Gordon Smith: Shameless. Pathetic.

Kari Chisholm FacebookTwitterWebsite

Over at DailyKos, front-page blogger McJoan is blowing the whistle on Gordon Smith -- whose latest TV ad claims that he worked with Barack Obama on energy independence.

First, here's the ad:


This is how shameless Gordon Smith can get. He's trying to tell the people of Oregon that he's Barack Obama's choice for the Senate in Oregon.

What does Barack Obama's campaign have to say about it?

"Barack Obama has a long record of bipartisan accomplishment and we appreciate that it is respected by his Democratic and Republican colleagues in the Senate. But in this race, Oregonians should know that Barack Obama supports Jeff Merkley for Senate. Merkley will help Obama bring about the fundamental change we need in Washington," said Obama campaign spokesman Bill Burton.

And back in May, Obama himself had this to say about Smith:

"Gordon Smith's problem is that he rarely breaks away from George Bush and the Republican agenda that I think has done this country great damage."

And for the record: Gordon Smith is the chairman of John McCain's campaign in Oregon.

  • frankie d (unverified)

    so where is jeff merkley on this and other instances of smith trying to assume democratic clothing? is he even contesting this race?

  • geoffludt (unverified)

    "Gordon Smith's problem is that he rarely breaks away from George Bush and the Republican agenda that I think has done this country great damage."

    Thank you for posting the knowledge of our glorious leader Barak Obama -- may God illumine him forever.

    Seriously Kari, you're on quite the Gordon Smith kick lately, have you chosen Smith as your "beat"?

    A previous poster asked, "where is jeff merkley"? I don't think it matters, who needs jeff merkley when we have Kari?

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    merkley put out a one-line statement denying Obama supported Smith. Truthful, not very illuminating.

    I'd be happy if they were taking the time to arrange a whole phalanx of specific things Obam voted for this session, that Smith helped block. It's an opening Gordon has given him, he needs to use it.

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    Dang it Kari, this is yet another example of your lack of balance as a blogger. Get with the program! I invite you to join Gordon Smith in his election-year session of kumbaya. This is the time we come together, smile gently into the camera, and pretend that we're not radical partisans. You're seriously shackling my buzz.

    Get your drum and join the circle, my brother. This is no time for these bitter attacks. Can't we all just get along (until Nov 5)?

    [Again: sarcasm]

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    Seriously Kari, you're on quite the Gordon Smith kick lately, have you chosen Smith as your "beat"?

    I've been beating on Gordon Smith for four years. Where have you been?

    He just makes it too easy...

    And TJ: You can't demand instant response and also demand that they should be "taking the time to arrange a whole phalanx". Stay tuned.

    Frankie D... if you want to see a response from Merkley on your TV set, you've gotta donate. That's how this thing works.

  • Eric Parker (unverified)

    "He just makes it too easy..."

    Yep. Give GS enough time and lots of rope, he'll eventually hang himself. If GS keeps this up, Jeff won't need any ads.

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    FYI, Jeff Mapes has an article the Oregonian critical of Smith's ads today. He spelled out the controversy on the Obama ad (which is more or less indefensibly misleading), and then included this nugget, which amused me:

    Meanwhile, another attempt by Smith to build his bipartisan credentials ran into trouble Tuesday. Former Democratic Rep. Elizabeth Furse acknowledged she misspoke when she praised the Republican senator in a TV ad for his campaign. Furse said she was wrong when she claimed in the commercial that Smith was "one of the first to stand up to George Bush and other Republicans to end this war" in Iraq. She said she should have stated that Smith -- who supported the war for its first 31/2 years -- was one of the first Republicans to speak out against it. "I know that he wasn't the first to oppose the war," said Furse. "He was one of the first of his party to oppose the war . . . That is what I meant."

    Furse is doing her legacy no favors by marching in Smith's parade.

  • frankie d (unverified)

    you mean my measly donation will allow merkley to provide a response to the steady stream of half-truths that gordon smith keeps trotting out? i'd bet that several enterprising reporters would be more than happy to stick a mike in front of his face and allow him a bit of face time if he gave a snappy retort to the things smith is putting out. free media is out there. as a voter, what i get is smith spewing out ridiculous stuff, and merkely nowhere to be found in response.
    and if democrats think that smith will simply fall by the weight of his own lies, then they haven't been paying attention. low information voters - as most voters are - will lap this stuff up and before dems know it, smith will have solidified what probably was a shaky position months ago. what i see is smith driving the agenda of this campaign and merkley somewhere, someplace in the background. he's blowing it, and by allowing smith to take center stage, he's digging himself a hole he may never dig out of.

