Stat of the year
Writing in the Oregonian last week, Juan Carlos Ordonez - of the Oregon Center for Public Policy - said this about the record $1.1 billion kicker:
A billion dollars is a lot of money -- and a lot of lost opportunity. This year's kicker, for example, would cover four years of tuition and fees for about 45,000 Oregonians at one of Oregon's public universities. About 8,000 Oregon high school graduates enter Oregon colleges each year. A billion dollars could have funded full college rides for all Oregon high school graduates entering the next five freshman classes.
Imagine that. If we did nothing else, we could have made the next five years of college in Oregon tuition-free.
Nov. 20, 2007
Posted in in the news 2007. |
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Nov 20, '07
You are making the mistake of assuming that your cause is more important than the taxpayer's cause.
Thanks JK
Nov 20, '07
If you keep publishing information like that, your blog is gonna be cited by the Christofacists for obscenity. Certainly the kicker figures are obscene.
Nov 21, '07
Certainly the fact that the Tobacco Settlement is wasted and unaccounted for is equaly as obscene.
Nov 21, '07
So, why didn't our Democratic Legislature fix this situation this year? What, exactly, are they waiting for?
Nov 22, '07
The money should never of been stolen from my check in the first place. I need it for my own education!
Nov 23, '07
"A billion dollars is a lot of money -- and a lot of lost opportunity. This year's kicker, for example, would cover four years of tuition and fees for about 45,000 Oregonians"
Gosh, you're right. If we hadn't built the Tram ($65M) and refurbished Civic Stadium ($35M), we also could have paid for one year of college for 45,000 students!
GIve the kicker back and let people spend it on tuition or things they need. It will just get wasted if govt keeps it (a la the Tobacco Settlement which has a very small % dedicated to health care.)
If people are naive enough to think that giving it back will help education, god bless them.
Nov 23, '07
"paid for one year of college for 45,000"
<h2>Sorry, meant 4 years of college for 4500 students.</h2>