Obama Picks Up Oregon Endorsements

At a press conference earlier this morning, 26 elected officials from around the state announced their endorsement of Barack Obama in front of the state capitol.

From KOIN:

A group of Oregon politicians stood on the capitol steps in Salem Wednesday morning to endorse their candidate for president.

The group of legislators and elected officials gave their endorsement for the senator they want to see in the White House and it was an all-Obama crowd.

Five state senators and 19 state representatives, along with the state superintendent of schools and state treasurer pledged their votes to Barack Obama.

Independent senator Avel Gordly announced she would change her party affiliation and become a registered democrat after meeting Obama at a campaign rally.

“He said to me, I need the help of independent like yourself, and I told him then, he could count on my support. And, let me tell you why: Barack Obama is a unifier,” Gordly said.

The full list of endorsers: Congressman Earl Blumenauer; State Treasurer Randall Edwards; Superintendent of Public Instruction Susan Castillo; Senate President Pro Tem Margaret Carter; Sen. Alan Bates; Sen. Floyd Prozanski; Sen. Ben Westlund; House Speaker Jeff Merkley; House Speaker Pro Tempore Diane Rosenbaum; Rep. Jeff Barker; Rep. Phil Barnhart; Rep. Suzanne Bonamici; Rep. Peter Buckley; Rep. Ben Cannon; Rep. Brian Clem; Rep. Chris Edwards; Rep. Dave Edwards; Rep. Larry Galizio; Rep. Paul Holvey; Rep. Betty Komp; Rep. Tina Kotek; Rep. Mary Nolan; Rep. Tobias Read; Rep. Mike Schaufler; Rep. Chip Shields; Rep. Brad Witt

Read the rest. Discuss.

  • spell check (unverified)

    Betty Komp, not Kimp

  • (Show?)

    There's an almost total overlap between the elected Oregon Dems who have endorsed Obama and those who have endorsed Merkley.

  • DB (unverified)

    Are they all superdelegates?

  • Bill Bodden (unverified)

    It looks like Bill C's power of persuasion were limited during his visit.

  • Bill Bodden (unverified)

    This - All eyes on Murdoch as daughter hosts fundraiser for Obama - isn't good news for supporters of Obama who are concerned his becoming another puppet for special interests - especially the Murdoch clan of Fox News infamy.

  • Insider (unverified)


    All 29 House Dems have endorsed Merkley, while only 19 House Dems have endorsed Obama.

  • SDG (unverified)

    Time for Kulongoski to change his mind and endorse Obama.

  • (Show?)

    DB, no they are not all superdelegates. On that list, only Congressman Blumenauer is.

  • Bill R. (unverified)

    If Bill Clinton shook his finger and ranted, like he did in Sacramento, at any Oregon politicos, no doubt they chose for Obama.

    Speaking of endorsements, it looks like former Pres. Jimmie Carter is hopping on board the Obama express:


    "We are very interested in the primaries. Don’t forget that Obama won in my state of Georgia. My town which is home to 625 people is for Obama, my children and their spouses are pro- Obama. My grandchildren are also pro- Obama. As a Super Delegate, I would not disclose who I am rooting for but I leave you to make that guess

  • (Show?)

    Bill R.,

    Former President Clinton was very cordial when we met.

  • michael (unverified)

    Obama is an inspirational speaker,i love listening to his speeches everytime.does this mean now with this endorsements he has an upper ground?

  • Bill R. (unverified)

    Jenny Greenleaf: "Former President Clinton was very cordial when we met."


    Apparently he went ballistic in dissing Bill Richardson when he spoke with Super Ds in Ca. Didn't do Hillary or himself any good. Really great for party unity.

    "Bill's Tirade In Private Meeting Stuns Superdelegates »

    San Francisco Chronicle | April 2, 2008 at 08:55 AM

    "The Bill Clinton who met privately with California's superdelegates at last weekend's state convention was a far cry from the congenial former president who afterward publicly urged fellow Democrats to 'chill out' over the race between his wife, Hillary Rodham Clinton, and Barack Obama," the San Francisco Chronicle reports.

    "It was one of the worst political meetings I have ever attended," one superdelegate said."
  • Bill R. (unverified)

    michael: "Obama is an inspirational speaker,i love listening to his speeches everytime.does this mean now with this endorsements he has an upper ground?"


