Will Gordon Smith call on Larry Craig to resign?
Kari Chisholm
Senators Norm Coleman and John McCain have called for the resignation of Senator Larry Craig.
John McCain, on CNN:
But my opinion is that when you plead guilty to a crime, then you shouldn’t serve. And that’s not a moral stand. That’s not a holier than thou. It’s just a factual situation. I don’t try to judge people. but in this case, it’s clear that it was disgraceful.
ThinkProgress has the story, and the video.
So, here's my question. When will Gordon Smith ask his friend Larry Craig to resign?
The clock is ticking.
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3:23 p.m.
Aug 29, '07
Considering his past support of hate crimes legislation, it wouldn't surprise me. It actually might be a rather shrewd move for him to join the chorus. He could court gays and bigots with the same position…very Smithlike, come to think of it!
3:31 p.m.
Aug 29, '07
Good point Pete. I am surprised Smith hasn't done so already.
Aug 29, '07
Will Kari Chisholm cop to attempting to deceive Blue0 readers? Just admit the mistake. And Clinton & Smith can apologize for voting for the war, and Merkley can apologize for voting for HRes 2 and many will be much happier.
Aug 29, '07
Why isn't McCain calling for Vitter to resign, since he admitted to hiring prostitutes? Why is McCain even in office at all since he was part of the Keating Five. Where is your Honor, Senator McCain?
4:29 p.m.
Aug 29, '07
Hey Thom... I didn't try to deceive anyone.
We've had a difference of opinion regarding HR 2, but I'm done talking about it with you. I'll refer you to the answer I gave you previously.
As Paul said to you in his comment, if you're going to throw around the N-word, then we're done talking.
Aug 29, '07
Just admit the mistake. And Clinton & Smith can apologize for voting for the war, and Merkley can apologize for voting for HRes 2 and many will be much happier.
EBT, the horse died sometime yesterday. I suggest that you stop beating it.
Aug 29, '07
Did you see Lars Larson weigh in on the subject of Larry Craig tonight on the Larry King Show? Unfortunately, we didn't get to hear much of what Lars had to say, as it would have been fun to respond to it later. Randi, bless her babbling heart, would not shut up, though her points were good. To Lars' credit, he thinks Craig should resign. But he also reverted to the old "the Democrats do it too so nah nah". He is a smart guy and I'd love to have seen whether he had any other talking points. If not, then the Republicans "got nothin'". Randi, next time stfu. Thank you.
Aug 29, '07
So, here's my question. When will Gordon Smith ask his friend Larry Craig to resign?
Any senator or representative who voted to give Bush authorization to go to war on Iraq would have to be a hypocrite if he or she called for Craig's resignation for a relatively minor crime that would have caused little or no injury to anyone.
All of the people in Congress who voted to authorize Bush to go to war if he felt like it betrayed their oaths to the Constitution and facilitated a war crime that has evolved into a crime against humanity. They should all resign and get on the next flight to Amsterdam and hitch a ride to The Hague where war criminals are tried.
Aug 29, '07
9:15 p.m.
Aug 29, '07
Wow, I wanted to tell Randi to STFU just reading the transcript. Thanks fo rthe link James X.
Aug 29, '07
So, I can't believe that no one has asked yet...will Jeff Merkley call for Sen. Craig's resignation?
Aug 30, '07
Has Gordon Smith called on the Hatch-Act-violating Lurita Doan to resign yet, as Ron Wyden did?
Smith is obviously OK with a brazen lawbreaker and deluded partisan zealot like Doan running the GSA and converting millions of dollars of taxpayer funds for partisan purposes.
Aug 30, '07
I'm astounded! I thought most, if not nearly all Democrats (and TRUE conservatives) believed, and strongly so, that private consensual sexual behavior between consenting adults was hust that: private and not subject to government interference and regulation. I will be far less impressed by any Dem that leaps on that hypocritical band wagon.
As to Craig, he's apparently been hoisted upon his own pitard and is therefore not deserving of any sympathy. As to Smith he is on the horns of a dilemma: either way he is likely to lose favor with one group or the others: the right wing fundamentalists or the moderate Repiblicans and independents. Ny guess is he'll say something innocuous and ambiguous like "It's a real tragedy" and otherwise keep his mouth shut.
12:45 p.m.
Aug 30, '07
But soliciting sex or lewd behavior in a PUBLIC restroom is neither private or legal. If you want to make soliciting sex in public restrooms legal, go for it if that's your thing. I myself have no desire to take my 11 year son into a public restroom to take a leak and have him exposed to two people (gay or straight) getting it on (this was an airport restroom, not a singles bar).
<h2>The point is the Craig broke the law and plead guilty to it and is now lying about numerous facets of the story in order to stay in the closet for his own messed up personal (and political) reasons.</h2>