oregon. On multiple occasions he has actively worked against the will of the people in Oregon.
He didn't run for the U.S. Senate to represent Oregon. It's about the power and prestige that comes from being a U.S. Senator.
Jul 1, '08
"he went back to Maryland when he was elected to the U.S. Senate."
That doesnt mean he left Oregon? Really?
So your issues are with his policies and your perceptions...yet, your argument is that despite his family running a business in Oregon....keeping a home in Oregon, serving as a Senator for the state of Oregon, he isnt Oregonian enough for you, because he doesnt attend town hall meetings...and because he had opportunities that so many of us wish we had...I see Carla.
Im sure that if the opportunity to go to Harvard, or Yale, or to experience life in a way so many of us wish we could have as a result of our parents' hard work, you would choose to go to U of O.
I would argue that "home" isnt based on how long you spend in one place, or what public school you attend...but the impact that the place leaves with you...and to think, as little a time that he spent in Oregon (as you say) he still calls it home says alot more about how great a state this is and the impact it made on him...after all, how many of us would rather retire to a 4 million dollar home than to take on the challenge that he is encountering with this election...again, perspective.
And because his family is successful and he has benefited from that success, that should be held against him?
Because he doesnt rent his home out to a charity?...well carla, Jeff Merkley could have vets from Walter Reed living in his home in DC, but that doesn't excuse him for having the same passion Smith has for public office, hence why he refinanced that home to pay for his campaign.
Again, Smith has alot of issues and policies that not all Oregonians agree with, but his success as a businessman and his wealth isnt something that anyone should be critical of...after all, we all work hard to enjoy life, and that has nothing to do with policy....
After all, how many town hall meetings is Jeff Merkley promising to attend if he wins the race....and how would some Oregonians feel if he is in Oregon attending town meetings, when he could be in DC representing Oregon...again, perspective.
Jul 1, '08
"The problem is he doesn't represent Oregon. On multiple occasions he has actively worked against the will of the people in Oregon.
He didn't run for the U.S. Senate to represent Oregon. It's about the power and prestige that comes from being a U.S. Senator."
His dad served in public office, much like Al Gore's father...much like Gore, the seed was planted never grew up idolizing someone?
We can argue motives all you want and never get an answer, but policies we can come to some sort of common ground on...
He's a two-term Senator in a predomenantly blue someone believed in him, so he represented SOMEONE in OREGON, maybe just not you.
But to argue that his wealth and life experiences are the reason for his not being Oregonian is juvenile.
After all, are you telling me that the same desire an passion Merkley has doesnt reside at the same place Smith's does...a desire to make a difference, a desire to have power and prestige, within his home state? telling me you dont want to give your kids the world? You dont want them to experience everything this world has to offer, at the expense of "home."
I see Carla's point, his voting record has been questionable, but this "home" stuff is just a weak way for the Merkley campaign to try and knock Smith and the Smith family's personal success and somehow make that a political issue...there is alot more out there to get him on, and I hope progressives are smarter than this...
10:53 p.m.
Jul 1, '08
He's a two-term Senator in a predomenantly blue someone believed in him, so he represented SOMEONE in OREGON, maybe just not you.
Obviously he represents some people, I never said he didn't. But he doesn't represent Oregon - which means the majority of Oregonians. Time and time again he has worked against the will of the people. And I'm not just talking about how a poll shows we stand on an issue - I'm talking about actively working against items that Oregonians have overwhelmingly voted for.
Smith has been able to win past elections because he had a lot of money to spend, had a well run campaign, and was able to pull the wool over people's eyes regarding how he actually stands on the issues. That's why all of us need to be out talking to voters about Merkley and how he stands on the issues - because he definitely does a much better job of actually representing the positions of the majority of the voters in this state than Smith ever has.
And I think the town hall issue is a big one. Gordon Smith is rarely seen in state, rarely available to speak with voters, etc. About the only time you see him here doing anything is when it is election time. He may be a busy man, but he still owes it to those who are his employers (us the taxpayers) to at least occasionally hold town hall meetings, advise his staff to actually listen to his constituents, etc. Having written, called, and visited Smith's office numerous times over the past 7 years, this is an area that I give him and his office a big "F".
You can't even visit his office to drop off correspondence, speak with a staff member, etc. You are advised to mail the letter instead. I did that a few times, only to have them deny the letter was ever received. Now I only write his office using delivery confirmation.
Having worked in a Congressional office myself, I know how things are supposed to work. I know all about the security and everything - at our office you had to go through a metal detector, had to leave any cell phones and pagers behind, and were escorted upstairs by a U.S. Marshal. But you were still allowed access to the office M-F anytime between 9-5 (unless we were away at a town hall meeting, and even then you could drop a letter through the letter slot). Other Congressional offices here in Oregon work the same way - I've had no problems visiting the offices for Congressman Wu or Congressman Bluemenauer, and others had no problems with U.S. Senator Wyden or Congresswoman Hooley.
Smith and his office are completely unresponsive to the constituents. In all the visits, calls, and letters I've made, I have only one response to show - and that's out of dozens of contacts.
11:16 p.m.
Jul 1, '08
Frankly, my problem with Smith ... (i)ts that he didn't really grow up here ...
Not born in Oregon: David Wu, Darlene Hooley, Ron Wyden ... even Tom McCall! I could go on and on, but the number of Oregonians who weren't born here and didn't grow up here constitutes a pretty hefty portion of the state.
