No, Gordon Smith won't call on Larry Craig to resign.
Approximately 90 minutes after a post here on BlueOregon asking, "Will Gordon Smith call on Larry Craig to resign?" - the Oregonian's Jeff Kosseff tracked down an answer.
Sen. Gordon Smith is not among the Republicans calling for Sen. Larry Craig's immediate resignation."Senator Craig has pled guilty to a crime," Smith said in a written statement. "This must be quickly resolved by the people of Idaho and the Senate Ethics Committee."
For the record, neither has Senator Ron Wyden -- but he's on vacation and not making public comments, according to the O.
Aug. 29, 2007
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1:24 a.m.
Aug 30, '07
as if it would mean anything if he did. His (Craig's) state is Republican; a GOP incumbent will run for that seat in 2008.
Now try to get ANY GOP Senators to speak out on David Vitter, who has fully admitted a hetero equivalent of Craig but sits under a Democratic governor. No way they'll call for him to resign. Craig? He's done, I think. They will appoint a replacement, but Larry La Rocco will make a big fight of it.
Aug 30, '07
I saw the earlier thread in passing, and was surprised... had expected to see something very, very different. (Though I had seen the piece at the O's blog.) TJ's right and I think Matt Foreman, Executive Director of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force hit the nail on the head:
Another example of the absolute, utter fraud that is Smith's "compassion" for the plight of gays/lesbians. Made for one of the best TV ads of all-time though...8:53 a.m.
Aug 30, '07
Considering his past support of hate crimes legislation, it wouldn't surprise me. It actually might be a rather shrewd move for him to join the chorus. He could court gays and bigots with the same position…very Smithlike, come to think of it!
This quote is from a commentator in the previous thread who was already discounting the possibility that Sentor Smith might call for Larry Craig's resignation. I know, I know--this is Blue Oregon where nothing Gordon Smith does is ever right.
The partisan chortling over Craig's problem, however, reminds me of Edwards and Kerry both going out of their way to mention Vice President Cheney's gay daughter in their televised debates in 2004.
Anyone who believes this issue is only about "hypocrisy" and not also thinly veiled partisan gay-bashing is kidding themselves.
8:55 a.m.
Aug 30, '07
"Anyone who believes this issue is only about "hypocrisy" and not also thinly veiled partisan gay-bashing is kidding themselves."
Exactly right. The gaybashing the GOP is implictly doing in this case is pathetic. They're not dumping him because he got caught soliciting sex, they're dumping him because it was GAY sex.
Aug 30, '07
Now try to get ANY GOP Senators to speak out on David Vitter, who has fully admitted a hetero equivalent of Craig but sits under a Democratic governor. No way they'll call for him to resign.
Diaper Dave will step down AFTER the Governor's election this year. They expect Blanco to be replaced with a Republican, so if that happens, Vitterism will then be recognized as "conduct unbecoming a Senator", not before.
Of course, if the Democrat wins, it's back to, "He consulted a professional and left the pages alone; for a Republican, that's praiseworthy!"
9:12 a.m.
Aug 30, '07
The gaybashing the GOP is implictly doing in this case is pathetic. They're not dumping him because he got caught soliciting sex, they're dumping him because it was GAY sex.
Nice try. Still partisanship uber alles. I'm glad the Democrats are so pure that they can comment on anyone's sexual orienttion as long as they use the Seinfeld forumulation: "Larry Craig is against gay rights and now it turns out HE'S GAY (not that there's anything wrong with that)."
9:31 a.m.
Aug 30, '07
There ISN'T anything wrong with that. It's the hypocrisy, the adultery and of course the lawbreaking that bothers progressives about the Craig affair.
Aug 30, '07
Wow. So Lars Larson has more integrity than Gordon Smith. My, my.
9:54 a.m.
Aug 30, '07
Jack, it's the astonishing poor judgment.
Let us, for the moment, take Craig's word for it. Let's say it was all a giant misunderstanding. He accidentally tapped his foot three times, twice, and accidentally flashed his wedding band near the floor -- and let's say he didn't understand that that's the protocol for soliciting "tea room" sex.
Let's assume all that. He gets arrested. Does he call his wife and his lawyer and say, "Oh my god, you'll never believe this weird situation I got in today. What should we do about it?"
