BlueOregon Straw Poll Results!
blueoregon admin
A week ago, we announced the first-ever BlueOregon Straw Poll.
Before we get to the results, some notes:
- We had 653 valid ballots, though quite a few people didn't vote in every contest.
- Our participants came from 179 different zip codes, and from 33 of Oregon's 36 counties.
- There's definitely a strong Portland-area bias, however, as 70% of our votes were from Multnomah, Clackamas, or Washington Counties.
And finally, please remember: This is not an endorsement from BlueOregon. It's a snapshot of the opinions of those who chose to participate. Several campaigns worked hard to "turn out" participants, while others declined to participate. (And at least one used the word "boycott".)
Without further ado...
% | votes | President of the United States |
75.3% | 488 | Barack Obama |
19.0% | 123 | Hillary Clinton |
5.7% | 37 | (still undecided) |
United States Senate | ||
47.3% | 308 | Steve Novick |
45.0% | 293 | Jeff Merkley |
2.5% | 16 | Candy Neville |
0.9% | 6 | (someone else) |
4.3% | 28 | (still undecided) |
United States Congress, 1st District | ||
74.2% | 397 | David Wu |
15.3% | 82 | Will Hobbs |
1.3% | 7 | Mark Welyczko |
9.2% | 49 | (still undecided) |
United States Congress, 3rd District | ||
94.5% | 586 | Earl Blumenauer |
1.8% | 11 | John Sweeney |
1.8% | 11 | Joe Walsh |
1.9% | 12 | (still undecided) |
United States Congress, 5th District | ||
63.1% | 362 | Kurt Schrader |
18.1% | 104 | Steve Marks |
2.1% | 12 | (someone else) |
16.7% | 96 | (still undecided) |
Secretary of State | ||
66.3% | 431 | Kate Brown |
18.6% | 121 | Vicki Walker |
9.8% | 64 | Rick Metsger |
0.3% | 2 | Paul Damian Wells |
4.9% | 32 | (still undecided) |
Attorney General | ||
50.2% | 324 | John Kroger |
42.5% | 274 | Greg Macpherson |
7.3% | 47 | (still undecided) |
State legislative and local races on the jump...
State Senate, 23rd District (NE Portland) | ||
86.4% | 463 | Jackie Dingfelder |
8.0% | 43 | Sean Cruz |
5.6% | 30 | (still undecided) |
State House, 38th District (Lake Oswego & SW Portland) | ||
53.5% | 197 | Chris Garrett |
26.1% | 96 | Linda Brown |
20.4% | 75 | (still undecided) |
State House, 42nd District (SE Portland) | ||
43.8% | 202 | Jules Kopel-Bailey |
29.3% | 135 | Regan Gray |
8.0% | 37 | Teddy Keizer |
3.0% | 14 | Gordon Hillesland |
15.8% | 73 | (still undecided) |
State House, 45th District (NE Portland) | ||
54.6% | 244 | Cyreena Boston |
20.8% | 93 | Michael Dembrow |
8.7% | 39 | Jon Coney |
15.9% | 71 | (still undecided) |
State House, 49th District (East Multnomah County) | ||
66.0% | 223 | Nick Kahl |
13.0% | 44 | Barbara Kyle |
21.0% | 71 | (still undecided) |
Mayor of Eugene | ||
81.5% | 300 | Kitty Piercy |
12.5% | 46 | Jim Torrey |
0.5% | 2 | (someone else) |
5.4% | 20 | (still undecided) |
Mayor of Portland | ||
75.7% | 476 | Sam Adams |
16.9% | 106 | Sho Dozono |
2.9% | 18 | (someone else) |
4.6% | 29 | (still undecided) |
Portland City Council, Seat #1 | ||
32.7% | 183 | Amanda Fritz |
23.4% | 131 | Jeff Bissonnette |
8.8% | 49 | Charles Lewis |
8.8% | 49 | Chris Smith |
7.5% | 42 | John Branam |
3.2% | 18 | Mike Fahey |
15.7% | 88 | (still undecided) |
Portland City Council, Seat #2 | ||
54.2% | 302 | Nick Fish |
33.0% | 184 | Jim Middaugh |
2.7% | 15 | (someone else) |
10.1% | 56 | (still undecided) |
Lane County Commission, North Seat | ||
30.5% | 51 | Rob Handy |
29.9% | 50 | Bobby Green |
1.2% | 2 | Steve Sherbina |
9.6% | 16 | Nadia Sindi |
28.7% | 48 | (still undecided) |
Multnomah County Commission, District 3 | ||
25.4% | 118 | Judy Shiprack |
20.5% | 95 | Rob Milesnick |
10.3% | 48 | Mike Delman |
1.9% | 9 | Roy Burkett |
1.9% | 9 | Ron McCarty |
1.5% | 7 | Bruce Barclay |
38.4% | 178 | (still undecided) |
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connect with blueoregon
May 6, '08
Whoa, I hadn't heard this: apparently Pearl Jam is setting aside special tickets to benefit Steve Novick.
