Turn off your computer. Go help a campaign.
Kari Chisholm
What's the most important thing you can do to help make progressive change this weekend?
Hint: it ain't reading BlueOregon.
So, pick a candidate that you think is worthy of election. Just about every single one of them is going to be knocking on doors this weekend talking to voters. It's easy, it's fun, the weather is good, and you'll get some exercise (body and brain).
As Markos Moulitsas of DailyKos.com once said:
"I don't want my readers to be readers. I want them to be activists... I want them to come to Daily Kos, learn about what's happening in the country. And then when all of that is done, I want them to turn off the computer, walk outside and talk to real people."
Turn off the computer. Pick up the phone. Call a candidate. Offer to help. Do something.
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connect with blueoregon
May 17, '08
Thanks for the advice Kari! GOTV for Novick, heck yeah!
8:23 a.m.
May 17, '08
Thanks for the advice Kari! GOTV for MERKLEY, heck yeah!
May 17, '08
Kari, How about curtailing all the whining about how you wish this was over and how tired you are of the primary? Any student of American history should be thrilled to be us this weekend. Imagine the scene tomorrow with Barack Obama on the waterfront talking to thousands in good weather - as we seek to replace the worst American President of all time. Given the moment, this could be one of the most memorable scenes our humble city has ever experienced. Kari, if you are tired of this, you should try selling condos or something. It's all happening right now.
May 17, '08
I'm a big Obama supporter and all that but why would a student of American history be thrilled about a campaign rally?
They've had, like, twelve thousand of these rallies during the past year. Just saying...
And I think Kari is tired of the fighting, squabbling, accusations, etc.
Not tired of trying to make Oregon a better place.
9:25 a.m.
May 17, '08
SBC is right on. I'm tired of all the squabbling. But, yes, it is all happening right now!
(And I'm sorry, did I whine in this post? I don't see it.)
May 17, '08
Yea Kari!
Those of you who passionately care about any primary election should not be commenting here for the next few days (except very early morning or late night). You should be out being active for your candidate.
And I agree with this: "Any student of American history should be thrilled to be us this weekend. Imagine the scene tomorrow with Barack Obama on the waterfront talking to thousands in good weather "
40 years ago (not that many days from now it will be 40 years exactly----yeah, I am that old) I was a college student at a small town college airport listening to Eugene McCarthy in his first California stop after winning the Oregon primary.
No technology can replace that kind of excitement (or create memories which will last for decades). Personal action and relationships will always play an important role in politics.
Some of us had despaired ever seeing that sort of excitement again. So whoever your candidate of choice is, please realize that Obama speaking to a crowd on the Portland waterfront tomorrow is an event of historic proportions.
May 17, '08
I just remember several comments over the past few days about being tired of the whole thing. I apologize for letting my exuberance turn into criticism. I grew up overseas and I still get a tremendous kick out of the process here. This rally is not just another one. Nor was the last one at Memorial Coliseum. These are events that future generations will probably ask about. I sense history here. It's like those old pictures of some legendary political figure from many years ago - only we're living it now.
May 17, '08
Just got back from canvasing for Barack in Medford. We had about 32 canvasers head out this morning just in Medford. Whew it is hot out there, but it sure was a lot of fun!! Come on down and canvas today or tommorrow in Jackson County!!
May 17, '08
Okay, I'm home taking a quick lunch break from canvassing for Obama in SW/Multnomah Village area. I am heading out again as soon as I re-hydrate and reapply sunscreen!
It's a beautiful day for democracy...
Lots of folks have already voted. I talked to one undecided voter, the rest were all Obama (though some did not say so may well have been Clinton supporters). Also, of course, lots not at home, out enjoying the glorious weather.
3:30 p.m.
May 17, '08
Phone-banking and canvassing for Sam Adams. Woo!