    It looks like he is getting the upper ground in endorsements and since Super Tues. has been gaining in Super Ds.

    From Political Wire: "Obama Passes Clinton in Support From Elected Officials Sen. Barack Obama has pulled even with Sen. Hillary Clinton "in endorsements from top elected officials, with a surge in support from congressional freshmen and governors from Republican-dominated states," according to Bloomberg.

    "Obama, an Illinois senator, has the support of 99 Democratic U.S. lawmakers and governors, compared with Clinton's 96 -- a dramatic turnabout since the Jan. 3 Iowa caucuses, when Clinton, a New York senator, had more than double Obama's support within this group, 91 to 43."

    However, according to NBC News, Clinton still leads among all superdelegates, 255 to 223."

  • Jonathan Radmacher (unverified)

    "This - All eyes on Murdoch as daughter hosts fundraiser for Obama - isn't good news for supporters of Obama who are concerned his becoming another puppet for special interests - especially the Murdoch clan of Fox News infamy. "

    Huh? A fundraiser by Murdoch's daughter means (or even suggests) that Obama will become a puppet for Fox News? You're joking, right?

  • MCT (unverified)

    As to Bill Clinton's lack of persuasion these days I'd like to think it was because of the fact that nation wide, we are all feeling the effect of NAFTA which has been a long slow whipping for American workers. But most elected officials are not working class...so then I'd like to think that by endorsing Obama they are acting on their conscience on behalf of their working class constituents, and those smaller types of businesses who've been hit so hard by off-shore competition.

    But truly, I think part of decision making fro these 26 elected officials must have been a combo of pure logic and gut reaction. The logic is that Obama stands a better chance against McCain. The gut reaction comes from witnessing Bill Clinton's 'new' harder edge (and shorter fuse).....that we rarely saw while he was in office. It's manifested in the way he's been throwing his imagined political weight around. And then there is the offensive impression I get of his self-presumed sense of entitlement, and that he feels it should transfer to his wife.

    The irony is that at one point in history Bill Clinton's spouse was considered somewhat of a drawback to to his ambitions. Tables turned, history appears to be repeating itself.

  • anna85 (unverified)

    Thanks for printing a list of the names.
    As a long time Dem and a strong Clinton supporter, I will never contribute to or vote for an Obama person. Obama's campaign said they want to purge the party of aging feminists. Well, they have succeeded. He is the great divider. Maybe, I will go help the Repubs reorganize. They seem to like old people.

  • genop (unverified)

    "Obama's campaign said they want to purge the party of aging feminists" Really? Please provide your source of info on this one. I do not believe you. If you think McCain is in your corner, then by all means throw your support his way and see what you get. Perhaps he can pack the Supremes and overrule Roe v. Wade??? Cut off your nose to spite your face. You shrilleries act like spoiled children. How dare Obama spoil your party. His position on eliminating income tax on seniors making $50,000.00 or less defies your claim of agism. Alas, age has little to do with maturity.

  • anna85 (unverified)

    WOW.. the ObamaBullies strike again.
    Just like Kos

  • Bill R. (unverified)

    anna85:" WOW..the ObamaBullies strike again. Just like Kos"


    You made a specific allegation towards the official Obama campaign. Asking for evidence to support that allegation is not bullying. Just throwing around inflammatory allegations about sexism by the Obama campaign is not acceptable discourse. So if you have evidence of your allegation, then please disclose it, otherwise it must be assumed to be false. Victimization and false allegations are an ineffective means of advocating for your candidate.

  • calmnsense (unverified)

    Bill Bodden:

    As an Oregonian in London who has been invited to the Murdoch heir's event, I only wish her political influence extended to Pere Murdoch. If it did, perhaps Fox News wouldn't indulge in "Obama Watch" or the two-week odd replays of Reverend Wright redux.

    <h2>Given the campaign's internet fund-raising prowess ($40m in March, primarily via the web) and the fact that I have already maxed out in donating, the only reason I can think to attend is to rub shoulders with Gwyneth Paltrow. But if I go and happen to chat with Liz Murdoch, I'll be sure to tell her (for you) that this is a great way to make Barack another shill for her dad!</h2>
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