Kitzhaber endorses Novick
The Associated Press is reporting that former governor John Kitzhaber has endorsed Steve Novick for the U.S. Senate.
Kitzhaber says Novick "fully understands that in order to secure the future of this nation we must first be willing to face the facts. And the facts are not always politically popular." ...Novick says Oregonians have counted on Kitzhaber to tell the truth about challenges to the state and nation and said he was "honored" by the former governor's support.
Extended quotes from the Novick for Senate website:
"I am endorsing Steve Novick because he fully understands that in order to secure the future of this nation we must first be willing to face the facts," Kitzhaber said. "And the facts are not always politically popular. Steve is a committed fighter for progressive causes – and his primary weapon is the truth. More than any other candidate in this race, Steve has not only identified the great challenges facing America, but has also candidly described the difficulties involved with overcoming them. He has offered substantive solutions to the pressing problems we face." ...
"When John Kitzhaber first ran for Governor, his slogan was: 'Face the facts. Seize the future.' That slogan is as timely today as it was then," said Novick. "Oregonians have always counted on John Kitzhaber to tell the truth about the challenges we face as a state and as a nation. I am honored by his confidence and am grateful for his wise counsel. What we are going to prove in this campaign is that Oregonians are as ready as ever to elect a principled, progressive candidate. We'll tell the truth, and tell the truth loudly, about what needs to be done — to reform health care, to prevent global warming, to rebuild a fair economy and a fair tax system. And we'll win. And then we'll get to work."
March 03, 2008
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1:29 p.m.
Mar 3, '08
Novick's been getting a lot of traction lately, and this is very big.
It's great for those who care about big name endorsements, and (unlike many big name endorsements) it's also great for those who care about substantive progressive public policy advocacy.
It'll be interesting to see how this changes the dynamic.
Mar 3, '08
Can't wait for the Kari spinning to start.
Mar 3, '08
what's there to say, really?
that john kitzhaber is a smart man?
seriously. this is big, great news for novick.
1:39 p.m.
Mar 3, '08
So far Kitz has endorsed: Kroger for AG, Avakian for SOS, and now Steve Novick for US Senate.
While I was an early supporter of Steve, I think I gotta take a second look at Avakian and Kroger now. Two races, I have yet to make up my mind on.
This is another good day for the Novick campaign.
Mar 3, '08
Harry posting above is not Harry Wilson.
1:50 p.m.
Mar 3, '08
not many individual endorsements stand to have a material effect on a race, but I think this one will. It gives Novick instant credibility in the mainstream. Short of Tom Mccall endorsing from the grave, Kitz's nod was always the prize in this primary.
1:51 p.m.
Mar 3, '08
This is a great endorsement for Steve. No doubt about it. Whether or how much it will help him in the primary is an open question. Kitz endorsed Bill Bradley in 2000 - the only Dem Governor to not endorse Al Gore. Despite Kitzhaber's popularity that endorsement didn't seem to help Bradley much.
That said... Kitzhaber's popularity extended outside of the Democratic faithful when he was Governor. I've mentioned before that I'd never voted against Gordon Smith. I also never voted against John Kitzhaber.
1:57 p.m.
Mar 3, '08
Can't wait for the Kari spinning to start.
Yup, it's a big endorsement. He and Governor Roberts are the two most popular former elected officials in the state.
1:59 p.m.
Mar 3, '08
Of course, for the Novick fans, if I say that it's a big endorsement - does that automatically mean that it's a small one? :)
Mar 3, '08
i have to say my main concern about novick's chances in the primary has been around the endorsements. i'm thinking of all the loyal democrats who always vote, but aren't the political junkies we are searching out info on the candidates months in advance. i'm thinking of the democratic voters who make their decisions based entirely on the voters' pamphlet, and who would be swayed, not knowing anything about either candidate, by the list of endorsements from the party establishment on merkley's side of the page.
i have to say: getting john kitzhaber's name on his list is going to go a long long way towards tipping that particular scale back over to steve novick's side.
and all other election factors being what they are - running the more savvy campaign, doing a better job of getting favorable media coverage, getting his name out in front of the voters as the cool guy who can open bottles with his hook, the excellent job of netroots fundraising he's been doing - this puts him in a terrific position for may.
it really does.