8:42 a.m.
May 6, '08
Yeah - and all you need is cross-country airfare to attend the "free" concert! And money for lodging, food, incidentals....
May 6, '08
unless there are folks who live on the east coast who want to support steve. not unheard of.
May 6, '08
myself, i'm holding out for REM to come out & do a benefit concert here in oregon this summer. HEE!
ps: good thing blueoregon isn't, or else it would have to endorse novick! i love the smell of irony in the morning.
May 6, '08
I actually find these results a little worrying. I love reading BlueOregon and would like to think that we well-represent the Democrats in our state, but the Obama - Clinton results are really out-of-whack, aren't they?
Unless something totally unexpected happens, everyone I know (who isn't working for Clinton) assumes that Obama will win pretty big in Oregon, but 75 - 19% makes us seem a little out of touch, doesn't it?
On a brighter note - Go Steve!
May 6, '08
Obama win big? A month ago yes. Election day (days) Obama wins by less than 10 pts. Not an overwhelming crush. The BlueOregon results are astounding in many ways. These results should not in any way be construed as mirroring what will actually happen. Interesting? Yes. Reflective of real results; Not a chance.
May 6, '08
I'm pretty shocked at how close the Senate primary is. I think thats probably going to be the most interesting race to watch on 5/20, especially county by county.
9:26 a.m.
May 6, '08
Very interesting results. Three really jump out at me. I'm suprised Merkley is doing as well among the netreaders as he is--based on the comment streams, you'd think Novick would win in a landslide. I expected Jim Middaugh to be leading among our readers. That he is only polling at 33% here could signal trouble. But D42 is the biggest surprise, though--I expected a more even distribution. Jules is definitely performing well among BlueO readers.
I expected Kroger/Macpherson to be close, but probably with the numbers inverted. Could this be an early warning sign in that campaign?
And Missy, I don't find the Obama results at all suprising, if you buy the demographics-as-law argument: Obama voters are typically more wealthy, more educated, and less religious than Hillary voters. Guess who that describes to a T--BlueO readers.
9:30 a.m.
May 6, '08
I'm confused. I thought that the Novick line is that out-of-state = bad.
By the way, I'm a fellow REM fan and they are going to be very near Oregon this summer as part of the Sasquatch Festival in central Washington.
The other band also in the festival which I'd LOVE to see is the Flaming Lips. Unfortunately they don't play on the same night and there's no way I can afford to see both nights. :-(
9:34 a.m.
May 6, '08
Good observation, Missy. I'd love to see Obama win by that kind of a margin but I don't believe for a second that it'll be anywhere close to that big of a margin. Double digits, perhaps. But by 56 points? No way. Well... unless she drops out before then. But that still wouldn't address the lack of representation in this Blue Oregon survey.
9:37 a.m.
May 6, '08
What?! This is an outrage!
Listen up, people, you're supposed to all be blindly following what I tell you! I am the svengali and puppetmaster of BlueOregon! You must do exactly as I say! Support everyone I tell you to support! Don't you people ever listen! My clients are the only candidates that matter! ARRRRRRRRGGHHHHH!
end snark
Actually, I'm quite pleased to see that BlueOregon's readers aren't mindless sheep.
So much for all those critics that whine endlessly about how our "bias" is going to effect the outcome of the election -- when it won't even effect the outcome of a straw poll right here....
Thank you for participating!
May 6, '08
This straw poll spells trouble for Novick. Novick, look at the Survey USA poll, gets the vast majority of his support from very liberal white voters which matchs the readership of Blueoregon to a t. The fact that Jeff Merkley was able to do so well among Novicks best crowd is really good for him.
May 6, '08
Also interesting to note after all the posts and comments from people like Torridjoe, Kari, Kevin, and Charlie Burr there are still 47 Blueoregon readers who are undecided in the US senate race.
9:47 a.m.
May 6, '08
It's pretty meaningless, but I'd always rather win than lose. GO STEVE!
May 6, '08
"there are still 47 Blueoregon readers who are undecided in the US senate race. "
Esp. since there have been comments here of the "HOW DARE anyone claim to be undecided when everyone is supposed to have chosen up sides or be suspected of being a closet supporter because no intelligent Democrat could possibly be undecided" comments here.
"end snark"
May 6, '08
kevin, out-of-state isn't necessarily bad, if the donor is an individual. out-of-state is bad if it is some PAC or a national level function of the democratic party (DSCC i'm looking at you).
if jeff merkley has some friends back in washington DC, from his days of working there, who want to give him $100 for his campaign, i think that's great.
what i don't think is great is the DSCC giving him $100,000.
are you okay with that distinction, or is it too subtle for you?
