Senate Candidate Neville Holds Campaign Kickoff

This weekend outsider US Senate candidate and real estate broker Candy Neville held a campaign kickoff rally in her hometown of Eugene, the Associated Press reports:

Her fight to take down U.S. Sen. Gordon Smith, R-Ore., might well be a long shot, but Candy Neville, a virtual unknown from Eugene who is running for the Democratic nomination, said that wouldn't dampen her resolve.

At a sparsely attended campaign kickoff this weekend in her hometown, Neville, 57, said she was "a passionate candidate. I'm available and I care."

A Eugene real estate broker whose political experience includes volunteering for John Kerry's 2004 presidential campaign and speaking out on various community issues, Neville is facing Oregon House Speaker Jeff Merkley of Portland, and Portland lawyer and activist Steve Novick in her quest for the Democratic nomination. Novick and Merkley have both been campaigning and raising money for months.

"I'm one of 303 million citizens in the United States, and we can still (run for political office)," Neville said. "If you have courage and $150, you can file. A lot of people are qualified, and I am one of them."

The Oregonian also profiled Neville last week:

Candy Neville, the only woman running for U.S. Senate in Oregon, doesn't worry much about the little things.

Campaign staff? Nah, she likes going it alone for now.

Campaign funds? Not yet. She takes offense at the notion that the one with the most money should win.

Neville, a Eugene real estate broker, takes any conversation about herself and her unlikely candidacy back to one topic and one topic only -- war, and how to end it.

"Everything comes down to Iraq," says Neville, who has filed to run in the Democratic primary. "And now I see, to my great horror, they're looking to Iran, which, unless they're stopped, will happen."

Read the rest of the profile and about the kickoff. Discuss.

  • JT (unverified)

    Well, I am not sure what other people think of her and I am quite frankly not sure myself, but I'd love to support a local Eugenian

  • Gil Johnson (unverified)

    Perverse scenario: one of the male candidates for the Smith Senate seat finds through polling that the other candidate is perceived as stronger on ending the war in Iraq. So that candidate induces a third candidate to enter the primary on the sole basis of ending the Iraq war, in the hopes of siphoning off votes from the the other guy.

    Probably just late night nostrums, as this is more like something the Republicans would do. But, stil...

  • Candy Neville (unverified)

    My name is Candy Neville. I am running as a democrat for U.S. Senate. I submitted a public announcement to the R.G. that I would be speaking last Saturday, but they neglected to run the announcement in the paper so there was no public announcement at all. I went because I had also contacted some media and needed to be there just in case. I am glad I was - the story represents me very accurately.

    I am a genuine candidate. I have lived in Eugene, Oregon for almost 30 years. Please do your homework. It is not necessary to imagine made up scenarios when there is actual documentation to be had. I filed for U.S. Senate on Sept. 13. I was on Air America two days later, interviewed and on an Oregon blog a few days later. I have been a registered democrat all my life.

    I am a multi issue candidate, but getting out of Iraq and staying out of Iran is life and death and takes top precedence. I just filed to take donations. Instead of just raising funds, I want to work towards ending this war for 400 days leading up to 2008. Please read my article in "Outspoken" on the DPLC website.

    Though it is not a campaign issue, I strongly favor, advise, long for impeachment of Bush/Cheney - believing it is now the strongest tool we have to stay out of Iran. Even if they were not removed from office, it would be much more difficult to attack if Bush/Cheney were undergoing the impeachment process.

    There are 21 reps who have signed on to impeach Cheney - that means there are many more who want to. We must embolden them to do so. It is my hope and prayer that Oregon adds number 22.

    I urge all of you to encourage all elected representatives to call for impeachment. I used to think the Republicans would beat us to it. It is doable if we can show people the great strength it has to deter us entering into another invasion.

    This is a time for all the candidates to sharpen and strengthen each other so that the selected candidate is ready and boldly equipped. This is not the time for foolish imaginings - please - do your homework. In the Register Guard article I highlight a bill presented by Lynn Woosley from California. I also believe in an orderly, gradual withdrawal beginning yesterday. We must stop this senseless slaying and maiming of our soldiers and bring them home. And we must cease contributing to suffering and mahem in Iraq.

    I will be on Northwest Passage from 4 to 4:30 on KLCC Nov. 27, Tuesday. Please listen. Please read. Please encourage and equip all candidates to stand up, speak up, starting here and starting now.

    Again, do your homework. There are enough genuine issues that are of such dire significance. I long for our nation to bring our soldiers home, meet their mountainous needs, heal their wounds. With such loss of life and limb, how can you waste any space suggesting trickery regarding an issue that breaks millions of our hearts each day. Especially when a few minutes with "google" would clarify any confusion.

    Thank you, Candy Neville for U.S. Senate

  • (Show?)

