A penny short? Have no fear. Ballots will be delivered.
Kari Chisholm
All this week, I've gotten concerned emails from BlueOregon readers concerned about the forthcoming postal rate change on Monday -- when the price of a first-class stamp goes up one penny to 42 cents. Folks have been terrifically concerned about ballots getting returned, and people being disenfranchised... all for want of a penny.
I've checked in with my friends at the Secretary of State's office, and they've verified two things:
#1. The USPS will deliver ballots in Oregon that are a penny short.
#2. The County Elections offices will pick up the cost of an extra penny.
So, have no fear, folks. All is well.
Now, a couple of notes:
- This probably doesn't apply if you're mailing in your ballot from out-of-state. Oregon post offices know all about our election, and they know what a ballot looks like. But that doesn't mean a mail carrier in another state will. Get your 42-cent stamp on there.
- The counties are terribly concerned that a bunch of people will take advantage of their generous offer - and it'll cost 'em a bunch of money. If you're reading this post, then you know all about the postal rate change -- do the responsible thing and pony up your own damn penny.
(Of course, it's not that huge a budget hit. Even if we had 100% turnout of all two million Oregon voters - and nobody mailed a ballot until Monday, and they all did it a penny short... it'd cost $20,000 - split among 36 counties. We should be so lucky for turnout like that!)
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8:38 a.m.
May 10, '08
Damn. I knew I should have invested in "forever" stamps when I had the chance. I've still got a half roll of 41ยข stamps. How did I not know this was happening?
May 10, '08
I can't remember the last time I needed a stamp. Even with ballots, I just walk a couple blocks to the library.
May 10, '08
One thing that should happen when the Dems get a bigger majority in Congress is free postage for ballots. It seems pretty elementary to me.
May 10, '08
Seconded. It's a poll tax. If you're on a low income, you may not stock the extras around your house like postage stamps. It just adds another obstacle, especially for the homebound or those with limited mobility.