2:02 p.m.
Mar 3, '08
I'd add Norma Paulus, Kari. One of thelast remaining "good Republican" leaders left from the glory days.
Mar 3, '08
Both Steve Novick and John Kroger back equality for all Oregon families - gay and lesbian families included. None of this delicate dancing about the two-tiered system we have now, with substandard "domestic partnership" for "lesser" Oregon families, and the full rights of "marriage" for everyone else.
And watch - the Merkely and Macpherson crowd will claim that they DO support "equality" for all - because they support "domestic partnership." Only... a domestic partnership isn't marriage. And if it's not equal - it's not equality.
Go Steve! And Kroger, too...
2:26 p.m.
Mar 3, '08
Every contested primary candidate Kitzhaber endorsed in 2006 lost.
Mar 3, '08
Yes, Dr. John's endorsement is big.
Now Steve should take a page from the Kitzhaber playbook. Stop the clever commercials (he has been "introduced" to the general public) and show he has the qualities of former Gov. Kitzhaber. Talk directly to the camera saying "this is what I would do in the US Senate".
The candidate who will talk in detail about his vision and proposals, and rarely mention his opponent, is an attractive candidate following the Kitzhaber model. (Denny Smith ran some vile commercials, worse than anything which has happened in this campaign, but with all that rich material to mine, Kitzaber was a serious candidate who never derided his opponent and the message to supporters was that the Kitzhaber campaign was to be a positive campaign, not sinking to Denny's level of attack. He impressed general election voters as "the one with more substance".)
Novick has now been endorsed by 2 famous Oregon politicians who started as legislators: AuCoin and Kitzhaber. Very different campaign styles. My vote could well be decided on whether either Novick or Merkley adopts the Kitzhaber campaign style.
Which means, of course, TJ, Stephanie, et al. saying WHY STEVE SHOULD BE the nominee. We know why you dislike Merkley, but that alone is not sufficient reason for those of us undecided to vote for Steve.
Not only that, "vote for me because of what is wrong with my opponent" is the Denny Smith campaign style. Both Mike Kopetski (for Congress) and Dr. John Kitzhaber (for Gov.) defeated Denny Smith by running positive campaigns. Steve talking positively about his beliefs and proposals is very appealing. But will that be the face of Novick for Senate for March, April, and May? Only time will tell.
Mar 3, '08
Congratulations Steve! Kitzhaber endorsement means a lot to me and I look forwarding to casting my vote for you in the Primary. I also look forward to casting my vote either for Merkley or Novick in the general. Both are great candidates and will be fantastic U.S. Senators from Oregon.
2:51 p.m.
Mar 3, '08
And every competitive primary candidate endorsed by Barbara Roberts won.
3:07 p.m.
Mar 3, '08
Paulie -- I think that's true, but only in races where Kitzhaber and Roberts both took a position and were on opposite sides.
Jesse Cornett, for example, was endorsed by Roberts and lost. I don't believe Kitzhaber endorsed at all.
But your suggestion is an interesting one.
Mar 3, '08
so like with bdunn's assertion that all of novick's national coverage is ill-timed, i would ask the question:
if kitzhaber offered to endorse jeff merkley, would merkley respond with a "no thank you, dr. kiss-of-death, i've seen what your endorsement did to candidates in 2006"?
Mar 3, '08
Folks, let's not forget what this campaign is all about. It should not be Team Jeff and Team Steve fighting to the death, it should be about who can best defeat Gordon Smith and all he stands for.
Just now on the Oregonian website:
Judge angrily scolds court, and it responds
9th Circuit case - Sen. Gordon Smith's brother sparks a rare review of a timber sale ruling that he said went much too far
Monday, March 03, 2008 MICHAEL MILSTEIN The Oregonian Staff It was unusual enough when a high-level federal judge -- who is the brother of Sen. Gordon Smith -- blasted his own court for decimating the Northwest logging industry with "blunderbuss" rulings that went way too far.
But the extraordinary scolding by Milan D. Smith Jr. last year apparently got the attention of his fellow judges on the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, the top federal court in the West.
They recently took the unusual step of voting to have a full panel of judges reconsider the case that set Smith off. That could rein in the federal courts that Smith -- along with timber industry leaders -- blame for needlessly idling sawmills while they meddle in logging decisions beyond their expertise. ...............
