What you missed last week...
blueoregon admin
Aahh... nothing like a week with a holiday smack in the middle of it. Some folks took the week off, others just treated it like pair of super-fast and super-short weeks... Monday, Friday, Weekend, Monday, Friday!
If you weren't hanging 'round BlueOregon, here's a bit of what you missed:
Most importantly, the Governor called on Oregonians to vote. On what, you ask? To vote for Springfield, Oregon as the true and rightful home of The Simpsons. Deadline is today. What are you waiting for?
We had lots of news on the US Senate race. The 2002 Klamath Fish Kill (brought to you by Dick Cheney and Gordon Smith) was in the news again - and Loaded Orygun filed a FOIA request. Steve Novick announced a $190,000 haul in the second quarter. Jeff Merkley announced that he'll decide whether to run by July 31.
At the state level, Kari Chisholm recapped the 2007 Legislature, and Jeff Merkley did the same on the Nick Fish Show. Chuck Sheketoff took note of the impact that biofuel production is having on the price of beer. And we all speculated wildly about the 2008 legislative races.
Of course, Scooter Libby's sentence was commuted - and Cindy M wondered why we're not all protesting in the streets. Gordon Smith told KATU that Scooter Libby was "a decent guy."
In Portland, Vladimir Golovan was convicted for defrauding of the Clean Money system - and 2004 City Council candidate Dave Lister mixed it up with the Portland Mercury.
Jeff Alworth warned you against seeing Sicko, the new Michael Moore movie on health care, unless you're prepared for... well, you'll see. Albert Kaufman started a discussion about the blight of billboards. Meanwhile, Leslie Carlson mused aloud about global warming - energy conservation, in particular. Oh, and Spinal Tap.
And finally, Sunday morning dawned with a lovely postcard from Corvallis, courtesy of T.A. Barnhart.
Discuss, well, over there.
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