Smith's Dive Attracting Attention

David Sirota, writing yesterday in his blog, noticed that Gordon Smith is getting killed not just in the blogosphere, but the press:

Sen. Smith, like the reliable Bush administration stooge that he is, has nonetheless defended the decision - and the Register-Guard is calling him out on his dishonest attempts to claim that the illness that caused the fish kill had nothing to do with the White House's original intervention and water diversion decision.

He quotes from the Register-Guard editorial where they note "that he's willing to bend and selectively omit the facts to justify ideologically driven political positions."  Concludes Sirota:

Eugene may be a liberal town, but it is in the center of a swath of Oregon considered pretty evenly split between the parties. Smith getting so totally raked over the coals in that region for trying to mislead his own constituents isn't going to help his already decreasing chances for reelection.

Go to David's blog and discuss the post there.


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