NEW! from Wrongco

Pat Malach

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  • naschkatze (unverified)

    I apologize for being off topic, but I'm trying to find out how Ron Wyden voted on the FISA bill, particularly on granting immunity to the telecom corporations. Does anyone have the information? Thanks.

  • Bpaul (unverified)

    Although I don't know that exact vote, you can sign up for weekly email vote counts for your senators and representatives here:

    it's a fantastic service, spam free, and shows upcoming votes as well so you can contact your Congresspeople ahead of time on vital votes.


  • naschkatzet (unverified)

    Thanks Bpaul, will do.

  • Thank you (unverified)

    Thanks BP!

  • Pat Malach (unverified)

    I apologize for being off topic, ...

    Maybe not. It might be interesting to track campaign donations by the telecommunications companies to how senators voted on this law.

    Follow the money.

  • M.Anon (unverified)


    We need a new website: "SCHIP STORIES"

    There, Oregon families can post their stories and experiences of exactly what happens to them when their children must go without health care.

    Periodically, we print it out and send it to Walden and the Bend Bulletin.

  • Green Peas (unverified)

    The cartoon.

    I don't get it.

    Is it saying that Republicans have "much less" money than Democrats (e.g. the DSCC outraising the Rs, Dem Prez candidates outraising Rs)??

    Is it about voting machines?

    Is it insinuating that Dems and Rs accept bribes for votes?

  • Jack Ass (unverified)

    it seems that malachs cartoons are the only thing less thought out than his comments on others articles.

  • Pat Malach (unverified)

    Nice one, Jack. And courageous, too.

    Maybe next time you could use your real name so that you can get proper credit for your thoughtful insights.

  • (Show?)

    The point is that Dems are getting a lot more money now that the wind is blowing the other way.

    Jay Rockefeller (chair of the committee deciding on telco immunity) began receiving large amounts of cash from telcos immediately following the '06 election.

    Seems to have paid off too.

  • Pat Malach (unverified)

    There was a great column in the NY Times by Paul Krugman. It started with this quote:

    “There are two things that are important in politics. The first is money, and I can’t remember what the second one is.” So declared Mark Hanna, the great Gilded Age political boss.

    Krugman continues:

    ... every one of the top 10 industries making political donations is giving more money to Democrats. Even industries that have in the past been overwhelmingly Republican, like insurance and pharmaceuticals, are now splitting their donations more or less evenly.

    The sudden burst of corporate affection for Democrats is good news for the party’s campaign committees, but not necessarily good news for progressives.

  • (Show?)

    Mark Hanna. FYI, that's Karl Rove's political hero.

  • Pat Malach (unverified)

    I believe Krugman mentioned that in his piece. Nevertheless, "gilded age boss" doesn't exactly bring to mind of beacon of Democracy anyway. It's just that sometimes I think politics and actual Democracy have very little to do with one another.

    <h2>Besides, if Karl Rove idolized him, he must know something about politics, because Karl Rove sure was good at running circles around Democrats when it came time to get elected (at least until the GOP overreaching and scandals put Democrats back in power by default).</h2>

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