May 6, '08
54.6% 244 Cyreena Boston 20.8% 93 Michael Dembrow
Reason why the Blue Oregon straw poll is just a snap shot of Blue Oregon bloggers.
For people of Blue Oregon By people of Blue Oregon
9:53 a.m.
May 6, '08
Interesting- The majority results exactly match my ballot for every election I will be voting in (with the exception of the City Council races for which I have yet to decide)...
May 6, '08
I am not at all surprised that Obama won big. Obama does very well with the activists of the party and those really paying attention. That is in large part why he had done exceedingly well in the caucuses. Blue Oregon doesn't represent an accurate cross-section of Oregon's Democratic Party because we are the cream of the crop (not to toot our own horn). I also agree with every single result of this poll (for the big races anyways), except I do lean Vicki Walker.
10:06 a.m.
May 6, '08
The Presidential race and the Secretary of State race seem a bit lopsided. I expect Metsger and Walker will do much better in the larger primary. The 5th district race seems a bit "off" too. Probably the result of having the ability to direct people to the poll who were supporters.
Also, it'd be interesting if people only voted in races they were actually voting in. I don't think I voted in races in the straw poll that I won't be voting in in real life.
May 6, '08
I expected Kroger/Macpherson to be close, but probably with the numbers inverted. Could this be an early warning sign in that campaign?
I would think neither camp is taking this that seriously...again, I would think...I may be wrong...
10:19 a.m.
May 6, '08
The 37 undecideds in the presidential primary is an indication of my ongoing failure to secure Stephanie V.'s vote for our next president, Barack Obama.
10:33 a.m.
May 6, '08
"Very interesting results. Three really jump out at me. I'm suprised Merkley is doing as well among the netreaders as he is--based on the comment streams, you'd think Novick would win in a landslide."
I think the comments are fairly evenly divided, actually. And in any case, Blue Oregon IS the most prominent home of pro-Merkley, anti-Novick sentiment, so wouldn't you think he'd do better in the straw poll?
As I recall, the BlueO audience tends to skew older, whiter and more inside baseball than the electorate. As I pointed out when the latest SUSA arrived, if there is an influx of young voters, advantage Steve. In fact, the national Politicker is blaming the DSCC's souring over Merkley on the popularity of Obama and the continuing "matterness" of the primary here.
Basically, what they're saying is that Merkley has already lost. If he squeaks out a win, he will be viewed as a damaged candidate who surely can't beat Smith if he has this much trouble with Novick (and runs another campaign that fails to inspire on a broader level).
A Novick win or big win, they can work with. A Merkley big win, they can also probably work with--but that's not likely to happen. A Merkley squeaker kills his appeal as a national candidate.
10:50 a.m.
May 6, '08
I think the comments are fairly evenly divided, actually. And in any case, Blue Oregon IS the most prominent home of pro-Merkley, anti-Novick sentiment, so wouldn't you think he'd do better in the straw poll?
TJ, why do you insist on this absurd line? It's pure bullshit. You, Stephanie, and company have consistently made the argument that we aren't balanced, which is worth discussing among reasonable people. But jumping to the "most prominent home of pro-Merkley, anti-Novick sentiment" line is, as I'm sure you well know, partisan hackery.
If this were the home of "anti-Novick sentiment" you could site more than a couple post by Kari to back it up.
May 6, '08
I feel better about my candidate (Merkley) getting money from the Dem party now, in the era of Howard Dean and a 50-state strategy, than I would have felt when Terry McAuliffe was in charge.
I want to beat Smith!!
10:56 a.m.
May 6, '08
Occam's Razor points to the DSCC having downgraded Oregon as a direct reaction to the early April SUSA poll showing Novick ahead - a thinly veiled indication that they have no intention of backing him should he win the Primary. Obama's been polling well in Oregon for months now.
The only significant Senate corrolation around the time of the DSCC downgrade was that SUSA poll. There are a number of additional reasons why Obama's polling here doesn't make sense as the reason for the downgrade, but the timing in relation to that poll is by far the strongest.
Given all the bad-mouthing Novick and his supporters have been doing for months now at the DSCC's expense, the DSCC not liking Novick shouldn't surprise anyone. But I honestly don't think it's about whether they like or dislike him. They simply don't see him as having a credible chance against Smith. I honestly don't either. I mean no offense by that. It's just my honest opinion.
11:01 a.m.
May 6, '08
"Obama's been polling well in Oregon for months now. "
It has nothing to do with polling, but registrations and the fact that the primary will be competitive and thus high turnout, which is bad for Merkley.
Also, I think you're using fairly outdated info if you think the "DSCC doesn't like Novick." You know they've changed national political directors since last spring, right?
You can chat with Occam all you like, I was citing the DC punditry, who have a bit louder of a voice.
11:04 a.m.
May 6, '08
"But jumping to the "most prominent home of pro-Merkley, anti-Novick sentiment" line is, as I'm sure you well know, partisan hackery."
