Look familiar?
Kari Chisholm
From xkcd.com:
(Special message to all the people emailing me whining about how BlueOregon is too pro-Hillary or too pro-Obama or too pro-whateveryoudon'tlike... get over it. It's a blog! And our readers are too smart, too interested, and too motivated to be swayed by a blog.)
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Apr 19, '08
Good one, Kari! I like that!
Apr 19, '08
Looks like somebody watched South Park this week. :)
Apr 19, '08
You let an unabashedly pro-Novick post linger on the top of the page from 6pm last night to 8am this morning. You are clearly shilling for Novick now.
Also, the ads at the top of the page are all about Clinton. "Support Hillary Clinton Today! Contribute $5." I know where your loyalties lie.
Apr 19, '08
Apr 19, '08
I know...you must just be 'bitter'. Just like Obama said. Great cartoon!
Apr 19, '08
Is that cartoon implying that the fellow at the computer may be wasting his time.
5:46 p.m.
Apr 19, '08
I love xkcd.
Apr 19, '08
Kari, your top priority right now is your family, and that's how it should be. Don't let any of this nastiness distract you from being the best dad you can be.
Apr 19, '08
Well, I agree with your post this time, Kari. I don't care how many stupid hatchet jobs you attempt against Novick, I still support him. Besides, if I ever got REALLY offended by your posts, I'd probably boycott your blog. But I keep posting, so obviously I can't really be that annoyed at you.
Obama and Novick in '08! And long live the blogs!
Apr 19, '08
" I don't care how many stupid hatchet jobs you attempt against Novick, "
Let me get this straight---if Kari had been silent on the subject of Steve Novick from the moment Steve declared, everyone would think the beer commercial is inspired, Steve never insulted anyone, Left Hook Lager is a great way to raise money, the "flammable pants" comment is inspired, Steve never made a sarcastic remark, etc?
If Steve loses, it will because Steve ran what some who have known him for years found to be a disappointing "not living up to expectations" campaign.
Which is why I find the 5th Dist. Cong. primary more rewarding.
Apr 19, '08
James, are you saying you have the right to determine how long something stays on the top of BO? What exactly is your role at BO, a founder, an editor, a regular contributor?
This is ridiculous "You let an unabashedly pro-Novick post linger on the top of the page from 6pm last night to 8am this morning. "
Apr 19, '08
this is great! My husband will appreciate it.
10:28 p.m.
Apr 19, '08
I think you missed the joke, LT. Some of the Novick partisans that have, let's say, a below average (for a Novick partisan) grip on reality, have repeatedly accused Kari of trying to push pro-Novick pieces off the front page, by posting stories on his blog.
A relatively simple analysis of posting history on B.O. shows that this accusation is plainly false. If you plot it out, you can see there is no great spike in news stories or editorials after a pro-Novick piece is posted. But facts rarely get in the way of confirmation bias when people are that emotionally involved with their candidate.
James wasn't attacking Kari. He was mocking that attack.
Apr 20, '08
LT, is that you in the picture? ;)
Apr 20, '08
Yes, but I'm really mad about Kari letting Google's AdSense algorithm randomly select Clinton ads!
Apr 20, '08
Someone is WRONG on the Internet!
Can you fix it?
Apr 21, '08
I'll stop writing about how wrong you are on free trade issues when you stop being wrong.
Apr 21, '08
You stole your post from me.
(Which I stole from a comment on another blog. Who stole it from XKCD).
8:48 a.m.
Apr 21, '08
Looks like someone complaining about bloggers wasting a bunch of time....
Apr 21, '08