May 17, '08
Foolish Oregonians. You are going to vote for Obama. He hasn't won the blue states. You might the first or the largest anyway. He can't win the swing states. You are burying your heads in the sand. You are Hillary's last chance. Obama has divided the country. Voters will not back you up in the general to give your candidate the nomination.
May 17, '08
Voters will not back you up in the general to give your candidate the nomination.
You wanna reread that and think about how stupid that sounds?
Does a candidate win the nomination in the general?
May 17, '08
Alright, so I said nomination. I meant general election. Obama said we have 57 states and said that Arabic was spoken in Afghanistan. Big deal? He can't win and you are voting for him. What a tragic waste of a vote. Why can't he win a swing state? President McCain.
5:39 p.m.
May 17, '08
Couple hours out for Novick at Alberta Arts Hop. That's a long festival--like, 20 blocks! Very Portland. Pretty hot. Found many who had voted as well, although of course that's the easy out if you don't want to be bothered.
lots of novick support, shameless to say but when you tell people "You know, the little guy with the hook!" there is almost universal recognition.
The weird crowd appears wrapped up for Steve.
May 17, '08
Obama said we have 57 states and said that Arabic was spoken in Afghanistan. Big deal?
And Hillary withstood sniper fire with Sinbad...
President McCain.
Would that be John McCain or Hillary McCain. Sometimes I can't tell the difference.
May 17, '08
That's it in a nutshell. You can't tell the difference between McCain and Hillary? You are uninformed. Hillary and Obama agree more on policy. Hillary's voting record and stance on issues is vastly different from McCain's. It sounds like you were taken in by Obama's smooth florid rhetoric . I'm sure you mean well, but get informed at least before the general.
May 17, '08
That's it in a nutshell. You can't tell the difference between McCain and Hillary? You are uninformed. Hillary and Obama agree more on policy. Hillary's voting record and stance on issues is vastly different from McCain's. It sounds like you were taken in by Obama's smooth florid rhetoric . I'm sure you mean well, but get informed at least before the general.
May 17, '08
Yes, I'm sure Obama thinks there are 57 states. Or he's tired and meant the 57 contests (50 + the second TX contest, DC, Samoa, USVI, Dems Abroad, Guam, and PR). Or, he's tired and meant 57 the same way he means a million. But no, let's go with the idea that he's less informed than a kindergartner. And Arabic is spoken in Afghanistan. By al-Qaida. You know, people we would need Arabic translators for.
You're also not only wrong in your statement about not winning swing states (NV, SC, CO, GA, LA, VA, NC, and I would argue more are in play), and about not winning blue states (states Kerry won in the general that Obama won in the primary: NH (sorry, 10 to 9), CT, DE, IL, MN, WA, ME, DC (yes, not a state), MD, HI, WI, VT), but you're also confusing primaries and generals. Results in Democratic primaries, where the Democratic vote is split, are not the same as results in general elections, where the Democratic vote is unified. Obama will win New York. Obama will win California. Obama will win Massachusetts. These aren't the hard states. While Clinton stuck to a big-state strategy that doesn't make sense in a proportional-vote primary, Obama stuck to the strategy that wins in a proportional-vote primary. He's changing his strategy in the general, and he's demonstrated he's smart enough to know how to win. And that's why superdelegates pick the winner of primary contests: not just because it's fair to pick the winner, but because it's smart to pick the winner. And winning the primary is how you show you can win: you show it, not say it. All Clinton's left with now is talk: convoluted explanations and dubious psychic predictions about Obama's and her own viability.
8:12 p.m.
May 17, '08
Audrey's right that there is a lot of difference in policy between McCain and Clinton. They both are flexible in their philosophies (not always a bad thing) that appear to be rooted in political expediency. After that Audrey's wet. If you are actually in Oregon, I suspect its to work with the campaign. Good for you to be willing to do so. Volunteer or paid doesn't make a whit of difference to me.It takes commitment to do so. But if you are paid I do hope your check clears.
I would have voted for HC in the general ONLY because of SCOTUS.