Can you name a more prominent blog in Oregon that has more consistently published anti-Novick material, and ignored so much anti-Merkley material in favor of diaries about his latest rest stop?
Did I say it was the editorial policy? No. I said it was the most prominent place to find pro-Merkley, anti-Novick stories. If you think that's wrong, which place is it, in actuality?
11:06 a.m.
May 6, '08
"If this were the home of "anti-Novick sentiment" you could site more than a couple post by Kari to back it up. "
How about the widely panned "jeopardy" video, for a start?
11:15 a.m.
May 6, '08
SUSA released the poll showing Novick ahead on 04/07/08
The very next day, 04/08/08, the DSCC downgraded the race to 2nd tier.
May 6, '08
I guess we must all be mere elitists.
May 6, '08
"There's definitely a strong Portland-area bias, however, as 70% of our votes were from Multnomah, Clackamas, or Washington Counties. "
Kate Brown doing well with the home town crowd. Why is that not surprising?
11:42 a.m.
May 6, '08
Multnomah County Commission, District 3 1.9% 9 Roy Burkett
NINE Blue Oregon posters support the pro-OCA candidate? WTF is THAT all about?
Also notable is the fact that his ideological opposite, an equally unacceptable candidate, running for Portland City Council seat #2, is apparently the fave of 15 of us.
What can these people be thinking?
11:49 a.m.
May 6, '08
Lee -- There was no requirement that people be BlueOregon commenters (or even Democrats). I certainly saw plenty of participant names of people I know to be Republican lobbyists and what not. Not many, but some.
11:58 a.m.
May 6, '08
Very few surprises here for someone who follows the comments on BlueOregon. Well, OK, I was surprised the AG race is so close, but otherwise this fits with the posts.
I don't think anyone thinks the actual vote will turn out this way--the Obama/Clinton numbers alone are completely implausible given other polling data--but I think they are a good proxy of the sentiment of politically active Internet users. I work in IT in PDX and these numbers--including the Obama landslide--are very indicative of the water-cooler conversations at my firm.
This poll looks like great stuff for a poli-sci MA thesis: "Materials toward Quantification of Proxies for Paradigm Shifts in the post-Web 2.0 Votersphere." Are you up for sharing the data, Kari? ; )
May 6, '08
They [the DSCC] simply don't see him as having a credible chance against Smith. I honestly don't either.
Kevin, I'm genuinely curious how you reconcile the following: If Merkley is such a strong candidate against Smith, why is he struggling to beat Novick? And if Novick is such a weak candidate against Smith, why is he giving Merkley such a run for the DSCC's money?
I think TJ's analysis is mostly right on. Whether fair or not, the game of political expectations is bound to hurt Merkley if he only pulls out a narrow win, whereas Novick will look like a giant-slayer if he pulls out a narrow win. But TJ is wrong to assume the DSCC will step up with cash to support Novick. Since they didn't get their first tier candidate and their second tier candidate is running a weak campaign, they are most likely writing off the race altogether. When looking at national priorities, it's not an unreasonable decision for them to make.
After Novick wins the primary, he's going to have to spend months slowly chipping away at Smith's natural lead. After the convention in August, if he's within striking distance, the DSCC will come around. But it's going to be on Novick to do the heavy lifting. Fortunately, I think he's up to it.
May 6, '08
Pretty bold for Blue Oregon to have a straw pool. If the results do not matach what the actual results are two weeks from now. It pretty much proves to light blue and dark blue Oregonians that Blue Oregon is not relevant.
Good test of market capture Kari.
12:05 p.m.
May 6, '08
"But TJ is wrong to assume the DSCC will step up with cash to support Novick."
I think they'll be late, but they'll be there. They didn't get on the Webb bandwagon until the week before the primary.
Novick's high national profile after winning the primary--and the help of the national netroots, which has sat out this race because they see two good progressives--will push the DSCC to re-evaluate, is my belief. They don't hold the wrist with the electoral pulse in it very tightly, but eventually they do hear it.
12:11 p.m.
May 6, '08
Sorry, should have put this in with the other response:
"Since they didn't get their first tier candidate and their second tier candidate is running a weak campaign, they are most likely writing off the race altogether."
Well, they certainly haven't done so at this point. They simply moved it out of the top four or five--which is where it had been all along. It's been 6th-8th almost the entire cycle.
According to Schumer OR is out of their top 5, but they're targeting 18 seats and it's at the top of the next tier. (And of course that's now; wait until you see the first post primary general heat test vs Smith).
May 6, '08
I voted as often as I had time - and all my votes were correctly cast.
12:14 p.m.
