A penny short? Have no fear. Ballots will be delivered.

Kari Chisholm FacebookTwitterWebsite

All this week, I've gotten concerned emails from BlueOregon readers concerned about the forthcoming postal rate change on Monday -- when the price of a first-class stamp goes up one penny to 42 cents. Folks have been terrifically concerned about ballots getting returned, and people being disenfranchised... all for want of a penny.

I've checked in with my friends at the Secretary of State's office, and they've verified two things:

#1. The USPS will deliver ballots in Oregon that are a penny short.

#2. The County Elections offices will pick up the cost of an extra penny.

So, have no fear, folks. All is well.

Now, a couple of notes:

(Of course, it's not that huge a budget hit. Even if we had 100% turnout of all two million Oregon voters - and nobody mailed a ballot until Monday, and they all did it a penny short... it'd cost $20,000 - split among 36 counties. We should be so lucky for turnout like that!)

  • (Show?)

    Damn. I knew I should have invested in "forever" stamps when I had the chance. I've still got a half roll of 41ยข stamps. How did I not know this was happening?

  • James X. (unverified)

    I can't remember the last time I needed a stamp. Even with ballots, I just walk a couple blocks to the library.

  • Rick York (unverified)

    One thing that should happen when the Dems get a bigger majority in Congress is free postage for ballots. It seems pretty elementary to me.

  • James X. (unverified)

    Seconded. It's a poll tax. If you're on a low income, you may not stock the extras around your house like postage stamps. It just adds another obstacle, especially for the homebound or those with limited mobility.

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