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    Actually--Merkley is doing exactly what he should be doing: staying out of it.

    Let the media do its job: expose Gordon Smith's misstatements and lies. The Merkley campaign's involvement in these stories would only give the Smith campaign an opening to dismiss it all as "partisan".

    Later after the stories have run the media course, then Merkley can air ads reminding Oregonians about them.

    And as far as the bitching from some quarters about Blue Oregon running anti-Smith pieces...DUH! This is a progressive blog and there's a shit ton of news right now on Gordon Smith...much of it very negative. It belongs here. And frankly, any progressive blog in Oregon not linking and talking up these stories is falling down on the job, IMO.

    Oh btw...where is Jeff Merkley? Doing his the job of being a visible Senate candidate by holding meetings and appearances all over Oregon and getting nice writeups in local papers.

  • frankie d (unverified)

    in case you haven't noticed, the media will never provide the kind of scrutiny on smith that should be provided. it hasn't happened since he's been in office. waiting on the media to provide the kind of honest, careful scrutiny of republican lies is simply not a wise move. merkley needs to establish a presence. he is running to be the senator from the state of oregon. the incumbent senator is dominating the media with a strong presence on television. if the challenger is going to beat the incumbent, he's going to have to actually beat the incumbent, and that will mean taking an aggressive posture towards smith. it will require that he establish and maintain a presence that is at least as strong as the one that smith has established. so far, merkley hasn't been capable of doing that. at least to the eyes of this voter.

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    in case you haven't noticed, the media will never provide the kind of scrutiny on smith that should be provided.

    On these particular stories that are here on Blue Oregon right now, they are.

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    in case you haven't noticed, the media will never provide the kind of scrutiny on smith that should be provided.

    On these particular stories that are here on Blue Oregon right now, they are.

  • E (unverified)

    FYI, the ad just showed up here - this is a national debate, now, Mr. Smith.

    (The link is to the Viral Video Chart, which tracks videos posted on blogs all over the world. Smith's ad is a hot-button item right now, but in a few hours, it will probably no longer be one of the Top 20. The fact it was there at all is a pretty big deal.)

  • geoffludt (unverified)

    Hi Kari,

    "I've been beating on Gordon Smith for four years. Where have you been?"

    I'm sorry, I meant in the sense of a "news beat". I guess I've just noticed the last few days it's been some story smacking up Gordon Smith tied to your name (Smith BTW, from a conservative troll and a progressive snob point of view, totally deserves it -- I only wish you guys hadn't nominated someone so extremely radical to run against him), I was only asking a meta question.

    I appreciate your letting trolls like me contribute, I would go to OregonCatalyst but, sadly, what fun is an echo chamber?

    With kind regards,


  • Tom Civiletti (unverified)

    Smith is Oregon's only statewide Republican officeholder, now running for reelection with polls showing he is vulnerable. If Kari seems obsessed, it should not be too difficult to understand why.

  • frankie d (unverified)

    the ads and smith's response to criticism follows a clear republican strategy: put out dubious information, backtrack as much as necessary, but still get the benefit of the falsehood, because lots of voters will either still believe the lie or simply not be aware of the slight backtrack. smith will continue to do this throughout the entire campaign. he will lie, backtrack a bit, and still confuse the voters sufficiently to benefit signgicantly. merkley's response is sorely deficient. the only way to adequately respond to this strategy is to let the voters know that only a politician of a certain low character would engage in this type of campaigning. his campaign will have to go after smith himself - for having engaged in serial lying - or else smith continues to be the nice guy who just keeps making innocent mistakes. it is not an easy thing to do, without appearing to be overly negative, but it has to be done. if he doesn't make smith pay for lying in this fashion, smith will do it, over and over and over again.

  • geoffludt (unverified)

    follows a clear republican strategy: put out dubious information, backtrack as much as necessary, but still get the benefit of the falsehood, because lots of voters will either still believe the lie or simply not be aware of the slight backtrack.