May 6, '08
There are at least four Oregonians I know personally with access to the ear of Chuck Schumer who will be giving him the gospel on Steve the minute he wins the primary. Chuck hasn't responded well so far to the concept that he picked the wrong horse in this race (and he's been hearing that lately), but if the Oregon electorate shows him something, he's not stupid. He'll respond in an appropriate way. I do agree that he will wait to see how well Steve gets his footing in a general election campaign, but Steve will shine in that setting. I'm not too worried about national support.
12:16 p.m.
May 6, '08
Jeff Alworth - we are more wealthy? Love it...if it was true :)
May 6, '08
Ya, Jeff, you might want to reassess the wealth demographics of BO readers.
12:29 p.m.
May 6, '08
"Materials toward Quantification of Proxies for Paradigm Shifts in the post-Web 2.0 Votersphere."
Obviously Elitist.
I don't imagine that any of us think that this poll says anything at all about the general election, but it does say a lot about Blue Oregon readers and commenters.
It's all good........
12:31 p.m.
May 6, '08
If the results do not matach what the actual results are two weeks from now. It pretty much proves to light blue and dark blue Oregonians that Blue Oregon is not relevant.
We have 5,000 readers a day of self-selected liberals. If the results of our straw poll match the results of the primary, I'd fall out of my chair.
Karol, the "we" here includes our latte liberal friends!
May 6, '08
Pretty bold for Blue Oregon to have a straw pool. If the results do not matach what the actual results are two weeks from now. It pretty much proves to light blue and dark blue Oregonians that Blue Oregon is not relevant.
So the only way to be relevant is to reflect the masses. I don't follow such tortured logic.
As I indicated in my prior post, I am proud of the fact that I take part in an online community that does not reflect the average joe, but instead reflects the interests and preferences of an engaged, thoughtful, and dynamic group.
Thanks for the straw poll Kari!
12:34 p.m.
May 6, '08
Nick, when you say "majority results" are you saying that only those who got more than 50% align with your ballot? Just trying to get some clarity here.
12:34 p.m.
May 6, '08
The polls have largely reflected name ID. Novick ran TV ads in what... January/February? Merkley didn't start until mid-April and the very next poll showed Merkley gaining traction at a significantly stronger rate than Novick. If that trend continues, and I expect it to, Novick is toast.
Struggling? Compare the two most recent polls. Compare the endorsements of entities which actually give material and/or manpower support well after the news of the endorsement has faded.
What "run for the DSCC's money" would that be? The day after the April 7 poll the DSCC downgraded the race.
12:39 p.m.
May 6, '08
There's still time -- I haven't voted yet, Charlie. But I need to vote in the next week because I have to be in San Francisco May 14-17 and I want Steve to get my vote even if my plane crashes.
12:40 p.m.
May 6, '08
That's exactly what the calculation was last year, what it was in the intervening months and what it was the day the DSCC downgraded the race - it's all about the horserace.
The DSCC is playing for keeps. They have no time to play games of favorites. The stakes are simply too high for that.
There is no question but that the DSCC doesn't see Novick as viable. And they are veterans of hardball political campaigns who know what it takes to win.
12:42 p.m.
May 6, '08
Will we have Punditology again? I hope so.
12:47 p.m.
May 6, '08
OF COURSE you "expect it to." That's who you are, Kevin.
But factually, Jeff was on the air alone for more than a week of the period between the two polls. Steve came back on the air 8 or 9 days after Jeff started his ads. It's not surprising that Jeff would show more of a gain during a time when Steve wasn't advertising at all. AND, Jeff was starting from a shockingly low base of support. These are facts.
So a certain amount of Jeff's gain had to be low hanging fruit. The proof of their candidacies is yet to come.
12:55 p.m.
May 6, '08
"There is no question but that the DSCC doesn't see Novick as viable. And they are veterans of hardball political campaigns who know what it takes to win."
Yes, they're so smart at picking Oregon's races that they chose Merkley instead of Novick!
"If that trend continues, and I expect it to, Novick is toast."
Why would you expect it to, exactly?
1) Merkley is now joined by Novick (and all of electoral creation) on air this month, as opposed to having airspace mostly to himself in April.
2) The May ads cost more because of the Pres race. Because Merkley did his buy AFTER Q1 and not before as Novick did, he'll get less bang for his buck out of his buy.
3) There is now widely available counterinformation voters are seeing--7 of 10 papers endorsing Novick and not Merkley. I'm not saying it will move mountains of voters to Steve, but what we're talking about here is the "trend continuing."
4) If Steve had any months with bad press, April was it. May has gone back to being kind to him.
So, what do you use to support a continuance of the trend you latch onto so tightly, despite thinking SUSA didn't know how to poll right just a month ago?
May 6, '08
the DSCC ... are veterans of hardball political campaigns who know what it takes to win.
oh kevin, bless your heart.
::wipes tear of laughter out of corner of eye::
yes, yes indeed. that's why the democrats now enjoy a filibuster-proof majority in the senate. yes indeed.
