Jeff Merkley Live Chat Today at 2 pm

Jeff Merkley will be hosting a live Q&A session at his blog today from 2 to 3 pm. 

The session will run for about an hour. Jeff_merkley_2 Jeff will answer questions submitted [starting] about 30-45 minutes before we're set to start at 2:00. This is so that questions can be submitted in advance of the start time to allow Jeff to start answering immediately at 2:00.

Questions will be answered in the order they're received, and similar questions will be consolidated and answered in chunks.  What issue matters most to you?  What would Senator Merkley do to address it?   This is your chance to find out what he has to say. 

Incidentally, you might like to review his stand on the issues to help inform and guide your questions.  His issues page is here

Go to the Campaign Trail blog and submit your questions.


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