    Now, now, lets not launch partisan generalizations. Your accusation is aimed at Republicans when the story and the alleged behavior is clearly Senator Smith's.


  • frankie d (unverified)

    lol!!!!! well, despite his best efforts to obscure the fact, last time i checked, smith was a republican. and until he saw the results of the 2006 election, smith was more than proud and happy to identify as a republican, happily supporting the policies and strategies of the republicans. i don't think it is unfair to ascribe certain republican traits to such a republican.

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    When this stuff happens, of course we're going to talk about it. Heck, I have a posting up at Blog for Oregon that I put up as soon as I saw the news story - before I saw Kari had written on it as well.

    And for once, Smith is getting called on this stuff in the media. I found out about it through an AP story that's up on KGW's web site. And I'm finding even more on other news stories.

    We have to keep the heat and the pressure on him. A lot of anti-Gordon Smith stuff will come out through the Stop Gordon Smith project, run out of the Democratic Party of Oregon. I expect to see Merkley focusing a lot on what he would do in D.C., how much better Oregonians would be if they had a Senator who didn't fight against them, the issues, etc. I don't expect to see him get too bogged down in putting up ads and such to respond to every one of Gordon Smith's ads - it would be stupid to do so. Gordon Smith wants him to, of course, as Smith has money to burn right now and Merkley isn't anywhere close in fundraising.

    That's why Merkley needs our money - even if it's only $20 here and $50 there. Ask Obama - it all adds up quickly. As soon as I have money again, I hope to shoot a donation over to the campaign myself.

  • PeteJacobsen (unverified)

    I was just reading www.electoral-vote.com, which had a summary of possible GOP VP candidates. As they ran through the senators, they got to Oregon:

    "Gordon Smith (R-OR) is fighting to hold his seat in the Senate. If he were on the ticket, Jeff Merkley (D) would be the new senator from Oregon. Even without Smith on the ticket, Merkley may be the new senator, though. Smith has a reputation for being indecisive. He is sometimes called "Five minutes to midnight Smith." He waits until the last minute to see if a bill is going to pass and then joins the majority."

    Five minutes to midnight - hmmm - maybe he's calling it for Obama early!

  • frankie d (unverified)

    unfortunately, i think that merkley is going to do exactly what has been suggested and that is a losing strategy. merkley has to do everything he can to define smith, for exactly what he is, not merely talk about how merkley will better represent oregonians on the "issues". if the election remains an academic examination of who best represents oregonians on the "issues" then smith will be re-elected. because smith will be able to, as he is doing so far, throw enough confusion out there about where he stands on the issues, if he continues to be seen as a nice, amiable, honest guy, he will be able to withstand attacks based solely on comparing stances on the "issues". merkley has to start the process of re-defining smith for the voters before smith continues to do such a good job of re-defining himself. and yes, ad money and ad buys will help, but in the absence of ads, merkley needs to do as much as he can to get free media and drive home his message about smith and i see a sad lack of that kind of initiative.
    smith has gone from someone who should be hanging on by his fingernails to being someone who is firming up a positive image in the eyes of oregon voters.

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    We're not saying that Merkley won't do stuff to define Smith - it's just that his campaign isn't going to run a commercial to respond to Smith's ads. It's a waste of money and is playing reactive politics.

    He'll respond to the ads, although I think he'll take the time to fully research everything first. In the meantime, the blogs, the Stop Gordon Smith project, etc. will roast Smith over the issue.

    Running a commercial to combat every one of Smith's commercials is exactly what Smith wants - it wastes Merkley's money that can be used for the activities that actually bring in votes.

    Instead, Merkley is out in towns all over this state, talking about the issues and his positions and bringing people the truth on Smith. That'll win more voters any day that a commercial on tv responding to a Smith commercial.

    I guess people think if they don't see Merkley on tv right away either on the news or in a commercial that he must not be doing anything. He is doing something - and he's doing what wins elections.

  • Ms Mel Harmon (unverified)

    Frankie D,

    Could you either put an empty line between your sentences/points or else capitalize the first word in your sentences? It's really difficult to read your posts and I assume you want them read or you wouldn't be posting. Thank you!

  • T.W. (unverified)

    Furse has endorsed Gordon Smith before. Ever since she became a lobbyist.