Obviously he represents some people, I never said he didn't. But he doesn't represent Oregon - which means the majority of Oregonians...Smith has been able to win past elections because he had a lot of money to spend, had a well run campaign, and was able to pull the wool over people's eyes regarding how he actually stands on the issues.
I suppose the counter argument is that Smith has won two statewide elections to the Senate. It's possible that he has simply fooled a majority of the voting public both times, but I tend to be quite skeptical of those who claim the public are fools or foolish.
I realize this is the long hot summer and people are bored. I'm waiting for the real Merkley campaign to start, because if all he's got is million dollar golf clubs and claims over who is more Oregonian, then it won't be much of a contest.
Smith is a very tough opponent. Let's see your game.
1:59 a.m.
Jul 2, '08
Paul, it's not about who was born here. Smith was born here after all.
But there's an interesting parallel between Smith's inability to represent the interests of this state, and his life's history of not actually living here.
He grew up in Bethesda, Maryland. Went to Walt Whitman HS in Bethesda. And he lives in Bethesda now.
And he does goofy shit like saying he supports Oregon's voter-approved minimum wage while voting for a federal law that has zero effect - except to CUT Oregon's voter-approved minimum wage for tipped workers.
Pretty simple, really.
2:01 a.m.
Jul 2, '08
p.s. Personal to Paul:
I realize this is the long hot summer and people are bored. I'm waiting for the real Merkley campaign to start...
Get out of the heat, and take the kids to the beach. You might even run into a U.S. Senate candidate with a "real" campaign.
Jul 2, '08
"Im sure that if the opportunity to go to Harvard, or Yale, or to experience life in a way so many of us wish we could have as a result of our parents' hard work, you would choose to go to U of O."
Hey hey hey. Just to be clear. Yes, there are some legacy admissions in the Ivies. But the majority of students at Harvard, Yale, U of O or any other school are there because of their own accomplishments, not their parents'.
Also, lots of people who are well off are well off because of hard work and/or talent and/or taking advantage of opportunities as they came up. Others inherited money, married money or whatever. Just as it's not right to dump on people randomly for being rich, it's also simplistic and unhelpful to lionize rich people indiscriminately.
(I am stifling the urge to pick on the syntax.)
Jul 2, '08
Carla, I really enjoy your writing style, and while we may disagree on some points, I too love our Oregon. There is something that is "just right" about our state when campared with many others.
Our Death with Dignity act is one such great characteristic, WA is trying to follow suit. Unfortunately, I have long been one who thinks the bottle bill (maverick at the time) nees to be praised and put out to pasture. It is time to think how all those resources and time could be better sp[ent in other areas, like curbside recycling or lowered usage of plastics. But I digress.
Politicians and administrators at the federal level tend to live inside the beltway. It affects them all. In that regard I question if Merkley is much different in that regard. Oregon really is not a blue state. It is a purple state dominated by 3 blue counties.
Jul 2, '08
"I'm waiting for the real Merkley campaign to start, because if all he's got is million dollar golf clubs and claims over who is more Oregonian, then it won't be much of a contest."
Maybe Merkley is waiting on his next check from Chuck?
Are there any independents running? Because neither of the "main" party candidates are right for the job.
7:33 a.m.
Jul 2, '08
Not born in Oregon: David Wu, Darlene Hooley, Ron Wyden ... even Tom McCall! I could go on and on, but the number of Oregonians who weren't born here and didn't grow up here constitutes a pretty hefty portion of the state.
Gordon Smith was born here. I note that in my piece. I also note that I was not born here. But not growing up here AND not spending much of your adult life here AND apparently not spending much time in the state as its U.S. Senate representative is highly problematic, in my opinion.
7:36 a.m.
Jul 2, '08
"he went back to Maryland when he was elected to the U.S. Senate."
That doesnt mean he left Oregon? Really?
In a vacuum, no. But in the context of having not grown up here, having spent very little of his adult life here, not being here very much even while representing us as our Senator...then yeah, it looks to me like Gordon Smith has "left Oregon".
Jul 2, '08
Carla ...
This argument is beneath you.
7:46 a.m.
Jul 2, '08
Steve Duin (if this is really you), based on what I've been reading in your columns for the last ten months on the U.S. Senate race, that's the pot calling the kettle black, dude.
And I'm curious...why is not governing like you "love Oregon", an argument beneath me? Why is questioning Smith's commitment to our state something not worth asking?
Or better..why aren't you using your resources to ask it?
Jul 2, '08
Wealth would not be a negative attribute for Smith, if he wasn't using his wealth to cloister himself up in his $4 million mansion in Maryland and ignore the folks back here in Oregon who are struggling to keep gas in our cars and food on our tables.
10:20 a.m.
Jul 2, '08
Right now, candidate Jeff is running all over the state hitting the small towns with town hall meetings. At every one of these retail stops, he meets a few more folks that rarely get involved in politics.
Case in point:
When he came to Sandy VFW, about half the crowd might be what you'd call The Usual Suspects that participate in local politics and/or the party organization. For them it was a chance to cement support. The other half of the crowd were people that I'd never met, and a group of these folks were clustered around Jeff after the meeting asking policy questions and getting to know him. These folks will talk up his positives to their friends, people that we in the local org may have a hard time reaching.
I'm pretty sick of Blue Oregon commenters who apparently are unfamiliar with The Google or seem to have some other reason for griping that the cmapaign is doing nothing, when in fact the campaign is out there every week engaging the actual grassroots of our state.
