HD 51: Brent Barton has Linda Flores running scared

Kari Chisholm FacebookTwitterWebsite

BrentbartonOver in House District 51 - a district mostly in rural Clackamas County (map here), Democratic candidate Brent Barton has Rep. Linda Flores (R) running scared.

She told a group of Republican activists (oddly, way outside her district in Pendleton) that there's a "blue tide" coming this year. From the East Oregonian:

To get Oregon on the right track, she said voters need to "stop the blue tide" and elect Republicans. She said Democrats are five seats shy of having a three-fifths majority in the House, which would mean lawmakers could raise taxes without a vote of the people.

As PolitickerOR notes, that blue tide is coming to her district in the form of Brent Barton - a young attorney and former Kulongoski for Governor campaign aide.

As of today, Barton has already raised $145,000 (with $101,000 cash-on-hand) - while Flores has raised only $77,000 this cycle (with just $51,000 cash-on-hand).

But Flores expects the race to ramp up fast. The East O:

Perhaps the most startling numbers Flores gave were concerning her own election. She said she makes $20,000 a year as a state representative, but it will cost $500,000 to run for office.

And you'd better believe it. There's a lot of great Democratic candidates running in a lot tough districts this year -- but this is one of the best ones running in one of the toughest ones.

So, let's show Brent that we've got his back. Make a small donation - seriously, forgo a latte and pony up your first $5. Do it right now.

If you need to learn more about Brent before you donate, visit VoteBrentBarton.com.

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    Rep. Flores saw the writing on the wall two years ago, when her inexperienced opponent with little funding and even less name recognition, made a very decent run at her. I am sure that it is just a coincidence that her voting record has moderated to a degree.(especially as it pertains to education funding issues) With a significant surge in Democratic voters in the district, it is a key race to campaign for to target the magic number for the house. This does not mean she has totally abandoned her base, as evidenced by her pretty hard line tease on immigration issues. I am looking forward to getting to spend some time discussing education and children's health and wellness with Mr. Barton next week. We will also be manning a voter registration table at the Happy Valley 4th of July event. Barton is running a class A campaign out there !

  • mitch (unverified)

    Kari, Do you think it’s a good idea that the dems could have 3/5th majority so they can raise taxes without the vote of the people? Don't you think it’s important that the voters have a say when raising taxes are involved? Why do we even vote anyway, the democratic legislature is just going to overturn the vote of the people, they did it here in Oregon and in California. People don't vote judges make the rules now. How is this a good thing??? How is this democracy, our votes should count, they should not be overturned by judges. It’s fine if it’s going your way but some day its going to go the other way and you will not like it. They say if you tax the rich it will help the little guy, I have never found that to be true, just walk around downtown Portland and look at all the bums, there are 10 times more now than there were 10 years ago. It’s sad and yet the city needs more tax dollars to try and take care of them. We are a Welfare state simple as that. It’s pathetic in down town, I see more and more people moving out all the time. I love mayor tom potter, you keep on helping out those bums keep them in your city that’s were we like them, IN PORTLAND WERE THEY BELONG. We out here in the burbs enjoy our good living and don’t have to worry about getting beat up on Max, like they do in PORTLAND. You keep raising those taxes Kari and liberals and conservatives will revolt, we pay waaaaaaaaaaaay too much as it is. Do you agree or do you feel we need to be taxed more????

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    We do vote - we vote on people to represent us in Salem and make decisions. That's how our government was set up.

    And we have plenty of violence out here in the "burbs" - while Portland has seen much of its crime rates drop, Gresham has seen an increase. So much so that we have to use our already too small police force to ride the MAX.

    And there are also plenty of homeless in the burbs. They may not be as noticeable, but they are here. In Gresham, they sleep along the Springwater Trail, in parks, etc.

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    Also, it's not just about taxing individuals. It's also about making sure businesses pay their fair share. Why should a corporation bringing in millions in profit pay less in income tax than a family making $28,000?

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    Yo Mitch, you do know that Oregon is has the lowest business tax burden in the entire nation, right? #50 out of 50.

    If low taxes create jobs, where are the fucking jobs already?

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    And besides, I'm pretty sure I didn't argue above that we're on a single-minded drive to 36. I just want to see Linda Flores sent packing by Brent Barton.

