First Obama ad hits the airwaves in Oregon
Today, the Obama for President campaign released it's first TV ad in Oregon.
Visit Obama's Oregon HQ. Discuss.
April 15, 2008
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Apr 15, '08
I am sick of Hillary's Karl Rove tactics. She is no Democrat.
Apr 15, '08
So much for Oregon not counting, eh?
Rather nonsubstantive, but hey, if it's working for him, why change things now, and I can't really criticize someone for not getting into anything substantive in 30 seconds-- the medium hardly allows it.
I would like to see the "register by April 29th" and contact information up for longer, as my only real criticism aside from the fact that that skyline is not any Oregon city that I know, but perhaps the inside of the Memorial coliseum doesn't play as well as a big crowd outside on a sunny day.
Apr 15, '08
This looks like the same ad that was run in several super Tuesday States on Super Bowl Sunday. I like it. You can't cover a lot of substance in such a short ad. But you can send a message and pique interest to find out more about a candidate. I think this does that.
Apr 15, '08
Looks like Clinton is losing traction over her "elitist" binge. Doing her more harm than good.
Obama leading by 5 in IN Obama down by 5 in Pa. Obama up by 13 in NC,0,794499.story LOS ANGELES TIMES/BLOOMBERG POLL Clinton losing traction over Obama in Pennsylvania, Indiana
[Article removed. Please don't copy and paste the full text of copyrighted articles. Instead, excerpt and link. -editor.]
Apr 15, '08
Here's Obama's response to that repulsive attack "elitist" ad by Hillary in Pa. Starts with Hillary getting booed by union members when she attacks Obama.
Apr 15, '08
Today four new offices “Oregon for Hillary “were open in Bent, Springfield, Beaverton and Salem. Why it is not “in the news” on “Blueoregon”? Or “Blueoregon” is Obama propaganda?
Apr 15, '08
Because people have no interest in what Hillary the lying, swiftboating hypocrite is doing, that's why. Go off somewhere and be bitter Vicki.
9:33 p.m.
Apr 15, '08
" Bent" as in " bent out of shape" "bent out of whack " ? Hmmm..Fruedian, slip, no ? Just kidding. We all make mistakes. Congratulations on the four offices opening.
9:40 p.m.
Apr 15, '08
As for the ad, I like it. It's positive and inviting. The last tag line :" The World As it Is, Is Not the World As It Has To Be". Great pitch.
Apr 15, '08
Viki you will find that participants on this site work diligently to run off the non believers. I'm guessing the Obama followers have taken that message of UNITY to heart and decided a CHANGE was needed.
Apr 15, '08
Hillary jumped the shark long ago. She is a joke.
Apr 16, '08
Lame "rock star" ad.
Apr 16, '08