Not tethered to reality

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Terry McAuliffe: Insane, but somehow oddly lovable.

Here's a hilarious compilation of his greatest hits, courtesy of Talking Points Memo.

Meanwhile, TPM's Josh Marshall suggests an elegant way to end this primary season.

We seem to have arrived at an equitable compromise: Sen. Clinton is staying in the nomination race while Sen. Obama drops out to move on to the general.
  • Don (unverified)

    The funniest part of that is that he can't even say the name "Oregon".

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    Thank god he's on Hillary's side.

    The D's lost control of every lever of power when he was head of the DNC. Howard Dean invests a paltry $5 million into 50 states and they are coming on like a tidal wave.

    Go figure.

  • Steve Bucknum (unverified)

    I worked in a psychiatric hospital for a while. The "padded rooms" had TV cameras so we could insure that the patients weren't hurting themselves.

    I think that might be a perfect fit for poor old Terry. Security with a camera in his face.

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    Thank god we have Howard Dean now...

  • Larry McD (unverified)

    Jon Stewart is right- he's a douche and there's nothing lovable about him. Steve Bucknum is right, it's too late for meds... just find him a rubber room.

    Had the Clinton ancien regime been restored to power, he, "Howling Howard" Wolfson, "Eeewdats" Ickes, and "Pollpotty" Penn would have been the Four Horsesasses of the Apocalypse for the Democratic Party.

  • Tom Civiletti (unverified)

    Looks like a fit metaphor of the US political system. He is no more insane than the way we choose our leaders.

  • Karen (unverified)

    Sen. Clinton has shown a deceitful character that NO THINKER wants in a President. Would you teach YOUR kids to lie in order to “win it”?

    GOP Ammo against Hillary: Whitewater (false testimony) / Travelgate (“can’t recall”) / Questionable Cattle Deals / Abusive to staff and Armed Service personnel / PAC connections and influence / Signed WAR POWER – admittedly WITHOUT READING the Document (Judgment?) / Illegal campaign practices (case postponed)/ Repeats rumors she knows to be false (Character?) / Her husband is caught PEDDLING INFLUENCE to a foreign government on the eve of a TREATY that she SAYS (only publicly) she opposes / FABRICATES details regarding a FILMED EVENT (judgment?)

    Sen. Obama stayed too long in church. Hillary is simply NOT the best Candidate – PERIOD!

    Give us a Nominee whom Voters and the World can RESPECT. That is Hillary NO LONGER!

  • j_luthergoober (unverified)

    "The man who makes an appearance in the business world, the man who creates personal interest, is the man who gets ahead. Be liked and you will never want." -- WL from DoaS.

    Thank you for your keen insight Arthur M.

    Willy Lowman is alive and well in Clintonia...

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    I understand that Glenn Close has already been cast as Hillary Clinton in "Fatal Attraction II - The Primaries" but who should they get to play Terry McAuliffe?

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    I'm someone who dislikes focusing on negatives, but I'm really having a hard time seeing this likability of Mr. McAuliffe that Kari sees. To me, McAuliffe isn't "lovably insane". He's clearly insulting.

    He seems to think that voters are so stupid that we can be fooled into thinking the political score is different than it is by endlessly repeating the exact same media stump speech ad nauseum. He doesn't think we're grownups, so instead he acts like a deranged dad with a forced happy-face scolding everyone that Hillary is ahead BECAUSE I TOLD YOU SO!

    Sick. Howard Dean is such a step up, it's difficult to describe.

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    He seems to think that voters are so stupid that we can be fooled into thinking the political score is different than it is by endlessly repeating the exact same media stump speech ad nauseum

    I met this smiling tool at the first summit I attended at Sunriver back in the day and my impression is of cheerful deceit and sunny amorality mixed with that basic need to be liked even by upstart interlopers like my wife and I.

    Win McCormick was at least properly scandalized that we had the temerity to inserted ourselves onto what should have been senior President's Council turf, by daring to chat with The Great Man of the moment.

    I think that Terry sees lying and spinning as a totally legitimate passtime and that staying on course no matter how ridiculous his assertions will be the key to a soft landing at one of the myriad lobbying firms that currently house his fellow sociopaths.


    It does look like we're close to mortally wounding the DLC, but the only way we'll make it permanent is by keeping a steady eye on the Boy Wonder. All of these guys (whether in local, state, or national office) are always in danger of buying into the character that their fans have created for them.

    When they do, they're effectively lost to us.

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