May 6, '08
The 5.7% undecided figure in the Presidential race is particularly interesting, given that this straw poll represents a self-selected group of, presumably, very engaged voters.
I suspect the percentage of undecideds is even higher among Blue Oregon readers in general, and higher yet among Democratic primary voters at large.
All of which is to say, those of us who are supporting a candidate would do well to make our cases to our fellow Oregonians who remain undecided -- at the doorstep, on the phone, and, yes, here in this small corner of the online marketplace of ideas.
To that end, let me shamelessly promote my guest column from last Friday, which was addressed to those "those still deciding whom to support in Oregon's upcoming Democratic Primary":
Deciding on a President: The standard set by FDR's first inaugural address:
After quoting FDR's inaugural at length -- including his declaration that this "is preeminently the time to speak the truth, the whole truth, frankly and boldly"; his identification of common challenges, including "preventing realistically the tragedy of the growing loss through foreclosure of our small homes and our farms," restoring "a strict supervision of all banking and credits and investments," and putting people to work; his dedication of the Nation "to the policy of the good neighbor" in world affairs; his acknowledgment of our "our interdependence on each other" such that "we must move as a trained and loyal army willing to sacrifice for the good of a common discipline"; and his reassurance that we "face the arduous days that lie before us in the warm courage of the national unity" -- I make my pitch:
What's your closing argument for your candidate?
Blue Oregon editors -- how about an open thread for closing arguments to undecided voters?
1:34 p.m.
May 6, '08
Jeff A, As I was posting, I was drinking a tall, nonfat latte, one raw sugar. What I lack in cash I make up for in coffee :)
1:34 p.m.
May 6, '08
Jeff A, As I was posting, I was drinking a tall, nonfat latte, one raw sugar. What I lack in cash I make up for in coffee :) Oh, and blackness - because all black people ONLY vote for Obama.
1:57 p.m.
May 6, '08
I hope this doesn't come as too big of a shock but out in the real world the RSCC are also veterans of hardball politics who know what it takes to win.
Are either side perfect in their predictions? Of course not. But they don't claim to be... they play the odds based on the available info and the DSCC clearly does not believe in Novick's chances against Smith.
The inference that if only the DSCC knew what they were doing that the Dems would therefore have a veto-proof majority is, to put it charitably, naive.
May 6, '08
okay, kevin.
2:14 p.m.
May 6, '08
"the DSCC clearly does not believe in Novick's chances against Smith."
They didn't believe in his chances against Merkley either. What was your point again?
May 6, '08
The DSCC only supports establishment hacks like the Merkley. Since Novick isn't one, he can't get their support.
3:49 p.m.
May 6, '08
BCM, that reminds me... Did you know that Ralph Nader is coming to Oregon next week? It should be interesting or at least entertaining.
Few have gotten as much mileage out of dogging the "establishment" as ol' Ralph Nader - for which George W. Bush is undoubtedly greatful. I'm sure Gordon Smith welcomes the support for this election too...
3:57 p.m.
May 6, '08
Wow -- Checked out for a few hours, and the comments are running strong...
Miles wrote... Kevin, I'm genuinely curious how you reconcile the following: If Merkley is such a strong candidate against Smith, why is he struggling to beat Novick? And if Novick is such a weak candidate against Smith, why is he giving Merkley such a run for the DSCC's money?
Miles, try this similar question on. It might help lead you to the answer:
If Obama is such a strong candidate against McCain, why is he struggling to beat Clinton?
Or even, the reverse of your question... If Novick is such a strong candidate against Smith, why is he struggling to beat Merkley?
The short answer to all three: One has nothing to do with the other. Different race, different electorate.
Karol wrote... Jeff Alworth - we are more wealthy? Love it...if it was true :) --- and Tom concurred... Ya, Jeff, you might want to reassess the wealth demographics of BO readers.
Yes, in fact BlueOregon readers are dramatically more wealthy than the average Democratic voter. According to our 2006 reader survey, household incomes break down as follows:
Andrew asked... Will we have Punditology again? I hope so.
Of course!
Jim asked... Blue Oregon editors -- how about an open thread for closing arguments to undecided voters?
Sounds good. But two weeks out is a bit early for closing arguments!
May 6, '08
Your red herring failed to respond to the charge of the Merkley being an establishment hack, Kevin. I don't suppose you have a thought out rebuttal?
4:08 p.m.
May 6, '08
"If Obama is such a strong candidate against McCain, why is he struggling to beat Clinton? "
Is he? He's already beaten her, near as the numbers indicate. She's just not ready to hear it.
And of course Steve's not "struggling to beat Merkley," he's winning despite having nearly every disadvantage in the race.
That's the point: expectations have led Merkley to severely underperform, Novick to overperform. Making a winner out of an underperforming primary candidate is harder than doing it with an overperforming one.