I will spend tomorrow at the Obama rally and then will go canvas the Damascus area.
" We are the ones we've been waiting for."
8:19 p.m.
May 17, '08
Hmmm...uninformed AND foolish. Dang I love when they sweet talk us like that.
May 17, '08
EYup, 'don't read BlueOregon.'
9:02 p.m.
May 17, '08
I spent several hours at the Beaverton Farmers Market talking about Merkley and passing out literature today. That was after briefly doing the same at some fun walk event on the East side of the Willamette River, the name of which escapes me.
Chelsea Clinton was scheduled to be at the Farmers Market so the Clinton people were out in force handing out Hillary stickers for patrons to stick on their clothing. Although outnumbed significantly, the Obama people were there too and all I'll say about that match-up is that I saw as many Obama stickers as I did Clinton stickers.
What was really funny to watch was people pulling off Obama stickers long enough to meet Chelsea and shake her hand. I talked to several supporters of both Clinton and Obama who all said that they'd already voted and that Merkley is their guy!
Rep. Tobias Read, who represents that district, showed up when Jeff Merkley did and we had a big, fun event with lots of really positive feedback from patrons.
May 17, '08
This is an excerpt from a column at No Quarter.
<hr/>LJ writes:
"Barack's ignorance of critical foreign policy issues will be exploited. His latest Obamaism claiming that "Arabic" translators are needed in Afghanistan is inexcusable for someone who wants to be Commander-in-Chief in the war on terror. The languages of Afghanistan are Pashto and Dari Persian."
A serious gaffe but I must admit that I am no longer surprised by our all too compliant press corps/media when it comes to calling out their darling -- the Chosen One during the Dem primary. Republicans will not be so sparing.
Sen. Obama chairs the senate subcommittee on Europe, which has NOT convened a single meeting since he became chair. NATO, which is participating in Afghanistan would be under these auspices. Joe Conason summarized this observation, first brought to our attention by the intrepid Steve Clemons, and was elaborated upon here at No Quarter. not to mention a brilliant piece by NQ fave Joe Wilson.
The lack of curiosity by Sen. Obama in affairs domestic and foreign that are pressing and urgent is all too reminiscent of one who has led our country down a disastrous path. You would be far better served Sen. Obama, by at least reading and studying foreign and domestic affairs, as opposed to regurgitating Malcolm X speeches.
Sen. Obama has stated that he has has been too busy campaigning to convene a meeting since he was appointed chair. Wes Clark testified in the Hague against Milosevic in Dec. of 2003, in the midst of a presidential bid. Somehow, Gen. Clark managed to make the time. It wasn't a politically beneficial move for Clark -- GWB imposed a press blackout on it and it was a closed court room. Hell, if you would have at least read The Kite Runner you would have known Arabic is not the language of Afghanistan. We truly deserve better from someone who wishes to lead this country. Which is why this voter supports supports Hillary Clinton.
the latest Obamaism
One of the "advantages" (being sold to us by Obama devotees) of having Barack Obama as president would be the "great international experience" he would bring to that office from living in Indonesia from the age of 6 to 10 <sneer>.
Also, that Obama would be at a great advantage in the Middle East because of his mixed ancestry.
Well, it seems neither of those reasons holds much water, because Obama doesn't even seem to know that the "languages of Afghanistan are Pashto and Dari Persian."
It is reminiscent of the time GWBush confused Sweden and Switzerland (both begin with the letter "S")
We've already had one over-confident -- but "surrounded by more experienced advisors" -- president (that would be Bush), and we certainly don't need another one (Obama).