He said he would like to let the Forest Service go ahead with the Idaho logging.
But he said his hands are tied because his own 9th Circuit ruled earlier that courts should examine the science behind Forest Service claims that the logging wouldn't harm wildlife, down to how many owl hoots scientists heard in a timber stand.
3:35 p.m.
Mar 3, '08
Trishka: Merkley may have received some less than desirable news coverage while Novick has not, but the truth is Merkley has to legislate. He has to be in the midst of local battles, while Novick can stay above the fray. It's both an advantage and disadvantage IMO for Novick. He gets the positive press coverage, but it ends up being less focused on the issues, and as you put it, Steve ends up being portrayed as, "the cool guy who can open bottles with his hook." I don't think it's good for the media to be focusing on Steve's left hook more than his career as a lawyer.
Kitzhaber is a great endorsement for Novick, and even though I'm a Merkley supporter, it's nice to see both former Govs way in on the race. No matter who gets the nod, we're all uniting against Smith. Every last one of us!
Mar 3, '08
sarah, time will tell, i guess.
Mar 3, '08
Any thoughts on what substantive issues might have pushed Kitzhaber to Novick over Merkley?
And by this, I mean, not why YOU necessarily are a Novick supporter instead of Merkley, but actual policy (or other) differences?
Or is it just an augenblick on Kitz' part?
Mar 3, '08
This means two of the smartest politicians in Oregon have endorsed Steve - first Aucoin, now Kitzhaber.
4:07 p.m.
Mar 3, '08
very good comment, Sarah!
4:19 p.m.
Mar 3, '08
This is big news for the Novick campaign--maybe the biggest news to date. Congrats, folks.
4:22 p.m.
Mar 3, '08
Now that I think about it for a moment, there is more than a passing comparison one might make of these two politicians: liberal, smart, direct. Kitz didn't suffer fools easily, and my guess is that Novick doesn't, either. I don't know if personal style has anything to do with an endorsement, but I see something alike in each of these men.
(Of course, the reason I back Obama is because we're so alike: smart, eloquent, urbane, stylish. Err, wait...)
4:37 p.m.
Mar 3, '08
Huh, thats funny I thought all the Novick folks thought that endorsements don't matter. Glad to know that they matter again. Ill try to keep up better in the future.
This is a good endorsement for Novick, hard to see it any other way.
Triska: My point wasn't that it is/was ill timed but that if Novick supporters are counting on getting a free ride like this from the press they are sorely mistaken. If Novick becomes the nominee all of his dirty laundry becomes fair game. There will be a lot more stories about how he wants to raise taxes, is scared of real estate, etc. and a lot fewer about how isn't it neat that a guy without a left arm can run for US Senate.
Paulie: Thats because everybody wishes that Barbra Roberts was their grandmother. I know I do!
Mar 3, '08
Can't help but wonder if it's Novick's politics that led to the endorsement or the fact that the Legislature passed SB 329 to move toward universal healthcare instead of Kitzhaber's proposed universal health care bill. It is widely known in Salem that the former Gov was NOT happy about that. Just wondering how much payback is involved in this endorsement.
Too bad if it is.
4:51 p.m.
Mar 3, '08
Kitz didn't suffer fools easily, and my guess is that Novick doesn't, either.
Well, I've always thought that Kitzhaber was an elitist arrogant punk who was dismissive--not just of fools--but of anyone who failed to see things his way.
I think the endorsement's a good fit indeed. I've been personally snubbed by Novick, as has my wife, long before Merkley ever got into the race, and I still went to his campaign kickoff at his invitation, where he again couldn't even be bothered to offer eye contact or a handshake.
My history with Kitzhaber includes being the target (as part of a group of biker rights activists) of his ridicule as well as witnessing his hypocrisy re mandatory helmet laws while he chooses to run rapids bareheaded.
years later, at bus project functions, I've had him brag directly to me about "sticking it to 'em" with that little gloat thing going.
He, of course, not bothering to know or care who I was or who he was informing of little victories.
<hr/>Yep. a good fit.
Mar 3, '08
The Barbara vs. Kitzhaber thing is interesting. To the extent it suggests anything beyond luck, best guess is that it has something to do with Kitz's willingness to cut against the Democratic mainstream, whereas Barbara has worked hard to be a loyal party person.