May 6, '08
Congratulations to Novick. Blue Oregon's management has supported Merkley all year, and yet Novick still gets more votes. I wasn't expecting it on this website. Pretty impressive for the little guy.
May 6, '08
i just stopped by my house to run an errand and guess what i found hanging on the doorknob - a steve novick flyer!
i was like, um, didn't the LAWN SIGN give it away? already a supporter! but maybe the flyer was just the fellow canvasser saying hello.
i love that my house got canvassed for novick. it just tickles me.
signed, still waiting for a merkley knock on the door...
May 6, '08
DeFazio Joins Critics of Gas Tax Holiday
Speaking of undecideds, one of Oregon's most prominent undecided superdelegates is Rep. DeFazio, who signed on to a pretty tough letter today in opposition to Sen. Clinton's proposed gas tax holiday:
Reps. Wu and Blumenauer are also on the letter, but they have already endorsed Sen. Obama.
The bigger news is the decision of Rep. DeFazio, along with two other undecided Western superdelgates (Reps. Mark Udall (CO) and Pete Stark (CA)), to take such a strong position on the most high-profile domestic policy difference between Sens Obama and Clinton.
May 6, '08
74% for Obama and 66% for Schrader - so clearly some of the Obama supporters are also voting for Schrader whose in the bed of agribusiness, who opposes farmworker minimum wage, who actually wants to exempt several classes of people from the minimum wage, who only in our fevered imaginations ia a solid Democrat.
Why is this?
May 6, '08
74% for Obama and 66% for Schrader - so clearly some of the Obama supporters are also voting for Schrader whose in the bed of agribusiness, who opposes farmworker minimum wage, who actually wants to exempt several classes of people from the minimum wage, who only in our fevered imaginations ia a solid Democrat.
Why is this?
Jenna: I just learned that Schrader is also in favor of caps on lawsuit damages, which is piss poor public policy. I voted for him on name recognition alone. Now I know Steve Marks is the better candidate.
7:45 p.m.
May 6, '08
trishka, when I canvassed in NW Portland on Saturday, I scribbled a note on the doorhanger before leaving it at any house with a Novick sign. Just "Thanks for supporting Steve!"
I figured that it couldn't hurt. I'm sure the canvasser was just sending you a friendly hello. %^>
But I'm thinking that the Merkley people won't knock on the door if there's a Novick sign out front. You might check your neighbors and see if Merkley has canvassed THEM.
9:42 p.m.
May 6, '08
BCM: the charge of the Merkley being an establishment hack, Kevin. I don't suppose you have a thought out rebuttal?
Define precisely what you mean by "establishment hack", BCM, and I might give it a go. Does it have anything to do with actually passing progressive legislation? Being a liberal Democrat?
I'm pretty sure Speaker Merkley would cop to that.
1:26 a.m.
May 7, '08
Stephanie, I was going to abstain in the presidential until Hillary's comment about willingness to obliterate Iran.
Personally I think it makes her unfit to be president. So I've voted against her now.
Do think about the implications of her willingness to be cavalier with the idea of nuclear genocide for narrow campaign advantage (at least per her calculations).
May 7, '08
I think the poll is off in that Sho Dozono will force "Tax 'em Sam" Adams into a runoff. I'm voting for Sho; don't trust "Tax 'em Sam" - he can't be trusted with the people's money.
May 7, '08
stephanie, that's a good point. i hadn't thought of that...
somehow i doubt it, though.
the majority of people who answer the door when i canvass haven't heard or thought anything about the senate primary yet. those who have, tell me they are voting for steve novick. (if they're supporting merkley, they don't cop to it, with one exception. they may just be being polite, but i don't know. my sense is that merkley's outreach efforts haven't made it this far down the valley...
May 7, '08
BCM, a longtime activist in my county has gotten a letter to the editor published endorsing the legislators in US Senate, AG, and maybe one other race. In each case, the endorsement is as a result of what the candidate/legislators have accomplished through legislative action.
If you think that is bad, by all means vote for Novick and Kroger. But "Merkley outreach efforts" by the campaign are not needed to those who have watched the legislature over the years and admire the work of certain legislators.
Elections should be about individual voters casting ballots based on what each indiv. voter admires about a candidate (or doesn't like about a candidate). I believe individuals are quite capable of thinking for themselves, and the idea that groups "think" is ridiculous.
May 7, '08
I'm a little late to the conversation, but want to chime in on Jeff A's comments, though not about senate or pres races:
"I expected Kroger/Macpherson to be close, but probably with the numbers inverted. Could this be an early warning sign in that campaign?"
My original thoughts on this race were that mac would take it easily based on his name recognition, connections/endorsements, and having much more money than Kroger. As it turns out, mac seems to have run a campaign almost exclusive of volunteers/grass roots--there are no mac lawn signs anywhere and I understand that almost all if not all of his campaign staff are paid. He is running partially on attack advertising that one neighbor of mine termed "sleazy". Oregonain LTEs are largely for Kroger, one being very angry with mac for claiming that "I passed measure 49..." when it was 4,000 donors and 10,000 volunteers and the Oregon voters who passed measure 49. Kroger has run a very tight grass-roots campaign with clean, consistent and strong messaging. So I'm not surprised with this straw poll putting Kroger up--I think he'll pull it out.
