Just two days left to put your money where your mouth is.

Kari Chisholm FacebookTwitterWebsite

As I mentioned Monday, the third quarter of the year ends on Sunday -- and we'll see where the various U.S. Senate campaigns stack up money-wise.

If you're serious about getting rid of Gordon Smith, it's time to pony up. Even if you're only able to make a token donation, do it. Every donation delivers a message - a message of personal endorsement.

Unlike Gordon Smith, both of these campaigns will rely on an army of small grassroots donors to fund their campaign.

For both Steve Novick and Jeff Merkley, it's been a good week so far:

Use the ActBlue box at the top left of BlueOregon to donate to Steve Novick, Jeff Merkley, or (if you're a fan of both men), set aside some money right now for whichever becomes the nominee in May.

Whoever you support, make a donation right now.

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    Anyone trying to impugn Merkley's progressive credentials is going to have a heck of a time explaining Mayor Lori's endorsement. I have never met a more (I said "more," not "equally") unabashedly progressive politician than her--nor are there many who will stand up to right-wing crap in so hardcore a way.

    That endorsement is as meaningful as the Tester one, to me anyway.

  • Major Bart F. Slarty, USAAC, retired (unverified)

    We want a refund! Dems have delivered ZERO on their last money grubbing cycle! You can not be counted on to deliver results, only raise money.

    This is it for me with the Dems after 52 years. There's no difference between you and Newt Gingerich's crowd. It's obvious that after 2000, you just threw in the towel. I'd rather lose with some principles intact than become the accursed right.

    At least Kari's not a hypocrite. There's not much he doesn't put where his mouth is! Figures it would be cheered on by the blogger most likely to question everyone else's integrity. So long, and thanks for all the fish!

  • East Bank Thom (unverified)

    My, my Major Bart... tell us what you really think.

    Hyperbole aside, i hear your complaint and i feel your pain. Some of the Merkley.bots are inadvertently selling their candidate off as the best pol money can buy.

    Even Merkley's netroots staffer trumpets his "establishment" cred. What she doesn't understand (and i suppose Merkley by extension since she now speaks for the campaign) is that that (and i'll try not to exaggerate) a "significant number" of Democrats are sick and tired of politicians as usual. That's why i'm supporting Steve Novick.

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    and i suppose Merkley by extension since she now speaks for the campaign

    I'll let Carla answer the question of whether she "speaks for the campaign" as I'm not sure -- but I can assure you that no one speaks for Jeff Merkley. He's perfectly capable of speaking for himself.

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    At least Kari's not a hypocrite. There's not much he doesn't put where his mouth is!

    Mmmmm.... Krispy Kreme.... Cheesy Fries... You're making me hungry, man.

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    Anyone trying to impugn Merkley's progressive credentials is going to have a heck of a time explaining Mayor Lori's endorsement.

    <h2>That's a bit of a straw man, Patton. I don't think I've seen anyone posting on BlueO impugn Jeff Merkley's progressive credentials. For the record, although I do not support him, I would never dispute his status as a progressive.</h2>

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