  • frankie d (unverified)

    wrong! why do you think that smith is on the air right now? he understands that if he can solidify his "brand" - independent, moderate, sensible - now, he can immunize himself from any attempt by merkley to paint him as something else later on in the race. if it wasn't important smith would not be spending the time and money doing what he is doing right now. if merkley loses - and he is setting himself up for a loss right now - his supporters will look back on this time period and bemoan the fact that merkley sat back and allowed smith to define himself and set the agenda for the campaign and while putting himself in a hole that he was unable to dig out of. it's the same dynamic that john kerry dealt with in '04, as he sat back waiting, imagining that he would have the time later on to push back against the scurrilous swiftboat ads. while kerry allowed himself to be defined by the other campaign, merkley is letting smith define himself, with very little pushback. smith has had almost two 6 year terms to define his candidacy; merkley will need every day from here til election day to fight back against that. the fact that he doesn't see the urgency of doing so, as smith is fully engaged, is exactly the fear this voter had about him in the primary.

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    Why is Smith on the air now? Because he has money to blow.

    Many Republicans still don't get it that ads don't win elections - going out and talking to voters does. Every one of these 100 Town Tour events that Merkley is doing will bring in more votes than one of those commercials will. Every volunteer out knocking on doors for Merkley will bring in more votes than those commercials will.

    Not only that, but Gordon Smith doesn't have the volunteer capacity to be out talking to voters to try to define himself as a moderate. So he's using the same old way that Republicans use to communicate to voters - TV. But the impact of a commercial has diminished greatly over the years (and has become more expensive to boot).

    When Merkley runs ads, they can't be there just to react to Gordon Smith's last commercial. Otherwise, you're letting your opponent choose the course for your campaign.

    I guess that you just don't get that Merkley isn't setting back doing nothing - he's out doing the work that will win tens of thousands of more votes than any commercial will.

  • LT (unverified)

    Jenni is right---there is a segment of the voting public which doesn't watch TV, much less commercials.

    If you don't believe that, next time you see a busy non-political friend, ask "Did you see that Smith commercial where...?". My experience has been that some very busy people (career and kids, for instance) will respond, "Haven't have time to watch TV all week, so I wouldn't have seen it".

    Such people are more likely to respond to a friend who met a candidate.

    Of course, political consultants don't like that message, as they make money on ads.

  • Dulcinea (unverified)

    To answer your question Frankie D, Kari has promised to carry Merkley's water as long as Merkley continues to wear flannel and smile in 100(-1, Troutdale) towns across Oregon*.

    *As long as those towns are on or within 10 minutes of I-5.

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    Merkley's been to plenty of towns already across the state - many of which are more than 10 minutes away. And he has a lot more to go.

    On the best day I can't make it from Troutdale to I-5 in 10 minutes (I live on the Troutdale/Gresham border). I think my best has been 20 minutes. Boring and Sandy are even further - and Lincoln City even further. Monmouth is somewhat close to I-5, but it took me longer than 10 minutes to go from I-5 to Monmouth last Saturday.

    You're becoming more and more obvious in the fact that you're here just to just bash Merkley and those working on his campaign.

    I'm writing about Gordon Smith and criticizing him on this same topic on my blog. What's the excuse you give to that?

  • frankie d (unverified)

    sorry, but that does not make sense. so the odds are more favorable that someone will have a friend who actually met a candidate and is willing to advocate for that candidate? (and both those people are insulated from television and commercials and discussions about the same?) and the odds are against someone seeing or hearing a commercial or a news report about that commercial and therefore making an independent judgment about the issue raised by the commercial? that does not make sense. i am as against the insidious influence of these media-dominated campaigns as anyone, but to deny their effectiveness is to put one's head in the sand. and if, in fact, your logic is correct, then why put on any television commercials at all?
    why not just use the money for the type of meet and greet sessions merkley is doing right now? of course, no serious senatorial candidate would ever do such a thing. to argue that merkley does not really need to do any tv advertising, or that tv advertising cannot be effective runs counter to everything that has happened, electorally in this country in the last 40 years.

  • LT (unverified)

    FYI 1) I believe this constitutes national coverage:


    2) Wyden didn't win in Jan. 1996 simply by "defining his opponent". Matter of fact, the 100% positive campaign decision was Wyden listening to old friends and being himself rather than listening to out of staters saying "but no one has laid a finger on Gordon Smith".