    Welcome to the race, Ms. Neville. If you happen to come back to the thread, can you explain why you think the current candidates are falling short in the crucial areas of Iraq and Iran? What parts of their platforms are you stronger on, in those areas? If your focus is on the dreadful foreign policy we're pursuing in the Middle East, how are your plans better than Novick or Merkley's?

    Thank you--

  • needing energy (unverified)

    What I want to know is when Pavel Goberman is having HIS office opening/campaign kickoff party. His qualifications are legendary.

    Get Energized!!!

  • Kurt Chapman (unverified)

    And how would you avoid a Middle East version of The Killing Fields?

  • (Show?)

    Perverse scenario: one of the male candidates for the Smith Senate seat finds through polling that the other candidate is perceived as stronger on ending the war in Iraq. So that candidate induces a third candidate to enter the primary on the sole basis of ending the Iraq war, in the hopes of siphoning off votes from the the other guy.

    I'm clear that you're just throwing this against the wall to see if it sticks Gil, but I'd add at least one more qualifier before adotion of your theory.

    Has Ms. Neville committed to supporting the winner of the primary in the general, or will she go third/party independent at that point?

    If it's the latter, we're back in the familiar Nader/spoiler territory, and no conspiracy theory is needed.

  • Candy Neville (unverified)

    I am a democrat. I chose to run as a democrat from the start to not be a spoiler and have stated so many times. I will wholeheartedly support the democratic candidate that runs against Gordon Smith and it is possible that the candidate is me.

  • (Show?)

    Thanks for the clarification Ms. Neville, and of course you are correct that you may be that candidate in which case I will plan on supporting you in the general should you win the primaries.

  • Candy Neville (unverified)

    Re: Welcome to the race, Ms. Neville. If you happen to come back to the thread, can you explain why you think the current candidates are falling short in the crucial areas of Iraq and Iran? What parts of their platforms are you stronger on, in those areas? If your focus is on the dreadful foreign policy we're pursuing in the Middle East, how are your plans better than Novick or Merkley's?

    An e-mail I sent somebody has many of the answers as does:

    "My cover letter from my website explains why I chose to run and the long and agonizing process involved in that decision. My running had nothing to do with who else was running or what their reasons for running were or weren't. The bottom line for me is that though I have many ideas about the economy, environment, labor, schools, equality, etc. etc. my main concern is getting out of Iraq and staying out of Iran. I live and breathe this concern for a multitude of reasons.

    I am a peace candidate when I wake up in the morning and when I go to bed at night. I am a peace candidate at 2 a.m. and 2 p.m. I have researched ways out of Iraq, and I have noted ways to ensure we stay out of Iran. There are 100 senators in Washington. One senator from anywhere will need more than him/herself to make a change - he or she will need a state of active people and active consciousness. And one senator will need to be strong, persistent, single-minded to take a place with 99 established and sometimes "good old boys and girls" and be effective.

    I have full faith in my drive and qualifications. If I am not selected in May, I will be behind whoever is, if he will have me. But I will also be encouraging the nominee to be stronger and more relentless. I am very appreciative of your question, your uncertainty and your honesty. I can tell you why I run, but I cannot tell you why anyone should vote for Merkley, Novick, Neville or anybody else. Each person's reasons are his or her own.

    That's all for quite a while. Candy

  • candy Neville (unverified)

    And how would you avoid a Middle East version of The Killing Fields? Alas - one more before I return to other activities.

    Part of this solution is slow - to rebuild our respectability in the world as caring, generous world leaders. Our name and brand needs to be reestablished as truthful, solid and strong. We must erase our new reputation as ruthless, calculated, self serving - otherwise there is nothing we can do but engage in more combat.

    We must increase our participation in the UN. After we restablish our dignity and strength and our name means something again, we work with other nations to avoid any mass killings. We make it UN "business as usual" to prioritize the saving of human life - to quickly squell as a world force of caring global neighbors - making it immediatley unprofitable to pursue violence on such a scale.

    There is no wand - there is ground work, repair work to our image and strength, resolve and good will. Then when we speak up or show up - again the world will listen and participate. We must reintroduce ourselves as a nation of generosity and good will and genuine strength and use that renewed reputation to assist the world to enter into a greater peace. The days of barbarianism needs to be behind us all.

  • Kurt Chapman (unverified)

    Candy you answered, so thanks for that. You said absolutely nothing however. I can appreciate that you are a peace at any cost candidate. You haven't a clue, however of how to fill the void left by a pullout from the mess we have created.

    To rely on the UN is a farce. Would that be the same UN that continues to allow genocide in Darfur? Or the UN that stood by impotently and watched Rwanda, Bosnia and the original Killing fields occur?

    <h2>You fail to appreciate that the Turks are currently massed on the Northern borders waiting to wipe out hundreds of thousands of Iraqi Kurds, or that the Shia and Sunni sects hate each other and will pounce with more violence once we leave the area.</h2>
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