<hr/>As for Gordon, I've never seen him in person anywhere, much less in the Sandy VFW Hall........I'm a native Oregonian, and I don't give a damn where any candidate's from in terms of geography. Smith, however, is from the state of detachment, a very large state that shows up on no electoral map, but is easily identified by the behavior of its residents.....
Jul 2, '08
"Wealth would not be a negative attribute for Smith, if he wasn't using his wealth to cloister himself up in his $4 million mansion in Maryland and ignore the folks back here in Oregon who are struggling to keep gas in our cars and food on our tables."
So let me make sure I get this straight: If Jeff Merkley becomes the next Senator of Oregon, you will expect and anticipate that he will consistenly be in the state, making appearances at town hall meetings, instead of representing Oregonians in DC and making his precense felt.
Just want to make sure I understand what you are dinging Smith for and are expecting Merkley to handle differently.
BTW-Merkley already has his home in DC...large enough that it serves as a group home for the mentally ill (source: Carla Axtman)...if you want to talk about palacial estates.
11:23 a.m.
Jul 2, '08
So let me make sure I get this straight: If Jeff Merkley becomes the next Senator of Oregon, you will expect and anticipate that he will consistenly be in the state, making appearances at town hall meetings, instead of representing Oregonians in DC and making his precense felt.
Senator Wyden does it. In fact, Wyden holds a public town hall meeting in each of Oregon's counties every year. I would expect Merkley to be in Oregon and make his presence felt, just as Wyden does. Wyden has shown that its very possible to represent us in D.C. and manage to stay in touch with the residents of the state.
You do realize that Merkley has a home in DC because he bought it as a run-down mess in one of the worst areas of town, fixed it up while working as a Presidential Fellow?
I'm curious..why are you trying to give parity with Merkley and Smith in terms of "wealth", when its very obvious there is none?
If you don't have a problem with Smith being wealthy and insulated from every day Oregonians..then fine. But trying to pretend that Merkley is exactly the same is seriously dishonest.
Jul 2, '08
"I'm curious..why are you trying to give parity with Merkley and Smith in terms of "wealth", when its very obvious there is none?"
To me, the wealth of Smith (accrrued as a result of his family's success) and the wealth of Merkley are not any different. Merkley owns a number of properties in Oregon, along with the home that he owns in DC.
Im not trying to give parity, its obvious that the Smith family's wealth is unique...
I am merely pointing out that I too can position Merkley's personal wealth in a way that would make it seem extravagant, without looking at the whole picture...much in the same way that the Merkley campaign has done by pointing out the golf clubs (which are antiques, BTW) and the putting green (in the wrong house).
So Smith enjoys the success and wealth that has afforded him....there are a number of people who serve in public office that are no different.
You seem to be suggesting that due to his wealth, and due to his lack of appearances in Oregon, he shouldnt be Senator...and that he isnt a true Oregonian.
Plenty of Senators manage their duties in the very same way Gordon Smith does. A number of them Democrats. It doesnt mean that they dont care, or that they are true to themselves or their states...and certainly, wealth (or the lack thereof) is not a prerequisite to understanding people...which is what you are suggesting in your piece.
I would much rather see a campaign that focuses on where Gordon is wrong on the issues, and on how his voting record reflects his character....but he is no more and no less an Oregonian than any of us, as long as he shares the passion and love for the state as we do. Visits, or where he went to public school doesnt really determine much as you may want to draw that parity...I just think there are much larger issues than whether Gordon has a 4 million dollar house. Just like I could care less how many homes Merkley owns, or whether he could afford to put his kids through private school.
Jul 2, '08
Suggesting that there is a link between Smith's difference in life experiences and his votes is scarcely unreasonable if the votes show it. They do.
Jeff Merkley shines at retail politics, he makes a connection and that probably has a lot to do with his life experiences. Merkley's politics seem to be working out well for Oregonians as reflected by the Oregon House races.
I've lived in NE OR for 20 years and I can't see how Smith's votes square with the lives of his constituents out here other than a handful of serious wealth. The funny part of it is that he'll probably win OR 2CD.
I've reread Carla's post and I just can't seem to find the stuff that's gotten criticized.
1:32 p.m.
Jul 2, '08
am merely pointing out that I too can position Merkley's personal wealth in a way that would make it seem extravagant, without looking at the whole picture...much in the same way that the Merkley campaign has done by pointing out the golf clubs (which are antiques, BTW) and the putting green (in the wrong house).
Uh..okay. You can "position" it any way that gets you through the day--but that doesn't change the basic facts: Smith is very wealthy. Smith doesn't govern as if he cares about Oregon, his roots here seem pretty shallow and he doesn't appear to be here very much.
You seem to be suggesting that due to his wealth, and due to his lack of appearances in Oregon, he shouldnt be Senator...and that he isnt a true Oregonian.
I'm suggesting that his wealth has contributed to him being out of touch with every day Oregonians. Coupled with his lack of being in Oregon both as a youth and as an adult--and looking at the way he votes is MIA in the state--I find it highly problematic. And yes, I'm suggesting that its possible that Smith isn't really an Oregonian. He's lived much more of his life outside the state than in.
Now I grant in my piece that Smith may love Oregon and be as much of an Oregonian as I am. If so, then demonstrations of that are welcome. I'd love to see it. I've been back in the state since Smith first ran for office and won..and I haven't seen it from him.
...I just think there are much larger issues than whether Gordon has a 4 million dollar house. Just like I could care less how many homes Merkley owns, or whether he could afford to put his kids through private school.
