Just 100 hours to filing deadline, and House GOP still falling short of candidates

Kari Chisholm FacebookTwitterWebsite

There's just four days left until filing day on March 11 - and the Republicans are still struggling to field candidates.

As of last night, Republicans are only challenging four of the 27 House Democrats running for re-election, including none of the four who flipped GOP seats in 2006. And they're only contesting one of the four open Democratic seats.

Meanwhile, the Democrats are challenging ten of the 22 House Republicans running for re-election, and contesting all seven of the Republican open seats.

Overall, it's clear that momentum and excitement is on the Democratic side - with 61 candidates running in 48 districts. The Republicans have only 40 candidates running in 33 districts. A full 27 districts don't have any Republicans filed, with just four days to go.

As an update to my post last week, here's the latest:

Two Republican incumbents, Sherrie Sprenger and Greg Smith, have filed their paperwork - as expected. Sprenger, who was appointed to the seat when Rep. Girod moved to the Senate (when Sen. Beyer resigned), has a primary challenger. Two Democrats, including '06 nominee Dan Thackaberry, are already in the race too.

In District 15, Rep. Andy Olson (R-Albany) has drawn a strong challenger. Dick Olsen is a retired chemical engineer who has served on the Albany City Council off and on since the 1970s.

In District 50, Rep. John Lim (R-Gresham) has drawn perhaps the strongest opponent of his career (except for that time he ran against Ron Wyden.) Greg Matthews is a ten-year Gresham firefighter, and the president of the Gresham Firefighters union. Before that, he was a ten-year Gresham police officer. At parades, charity event, and community gatherings, he's often the emcee - literally the Voice of Gresham. Some of his friends call him "Mr. Gresham". Definitely a tough challenge for Rep. Lim - whose biggest accomplishment in 2007 was throwing a temper tantrum and threatening a sleep-in on the House floor.

In District 7, Republican leader Bruce Hanna has drawn two Democratic challengers - Donald Nordin of Oakland and Nick McKibbin of Cottage Grove. Imagine that: a Democratic primary race to take on the Republican leader!

In District 9, the Republicans have managed to recruit Al Pearn to run (again) against Rep. Arnie Roblan. In 2006, Roblan defeated Pearn 57% to 42%.

Finally, the Republicans recruited internet marketer Tony Marino to run against Rep. Larry Galizio (D-Tigard), and general contractor Rany Uchytil to run against Rep. Carolyn Tomei (D-Milwaukie).

Also, David Thornton (D) has joined the crowd running for Rep. Rosenbaum's District 42 seat.

Here's the big chart:

Democrats with Republican challengers
9DEMRep. Arnie Roblan 
9GOPAl Pearn 
29DEMRep. Chuck Riley 
29GOPTerry L. Rilling 
35DEMRep. Larry Galizio 
35GOPTony Marino 
41DEMRep. Carolyn Tomei 
41GOPRandy Uchytil 
Republicans with Democratic challengers
1DEMRichard (Rick) Goche 
1GOPRep. Wayne Krieger 
7DEMDonald Nordin 
7DEMG. Nick McKibbin 
7GOPRep. Bruce Hanna 
15DEMDick Olsen 
15GOPRep. Andy Olson 
17DEMSteven H. Frank 
17DEMDan Thackaberry 
17GOPBruce Cuff 
17GOPRep. Sherrie Sprenger 
18DEMJim Gilbert 
18GOPRep. Vic Gilliam 
20DEMRichard Riggs 
20GOPRep. Vicki Berger 
50DEMGreg Matthews 
50GOPRep. John Lim 
51DEMBrent Barton 
51GOPRep. Linda Flores 
54DEMJudy Stiegler 
54GOPRep. Chuck Burley 
59DEMMike Ahern 
59GOPRep. John E. Huffman 
Democratic open seats
38DEMLinda BrownIncumbent: Rep. Greg Macpherson
38DEMChris Garrett 
38GOPSteve Griffith 
42DEMTeddy KeizerIncumbent: Rep. Diane Rosenbaum
42DEMRegan Gray 
42DEMJules Kopel-Bailey 
42DEMGordon Hillesland 
42DEMDavid R. Thornton 
45DEMCyreena BostonIncumbent: Rep. Jackie Dingfelder
45DEMJon Coney 
45DEMMichael E. Dembrow 
47DEMJefferson SmithIncumbent: Rep. Jeff Merkley
Republican open seats
2DEMMike WardIncumbent: Rep. Susan Morgan
2DEMHarry McDermott 
2GOPTim J Freeman 
2GOPJim Fox 
23DEMJason BrownIncumbent: Rep. Brian Boquist
23DEMWesley West 
23GOPJim Thompson 
23GOPCraig Pope 
24DEMBernt (Al) HansenIncumbent: Rep. Donna G Nelson
24GOPJim Weidner 
24GOPEdward (Ed) Glad 
26DEMJessica AdamsonIncumbent: Rep. Jerry Krummel
26GOPMatt Wingard 
39DEMToby ForsbergIncumbent: Rep. Wayne Scott
39GOPBill Kennemer 
49DEMBarbara KyleIncumbent: Rep. Karen Minnis
49DEMNick Kahl 
49GOPJohn Nelsen 
52DEMSuzanne VanOrmanIncumbent: Rep. Patti Smith
52DEMSteve Richkind 
Republicans with primary challengers*
4GOPRep. Dennis Richardson 
4GOPRonald Schutz 
60GOPTim K. Smith 
60GOPDeon Strommer 
60GOPRep. Cliff Bentz 

On the jump, all the rest...

Incumbents without challengers (yet)
3GOPRep. Ron Maurer 
5DEMRep. Peter Buckley 
6GOPRep. Sal Esquivel 
8DEMRep. Paul R. Holvey 
10DEMRep. Jean Cowan 
11DEMRep. Phil Barnhart 
12DEMRep. Elizabeth Terry Beyer 
13DEMRep. Nancy Nathanson 
14DEMRep. Chris Edwards 
16DEMRep. Sara A. Gelser 
19GOPRep. Kevin Cameron 
21DEMRep. Brian Clem 
22DEMRep. Betty Komp 
25GOPRep. Kim Thatcher 
27DEMRep. Tobias Read 
28DEMRep. Jeff Barker 
30DEMRep. David Edwards 
31DEMRep. Brad Witt 
32DEMRep. Deborah Boone 
33DEMRep. Mitch Greenlick 
34DEMRep. Suzanne Bonamici 
36DEMRep. Mary Nolan 
37GOPRep. Scott Bruun 
40DEMRep. Dave Hunt 
43DEMRep. Chip Shields 
44DEMRep. Tina Kotek 
46DEMRep. Ben Cannon 
48DEMRep. Mike Schaufler 
53GOPRep. Gene Whisnant 
55GOPRep. George Gilman 
56GOPRep. Bill Garrard 
57GOPRep. Greg Smith 
58GOPRep. Bob Jenson 

(* Rep. Sherrie Sprenger has both Democratic challenger and a primary challenger, but I didn't list her in both places.)

One caveat: I'm working with the official candidate filing data on ORESTAR. Almost certainly, there are candidates that are out campaigning for office without having actually filled out their candidate paperwork just yet. Between now and March 11, expect to see a rush of last-minute paperwork - from "everybody knows they're running" late filers to surprise candidates.

  • Randle McMurphy (unverified)

    Unfortunately, Lim is unbeatable. He has the reputation, however unfounded, of competence and moderation. He also has over $185,000 cash in the bank.

  • LT (unverified)

    So, no one with $185,000 in the bank has ever alienated a constitutent? "Reputation" matters more than what ordinary folks think of voting record? How did Ryan Deckert ever win legislative elections? Or doesn't that matter because his opponents (established Republicans) had less than $185,000 in the bank?

    Everyone in Lim's district had better realize " He has the reputation, however unfounded, of competence and moderation" and not even bother to challenge him? Whatever happened to Dean's idea of "show up everywhere, contest everything"?