    To my mind the biggest "laying a finger" on anyone is defeating them in an election.

    But that is just me, and I realize some at BO don't agree with that attitude.

  • Dulcinea (unverified)

    Jenni -- It's good to know that Don Quixote is not the only resident hack around here.

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    It's not just about these town halls - it's also about spending money on volunteers who go door to door talking about Merkley. Those are two of the most effective ways to get a vote - and they also happen to be two of the cheapest ways to do it. But it takes a lot of grassroots support to do this, which Gordon Smith does not have. It also means being willing to listen and talk to the voters, which Gordon Smith has not been willing to do.

    I'll have to see if I can find the notes where I jotted down the numbers - maybe Kari has them. Studies have been done that show how many votes you get for certain activities - and commercials are down at the bottom. They're expensive and hardly get you any votes.

    We never said Merkley won't do commercials - he'll do some to shore up name recognition, catch people's attention, etc. (and just like swag, they're something noticed more by those already supporting you). But the commercials don't win that many votes. A single volunteer working a precinct could get more votes than a commercial. They used to be effective for gaining votes, but they've become extremely ineffective as of late.

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    Kari, I didn't demand a thing. I noted what he'd done at the time, and found it wanting--UNLESS it reflected a more comprehensive response. I was offering him an out for having done just the statement, in fact.

    As for TV not being able to win an election, tell that to a DSCC that dumped 400k of them into Jeff's race in just one month. And it casts an odd light on Merkley's assertion that you don't even HAVE a race until the TV ads start.

  • Dulcinea (unverified)

    Are you sure you're not just talking about Merkley's commercials?

    'Hi, my name is Jeff Merkley and I'm a Democrat. I believe in everything Democrats do. Vote for me.'

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    Posted by: Jenni Simonis | Jun 25, 2008 2:33:08 PM


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    Resident hack? LOL

    Guess that's the best reason you can come up with for why someone not being paid by the campaign would be doing blogs critical of Gordon Smith?

    Well, I have news for you - my blogs on Gordon Smith go back to 2005.

  • frankie d (unverified)


    My understanding is that Wyden was not running against an incumbent, in the '96 race you referenced in your earlier comment. Running against an incumbent is far different than running against someone who does not enjoy the power and prerogatives of a sitting Senator. Smith holds the office now. Merkley is the challenger, unlike Smith in '96. In order to convince voters to toss Smith overboard, Merkley will have to give voters a compelling reason to do so. He cannot simply say: I agree with the voters a bit more on the issues. If that is his argument, voters will probably stick with the known quantity: the sitting Senator. Merkley does have such a compelling case, I believe. He needs to start making it now, and more forcefully, before Smith skillfully and fraudulently "re-establishes" his phony credentials as a sensible moderate who crosses party lines to seek bipartisan solutions.

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    Having heard Merkley speak a few times just in the past few weeks, I can tell you that he is doing more than just saying that he agrees with the voters a bit more on the issues.

    I wish I'd recorded the speech he gave in Troutdale and had remembered to take my camera to record at the State Convention last Saturday.

    He had the crowd going, that's for sure.

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    I am curious if you think it needs to be Merkley himself who does the "defining," and if so, why?

    Maybe I missed it, but I don't think you've responded to the point that a couple of people have made that the Merkley campaign per se is not the only force at work that can have a role in "defining" Smith, or is taking up that role in response to his misrepresentations.

    It may be that that quantity too is not enough, in your view.

    One of the points that was argued around here pretty frequently during the primary regardless of who won was the both Merkley and Novick had serious recognition deficits to make up around the state to be competitive with Smith. Jenni's link to a local paper above is interesting about the role his 100 towns campaign can have in getting free media that helps on the recognition front.

    How do you weigh the relative importance of getting the basic recognition vs. "defining Smith." What if, as seems likely, the free media Jeff might be able to get in responding to Smith would be mainly in areas where he's already relatively better known and that tend to lean D -- although Smith has done fairly well in the metro PDX region so Merkley can't take it for granted, still I think his capacity to come back there is probably greater than his ability to make up for lost ground around the state if he doesn't lay that groundwork now, so that when he comes around for second and third passes he'll be building on something.