Actually, you make my point for me here. I don't see Smith's passion and commitment to Oregon. In fact, I see nothing resembling it whatsoever.
In my post, I try to figure out why I don't see it the fact that he wasn't raised here? Is it the fact that he spends so little time here? Is it the fact that he's insulated by wealth and prestige? What's going on with Gordon Smith that makes him so indifferent to the lives and problems of Oregonians?
Jul 2, '08
It's easy........ he chose to represent only a small group of farmers in Southern Oregon who didn't want to decrease the use of irrigation water to their potato and alfalfa fields in 2002 to keep the stream flows adequate to protect the Salmon in the Klamath River in 2002.
The result was a massive fish kill of the Salmon run in the Klamath River devastating the coastal fishermen and communities that depend on the fishing economy.
That's who he represents..........a small group of influential people with power and money instead of interests of the state as a whole. I can't wait to see Salmon-killer Smith booted from office so he will have more time to use his one point two five million dollar golf clubs in Maryland.
2:01 p.m.
Jul 2, '08
No one said that our U.S. Senator has to be in the state every single day - obviously he would need to be in DC for the votes, important committee meetings, etc.
However, there are lengths of time where Congress isn't in session. When I worked for U.S. Congressman Lampson, his rule was that he spent all breaks in the district (except for a short vacation with his family) and worked hard to be in district every weekend. During that time, I think he only missed maybe 3 weekends, and that was when the session went into the weekend.
It's important to be in the state listening to voters, seeing what is going on in the state, holding town hall meetings, etc. And Gordon Smith just isn't doing that - which has put him out-of-touch with Oregonians.
Jul 2, '08
You're not Oregonian. You're an Idahoan living in Oregon. There's a difference.
3:04 p.m.
Jul 2, '08
Western state senators and members of congress have always spent far less time in their state then, say, Senator Joe Biden, who still commutes home to Delaware nightly.
Yes it is important to listen to your state. There are many ways to do this. You can travel home. You can read the local papers. You can take phone calls and read constituent mail. And then there is your local office which does a lot of this work.
I don't know whether Gordon Smith does or does not travel home more or less frequently than other Western state senators. I haven't seen anything other than a few anecdotal comments that are highly problematic.
Just reacting to what I'm seeing here, which seems to focus almost uniformly on what I consider to be utterly marginal personal issues that bear very little relationship to the real issues of being a Senator. Let's cut to the heart of the matter here--Jenni and Carla have said multiple times that Gordon Smith does not represent Oregonians well.
I want you to point me to one, specific, policy or issue that has been cited in this thread that demonstrates this claim. I just re-read the thread and there are none. Not one! Just a bunch of statements about how often he travels home of where he grew up and therefore he must not "represent" Oregon.
I'm sorry but I'm calling B.S. on that one. I hope we're not at a point where someone's birthplace and upbringing is the way we determine their ability to be an effective leader, because if we are, we're in a shitload of trouble with our presidential nominee.
Let me correct that--the one issue that has been cited above--Death with Dignity--is one on which Smith has a very good record!
I support Jeff Merkley but I don't work for his campaign, and any advice I'd give to him or his campaign is going to be objective. My objective analysis is that million dollar golf clubs and arguments about who is the better Oregonian are not strategies that are going to win this election. Another objective observer--Jeff Mapes--seems to agree with me.
By any objective measure, Merkley's did not do as well in the primary as he should have. I still say the Merkley campaign has a lot of work to do and Smith is going to be a very difficult opponent.
Jul 2, '08
"Suggesting that there is a link between Smith's difference in life experiences and his votes is scarcely unreasonable if the votes show it. They do."
Two-term senator for the state of Oregon....what votes are you looking at?
"I've lived in NE OR for 20 years and I can't see how Smith's votes square with the lives of his constituents out here other than a handful of serious wealth. The funny part of it is that he'll probably win OR 2CD."
Again, Two-term senator for the state of Oregon...apparently there are alot more voters out there than you realize that he is in line with.
"In my post, I try to figure out why I don't see it the fact that he wasn't raised here? Is it the fact that he spends so little time here? Is it the fact that he's insulated by wealth and prestige? What's going on with Gordon Smith that makes him so indifferent to the lives and problems of Oregonians??"
Ive got your answer Carla: he isnt as progessive/liberal as you. Thats why it seems like he doesnt connect with you.
Im sure there are a number of people that look at Smith and the way he votes as very much in line with their thinking as an Oregonian. They just may not be as progressive as you.
So saying that a two-term Senator is not in line with what his state wants seems to be a bit silly...aligning it with the fact that he is wealthy (like almost all other public officials who serve as Senators) is assenine...saying its because he isnt a true Oregonian is just taking a cheapshot to someone who has devoted a great deal of time to public office.
I think your post is trying to paint Smith as this outsider who doesnt understand Oregonians, but your reasoning isnt solid.
You describe many of the same qualities that most Senators carry. Hillary Clinton isn't a New Yorker by any means, but would you argue that she has done right by her constituents? Her wealth didnt seem to be an obstacle in that....nor the time she spent there as a child....nor the extravagant homes she owns....but she may be looked at differently by you because of the D next to her name.
Has Smith clearly lost touch with Oregonians when it comes to policies? You certainly could make that argument...would spending more time in the state be more beneficial? Absolutely! Does either have anything to do with his wealth or his roots? I dont think so.