I don't think that's a knock on either leader, by the way, nor a knock on their endorsees. Just a potentially explanatory thought.
5:23 p.m.
Mar 3, '08
I adore Barbara Roberts.
While I was disappointed in her decision to endorse Merkley, I am mindful of the many personal and party connections between them, and it is typical of her as the good Democrat and loyal friend she is. Governor Roberts is not exactly a maverick. That's part of her charm.
Mar 3, '08
Who cares about endorsements? Let the people decide!
(Oh, wait a minute. This is endorsement for my friend Steve.) Ah ... never mind.
Seriously, I'm very happy for Steve as this is a well respected endorser. He also happens to know what I know: Steve would do an amazing job if y'all sent him to my city. He'd make you proud as a fighter for progressive causes that is very difficult to dislike (which is apparent from the way he handled that buffoon on Fox News).
Mar 3, '08
One good example of the Kitzhaber/Roberts divide is the Sam Chase v/ Brad Avakian primary for state Senate back in 2006.
Kitzhaber backed Chase, joined by Portland and Multnomah elected officials.
Roberts backed Avakian, joined by labor, state electeds and the choice & GLBT groups.
Sound familiar?
Kitzhaber is now backing Avakian for Secretary of State.
(Nonetheless, I still consider this endorsement to be a pretty big feather in the Guevara-esque Novick cap).
Mar 3, '08
Kitzhaber says Novick "fully understands that in order to secure the future of this nation we must first be willing to face the facts. And the facts are not always politically popular." ...
That is one of the reasons I support Novick and will make a temporary change from NAV to Democrat. He is more likely to be a straight shooter and much less a "politician" saying or doing what is more likely to be popular.
5:44 p.m.
Mar 3, '08
Posted by: anon | Mar 3, 2008 4:43:11 PM
Somebody has been paying attention...
5:51 p.m.
Mar 3, '08
Posted by: Stephanie V | Mar 3, 2008 5:23:24 PM
I always liked Roberts too. But I gotta say that my estimation of her went up several orders of magnitude when I met her and listened to her speechify at the Tester/Merkley event. Not because she was there, although I liked that too, but because it was the first time I got to interact with her and personally observe her doing what she does best without having it filtered through camera shots and a TV screen.
Few people can be summed up in one word. Barbara can: Firecracker! Seriously, she could have lit up Portland that night with just her personality alone.
Simply an amazing woman...
So yeah... like Stephanie, I'm a fan of ex-Governors on both sides of this race. C'est la vie. But it does make me proud to be an Oregonian because I don't think that all that many states can boast of such stellar leaders. Both of them fit in with Katz, McCall, Bud Clark and other, dare I say, unique characters.
5:58 p.m.
Mar 3, '08
Kevin's right about Governor Roberts.
When my husband was a delegate to the Democratic National Convention in 2000, I went along for the week. Barbara was there (presumably as a superdelegate) and I had the opportunity to spend a little time with her. I found her utterly charming and very smart and funny, and I have never had any reason to change my mind.
7:01 p.m.
Mar 3, '08
Trishka: Time will tell? Do you really think that the Dems and progressives won't unite against Smith? I would be astounded if either the Novick or Merkley camp didn't support the eventual nominee no matter who it is.
BTW...I meant "weigh in on the race", not "way"...wowzers.
Mar 3, '08
Can someone tell me why many environmentalists in Portland and elsewhere are supporting Merkley? I just don't get it. Novick is clearly better on the environment.
8:28 p.m.
Mar 3, '08
Peter: Merkley has delivered on environmental issues in the House and that's why environmentalists back him. The OLCV even said that more pro-environment bills passed in 2007 than in 1991-2005 combined. Merkley helped push through the bottle bill and countless other pieces of environmental legislation. Plus, Merkley has a detailed energy/climate agenda and seems like he is ready to work on energy as soon as he's elected if he wins the primary/general.
8:31 p.m.
Mar 3, '08
She typically goes as Oregon's one unpledged delegate.
I've had the chance to talk with her a few times, including at a women in politics event that is hosted by a few of our female state reps and senators here in Portland. I have a lot of respect for her - she reminds me a lot of my favorite governor, Ann Richards.