  • verasoie (unverified)

    In the vein of contested seats in Oregon, I hear that there is now an opponent to Greg Walden (OR-2), Sabrina Shrake---- anyone know anything about her?

    See the comments on: http://swingstateproject.com/showDiary.do;jsessionid=55E9208220124BBB8777E0743C367A1A?diaryId=1524

    I'm not encouraged that a cursory Google search turns up squat, as I was hoping for a legitimate (Chuck Butcher, where are you?) or semi-legitimate opponent to drain some of his warchest before he runs for Governor in 2010.

  • Randle McMurphy (unverified)


    I am pleased that somebody credible is challenging Lim, but I remain skeptical that he can be defeated, even in 2008. Respectfully, I do not believe your analogy to Deckert's campaigns (in open seats in Washington County) contributes to our analysis of HD 52.

    A combination of three things make Lim a very formidable incumbent: (1) Very high name-recognition (a result of longevity and a state-wide campaign); (2) over 185k in the bank (an astonishing sum at this point in the cycle); and (3) a reputation for moderation and competence.

    Please note that none of these three factors apply to Linda Flores.

  • (Show?)

    I do not believe your analogy to Deckert's campaigns (in open seats in Washington County) contributes to our analysis of HD 52.

    Randle, that'd be Hd-50 I beleieve.

    52's my district. Patti Smith "retired", at least temporarily, and our girl Suzanne Van Orman has a primary opponent, Steve Richkind, but so far, no Republican opponent to take on the winner in the General.

  • (Show?)

    I don't agree that Lim is unbeatable. Most out this way feel like he hasn't done much of anything. I had the chance to meet him recently, and honestly I was surprised at how little he knew Gresham.

    Last cycle his opponent was basically a token opponent, as almost nothing was done in that race. I think with a well run campaign, door knocking, etc., this is a winnable seat.

    I'm very excited that Greg Matthews is running. I met him last year and did what I could to encourage him to run for the seat. I lived in that district until just over a year ago, and it definitely deserves a state representative that actually pays attention to his district's needs.

    It's time that HDs 49 and 50 have representatives that understand the area they're representing. That they do what they can to bring in resources and solve problems in all the cities, and to treat Gresham not like a suburb town, but like the state's 4th largest city - a city of 100,000 residents.

  • CRK (unverified)

    Kari I have to take issue with your analysis. The filing deadline is still four days away, leaving pleanty of time for the house R's to file canidadates. Several venerable R's like Brunn have no filed D's running against them. Does that mean he will not have an opponent or that we are simply waiting to file at the last minute? (I hope not) Let's not get to comfortable. After the 11th we can celebrate but lets not underestimate the enemy yet.

  • Re-take the state in 08' (unverified)

    Are you for real???

    The gentleman running against Olson is a nut, and Hanna's opponent is simply cannon fodder for the D's. Any idiot can file to run in the district he/she lives but, the folks you are mentioning running against the R leadership are nothing but a joke, baby Barton included.

    Re-take the State in 08'

  • LT (unverified)

    Good for you, Jenni!

    To correct the record, when Ryan Deckert ran for Senate, he not only defeated an incumbent Republican by maybe 4000 votes---an incumbent who didn't give the time of day to constituents who came to vist, and then wondered why there was a serious challenge, he defeated a member of leadership. E. Qutub is listed as Majority Whip in the 1999 session.

  • Anon (unverified)

    Ryan Deckert beat an incumbent R in a district with a far LESSER Democratic registration edge than John Lim's district, and he did it in a far LESS Democratic year than this is likely to be.

    John Lim is going down in 2008.

  • Chuck Butcher (unverified)

    hey Verasoie, Stop back around occasionally, the comments could use some volume and improved (or different) rhetoric.

    Not me, not on a bet. I've had one taste of the Democratic enthusiasm and turn out and I ain't up for dose two. I'm a better trouble maker than candidate and I also can't afford to finance what the voters won't. I didn't manage to raise the $5000 threashold for FEC declaration, that's pathetic.