He has a different approach. One could argue that a Senator who spends too much time in his state with his constituents loses pull in DC...obviously there is a balance...but at the end of the day, I dont see where you draw the parity of wealth, where you grow up with the inability to lead or speak for your state. Which is what I am trying to say. Yet the Merkley campaign wants to keep harping on the fact that he is rich, and he spends time in DC and lives in Bethesda...ok, and that makes him different from current Ds and Rs serving in the Senate how?
Merkley has done great things for this state...but if anyone thinks that he will be able to walk into DC and handle things in exactly the same manner he did here in Oregon, they are kidding themselves.
And the first time he is photographed in a box seat at a Nats game, or seen golfing at Congressional when he could be in Oregon, will you claim he has lost touch? I wont, because I dont think that arguing about what he does on his free time, where he lives or what he is driving is indicative of Merkley's stance when it comes to the issues. And thats what this post suggests...A more interesting post would be to compare the in-state visits that Smith has made with what other Senators on both sides of the aisle. Clearly his approach is different that Wyden, but as a two-term Senator, you could argue that its not neccesary the wrong approach.
3:19 p.m.
Jul 2, '08
Paul G:
I realize that it's much easier for those who live near DC to commute home. The member of Congress I was talking about was from Texas - not as far as Oregon, but it still meant a costly plane flight every single weekend. And based on how often Wyden, Blumenauer, Wu, Hooley, and DeFazio are in the state, I'd say that Smith is well behind them. It's a rarity to see Smith at any event that isn't a fundraiser or something for his campaign.
His offices also aren't helpful - they don't respond to calls or letters and visits to the office are rarely allowed. I used to be a receptionist and then a constituent services rep in a Congressional office - I know how things should work. And his office seems to only listen to those who agree with them.
As to specific issues or policies, Kari already brought up one - minimum wage.
Some others:
• Death with dignity • the war in Iraq • drilling in the Arctic • medical marijuana
4:08 p.m.
Jul 2, '08
Let me correct that--the one issue that has been cited above--Death with Dignity--is one on which Smith has a very good record!
Actually if you're going to cite that, you should cite the other two: the bottle bill and the environment (via McCall). On that, Smith has a consistently horrible record. I invite you to consult the League of Conservation voters scorecard on that. But the fact that by all ancedotal evidence I can find so far, there is a dearth of visits to constituents to Oregon by Smith.
I have in fact called the Senate office (as I noted in my piece) to ask about the scheduling of public town hall meetings in the last year. That was two days ago and I have yet to hear back. But I'll try again.
And you're still missing my larger point: Smith doesn't govern like he cares about this state. The problems with him have been well documented elsewhere, but the fact that he hasn't managed to bring fellow Republicans along with county timber payments is a HUGE problem, especially when they had the majority.
The fact that he says he supported The Healthy Kids bill here in Oregon (and used it as a photo op with Kulongoski) yet refused to lobby Republicans in the Oregon legislature on it shows me that he doesn't govern like he loves Oregon.
The fact that he says he supports A Responsible Plan to End The War in Iraq (and claims that he could have written it and is a close advisor to the civilians who worked on it) yet won't actually sign on to it shows me he doesn't govern like he loves Oregon.
4:19 p.m.
Jul 2, '08
Smith's record on Death with Dignity is not that great...
This link here shows he only changed his mind on death with dignity after the Supreme Court upheld it:
4:34 p.m.
Jul 2, '08
Ive got your answer Carla: he isnt as progessive/liberal as you. Thats why it seems like he doesnt connect with you.
No, he isn't. But his voting record (until the last year) isn't very moderate, either. His 90% voting record with Bush/Cheney is well out-of-step with Oregonians in general.
Im sure there are a number of people that look at Smith and the way he votes as very much in line with their thinking as an Oregonian. They just may not be as progressive as you.
There may be "a number". And I don't claim to speak for them. I speak for me--as an Oregonian.
So saying that a two-term Senator is not in line with what his state wants seems to be a bit silly...aligning it with the fact that he is wealthy (like almost all other public officials who serve as Senators) is assenine...saying its because he isnt a true Oregonian is just taking a cheapshot to someone who has devoted a great deal of time to public office.
I think your post is trying to paint Smith as this outsider who doesnt understand Oregonians, but your reasoning isnt solid.
Pretty much everything you've thrown at me for "reasoning" has been rebutted, so I find your comment rather shallow, frankly. I think Smith is an outsider that has totally lost touch with the state that I love. Perhaps he loves it too--but I don't see it in the way he governs.
Has Smith clearly lost touch with Oregonians when it comes to policies? You certainly could make that argument...would spending more time in the state be more beneficial? Absolutely! Does either have anything to do with his wealth or his roots? I dont think so.
Then we disagree. I think when one allows themselves to be insulated away from their constituents, for whatever reason, they become out-of-touch. That's what Smith has done, from my perspective. You've not cited any evidence to the contrary..just disagreed. I await your evidence.
He has a different approach. One could argue that a Senator who spends too much time in his state with his constituents loses pull in DC...obviously there is a balance...but at the end of the day, I dont see where you draw the parity of wealth, where you grow up with the inability to lead or speak for your state. Which is what I am trying to say. Yet the Merkley campaign wants to keep harping on the fact that he is rich, and he spends time in DC and lives in Bethesda...ok, and that makes him different from current Ds and Rs serving in the Senate how?
One could argue that a Senator who spends a lot of time in the state would lose pull in D.C., but it would be a tough sell for Smith. ranks Smith as the 50th most powerful U.S. Senator in the nation. So if he's not in Oregon...and he's supposed to be in D.C. earning cred (as you infer), then what the hell is going on?
