Mazel tov! Two more Wydens born in Oregon today

Ronandnancy_2Senator Ron Wyden and his wife, Nancy, gave birth this morning to twins at OHSU.

Ava Rose Wyden and her brother William Peter Wyden were born at 9:23 a.m. and are both healthy.

From the official statement on Senator Wyden's new official website:

Portland - U.S. Senator Ron Wyden and his wife Nancy are now the proud parents of twins. Ava Rose Wyden, 5.2 lbs, was born Friday, October 26 at 9:23 am (PST) at the Oregon Health Sciences University. Her brother William Peter (6 lbs) was born 45 seconds later. Nancy Wyden and the twins are in excellent health and expected to leave the hospital in a few days. William and Ava are Ron and Nancy's first children together. The senator has two grown children, Adam, 23, and Lilly, 18.


  • trishka (unverified)

    congrats to the wyden's family! that's great news.

    can i make one small edit suggestion to the lead story? i'm pretty sure that senator wyden's presence at the birth was valuable and appreciative, but i'm even more sure that it was his wife alone who actually gave birth to the twins.

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    Well, he coulda had a serious case of sympathy contractions..right?:)

    Glad they are doing well.

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    not to mention, she was the one to carry the twins (!) for nine months! :)

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    Congratulations to the Wyden family. I'm glad to see they were indeed able to have the babies in Oregon as they wanted to.

    I'm also glad to see the babies are in great health - and even weighed more than my Abby did, and she was a single. ;)

  • Kurt Chapman (unverified)

    Congratulations to the healthy birth of the Wyden twins.

  • Peter Bray (unverified)

    The wonders of modern fertility drugs... sigh.

  • Peter Bray (unverified)

    (I should point out that that is speculation on my part. But given that she is 46 and having twins, it suggests egg donation or fertility treatments.)

    Personally, we as a culture need to seriously look at the baby making industry -- from science to Chinese-baby adoptions. I have more of a problem with the latter. On my first trip to China, I was offered female babies for sale on the street. I couldn't believe it. But, yep, it definitely happened. This suggests that women in China, or their keepers, are purposely having children to sell to rich Americans.

    Worse, it is a particularly nasty form of colonialism to go and essentially take a large number of females from a developing country, particularly one that has such a huge gender imbalance. The argument is always -- well, females aren't wanted in Chinese culture, or, they are from poor families. That's just not true.

    In essence, American adoptions serve to reinforce China's one-child policy (which is the true culprit). Just about every agency I have seen in China is geared towards making money -- national parks have roller coasters in them for pete's sake! So you can bet that the adoption business is lucrative, especially for poorer provinces.

    The gender imbalance is a huge, growing problem. A generation of men without wives will lead to more crime and societal problems.

  • truffula (unverified)

    But given that she is 46 and having twins

    The chance of twins goes up with maternal age.

  • Peter Bray (unverified)

    Yes, I knew someone would mention that! :)

    Just for kicks, a statistic. There is a ~5% chance that a woman >40, without fertility treatment or donor eggs, will become pregnant in a year. (link... I couldn't find the original NYT article that mentioned this statistic.) That decreases rapidly for each additional year that she ages, so by age 46 the chances are about .25%.

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    There's one thing about discussing the science of making a baby, and another about relating it to the Wydens. While there's no harm chatting about an issue, let's give them some privacy and not make it personal. Unless they decide to talk about it, how their children came to be is entirely their own business.

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    Yes, thank you, Kristin. Let's not have rank speculation.

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    Congratulations to the Wydens. All babies are miracles. And my hat is off to anyone who wants to take on the challenge of raising even one.

  • Miles (unverified)

    While there's no harm chatting about an issue, let's give them some privacy and not make it personal.

    Well, the editors decided to repost this on a political blog. Is it really reasonable to expect readers to ignore the public policy issues that give the news context?

    I think we need to have a serious discussion in this country about the ethics and morality of having children when chances are high you won't be around to see them into adulthood. Wyden, at 58, will qualify for Social Security when the kids are in 2nd grade. Just because we can, doesn't mean we should.

  • Peter Bray (unverified)

    Agreed. No congratulations from me. He already has, I believe, 2 grown kids. To add more at his age seems incredibly selfish, not only to the new humans just born, but to a world that increasingly requires some self-sacrifice when it comes to consumption. Having children, particularly more than replacement level (2), is the ultimate in consumption. Tsk, tsk!

    We lampoon those who drive Hummers, but we perversely congratulate a 58 year old man for siring 2 more children and call them "miracles". (Since when is basic biology a "miracle"?) Our focus is screwed up. We should frankly be looking askew at those who have more than 1 child. Four children shows wanton disregard for the world we live in.

    Meanwhile, while Wyden is hanging out in New York City and having 2nd marriages, one wonders how this will affect the State he has chosen to represent?

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    Yay! Let's have a JUDGEFEST! I love judgefests! Judging the personal choices people make is sooo much fun and sooo good for the political process. Yay! It's so much easier than looking at the larger political scene (i.e. government policies, proactive choices, etc.) And of course, judging and criticizing individuals is the BEST way to make people do what I want them to do. Works everytime. It's also SO much more fun than looking at anything that I do that could be harmful to the planet.

    Again, YAY!

  • Peter Bray (unverified)

    Okay, good point! :)

  • bob (unverified)

    "Personally, we as a culture need to seriously look at the baby making industry -- from science to Chinese-baby..."

    Wow, she gave birth to Chinese twins?

    Guess the 'ol Senator and his wife have been fooling around on craigslist, eh? ;)

    <h2>Though I'd hardly consider that an "industry."</h2>
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