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    The idea that it should take 3/5 of the legislature to pass a tax without a referral is ludicrous. And undemocratic.

    My vote to raise property taxes or bond issues for local schools if that's what's needed should count, but conservatives don't want to let me have it.

    The idea that there are more homeless people in Portland today than 10 years ago is just factually wrong. The idea that the city or state is giving them welfare is so purblind stupid as to defy the imagination.

    Flores is hard right and it will be good to get her out of the legislature.

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    besides, we're not talking about a monolithic group of (potential) legislators here. we're talking about Democrats. Oregon Democrats. it's not like they'll be walking in any kind of lock-step. the best thing about them having 3/5 of the Leg is that they can stop the Rs from blocking decent legislation just for the hell of it (no more Minnising/Scotting of bills that even Rs support).

    Will Rogers' line about Democrats refered directly to our state.

  • Anonymous politico (unverified)

    The threat of tax increases that are opposed to the will of the people is a hollow threat. An initiative for repeal can still be brought, and with Jeld-Wen/Saxton/Sizemore/FreedomWorks on the case, a challenge of any tax is a certainty. And any legislator will know that when crafting legislation.

    I understand Flores's interest in trying to get wealthy Republicans and corporate lobby groups to give her lots of money. But her hollow threats are just that.

    Increased seats for Democrats would merely allow for a departure from Bush-like policy. And each race should be taken on its individual merit. And Brent would be a better legislator than Flores.

  • Clackamette (unverified)


    For the record, Rep. Flores has NOT moderated her legislative record. The only change is that our new House Democratic majority brought many bills to the floor that Flores and the prior Republican majority had blocked and killed -- so she could pile on when her vote didn't make any difference.

    When Democrats brought forward a Rainy Day Fund, Flores finally voted for it (after she voted against it repeatedly). When Democrats brought the fire safe cigarettes bill, she voted for it (after she helped kill it for 10 years). When Democrats added 139 new State Troopers, she voted for it (after she voted for years of OSP cuts). When Democrats increased funding for Head Start, K-12 schools, community colleges, universities, and school capital construction, she voted for it (after voting for years of cuts).

    BUT...even in 2007 and 2008, Flores still voted to kill Democratic bills to increase affordable housing funds, protect toy safety, maintain and build roads, expand stem cell research, give health insurance and care to Oregon kids, etc. She is an extremist who is out of touch with her district -- and even with Republican voters.

    We need someone with common sense and a commitment to improving our community like Brent Barton. Brent Barton will be representing Clackamas County in Salem next year.

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    You are absolutely correct in your statements above and perhaps it was a poor choice of words on my part. Her voting record looks different the last two years due to the stipulations you stated above. I understand that she is not a moderate.

  • Jim Ross (unverified)

    I am in for $250. Let's stop arguing with the trolls and focus on getting Brent elected. He would be a great representative for his district no matter what party he comes from.

  • Estacaden (unverified)

    Brent Barton is a great recruit. I cannot believe the incredible strength of the candidates that Dave Hunt and team have recruited this year.

    The Democratic super-majority that Oregonians have long needed may just be right around the corner.

    Our district here in Clackamas County will be well served as will our whole state.

  • Ed Bickford (unverified)

    I was looking to move out of Clackamas County, but changed my mind when Brent caught me at home when he was canvassing. I realized I could be part of an important campaign with real impact here. I'm proud to support him, and he'll be getting a contribution from me!

  • AJ526 (unverified)


    I could imagine your post if Barton was a Republican, you would be attacking were his funding is coming from.

    I guess I wil just have to expose the truth. Here are some interesting facts about where his money is coming from:

    According to followthmoney.org, by the time Barton raised $75,895 (they don't update very often), $38,492 came from lawyers and lobbyists. Also, $25,171 came from Barton's family.

    From the SOS website: $10,000 from the trial lawyers association (that's money that victims or victims families could have had instead)

    I also know that much of his money comes from his rich friends, though obviously I don't know who all his donor friends names are.

    One more thing Kari, you might want to censor yourself, unless perhaps it's "progressive" to cuss (I think it is rather unprofessional myself).

  • AJ526 (unverified)

    A little off topic, but not really, who do you think your top five Legislative recruits this year are preferably in order? For Republicans, I would say (in no particular order) Jeff Duyck, Steve Griffith, Tony Marino, John Nelsen, and Jim Weidner

  • Bert Lowry (unverified)

    If Tony Marino is one of top 5 Republican recruits, the Republicans are in deep doo-doo.

