Congressman Dave Reichert (R-WA) explains Gordon Smith's thinking
Kari Chisholm
As Jeff Alworth wrote yesterday, we're going to see a vote from Gordon Smith later this week. Maybe he'll vote for the climate change bill, maybe he'll vote against it.
But here's the one thing we do know: He won't be thinking about the policy. He'll be thinking about the politics. Should he vote with Oregon's electorate, who are demanding action on global warming and energy independence? Or should he vote with the oil industry and right-wing interest groups that fund his campaign? If you're Gordon Smith, that's a tough call.
And if you have any doubt that this is the way the game is played in swing districts and toss-up states, watch this video. It's Congressman Dave Reichert (R-WA) from a couple years ago, explaining to a GOP crowd how the Republican leadership helps iffy candidates survive.
Gordon Smith's too smart to say it out loud, so we'll let Dave explain it for him.
Visit to dig into the details of the Smith Myth -- and throw a few bucks to Darcy Burner, Reichert's opponent up north. Oh, and Jeff Merkley, too.
(Hat tip to Dave Neiwert at Firedoglake.)
Oh, and full disclosure: I built and I speak only for myself.
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9:35 a.m.
Jun 4, '08
Wow, kind of interesting to have that right out there up front. "I fully admit that I don't always think for myself or about what my constituents want, because its all about staying in power."
9:37 a.m.
Jun 4, '08
Where is this guy's communication director? Seems like he or she is asleep at the wheel while the Congressman walks around saying, "I'm clueless AND calculating. Bwa-ha-ha!"
Jun 4, '08
Well, the candor is refreshing, at least.
11:21 a.m.
Jun 4, '08
Well, it's not like we didn't know this is how the game is played....
1:33 p.m.
Jun 4, '08
Yeah, we know how the game is played. But this reminds me of the guy who once said to me, "Do you know why I'm into yoga? Because the women I want to go out with, they want to be with a guy who does yoga. Do YOU like guys who do yoga?"
Jun 4, '08
"demanding action on global warming and energy independence?"
Exactly where is Peter DeFazio on this legislation?
Jun 5, '08
I am shocked, SHOCKED that this goes on in Congress.
Somebody should round up the usual suspects and alert the media.
<h2>Wow, thank you Kari, for bringing us this important news.</h2>