Recapping the last 96 hours...

Kari Chisholm FacebookTwitterWebsite

Wow, what a busy weekend! Over the last four days, we've had nearly 30 posts here at BlueOregon about the presidential race, the Senate race, and more.

This morning, I'll be doing my regular weekly ten-minute gig on KPOJ, and - to help listeners who visit here - here's an organized recap of the last four days.

Presidential Primary
There's been lots of discussion about the presidential race. We had plenty of coverage of Hillary Clinton's visit to Oregon (here, here, and here).

The campaigns opened Oregon offices - one for Hillary, five for Barack Obama. KATU released a poll that shows Obama up 52-42. And, check this out: Oregon State just hired Michelle Obama's brother as the head basketball coach!

Charlie Burr took issue with Hillary's comments about Michigan delegates and about Iraq. Chris Corbell recapped Darlene Hooley's pitch at the Hillary HQ opening. Ruth Adkins described her experience canvassing for Obama. Paddy McGuire compared the Clinton campaign to the Red Sox - and popped Barack Obama for supporting the Bush-Cheney energy bill. And former state representative Joe Smith discussed the role of superdelegates.

U.S. Senate Primary
It's not all presidential politics either. We've had lots of discussion about the Senate race, too.

We managed to get the City Club debate video online here at BlueOregon, which quite a few folks called the most energetic and interesting debate in the race so far. Bloggers weighed in here and here - and journalists weighed in, too.

Jeff Merkley released his campaign's first TV spot, the GOP is tracking Steve Novick now, and KATU released a poll that shows Novick leading.

But best of all, Karol Collymore mused aloud about her decision in the Senate race - identifying issues where she disagrees with both Jeff Merkley and Steve Novick.

Check out the debate video here:

Other Stuff
But it wasn't all federal politics around here.

Friday was the last day for Erik Sten, Portland's longest-serving city commissioner. On Saturday, we belatedly posted video of the Macpherson/Kroger debate at the City Club.

Kristin Teigen wondered aloud who to support in HD42, the open Lege seat in Southeast Portland. Chuck Sheketoff noticed that Stephen Colbert slammed Oregon's health care lottery. And I noted the odd pattern of politicians wandering 'round the city fighting crime!


(I'm turning off comments - discuss all this on the relevant posts...)

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