Nancy Pelosi Comes to Portland

Speaker Pelosi will be in Portland today to host a round table discussion on global warming, KTVZ reports:

Democratic Congressman Earl Blumenauer will host House Speaker Nancy Pelosi in a forum on what Oregon is doing to lead the country in addressing global warming.

Blumenauer is a member of the Select Committee on Global Warming and Energy Independence.

They will be joined by key environmental, community and business leaders at the Oregon Convention Center in Portland.

The news conference is Wednesday at 2:30 p.m.

The global warming forum comes a day after Pelosi argued for raising mileage standards in order to prevent climate change.

From the Oregonian:

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Tuesday that making the United States energy independent is directly connected to combating global warming, and conservation measures such as higher mileage standards for automobiles will help avert climate change.

The California Democrat added that she expects the energy bill that Congress sends to President Bush will include the higher mileage standards adopted by the Senate last June, despite the failure of House supporters to get them into their version.

"I believe we have to act within the next few years, that is to say have major agreements reached, protocols in place, standards established," Pelosi said in a telephone interview before flying out of Washington, D.C., to take part in a global warming round-table in Portland.

Obama and Pelosi in less than a week, who's next? Discuss.

  • JohnH (unverified)

    I hope someone asks her how much the Iraq War and unfettered production of Iraqi oil will contribute to global warming.

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    Does anyone have more information on this event? Is it open to the public?

  • dan (unverified)

    I hope someone asks her how we can be so sure about Global Warming (Earth temps rising 1-3 degrees over the next 100 years) when we can't accurately predict the weather 5 days in advance. Last Sunday, the prediction was clera skies all week and high temps.

    Now the forecast has been revised to possible rain this Friday.

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    I just checked on this -- no, it's not open to the public.

    It's a relatively small briefing for business leaders and sustainability leaders.

  • DAN GRADY (unverified)


    Never in my lifetime, including Nixon, has a President, and Vice President need to be impeached so badly.

    Impeachment is the last, and most effective, moral way of restoring the rule of law, and our very democracy!!

    So why is this post regarding an energy bill, and speaks nothing about the obvious desire of a vast number of Americans that want this Administration held to account?

    IMPEACH BUSH/CHENEY, Pelosi needs to accept the responsibility and rescind her pledge to table impeachment!


    Happy Thoughts;

    Dan Grady

    Happy Thoughts;

    Dan Grady

  • Scott in Damascus (unverified)

    Dan, do you understand the difference between weather and climate change?

  • Scott in Damascus (unverified)

    And that question is for dan at 10:44, not Dan Grady.

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    Oh, that's easy, dan. Repeat after me: weather isn't climate.

    Scientists (and just about any idiot) can tell you that a desert is a desert, that over the last 100 years, it got 2 inches of total rain per year.

    But no one can predict exactly when, in the next year, those 2 inches of rain will fall.

    It's exactly the same way that casinos can always guarantee a profit - because their mathematical models show that the odds of all of their games are rigged in their favor - but can't tell you if some gambler is going to go on a hot streak and win a bundle.

  • DAN GRADY (unverified)


    I know that while two 'TEXAS OIL MEN / DRAFT DODGING WARMONGERS' are in power any debate about global warming & enviromental policy is nothing more than a wet dream!

    Happy Thoughts;

    Dan Grady

  • JohnH (unverified)

    Nice hopes and dreams, Dan. But how can you do an impeachment or a withdrawal from Iraq when the Democrats are nothing but a bunch of bobbleheads, nodding at everything Bush does?

  • DAN GRADY (unverified)


    Posted by: JohnH | Sep 12, 2007 11:12:02 AM

    183 Democrats voted against the FISA Revision in Congress and 28 Democrats in the Senate!! That is not a majority to carry the day, but with the tidal wave coming in the '08 is enough to build on, and a place to inspire conversion for survival for those facing the '08!

    The 258 votes for the last Congressional Iraqi Supplemental that include timelines for a Spring '08 withdrawl, and draw back!!

