Fun with Exit Numbers

Jeff Alworth

Since things are a little slow today, allow me to draw your attention to a totally fun little flash graphic the good folks at the New York Times have put together.  It sorts the results of exit polls in 36 states by finding (examples: voters under 30, college grads) and state, then showing which states voted for Obama and Clinton.  0606_timesexitpollgraphicIt just takes a few minutes to run through each of their 12 data points.  In seconds, you can learn that Obama won more states in the 60 and over age cohort (six) than Clinton won with voters under 30 (five).  Obama did surprising well among women--he won 16 states--and Clinton won ten states among college graduates.  Careful with those conventional wisdom memes!  But mostly I draw your attention to this because the boxes march back and forth between Obama and Clinton like a college band at halftime, and as a data geek, I can't resist it.

(Now, if you're old-school, and like your data presented in courier type and multi-columned tables, there's this pdf, which makes up in fascinating detail what it lacks in visual flair.  To each her own.)

  • (Show?)

    I'm such a geek - I love data. And I can't wait because Tuesday the abstracts will be out for our primary. I'm going to go and plug all the info into the tables I've been keeping over the past few years so I can see how the trends are going. I have Multnomah County covered, hopefully there are people out there who are going to do it for the other counties as well.

  • joel dan walls (unverified)

    I didn't see anything about the absolutely vital left-handed mobility-impaired Hispanic lesbian vote. Typical oversight by the New York Times.

  • Jiang (unverified)

    I suppose it helps not have to look at the two faced pandering.

    Perhaps the job numbers make it not such a slow day? If you want a political angle, how about a State that taxes the benefits of the unemployed, then uses that money to invite foreigners to take their jobs take their jobs?

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