New GOP Convention logo
Kari Chisholm
Just a little fun for your Friday afternoon. Here's the actual, authentic, 100% true logo for the 2008 Republican Convention - to be held in Minneapolis.
What's wrong with this picture?
On the jump, the rundown from Markos at DailyKos...
Wide stance? Check.
In Minneapolis? Check.
Prison stripe-wearing? Check.
Starry eyed? Check.
As for the elephant humping the "2008"...
Are they going for a "Still screwing the country in 2008" theme, or is it a reference to hypocritical adulterers like David Vitter and just about the entire Republican presidential field?
All of the above? Check!
Apparently they ran out of space for a collapsing bridge.
Nice work, guys.
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connect with blueoregon
2:15 p.m.
Oct 5, '07
"Choosing our logo is another important milestone in planning the 2008 Republican National Convention," said convention President and Chief Executive Officer Maria Cino. "This design highlights the spirit of the Republican Party and it will adorn everything from the Xcel Energy Center to t-shirts and other souvenirs." Gosh. I guess choosin' logos is hard work; in other words, it is hard work to choose a logo. I hope that big ol' elephant don't just up an' crush the official Dems Convention Logo It's a battle for the crappiest logo, but the Republicans with thier sparkle-eyed pachyderm have a slight lead... didn't anyone ever tell them that horizontal stripes make you look fatter?
2:26 p.m.
Oct 5, '07
They're having it in Minneapolis??? Oh, there is a God. I can't wait for Jon Stewart to have correspondents reporting from airport bathrooms. It's 2008 "Hyprocrite Watch" reporting live....
Oct 5, '07
I thought elephants were gray, but since they've chosen blue for this one, hm-m-m-m...maybe this is a Trojan what might be inside this Trojan Elephant?
2:58 p.m.
Oct 5, '07
the Dem logo is ok, except that weird bit of white cutout at the right -- it's got me thinking "Enron" and i'm not sure i want that thought there. they need to put the colors back in; too many designers can't resist doing just a wee bit too much.
the GOP logo, though, is really bad. one comment i read said the trunk looks like a snake coming out of a monkey's ass. but really, what better commentary on the Bush policy: "It's been like a snake coming out of a monkey's ass." say's it all.
Oct 5, '07
To me, with that star as the elephant's eye, the odd posture, and the stripes, nay, tire marks across its back, it looks like the GOP got run over by a truck and killed.
10:02 p.m.
Oct 5, '07
The GOP--not just ready to fuck you over in 2008; they're literally going to fuck 2008 itself!
11:52 a.m.
Oct 6, '07
Well, they are on a seven year streak now.
1:12 p.m.
Oct 6, '07
"Well, they are on a seven year streak now."
Yeah, but from the picture it looks like the actual year 2008 is about to get some pachyderm lovin'....
4:19 p.m.
Oct 6, '07
Yeah, that nefarious twinkle in the pachyderm's eye is the dead giveaway.
Oct 7, '07
Hillary like's big elephant dicks...and chicks with dicks.