    I would love to have 6 years of Republican Totalarianism reversed in 9 months, but that is more than this thin majority is capable of, yet they should be far more aggressive about blocking the Neo-Con agenda as a whole! I'm not happy with all of the recent developments, but I understand that Democracy is never neat and orderly, thank god!

    Happy Thoughts;

    Dan Grady

  • dan (unverified)


    repeat after me...

    Hard left liberals are robots...H.L. liberals are robots...H.L. liberals are robots...

    You don't appear (much like a robot) to be able to read between the lines. Maybe you should go back to school and complete that associate degree in blogging.

    My entire point is, we (all of us, both conservative and liberal) are not as good at predicting things (weather or climate) as we'd like to think.

    Remember, over 30 years ago, "scientists" were predicint an ice age was about to begin.

    Have a nice day Steve.

  • UberDemocrat (unverified)

    Just a quick question for all those yelling about impeachment... "How many votes in the Senate will we need for Impeachment 51, or 60?"

  • TR (unverified)

    Several questions need to be answered. Did House Speaker Nancy Pelosi fly into Oregon in a petroleum guzzling private plane, charter jet or special military flight? Or did she fly on a commercial airline? The same question applies to Congressman Earl Blumenauer. And when is either of them going to require transit busses (like the busses TriMet has) to get 15 to 20 miles per gallon? They currently get only five to six miles per gallon with or without passengers running empty. Additionally, one size does not fit all when it comes to personal both personal and commercial vehicles. Just forcing better mileage standards on cars and light trucks is a socially engineered copout when it does not apply to transit busses too!

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    Could the commenter named "Dan" please use a last name or other secondary identifier (like Dan X or Dan from Tigard) so that you're not confused with "Dan Grady" and other Dans? Thanks!

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    And please stay on topic. This is not a post about impeachment. It's about global warming. It's fair to argue about the prioritization of those two things, but let's not get into a generic impeachment conversation. We've had many, many others posts on that topic.

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    It would be my guess that Pelosi came into town on a special military or government flight. It's pretty standard security practice for the Speaker of the House.

    A little about Tri-Met and the environment:

    • A focused effort to improve fuel economy has likely made TriMet the most fuel-efficient transit district in the country. • TriMet has eliminated 99% of its hazardous wastes over 20 years. • The most recent MAX light rail extension is one of the “greenest” systems built to date, using environmentally friendly construction practices and recycled materials, resulting in $3 million in savings. • All TriMet fixed-route buses and LIFT vehicles are fueled with a 5% blend of biodiesel. • The agency is the first in the nation to test NASCAR technology to electronically cool bus engines and increase fuel efficiency. Four more buses are being tested. • TriMet is testing two diesel-electric hybrid buses that reduce emissions and improve fuel efficiency.

    Could things be even better? Of course. But Tri-Met realizes that and is doing what it can to be even more environmentally friendly. It's in their best interest, after all, to get more miles to the gallon - it means expenses go down.

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    Thanks Jenni for the enlightening report! TR, like all evolution, improving the mpg of large vehicles like busses etc takes some time. I'm sure as a conservative you appreciate that Tri-Met cannot just toss away operational equipment and buy new stuff, the price of a ticket would go up beyond measure. But my uneducated guess would be in this town, the transit authorities seek the best balance of "green" and affordability, and tend to lean towards "green" whenever possible. Gradually they will adopt more and more improved technologies. Now, imagine if all the new cars sold from today forward each got 10% better milage, and maybe that increased 10% every 2-3 years. Now picture all those huge SUVs & pickups that are daily drivers for a single person, what if 10% of those were replaced by smaller cars every few years. The amount of fuel saved and the reduced erosion to our beleagured roads would begin to really add up. Imagine if we set the example of GOOD STEWARDSHIP to the rest of the world and other nations decided to emulate us? This is why I retired my old <15mpg V6 Rodeo SUV and bought a small car with double the fuel economy and 50% more power, that does less damage to road while being safer for occupants and any other vehicle that may meet me in a crash. Try to see a big picture, try to contribute, try to be unselfish and creative, and we can make America better in so many ways. PS, Steve Maurer is back on my hero list.