Mar 3, '08
Jenni, In 1984, Sec. of State candidate Barbara Roberts read the Oregon vote total at the convention (as a Mondale delegate, if memory serves). She said, "Oregon, the state of clean air, clean water, clean politics, casts....".
Don't rely on that word "typically". In 1984 there were 2 unpledged delegates, and those were chosen at the state delegate selection convention---NOT a foregone conclusion who would be elected.
This year district delegate selection conventions will elect state convention delegates, and they will choose state level delegates, unpledged, permanent members of committees (Platform, Rules, etc.). Without knowing who is elected state delegates, there is no way of knowing in the most contested presidential nomination for many years who will be elected by the state convention (regardless of what has been done in the past).
Mar 4, '08
Kari, L or XL?
2:20 a.m.
Mar 4, '08
Stephanie had mentioned her and thought she went as a super delegate. I pointed out she typically goes as an unpledged delegate.
I'm sure if you go back some years, you'll find her as a pledged delegate and potentially even a super delegate. I'm talking about in recent years.
This year we'll once again have one unpledged add-on delegate. The DPO chair nominates the people to fill that position. If my memory serves, Barbara Roberts has been elected unanimously at the previous few votes. It was even mentioned at the last DPO SCC meeting that the add-on delegate is usually Barbara Roberts.
She is well loved, and I think the position is given to her as a way of honoring her. It also means that she is a delegate without party members having to vie against her for a position - I know I certainly wouldn't want to be competing with her for s delegate position.
Mar 4, '08
My favorite part of this endorsement is the last line as reported by OPB "Kitzhaber says despite his endorsement, he would support whichever candidate wins the nomination on May 20th."
And in a statistics heavy field, Merkley has endoresements from 2/3 of the last 3 Democratic Governors to Novick's 1/3. That math looks pretty good to me.
Mar 4, '08
I watched Steve Novick at a past Candidates Gone Wild forum (2004). It was there that I witnessed his vicious sense of humor.
That evening left me with an impression that he will never be able to overcome. His public humiliation of a candidate was inappropriate for the venue and unforgivable. I cannot support such a mean-spirited person who is willing to attempt to destroy another, all in the name of good fun.
The fact that Kitzhaber would endorse Steve and that he would make an appearance in that hokey film for the Adams campaign, only makes me question who I thought Kitzhaber was and what he stood for.
8:16 a.m.
Mar 4, '08
Steve is not a mean person. I remember going to the the Candidates Gone Wild in 2006? and feeling that it was out of control in terms of abusing less popular candidates. I can not remember Steve's performance in 2004, but my sense was that the whole program went off track and my sense is that Steve probably got caught up in the mood that was set by the organizers. I think that the organizers have tried to set a better tone going forward.
Like every other candidate, people can get a distorted impression based upon one contact. I suggest that you consider both Steve and Jeff based upon a wider set of data.
Mar 4, '08
sarah, my time will tell comment was directed at the first part of your post, where you talked about whether or not the national media coverage for steve novick will end up being more positive or negative for him in terms of consequences. sorry i didn't make that more clear.
as to endorsements, i've never said that they don't matter, but rather that they aren't enough all by themselves. a campaign needs to do more than just rack up a list of endorsements, and the fact that i didn't see much in the way of that from merkley's campaign, compared to steve novick's, is largely why i decided to support steve.
his adding a solid important endorsement like this on to everything else he is doing with his campaign is a positive thing, and will go a long way towards counterbalancing the long string of endorsements that merkley has gained.
it's not just about the endorsements. but i don't deny they play a part, like everything else.
Mar 4, '08
"Steve probably got caught up in the mood that was set by the organizers."
Frankly, it was more than one incident that gives me the impression that Steve is unkind. The example I cited was the one that wasn't personal. And, getting "caught up in the mood" sounds like an excuse for adolescent behavior--not one of the personality traits I look for in a senator. We have enough of that going on already. We need grownups who are ready and willing to lead and set an example worthy of following.
9:25 a.m.
Mar 4, '08
So now we have a few new (?) anonymous posters whispering that Steve is mean. Clearly this is the new talking point since "Steve is unethical" didn't get any traction.