No, he hides. He "handles" it himself. He goes back, at least twice, to Minneapolis to deal with it. He never tells his wife, his chief of staff, his attorney.
Seriously, can you imagine a circumstance where a U.S. Senator gets arrested - and doesn't call his lawyer?
It's not the act. It's the cover up.
9:55 a.m.
Aug 30, '07
p.s. BTW, nobody here thinks that Craig should go, but Vitter should stay. It's the homophobia of the GOP that's causing the differential treatment.
But 'round these parts, we think they both need to go.
Aug 30, '07
Seriously, can you imagine a circumstance where a U.S. Senator gets arrested - and doesn't call his lawyer?
Daily Kos has a piece indicating Craig did call his lawyer.
10:06 a.m.
Aug 30, '07
I'm not defending any of the things Craig did. And if I were one of his constituents, I would not want him representing me because of his poor judgment.
But that doesn't explain the piling on by Democrats. I don't remember you guys giving Rep. Vitter this kind of attention, either.
There was a time when closeted homosexuals were officially classified as security risks because it was believed they were vulnerable to blackmail. Today, some closeted homosexuals are threatened with political blackmail if they don't support a particular political agenda. Is that progress?
By the way, Kari, as an Edwards guy, what is your official position on Edwards and Kerry both bringing up Mary Cheney's sexual orientation in their debates. Was that kosher? Why do you think they did it?
11:03 a.m.
Aug 30, '07
Funny, I posted that same point and a link to the arrest and incident report back on Tuesday. Not that I am puffing my chest over it, but his lie was known the second he said it in his presser and I'm glad people are spreading the word that Craig's house of lies is tumbling down.
While it is still a leaning GOp seat, I wouldn't say it is a forgone conclusion. Sali had a tough go of it in the ID-01 race last year and only lost by a several points. Cheney had to fly in during the 11th hour to do huge fundraising to pull it out of the fire for him. So while Idaho is definitely a red state isn't one we should write off. This is why Dean's 50 state strategy is important. You never know when a race can flip and be put into play.
Aug 30, '07
But that doesn't explain the piling on by Democrats. I don't remember you guys giving Rep. Vitter this kind of attention, either.
Oh, some of us bring up "Diaper Dave" any chance we get. I want his very name to become the dictionary definition for his kinky diaper fetish (Vitterism, that is).
And you think it's just nitpicky to distinguish between an openly gay politician and someone who not only lies about his orientation but actually indulges in a career of gay-baiting before getting caught at it himself? Hardly. If a guy's that dishonest about himself and who he is, how can you expect to trust him on a mere campaign promise? And that's true equally about Craig and Vitter both. It was Vitter after all who was right up there saying Clinton wasn't fit to hold office after having a sex scandal. Maybe he still says that today and I just can't understand him with the pacifier in his mouth, eh?
Aug 30, '07
My problem with Craig isn't his orientation. Public sex, or soliciting it, in an airport restroom? That just isn't something that I could support, gay or straight. If Craig outed himself, and left his WIFE and started dating men, so what? That would be honest and real. Soliciting sex from a stranger on a toilet isn't GAY, it's the actions of someone who cannot excercise their needs in a healthy way, and it turns into perversion.
Maybe anybody who participates in sneaky little versions of aberrant sexual actions ( not gay sex, but toilet sex or paying a hooker to put him in a diaper ) are opening themselves to blackmail- therefore becoming a security risk? Especially if their entire political platform is built on condemning these same actions in others. What if someone who wanted Diaper Dave's vote got ahold of his secret sexual quirks, and held that over his head?
Partisanship isn't the case here. Hypocrisy isn't even the worst of it, really. I just have issues with people doing creepy sneaky little things like this in charge of our decisions to spend the public treasury, or make war.
11:57 a.m.
Aug 30, '07
Agreed. However there is an underlying difference to this as well which does have to do with homophobia and bigotry. That in Vitter's case, he was not pushing anti-heterosexual laws and anti-straight bigotry as public policy and straight-hating to me morally and socially acceptable.
That is why it is I view Craig's actions and dishonesty with more disdain than Vitter, though both are hypocritical scum-bags. Though like Roy Cohn, the added layer of self-loathing instilled in his psyche being projected outward and manifesting itself into his anti-gay bigotry and "family values" schtick (a phrase and concept which is in and of itself propagandist bigoted bullshit writ large) makes it even more shockingly hypocritical.