    I have no recognition of the name Sabrina Shrake, but sometimes names get away from me. If a person wants to be serious they need to be out over 6 months before the filing deadline getting things done.

  • Chuck Butcher (unverified)

    I can't leave that previous in a state of half honesty. If $5K was waved in my face with realistic promises of real support I'd give it more than passing thought before blowing it off. I feel real safe saying that because it isn't going to happen.

    Here's the reality of it, short of $100K to try to shoestring it, you might as well stay home. I have no desire to kick my home life and economic situation in the teeth so some people can say, well somebody tried. I already did that once.

  • LT (unverified)

    Aside from Sen. Dist. 9 and 23, there don't seem to be a lot of contested St. Sen. races.

  • Barbara Ann Wright (unverified)

    Keri- House District 58 will have a candidate filing within the next 2 days as for 2nd CD let's face facts it cost money to win the race and Democrat's in the 2nd CD either don't have the money or aren't willing to raise the money it takes to win. When we realize that we need to have a war chest on hand to beat Walden then and only then can we hope of getting 2nd CD back Democratic. We can't expect the candidate to raise all the money to win the race and we shouldn't expect money from DCCC. If it comes then hurray but if it doesn't then we need to be prepared to raise the money to win.

  • rural resident (unverified)

    That Olson-Olsen race in D15 ought to keep the voters on their toes. They're going to have to pay close attention to keep track of which candidate is saying what.

  • Al Pearn (unverified)

    Pearn baby Pearn!

  • John Granacki (unverified)


    I know nothing of Sabrina Shrake other than that she is Walden's sole Democratic opponent, and that she had better be tough. Last election we had several Dem's in the primary for Walden's seat with Carol Voisin coming out on top, but alas and unfortunately she didn't have the chutzpah to stand up to Walden's bullying tactics.

    As you may be aware, Walden made a habit of flipping his opponent the finger whenever he thought no one was watching, and also of calling her filthy names when he thought nobody was listening. Sadly, Voisin's response was to shrink away from it all when she should have been getting right back in the punk's face. I think the death-knell to her campaign came when she and the Little W debated on television. Walden and his loyal sidekick/debate moderator (the journalistic-integrity-devoid Brian Morton of KDRV) both leaned on her really hard and offensively--mostly by use of threatening body language and evil, leering glares. It was a virtual gang-rape, and you'd think the voters would see it, but all they seem to have seen was Voisin cowering timidly and stuttering a lot.

    So, I reiterate, I hope this Sabrina Shrake is as tough as nails. Walden (who will NEVER be Governor of Oregon) needs a good butt-kicking in November.

  • Dan Becker (unverified)

    Walden is vulnerable. CD 2 while faithful to Walden also are sick of incumbents. Walden has earned over 1.5 million in wages from "government service". Plus his 125.00 dollars a day in per diem (tax free). http://www.opencongress.org/people/blogs/400419_greg_walden/5 Plenty of examples of how he does not represent CD2 but only the "Party".

    Greg Walden gets most of his money for re-election from outside the 2nd District. Only 7% comes from within the district. Walden took money from the Tobacco industry this year. (kind of like my state senator).

    Walden has taken $4,342 from Tom DeLay's ARMPAC. No surprise that Walden voted with Tom DeLay 94% of the time between Jan. 1 2004 and March 31 2005

    Walden voted to weaken the ethics rules in a move that many say served only to protect Tom DeLay.

    When Democrats offered a solution to clean up the House by strengthening ethics rules, Greg Walden voted twice to make sure it never even came to an up or down vote.

    Since we do not have the money to defeat him and Rahm Emanuel (DCCC) won't spend any money to defeat him it will have to be grass roots.

    To win in CD2 you just need to be slightly anti government, fiscally responsible and progressive on Health Care. Add a third party candidate that will really go after Walden on Conservative issues and we may have a winner. I will volunteer time, setup a anti greg website or whatever to break the republican hold on CD2 that goes back to 1980.

  • Dan Becker (unverified)
    <h2>Noah Lemas of Bend also filed on 3/11 for the 2nd CD. So it looks like two now</h2>

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