Steve is clever, no two ways about it, and he has a sharp sense of humor. If you pay attention, though, you will notice that Steve's sense of humor is directed at himself and his own eccentricities and foibles at least as often, and with at least as much edge, as it is at anyone else.
There is no malice of any kind in Steve that I have ever observed. Just as he is lacking fibulas, there is not a mean bone in his body either.
Hey, this is a free country. It's OK to prefer Jeff Merkley for whatever reason floats your boat, but I hate to see the next smear campaign firing up here.
Mar 4, '08
Posted by: paulie | Mar 3, 2008 2:51:17 PM And every competitive primary candidate endorsed by Barbara Roberts won.
MMMMMMM. didn't Barbara Roberts endorse Diane Linn? Granted, nonpartisan race, but it was determined in the primary for Mult. Co. Commissioner's Chair.
Kitzhaber's endorsements are typically well thought out, doesn't strike me as the kind of statesman who would piss away an endorsement out of spite, despite "anon" comment about this past session.
Steve is articulate, smart, funny and knows policy. He's interested in truly making a difference and not just being a party hack. Steve is about making a difference.
Frankly, I don't see Merkley's campaign making any great strides, stirring up the party base in any great leaps and bounds other than the "rubber-stamp" groups due to his position as Speaker.
Novick on the other hand, is running a strong grassroots campaign that far exceeds the astroturf that Merkley's campaign has been trying to fertilize. There is only so much you can do to make plastic green grass more attractive.
9:50 a.m.
Mar 4, '08
Since bdunn and kevin have been somewhat equivocal in their assessment of the endorsement today, I thought i'd mention that when the previous big announcement was Aucoin and not Kitz, Bradley said an endorsement for Steve would be "significant. " Kevin went further, saying it would be "monumental," and would make "Republicans sit up and take notice. " I have to agree with both men, there!
10:04 a.m.
Mar 4, '08
Posted by: Stephanie V | Mar 4, 2008 9:25:28 AM
Clearly this is the new talking point since "Steve is unethical" didn't get any traction.
The ethical malfeasance that swirls around the Novick campaign doesn't require "traction" to be relevant. At least to those who value ethical strength. Which would seem to be an overwhelming majority of Americans who are fed up with BushCo. And mentioning the ethical malfeasance of the Novick campaign is no more or less a "talking point" than your own comment here.
10:17 a.m.
Mar 4, '08
it's obvious what's going on here, thank you.
Can't we just rejoice in our mutual affection for Barbara Roberts and wish each other a nice day?!
fluffy bunnies,
Stephanie V
10:57 a.m.
Mar 4, '08
I think Stephanie's right: if you're going to call Steve mean (which doesn't seem like a particularly damning critique, but that's another matter), best to do it publicly.
11:08 a.m.
Mar 4, '08
Posted by: Stephanie V | Mar 4, 2008 10:17:56 AM
it's obvious what's going on here, thank you.
Oh I quite agree. My point is that it's an insult to the intelligence of Blue Oregon readers to presume that they need you to spoon-feed them the obvious.
Mar 4, '08
Why does launching a new beer make Steve a better candidate?
From the latest Novick email:
Announcing the launch of LEFT HOOK LAGER, a clean, all-malt lager crafted in Oregon by Ninkasi Brewing Company, for a different kind of politician who's always found a way to get things done.
11:37 a.m.
Mar 4, '08
for Christ's sake LT, what is your issue? Novick releases an entire ARRAY of video position pieces...but you don't even want to see him employ creative ways to raise funds a couple days later--apparently that's off message for you.
It would be ever so helpful if you'd simply admit you don't like Novick, won't vote for him, and have as your primary interest the desire to numb us into oblivion with your endlessly repeated false dichotomies and convenient dismissal of the very things you claim to be hungering for. Without a red phone to connect you when you demand another issue to be addressed to your satisfaction, you are a fundamentally nonsatisfiable voter, teetering on the edge of being an outright crank.
11:53 a.m.
Mar 4, '08
High information voters like you are a civics teacher's dream: seeking out reasoned positions on the issues, pressing for clarity, demanding details.
Most voters are not like you or your gallery of friends.
Remember the story about when a supporter told Adlai Stevenson that "Every thinking American will vote for you!"?