And my comment on top of this is: Obama was not vetted by anyone most of this campaign. -more and more is coming out about him and his associations. He definately is not a uniter. Or the nation would have an answer to Mi and Fl - he wouldnt have stood in the way of them counting their votes. Hillary may have had bosnia fire but she did go there. She does have tons of good experience, she is dignified, she has tenacity, she has alot of support and she has won in most of the biggest states in the country. The media bias has been terrible to watch, in fact I no longer watch some to the channels because of the misinformation. There is actually more truth on the internet, at least it is not exculsive. BO has many problems that are yet to come out, they are becoming more known as time goes on. There is still plenty of time before the convention and both of our dem candidates still do not have the numbers they need. There is this number 2025 that has been put forth as those needed but that is without Mi and Fl. Even Howard Dean said that number will change on May 31st when the committee meets in DC. That is a static number. There is no way these two states will not be counted, their popular votes already count. There is nothing in the rules that take away the popular vote. Fl had both obama and clinton on so those numbers will stand. Mi had Clinton on the primary and the rest were counted as undecided (these would be split between Obama/Edwards and Richardson). These three other candidates would split the rest of the votes. I believe that would be 45% of the vote which voted undecided. So even if the delegates where split between Obama and Clinton , which would be generous to obama, the popular vote would still be 55% to Clinton. If Dean doesnt do this right, those people will be happy to vote for the Republican if their vote cant count for Clinton. I am sure Obama would win some but I think those two states will not be happy with him if their votes cant count and he continues to stand in their way. Nobody wants someone forced down their throat, it has to be fair, so Obama cannot win more than his possible total of undecideds- this is what he would like to do even thou there would have been 4 candidates if all had remained on the ticket. Good luck on Tuesday , Go Hillary and your supporters in Ky and Or. !!!!!!!
May 17, '08
Let me get this straight: Sen. Levin and the rest of the Michigan Democrats decided to go against party rules and move up the primary. Same with the Florida Legislature. We shouldn't have a decision from the party (Rules and Bylaws Comm, Credentials Comm. for instance) because if Obama was really a unifer he would wave a magic wand and solve the problem?
Sounds like someone who doesn't understand Democratic Party rules and procedures AND dislikes Obama.
11:38 p.m.
May 17, '08
It's a "serious gaffe" to say that Arabic translators are needed in Afghanistan?
Oh come on. Congratulations: You're right that Arabic isn't a major language of Afghanistan. So that means we don't need any translators? That's like saying we don't need any Arabic translators in the United States because we all speak English here.
America isn't the only nation with immigrants. With regard to US foreign policy, Afgan Arabs are extremely important. There's a really famous Arab who spent years in Afghanistan. Maybe he's still there today. And maybe you've heard of him? Osama bin Laden.
Some brief introductory reading:
May 18, '08
Thanks Andrew, though Pashtun and Farsi are the primary languages in Afghanistan - don't forget that Al Qaeda is primarily Arabic or of other origin. The Taliban and Al Qaeda divided up recruits in Afghanistan, between Taliban and Al Qaeda, on that criteria.
May 18, '08
I love how during these Hillary-Obama dicsussions, all these commenters that none of us have ever heard from before always pop up and start plugging Hillary by being snarky and talking to Oregonians about what's best for Oregon.
If these tactics are what Hillary is planning to rely on in the general election, then she's got no chance. If she thinks these tactics are effective, then she's got no clue to boot.
10:45 a.m.
May 18, '08
High Five to JHL on that one!
May 18, '08
The Hook in a (relative) landslide!
I think it'll be 49% to Jeff's 41%.
Oregon, prepare for many pundits trying to figure out why Oregon went with an ex-child prodigy, the little guy with a hook for a hand who opens beer bottles with it.
Much like Minnesota had to keep explaining about Jesse Ventura, Oregon will have to keep explaining why our pirate guy really can take out Sen Smith, which should be easier for him in the general against the incumbent that it was against the Speaker in the primary.
11:41 a.m.
May 18, '08
If all Oregonians were in favor of "keeping the Senate weird" I could agree with you. But I don't think that's the case, so I have serious doubts Novick can beat Smith, even in this anti-incumbent environment. There are democrats out there who actually like Smith (and that is really hard to believe, but true - I've talked to some of them).