Aug 30, '07
McCain is a super hypocrite. He says the reason Craig should resign is that he admitted to breaking the law. Why isn't he calling for Vitter to resign? What about Bush and his DUI's and disappearance from the TX Guard? Resign Vitter!
Aug 30, '07
McCain is a super hypocrite. He says the reason Craig should resign is that he admitted to breaking the law. Why isn't he calling for Vitter to resign? What about Bush and his DUI's and disappearance from the TX Guard? Resign Vitter!
Why isn't McCain resigning for reneging on his oath to defend the Constitution and violating the Geneva Convention on war?
Aug 30, '07
All I know is to never eat the yellow snow, or follow a Republican into the Mens Room!!
Aug 30, '07
Dear Jack Roberts, So, why AREN'T the Republicans calling for Vitter's resignation? He admitted to breaking the law, hiring prostitutes. What about Ted Stevens and the massive FBI investigation underway? The reason for the difference must be about teh gay.
2:51 p.m.
Aug 30, '07
If I'm not mistaken, I thought Vitter admitted to hiring someone from an escort service and both he and the woman deny that they had sex. The owner of the escort service is being accused of running a prostitution ring and she is outing her customers, in part hoping they will "confirm" her story that they were not providing sexual services.
Ted Stevens has never admitted to any wrong doing, any more than William Jefferson has (I guess I missed all the posts here on Blue Oregon calling for his resignation).
Larry Craig's situation is different in that he pled guilty to a misdemeanor, which is why Senator McCain's position is reasonable, i.e., any Senator who pleads guilty to committing a crime should resign.
Contrary to what many posters have stated, however, Craig did not plead guilty to soliciting an undercover police office or for committing "lewd acts" which is what he was charged with. He pled guilty when they let him get off (okay, pun intended) with a charge of "disorderly conduct" whatever the heck that means in this context.
I agree he was monumentally stupid and I also agree that he undoubtedly was soliciting sex (although I frankly doubt they could have gotten a conviction under these facts). What I object to is the salacious obsession with his sexual orientation which I think a lot of people are trying to cloak with their claims of "hypocrisy."
In one sense, this reminds me of people accusing folks like Clarence Thomas, Alan Keyes and Shelby Steele of not being "authentically" black because they oppose affirmative action or certain other civil rights laws. Being of a certain race, gender or sexual orientation does not obligate one to support a specific political agenda.
It might be worthwhile to go back and revisit some of the things Barney Frank has said about why, when he was still closeted, he felt the need to utilize the services of a prostitute (which, yes, was a crime) which led to his reprimand (not resignation or expulsion) from the House. In many ways, Larry Craig is more to be pitied than reviled.
That doesn't mean he shouldn't leave office; just that there is no need to dance on his political grave while it happens.
Aug 30, '07
It might be worthwhile to go back and revisit some of the things Barney Frank has said about why, when he was still closeted, he felt the need to utilize the services of a prostitute (which, yes, was a crime) which led to his reprimand (not resignation or expulsion) from the House. In many ways, Larry Craig is more to be pitied than reviled. /// LARRY ROBERTS
Comparing Barny Frank to Larry Craig is like comparing Ghandi to Hitler!
Is Larry Craig coming out of the closet, is Larry letting the world know who he is, and does the stigma in his own party make the idea that a homosexual could be the U.S. Senator from Idaho laughable, ehhhh?
Barny Frank is a Socialist whom caucusses with Democrats that believes in limited, sincere, and effective governance for all Americans, Larry Craig believes in government when it profits him, or empowers him and believes he can acheive those ends by telling his constituents whatever they want to hear!!
3:25 p.m.
Aug 30, '07
No Jack. When this closeted head-case is pushing anti-gay laws, polices and fomenting anti-gay bigotry in society is visiting airport restrooms for some down-low action, that is not just hypocrisy, but hypocrisy writ large.
And spare me the accusations of salacious obsession because that isn't what this is about. It is a bigoted jack-ass being hoisted on the petards of his bigoted GOP base, with a healthy dose of well earned schedenfreud garnishing a big old fat serving of exposing a hypocrite.