Stevenson replied, "That's not enough -- I need a majority!"
In the past 50 years things have gotten worse, not better.
And if Left Hook Lager or some clever TV spots enable a smart, sensible, committed progressive to get the attention of enough voters to win, well, then, I'm all for it. It would be different if Steve were a candidate without substance, but he's got plenty of substance. He's just recognizing that there aren't enough high-information voters out there for him to rely on.
You should be OK with that. Why aren't you?
Mar 4, '08
Why does having lawn signs make Steve Novick the better candidate?
From the latest Novick e-mail.
"Announcing the launch of Steve's new lawn signs."
A campaign better have more than lawn signs if it wants to win
Mar 4, '08
hey, LT, i posted a question to you over in the other thread, the one about steve novick's national media coverage. you might not have seen it; that thread kind of died. in any event, you didn't answer or acknowledge the post.
i'd be happy to repost the entire thing if you would like.
Mar 4, '08
Why does launching a new beer make Steve a better candidate?
A campaign better have more than lawn signs if it wants to win
LT, for someone who has decades of experience working on campaigns, you don't seem to understand how they work and how a race is actually won. The majority of Americans do not vote based on issues. They do not search out policy positions, they do not weigh the relative merits of each candidate, and they most certainly do not visit a candidate's web page.
Races are won based on lawn signs, advertisements, and gut feeling. Novick's clever ads are exactly what could win him the election. That they leave you unsatisfied indicates that you are not a "normal" voter. A campaign that spent its time appealing to people like you and me would lose every time.
1:35 p.m.
Mar 4, '08
"A campaign better have more than lawn signs if it wants to win"
Do they really think they can win just by sending out EMAILS? Some people don't even have COMPUTERS! And all this talking--some folks are actually DEAF! How is he going to reach them? This campaign really just doesn't speak to me.
2:02 p.m.
Mar 4, '08
TJ: Maybe if you had gone to the sub-platform convention meeting in '82 you would know what you were talking about. They had oatmeal raisin cookies, but a young friend of mine didn't enjoy them--what plan do you have for people who don't like oatmeal raisin cookies?
When will Novick and Merkley start talking about Geraldine Ferraro's border security plan?
When I went to see Emma Granfaloon in '78 she warned me about you.
<hr/>Perhaps being mystified at the utterances of LT can be what brings Merley and Novick partisans together after the primary...
2:03 p.m.
Mar 4, '08
And I'd like to give a shout-out to Blue Oregon management: WAY TO GO! Thanks to an elastic concept of what kinds of stories are newsworthy here, this highly favorable story about Steve Novick will be pushed out of the yellow box in record time! Check it out: it's only been about 25 hours and we're already the oldest item in the box.
WELL DONE! Not subtle, perhaps, but I hope your client appreciates the service.
2:07 p.m.
Mar 4, '08
(hey Miles, that second one was a joke)
Mar 4, '08
Whoever posted as :
Posted by: LT ... PTSD | Mar 4, 2008 12:39:26 PM
should know that there are those of us whose relatives are being treated by the VA for PTSD and don't find that amusing.
Unless, of course, the slogan is "vote Novick to please juvenile supporters".
As I have written elsewhere (from "WW where's the beef" to an email to a friend who supports Novick), there are reasons to support Steve and reasons not to support him. Snide supporters are in the latter category---what are you folks going to do after the primary?
There are people in this state facing serious problems. And the Novick campaign (the one with its own beer) should be supported because they have really spoken out on these problems? Or just to please snide bloggers?
Mar 4, '08
(hey Miles, that second one was a joke)
Blame me!
Mar 4, '08
what are you folks going to do after the primary?
...Whup Gordon Smith's butt.
What are you gonna do? Sit around and sulk? Put your hurt feelings ahead of what's right for Oregon and the country?
Good luck with that.
Mar 4, '08
LT, did you see my post?
Mar 4, '08
This happened yesterday and already it is on the 2nd page of BO. I have never seen so many posts on BO in 1 day.
11:01 p.m.
Mar 4, '08
Amazing, isn't it? It only took about 27 hours.
Mar 4, '08
(hey Miles, that second one was a joke)
My bad, but I stand by the substance of my comment. So does a young friend of mine who I discussed it with at the latest DPO precinct captains meeting.