And the first time he is photographed in a box seat at a Nats game, or seen golfing at Congressional when he could be in Oregon, will you claim he has lost touch? I wont, because I dont think that arguing about what he does on his free time, where he lives or what he is driving is indicative of Merkley's stance when it comes to the issues. And thats what this post suggests...A more interesting post would be to compare the in-state visits that Smith has made with what other Senators on both sides of the aisle. Clearly his approach is different that Wyden, but as a two-term Senator, you could argue that its not neccesary the wrong approach.
Okay, I'll bite. Show me (with evidence and sources, please) exactly how Smith is a fabulous Senator for Oregon, representing us in the best way he possibly can. I don't care what other Senators from other states are doing so in fact that's not an interesting comparison. I care about show me.
Just because Smith has served two terms doesn't make him a good Senator. It doesn't make him decent. It makes him a good campaigner..which is very much NOT the same thing.
Jul 2, '08
It doesn't have to be an either/or situation. We expect more from our representatives than half-assed commitment to the people of our state. My Congressman Wu and our other Senator, Wyden, do not seem to have any trouble fitting in town halls and being responsive to their constituents.
Hell, Wu will respond with an answer to pretty much any written question he receives, and every time I've called either of their offices I've gotten at least some sort of an answer up or down on how they intend to vote. I cannot say the same thing for Senator Smith. I can't remember the last time he had a town hall. Every time I've called his office regarding a vote I've gotten no information from his staff. And I've certainly never gotten a written response back from any letter I've ever written him.
Jul 2, '08
"Okay, I'll bite. Show me (with evidence and sources, please) exactly how Smith is a fabulous Senator for Oregon, representing us in the best way he possibly can. I don't care what other Senators from other states are doing so in fact that's not an interesting comparison. I care about show me."
That's the rub. Ive never claimed he was a "fabulous" Senator, ive never claimed he was a moderate. I've never claimed anything about Smith, other than the fact that he is a two-term Senator for this state (which shows a majority of Oregonians have connected with him), and that the assumption you make in this post is ill-conceived and there are a number of more legitimate arguments to make than this petty one...and the Merkley campaign should learn that all of the key stats at the beginning of a great viral video are clouded by the erroneous cheap shot at the end (which hasnt been corrected...who is trying to deceive Oregonians now?).
Smith is out of touch with his constituents...he may indeed be the wrong fit for Oregonians as a result of the current climate in our country....but it has nothing to do with his wealth or the time he has spent in this state.
Yet your argument is about "home" and "wealth" and connecting to Oregonians (nevermind that, again, he is a two term Senator).
One thing that is clear to me is that Smith's wealth is not impacted by his service as Senator. He could still enjoy the same luxuries he had before he joined the Senate.
And he hasnt spent any more or any less time in Oregon since he was chosen BY THE PEOPLE OF OREGON (TWICE)to serve as Senator. Yet those are the two arguments in this sad post. Your subsequent comments actually had more factual and substantial information than your original post, but maybe you just wanted to see your baby picture online. BTW- very cute.
And in many ways, the very same things you claim could be and will be argued about Jeff Merkley, if he wins and serves the state...because technically, he will become richer and will spend less time in Oregon than he would be if he stayed at his current post....and both of these are the arguments you take in this post.
But if you really want the numbers, ill look them up for you (with sources)...send me an email (you can access it since you are an editor) and I will get you the stats...if you commit to posting them.
(The comical thing is that you are the one that took issue with his lack of visits to Oregon, yet you yourself didnt look to see how Smith's lack of visits compare to other senators (frankly, I dont see how visits correlate to voting record, and I dont care how many times my Senator visits, as long as I feel he represents me) do you really care how often he visits, or are you just whining and is this another BO attack job?....if he voted the way you wanted, would you still be angry that he didnt visit much, would he be more of an "Oregonian"?)
9:45 p.m.
Jul 2, '08
That's the rub. Ive never claimed he was a "fabulous" Senator, ive never claimed he was a moderate. I've never claimed anything about Smith, other than the fact that he is a two-term Senator for this state (which shows a majority of Oregonians have connected with him), and that the assumption you make in this post is ill-conceived and there are a number of more legitimate arguments to make than this petty one
Here's the other rub: I'm not with the Merkley campaign. And I not only think that working for Oregon as it's Senator is relevant..the discussion about whether or not a Senator is actually doing that job as if he loves our state is the fundamental question about whether or not he should be reelected.
Smith is out of touch with his constituents...he may indeed be the wrong fit for Oregonians as a result of the current climate in our country....but it has nothing to do with his wealth or the time he has spent in this state.
Yes--actually it does--especially if he hasn't spent time in Oregon. There is no way to be in-touch with the consituency of the state if you spend no time here. The fact that you think this is appropriate for a representative is telling, to say the least.
Yet your argument is about "home" and "wealth" and connecting to Oregonians (nevermind that, again, he is a two term Senator).
Again..being a two-term Senator proves Smith is a good campaigner. But says nothing about his job as Senator. If you can show me 8-10 great things he's done for Oregon in the last twelve years as our Senator..then you'd have something. But so far, you continue to come up short.
But if you really want the numbers, ill look them up for you (with sources)...send me an email (you can access it since you are an editor) and I will get you the stats...if you commit to posting them.