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    And I hope Earl can talk some sense into Speaker Pelosi about impeaching the lying bastards, maybe during the break. GG

  • JohnH (unverified)

    Dan Grady,

    Good for 183 Democrats. They voted against warrantless wiretapping. Problem is, that vote should never have taken place.

    The problem appears to be the leadership (Reid & Pelosi) who insist on allowing legislation to be introduced that the Bush administration likes--scratch that LOVES. Pelosi doesn't have to allow this crap to be voted on or even debated. Instead, she just lets one horrendous bill after another come to a vote and get passed.

    The Democrap leadership refuses to lead. They should insist that only bills come up for a vote that have been negotiated with the President in advance or given to him on a take it or leave it basis. Let Bush veto funding for the troops. But then don't let him complain that there's no money for them.

    Above all, don't complain that Democraps hands are tied by 60 or 67 votes. It's BS. Legislation start with them.

  • paul (unverified)

    Luckily, even the Bush administration has pulled it's head out of the sand.

    That leaves a bit more room for the few remaining ostriches like "dan", a few members of Congress, and of course the well-oiled and well-compensated denial machine.

  • Steve_DeShazer (unverified)

    You don't need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows.

  • MCT (unverified)

    Nancy could come knock on my front door and ask to inform me of her views and I would give her 3 minutes on the steps, then chase her off. I am completely unimpressed by her leadership for reasons I cannot state here for fear of being told I am off topic. She may have an adequate speech writer, but actions (or lack of) speak louder than words.

    Is she kidding? "Higher mileage standards" is not nearly enough to change the path we're on, especially with the time tables so snail-like, and the high cost of new fuel efficient vehicles. For the past 15 or 20 years auto makers and Madison Ave. were selling us gas guzzling SUV's telling us they were safer than small cars, and would give us the capacity to haul half of what we own with us when we visit the wilderness. Now so many of us own them, gas is through the roof, and we have a auto new ad campaign and guilt trip to deal with. Were we duped? No one saw this coming? Well what the politicians saw coming all these years were big campaign contributions from Detroit. Global Warming (and dimming, BTW) is one more issue that will be better served when we see true campaign finance reform. Think about it.

    Also the cost of living is going up as wages stagnate...working class (don't you hate that term) drivers will be stuck in old non-effieient cars out of necessity, not being able to afford the new cars, which may be cheap roll down the road in, but are not cheap to buy, repair or insure.

    Nancy's mention of "energy independence" is tooooo would she propose we achieve that, and Good Lord, how long would that take?!!! Global warming is, The U.S. getting all green is not going to solve the world-wide problem and will not protect us from drought, bio imbalance, poisoned air and oceans, or extreme weather events.

    As to global warming....we're going to have to get very very progressive, make some big sacrifices across the board in the short term to reap long term rewards some of us may never live to see. We MUST start thinking WAY outside the box and make this a social and ecomomic non-partisan issue, above a political one....if we are going to be able to beat the clock on global warming. We're close to a tipping point. Crop failures and food shortages will come first, but not to and demand will be the rule so if you have a good income, just plan on spending much more of it on groceries. If you live paycheck to paycheck, plant your "victory garden" prepare to be hungry. Food shortages could occur very a growing season or two.

    I'm convinced most people think conservation, sustainablility, and "green" is a trendy fad, and a little bit of effort is enough. So we're going to have to educate voters before we can expect them to vote for any stop-global-warming platforms.

    BTW one of the best things we would do in this country to save energy is to ban incandescent light bulbs. Just stop selling them. Simple as that, and folks wouldn't have to take out a new car loan to make the change. But it's only a start.

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    <h2>I think I saw Norman Hsu at Bluehour.</h2>
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