And as legitimate as the point about Frank's observation about the unhealthy effects of the closet pushing men in the old days to go underground and seek illegal activities to express their sexuality, Frank was not a member of, or using anti-gay bigotry to gain and maintain political power.
3:31 p.m.
Aug 30, '07
Ah... no he isn't.
You are confusing independent democratic socialist Senator Bernie Sanders from Vermont, with House Rep. Barney Frank from the Massachusetts's 4th congressional district.
Aug 30, '07
Moonbeam Zappa for Senator of Idaho in '08, she'll never eat the yellow snow!, or follow Republican Senators into the Mens Room!
Happy Thoughts;
Dan Grady
Aug 30, '07
I guilty, I get the two mixed up all the time.
My bad, oops. Oh ya, never eat the yellow snow, or follow the Republican into the Mens Room!
Aug 30, '07
I'd like to ask Jack Roberts what he'd think if Senator Craig tried to grab and then screw his young son at a restroom at PDX?
As someone once said, "It's the hypocrisy, stupid".
Some folks just don't get it. Like Jacko. Never will.
4:31 p.m.
Aug 30, '07
Let's not conflate closeted head-case bigots like Craig, whether he is gay, bi or just a down-low head-case with rapists and pedophiles shall we?
For a much douch-baggery Craig has and is displaying, he is not a rapist, nor are most gay and bisexual men (just like most straight men are not rapist either).
Aug 30, '07
Jack Roberts, I'm going to run down to Freddy's and get a hunting license and a tag for straw men. Do I need a tag for each straw man?
9:05 p.m.
Aug 30, '07
Sorry, talapus pete, I'm too busy enjoying reading various commentators proving my point to respond.
9:13 p.m.
Aug 30, '07
I don't remember you guys giving Rep. Vitter this kind of attention, either.
Here at BlueOregon, we didn't give Senator Vitter the same attention as Senator Craig because he represents Louisiana. Unlike Idaho, Louisiana doesn't border Oregon.
Aug 30, '07
I hate to admit it, but I think I have to side with Jack Roberts on this one.
There have been a lot of posters cry out: "But he's a hypocrite! He pushes legislation that's against gay people!" I think we can all agree that the US Senate would be dismally empty if all senators guilty of hypocracy suddenly resigned?
What Craig pled to was a rank embarassment (no matter your sexual orientation). It stinks of hypocricy and I'm certain that the people of Idaho feel ill-represented - not because of who Craig is, but because of the ridiculous manner in which Craig tried to wriggle out of this.
These are all issues that our good neighbors to the east will have to take with them to the ballot box (or, if Craig likes, he can spare them that burden). But for what I can tell, Craig has not used his office for personal gain (a la Ted Stevens or William Jefferson) or failed to execute his Senate duties. And absent those transgressions, I do not think it is for Gordon Smith or any Oregonian to seek to supplant the will of the people of the State of Idaho.
2:26 a.m.
Aug 31, '07
Craig has not used his office for personal gain
That is, assuming that he's not been diddling the pages during the 25 years after he first denied such activity.... a pre-emptive denial, despite the lack of an allegation against him.
Aug 31, '07
So... are we assuming that gay = pedophile? Because I'm not aware of any evidence to suggest that Craig did so.
I only ask because last year Kari said:
If you see an unsupported claim made here, challenge it. Demand facts, demand proof, demand sources, and demand details. And if you're one of the drive-by commenters -- posting allegations and running, well, don't expect to get believed.
6:58 a.m.
Aug 31, '07
Thanks, Kari. You've made my point much better than I ever could. By suggesting--with absolutely no evidence--that a gay man might also be a sexual predator and a pedophile you have demonstrated precisely the homophobia I was talking about in my original post.
Case closed.
Aug 31, '07
Let's get real here. The only reason the Republics are calling for his resignation is that the Idaho Governor is a Republican. This explains the difference between Craig and Vitter.
Aug 31, '07
Idaho Sen. Craig to resign Idaho Sen. Craig to resign
Posted August 31, 2007
<h2>BOISE, Idaho (AP) — Idaho Republican Sen. Larry Craig will announce Saturday he will resign from the Senate amid a furor over his arrest and guilty plea in a police sex sting in an airport men’s room, Republican officials said Friday.</h2>