Just post them here. I'm good with reading it in public. :)
(The comical thing is that you are the one that took issue with his lack of visits to Oregon, yet you yourself didnt look to see how Smith's lack of visits compare to other senators
As I said, I dont' care about Senators outside of Oregon. I care about the ones who are here, representing us. If you find that comical--then c'est la vie. Talking down to me and using an elitist slant to vainly knock down my beliefs might make you feel better, but it doesn't exactly buffet your argument.
so do you really care how often he visits, or are you just whining and is this another BO attack job?....if he voted the way you wanted, would you still be angry that he didnt visit much, would he be more of an "Oregonian"?)
I genuinely care how much he's here and how dedicated he is to serving the state that I love. I get pretty pissed off at David Wu's votes sometimes (and have written about it before), but he has the courtesy to show up to my district and let me hear his beefs. And he's responsive when I contact him. That's a damn sight better than anything I've ever seen from Smith.
So...I await your post here with 8-10 things Smith has done that demonstrates he's governing for Oregon. (That's less than one per year of his two terms, fyi).
9:52 p.m.
Jul 2, '08
As we've already said numerous times, U.S. Senator Ron Wyden is in the state quite a bit. He holds town hall meetings in all of the state's counties. He is regularly here listening to his constituents.
Compare that to Smith - besides coming to Gresham to do a "tour" of downtown Gresham (which I disagree with our mayor on - I still feel it was for campaign reasons), I can't think of a time recently where Smith has been here for something other than a fundraiser.
But time and time again you ignore the specifics we give, and instead say "well he's been elected twice." That doesn't mean he is a good U.S. Senator. It only means he runs a good campaign. Tom DeLay was elected more times than that - did that make him a good Congressman? George Bush was elected twice as governor, selected/elected twice as president - does that make him a good President? Heck no - only about 30% of the country feels he is doing a good job. But he ran a better campaign than Kerry.
Jul 2, '08
Ah, so smart ass comments are relegated to just you? ("reading is fundamental"). Just as long as we are clear.
"Again..being a two-term Senator proves Smith is a good campaigner. But says nothing about his job as Senator."
Well, he must have done something right in the first term, if he was re-elected for a second, by your calculations.
"If you can show me 8-10 great things he's done for Oregon in the last twelve years as our Senator..then you'd have something. But so far, you continue to come up short."
Again, I never claimed he was good...I never claimed he was bad....I just responded to your reasoning for him not being an "Oregonian" and how being wealthy hurts his ability to be a good Senator for the state. Im not the one who started this argument, sweetheart...I never claimed he was a great senator, I just merely pointed out that it has nothing to do with his wealth or his residence at different times of his life.
"the discussion about whether or not a Senator is actually doing that job as if he loves our state is the fundamental question about whether or not he should be reelected."
ABSOLUTELY. But to tie it to his personal wealth and whether he lived here long enough is completely irrelevant. Now, if you would have come up with 8-10 good things he has done for his state and compared it with Widen's efforts, that would have been a much more legitimate and substancial argument (and it probably would have helped you understand why you dont connect with Smith). But its easier to post a bunch of links to viral videos and paint an incomplete picture of a man, who as flawed and wrong as he may be, did work for this state. This post comes off as "he isnt Oregonian and he is bad for Oregon because Smith didnt grow up like us."
"Talking down to me and using an elitist slant to vainly knock down my beliefs might make you feel better, but it doesn't exactly buffet your argument."
I never knocked your beliefs (that you dont connect with Smith and that he is bad for the state), I just noted that your argument is weak (which, as a commenter, comes with the territory). You began this post by claiming that his wealth and benefits growing up in a wealthy family (thus affording him opportunities in life many of us strive for) doesnt make him "Oregonian." So who started the elitist comments?
"So...I await your post here with 8-10 things Smith has done that demonstrates he's governing for Oregon. (That's less than one per year of his two terms, fyi)."
Again, I dont disagree with your assertion that Smith is not the right Senator for this state, in this environment. I actually thought Novick was a better fit, but Merkley will do. And ive given you plenty of examples why wealth or residence are not immediate indicators of a Senator's A)love for the state or B)ability to do right by their constituents (which is all ive argued with you).
My issue, Carla (all sniping aside), is that the arguments you posted are the same many other constituents have when it comes to their Senators. You could replace Smith with a number of different names, both Ds and Rs, and receive both positive and negative responses from constituents.
The point is that a large number of Senators manage their office in the same way, both to success and failure.
What makes Smith a bad fit isnt his wealth, or his residence (or the size of it). Its that his views dont fit the environment we currently live in politically.
Yet the Merkley campaign insists on making this about wealth and elitism...which hides the truth and doesnt allow the voters to truly see his record and his stances...and ultimately, Merkley will lose if he spends more time talking about homes and wealth than Smith's character.
(and I am not implying that you work for Merkley, though you were at one point the Netroots Coordinator for the Merkley campaign)
Jul 2, '08
"But time and time again you ignore the specifics we give, and instead say "well he's been elected twice." That doesn't mean he is a good U.S. Senator. It only means he runs a good campaign. Tom DeLay was elected more times than that - did that make him a good Congressman? George Bush was elected twice as governor, selected/elected twice as president - does that make him a good President? Heck no - only about 30% of the country feels he is doing a good job. But he ran a better campaign than Kerry."
Ive never said he is a good senator. You claim he doesnt speak for oregonians, that he has never represented Oregonians...but the fact that he has been elected twice says he has represented someone, and that it isnt all about campaigning (and by the way, he is the only republican senator in the NW, so if you think that its all campaigning, I would argue alot more than Smith would have their prescence in the NW, based on the uptick Rs received in 2000 and 2004).