    Since there is a strong asymmetry of resources it doesn't seem to make sense to try to fight in a symmetrical way. A related question is whether what Jeff is doing now will make it easier for activists away from the metro area, or even say Portland-Salem-Corvallis-Eugene, to work on his behalf, and force more of a contest on Smith at a lot of places around that state -- including cutting his margins in areas he may still win.

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    Frankie.... you sure do seem to be very concerned for someone who is new around here.

    But before I dismiss all your carping as just another concern troll, I'll ask this honest question: What are you going to do today, tomorrow, or this weekend to help Jeff Merkley get elected?

    Because bitching on a blog ain't gonna do it.

  • ipspoof (unverified)

    testing your defenses

  • frankie d (unverified)


    The mere implication of your comment is insulting and presumptuous. I would hope that a more open-minded approach would come from a supposedly progressive community. My points should be taken and addressed on their merit and not denigrated because of some perceived illicit motive. And responding by tossing out handy labels like "concern troll" is really kind of lazy. The fact that I believed that I might elicit exactly that type of comment is exactly why I have not posted in the past, despite the fact that i stop by the blog fairly regularly. And just for the record, I've volunteered and worked on every presidential campaign since '72. Done everything from manning phone banks to leafletting to organizing meetups for Dean in '03. For every Democratic candidate since '72. (And for John Anderson in 1980, probably the worst political mistake I've made in my life.) I've worked on local and state and federal races in states from Rhode Island to Michigan to Wisconsin. I don't take a back seat to anyone, in terms of putting my time and energy into helping candidates, if I believe in their candicacy.
    I'd compare my experience and knowledge to anyone's. I've lived in many different states, worked with and dealt with many diverse and different political establishments and environments and I know my stuff. And my past professional life and my past political volunteer work qualifies as far more than bitching on a blog. Frankly, I'm not convinced that Merkley has enough to convince me to work for him. A political leader is supposed to inspire people to flock to his campaign. I'm still waiting. I AM very concerned because I think that Smith is a lying snake and it galls me to think that he might wiggle free and get re-elected. But I'm waiting to see something from Merley that will motivate me to work for him. So far, I've been sorely disappointed. I may end up working for him out of antipathy for Smith. I'd much prefer to work FOR Merkley.

    Chris, Anyone can perform the functions I noted, though it is obviously easier for the candidate himself to generate the kind of publicity that I think would be necessary to start to counter what Smith is doing now. The main point is that the campaign itself start to do those things. And asymmetrical warfare is exactly what I am talking about when I talk about doing whatever he needs to do to start to assume a more assertive posture. Certainly, the difference in resources necessitates different approaches. But I'm sure that Merkley is paying someone a lot of money to figure out how to come up with those approaches. But running the kind of cautious, by-the-numbers campaign I see him running so far is simply not going to cut it.

  • Eric Parker (unverified)

    frankie d sounds a lot like my Dad.

    My Dad is a D. However, he keeps telling anyone he sees that Jeff does not excite him and that "Just because he and I are both Democrats does not entitle him to my vote".

    I am leaning towards Jeff myself. However, I am not excited over him either (In some issues, the Milqutoast label still stands - but that's another item for later). I understand the reasons for not responding to GS (and it's a very good one given the events of GS's statements recently in his ads) but will Jeff's silence backfire over time, given that some people like my Dad seem to be more visually oriented in their voting preferences than us here at BO who delve into more than the visual?

    I hope that this won't make or break the election. And it won't if GS keeps giving himself more to hang himself with.

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    I can tell you that last Saturday in front of the State Convention, Merkley was anything but Milqutoast, and he had the room very excited.

    I told Kari at the time that Merkley's come a long way since the first time I'd seen him speak as a U.S. Senate candidate (the Oregon Summit last year).

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    Well, Frankie D, if you're going to comment anonymously, you don't get to be surprised when you don't get credit for your life's achievements.

    I'll take you at your word: You're a hard-working activist for progressives. Great.

    You've expressed above how important you think it is that Jeff Merkley gets elected, but rather than take personal responsibility for making sure it happens, you'd rather bitch and moan about how someone else should be making it happen.

    <h2>I'll ask again: What are you going to do today, tomorrow, or this weekend to help Jeff Merkley get elected?</h2>

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