Merkley endorsed by OpenLeft; added to "Better Democrats" list

Over at OpenLeft - a prominent blog in the netroots community - they've produced an endorsement/fundraising list called "Better Democrats." And Jeff Merkley is the only U.S. Senate candidate in the country they've endorsed - and one of just seven candidates on the initial list.

In 2008, progressives do not have to, and should not, work to just elect any and all Democrats in every district across the country. Instead, we need to focus our efforts on those candidates who will be strong progressive voices in Congress, whose victories will help define the 2008 elections as a progressive victory, and whose victories will help ensure a long-term Democratic majority for years--maybe decades--to come.

Starting with our first seven candidates, Better Democrats will endorse those candidates whose victory, in our best estimation, will have the largest progressive impact on Congress as a whole. ...

Regarding Jeff Merkley:

Jeff Merkley, Speaker of the Oregon House of Representatives. After a hard fought primary that was waged largely online, not only is Merkley from a blue state, but he is the only Senate nominee to endorse the Responsible Plan.

Read the rest.

There's already hundreds of dollars rolling in. Join the "Better Democrats" cause - and make a donation.

Discuss over there.


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