  • AJ526 (unverified)

    The fact that Blue Oregon is so terrfied of him confirms that he is one of the top candidates.

  • AJ526 (unverified)

    The fact that Blue Oregon is so terrfied of him confirms that he is one of the top candidates.

  • Ed Bickford (unverified)

    Why don't you take your laudatory bunk about Tony to Carla's excellent post? At least you'd be on-topic there.

  • AJ526 (unverified)

    I already commented on there.

    On this post, I was responding to another commenter.


  • Ed Bickford (unverified)

    No, you started it thus with no prompting:

    "A little off topic, but not really...

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    OK, folks, enough already.

  • Larry McD (unverified)

    My household is already in for $150, but given Jim Ross's commitment, we'll get another $100 in on the first of July (it's all about those credit card billing dates!).

    I also have to agree with J.R. that we should, whenever possible, ignore the Republicretins and the trolls unless they have points worth making... oh, right. Well, statistically it could happen.

  • Ed Bickford (unverified)

    Sorry! I hate seein' the internets plumbing clogged with...

  • Rick Hickey (unverified)

    Kari - Where are the F----ing jobs? (what class)

    The ILLEGAL Aliens are doing them, for less pay than any of you want, and undercutting wages and taxes paid and therefore increasing the "working poor" #'s and reducing tax collections for the needy, and their kids via OHP & OEA & c.a.m.p. & FHDC & "free clinics" & & & are taking all the social services money intended for the non-working/disabled/sick Americans you shun and you Democrats ignoring every one of Flores bills last session to stop this (can't dare give an R any credit can you), is incredible irony that you want her gone. Do you hate her STOP the Pedophile Teachers agenda too? (guess since you owe the Teachers/Education unions sooo much for funding only D campaigns, you are forced to disagree with Flores huh?)

    2/3 control to vote in anything you want, that's good? That's balance? So when the majority of Oregonians say No to gay marriage yet a handful of D's do it anyhow, that's your version of Democracy? Even most Democrats can't agree with that I hope, yet Dave Hunt BRAGGS about the ability to raise Taxes next session, 'cause bi-annual increases in the budget that greatly surpass inflation and popultaion growth are good? and we need even more spending? And we deserve even less take home for the family in our paychecks?

    You guys really want a bigger monopoly on our system that is supposed to have checks and balances? Please, keep reminding the voters of this agenda, please. I was in that building in Salem many many many days last session, I am telling the truth.

    Even my far-left, Liberal, loves JFK, Hates Bush, life-long Dem. Mother is voting for R's, for some local balance.

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    OK, folks. Ignore the troll. Donate to Brent Barton.

  • Ed Bickford (unverified)

    Think of it as funding an education campaign.

  • Ed Bickford (unverified)

    I'll be canvassing with Brent next Sunday, and I'm sure he'd like others to help too:

    Sunday, June 22 at 12:30pm Southern Lites Park 12088 SE 117th Ave - A few blocks north of Sunnyside

    See you there!

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    I used to think Linda Flores was a moderate. But then I saw her true act. In other words, the curtains parted. Linda is just your regular ordinary Republican bigot. That comment about "her STOP the Pedophile Teachers agenda" shows not only her bigoted mentality but that of most Republicans. That, as much as anything else (mean, stingy, corrupt, ignorant, etc. being among those other Republican attitudes) is why I'm a Democrat today. So, I'm just gonna have to send Brent Barton at least $100.

    The fact that he gets contributions from trial lawyers means that he's working for the common good and I say bravo to that.

    <h2>And let me say a few things about the Don Macintire cabal to starve the state of much needed revenue. These anti-taxers have damaged this state tremendously as a result of their mean penny pinching, particularly on behalf of the corporate component. For the penny pinchers, it is all well and good to (1) tax wage earners and leave the corporate contribution at no more than about 5 percent of net state revenues, (2) let the highways and State Police languish, and (3) continue the moronic bribery scheme known as "the kicker". It's high time we got a legislature that can not only pass equal rights legislation (which is not subject to a three-fifths majority requirement) but equalized taxation and tax reform as well. The time has arrived and the complection is blue.</h2>

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