Tear Stained Eyes : Let's Help Vernonia

Chip Shields

When the television cameras go away, it's easy to forget those who are struggling in the wake of the one of the harshest floods to hit the Northwest in years. Rep. Brad Witt says there are still many families in Vernonia and other parts of Columbia and Clatsop counties who desperately need our help. How about we all pitch in?

It is suggested that checks be sent payable to:

Columbia County Flood Victims Fund
Wauna Federal Credit Union
PO Box 98
Vernonia OR 97064
(503) 429-8031
Unfortunately, they don't take on-line gifts.

Columbia County government officials disburse the funds to families in need.

If anyone has suggestions of other places to help, please add them in the comments section.

And this Son Volt tune goes out to all those who've called Vernonia home. It's a song somewhat inspired by the 1993 Mississippi floods in the state where I was born.

  • (Show?)

    Hi Chip, Thanks for reminding us that this is still a problem. Hands on Greater Portland is still involved and helping organize groups to help. Check out their site

  • Garlynn -- undergroundscience.blogspot.com (unverified)
    <h2>(BTW, why does this comment field want to redirect me to www.handsonportland.org?) I'm hoping that state and federal disaster funding will allow Vernonia to be completely rebuilt, along the lines of some of the post-Katrina rebuilding efforts. It would be great to re-organize the town around New Urbanist principles, elevating the structures away from the streets, making the curbs at least a full foot tall, rebuilding the drainage system and instituting other measures to help the town recover and survive the next disaster. Vernonia is prone to flooding due to the geography of its location. If the town is expected to remain at all, it needs to be rebuilt to better survive flood events. And if it is going to rebuilt, it couldn't hurt to also make it more walkable and a more livable small-town environment.</h2>

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