"But D42 is the biggest surprise, though--I expected a more even distribution. Jules is definitely performing well among BlueO readers."
this one isn't a big suprise to me. Jules's messaging has greater depth and shows he has greater knowledge and understanding of the larger issues: the economy and the environment in particular than his opponents. Regan is the staffer with a feminist background campaigning on a record of helping to shepard legislation through Salem--a litte far-fetched for me to believe that a staffer can take as much credit as she does for legislative accomplishments. Teddy is the environmentalist who likes to hike and run, but his experience is too focused and his stated goals for societal improvement are meager and low. Jules appears to me to be the candidate better prepared to take on the larger issues we face in Oregon and that shows in his messaging. I'm not surprised he's leading, I actually expected him to be leading by a wider margin since he is running a very solid campaign, has been knocking on doors since November, has many of the important endorsements, etc.
Very interesting straw poll, caveats aside, thanks for doing it!
May 7, '08
But "Merkley outreach efforts" by the campaign are not needed to those who have watched the legislature over the years and admire the work of certain legislators.
i would not disagree with that statement at all. i would say that people like that are a tiny minority of the voting electorate.
like i said, the vast majority of the people who answer their doors when i knock say that they know little or nothing about any of the candidates.
i would say the campaigns do need to do an outreach to those folks. merkley's campaign too, not just novick's.
why do i care? because this isn't a slam dunk for novick, not by any stretch, and because we're all going to be on the same team in two weeks.
i'd prefer to be playing on team novick on 21 may, not team merkley, but if it is the latter i want to feel like i'm getting on board with a strong campaign. i'm not seeing any physical evidence of that in my neck of the woods, not at this point.
May 7, '08
Democratic Congress to Voters: What Election Problems?
"Despite a series of House and Senate hearings probing voter restrictions based on the myth of voter fraud and mostly GOP dirty tricks, it now seems virtually certain that not a single piece of major election reform legislation will pass Congress in time for the November, 2008 elections."
"The resulting Congressional inaction on touch-screen voting, according to researcher Warren Stewart of, will mean that at least 25% of the American public will be voting in 40,000 precincts on totally paperless machines in most of 14 states. These include such battleground states as New Jersey, Virginia and Pennsylvania."
May 7, '08
Just addressing Eric's point...
"litte far-fetched for me to believe that a staffer can take as much credit as she does"
I'm guessing you don't know Regan Gray or worked in the Capitol with her. There are progressive laws on the books as a result of Regan's work. There is a reason a dozen or so sitting legislators have endorsed her, and many others currently in statewide races speak about her abilities and strengths. Regan's gotten so much accomplished for Oregonians as a staffer, imagine what's she'll do as a legislator.
May 7, '08
yes, I am an outsider looking in on the d42 race, so I don't have insider knowledge of any of the candidates like you are suggesting, Heather, that would give me insight into Gray's (or any other of the candidates' for that matter) professionalism or accomplishments or how they've attained them.
Kudos to Gray for being as effective as you say she's been in Salem as a staffer. If she wins the office, I'll be excited to see her take the initiative to move our state forward on those issues we need to take serious strides on. As she's outlined on her website, her vision rests in the current framing of the issues: health care accessibility, creating a better balance of taxation from corporations, creating family-wage jobs, curb dependence on fossil fuels and fund education. There's nothing fresh or new in her approach or vision. I think we need some innovative and creative thinkers to make some real positive strides in changing lawmakers' perspective on the issues. Gray doesn't provide that in her presentation. Koppel-Bailey does.
My overall point is still valid: from my outside perspective it appears that Koppel-Bailey has a much deeper educational and professional background on the issues that are most important to moving our society forward right now: sustainability, green development and the economy, while he still puts forward a progressive agenda on civil and women's rights. His message honestly provides a much more powerful vision than any of the other candidates', which gives me the feeling that Jules is more likely be effective at making the dramatic progressive changes we need to make in today's world.
May 9, '08
I didn't know Metsger was so unpopular among far-lefters.
That won't be good for Wu if he only wins 75% in the primary (no, he won't lose in the general, but still...).
I find it ironic how poorly candidates that sponsor Blue Oregon did :-)
May 10, '08
Wu Hoo!!! Any candidate would be thrilled with 75% of the vote for the nomination.
If Democrats want to challenge someone for their seat, they should look ahead to Senator Ron Wyden's seat, whose horrible health plan mimics McCain's and would be a disaster for Americans with disabilities or pre-existing conditions.
I'd support Hobbs in a run against Wyden.