All I have argued is that Smith is bad for Oregon for a number of reasons, but its not about his wealth, or his residence...which is what Carla and (through their ads about homes and golf clubs) the Merkley campaign is claiming.
And that is not accurate, considering how many different Senators currently in office, currently sharing many of the views that Merkley and other progressive/Liberals share, have the exact same upbringing and profile as Smith....yet all I see are "would you pay x amount for golf clubs?"
If you and Carla and others are going to knock him for that, then I hope you are doing the same and will do the same if Merkley takes the same approach. And if he is going to be different, then I would love for him to speak out about that.
9:02 a.m.
Jul 3, '08
Ah, so smart ass comments are relegated to just you? ("reading is fundamental"). Just as long as we are clear.
Get over yourself. You don't get to pretend to quote me and take out large chunks of what I wrote and not get corrected. You don't get to make elitist, dubious and remarks that talk down to me and not get called on it. So if we weren't clear before, yeah--we're clear now.
Well, he must have done something right in the first term, if he was re-elected for a second, by your calculations.
You must be using some sort of "new math" to determine my calculations. I've directly said that claiming Smith is a good Senator because he's been reelected only proves he's a good campaigner. It does nothing to prove he's a good Senator. Still waiting on your proof of sure write a lot of words without actually answering anything, btw.
Again, I never claimed he was good...I never claimed he was bad....I just responded to your reasoning for him not being an "Oregonian" and how being wealthy hurts his ability to be a good Senator for the state. Im not the one who started this argument, sweetheart...I never claimed he was a great senator, I just merely pointed out that it has nothing to do with his wealth or his residence at different times of his life.
I'm not your "sweetheart", asshat.
You've said I'm wrong about Smith not being Senator who governs Oregon like he loves this State. I've cited my reasons've said I'm wrong. I await your proof/evidence as to why I'm wrong. Just typing that I'm wrong over and over and over again is an interesting use of pixels and maybe even a fun waste of time for you..but not especially powerful in making your argument. So again...proof?
Again, I dont disagree with your assertion that Smith is not the right Senator for this state, in this environment. I actually thought Novick was a better fit, but Merkley will do. And ive given you plenty of examples why wealth or residence are not immediate indicators of a Senator's A)love for the state or B)ability to do right by their constituents (which is all ive argued with you).
Actually, you've given me no reasons. I've asked a few times and you've typed a lot of words..but none have actually contained proof or evidence that I'm wrong. So all them.
ABSOLUTELY. But to tie it to his personal wealth and whether he lived here long enough is completely irrelevant.
Go back and read my post. Please cite the part where I tied Smith not governing like he loves Oregon to his personal wealth. Later in comments..I did agree that Smith's wealth can be a contributing factor to being out-of-touch. But that has nothing to do with this post. So by all me where it says so in the piece I wrote that you're commenting to.
My issue, Carla (all sniping aside), is that the arguments you posted are the same many other constituents have when it comes to their Senators. You could replace Smith with a number of different names, both Ds and Rs, and receive both positive and negative responses from constituents.
And in what way does this absolve Smith of not being in the state and being out-of-touch with his constituents? In what way does this absolve him of not governing like he loves Oregon? Please enlighten.
The point is that a large number of Senators manage their office in the same way, both to success and failure.
Again..for the third or fourth time..I don't care how other Senators manage their office. I care how the two from Oregon manage their office. That argument simply doesn't wash with me.
Yet the Merkley campaign insists on making this about wealth and elitism...which hides the truth and doesnt allow the voters to truly see his record and his stances...and ultimately, Merkley will lose if he spends more time talking about homes and wealth than Smith's character.
(and I am not implying that you work for Merkley, though you were at one point the Netroots Coordinator for the Merkley campaign)
How does any of that absolve Smith from being out-of-touch with Oregon and Oregonians...and not governing as if he loves Oregon? And since I'm in no way representing the Merkley campaign with this post or any other since I left the campaign...what's the point? This is MY opinion and MY evidence.
You seem to be fixated on Smith's wealth. Yet in my post..the closest I come to discussing Smith's wealth is to note that he has a nice house in Oregon and a nice house in Maryland. The wealth hobby horse is yours, not mine.
9:29 a.m.
Jul 6, '08
Thanks for the issue postings. There are important issues. I don't think it characterizes Smith's full record. His full record shows that he votes as one of the most centrist Republican Senators (
On visits home, we're just going to have to agree to disagree.
Comparisons to house members simply aren't valid--House members are up for reelection every two years and are expected to keep in much closer contact with their constituents.
The comparison to Wyden is much better, obviously.
But the bigger problem is that I disagree with the underlying assumption of your postings--that the frequency of visits home is some sort of barometer of the quality of a Senator's job performance. That's really quite superficial, isn't it?
Doesn't this imply the precise sort of thing that you're criticizing Smith for--that good visuals, good pork barreling, and good town meetings are the way to be a good Senator? Is that really what you expect out of a Senator?
What if--just to pick one example--Smith decided that the timber payments bill was bad public policy, even if it was good for Oregon counties? What would you have him do, vote his conscience or vote for the short term economic interests of Oregon?
10:57 a.m.
Jul 7, '08
Hey Oregonians - you know that Death with Dignity is safe and gives people the choice of making their own end-of-life decisions without government interference.
Now, can you help convince your neighbors to the north?
Check these out: