Sunday: Jeff Merkley talks to Nick Fish

This weekend, Speaker Jeff Merkley will appear on Outlook Portland with Nick Fish. Here's a brief clip, courtesy of Portland's CW:

The show is on Sunday at 6:30 a.m. on channel 32 (or channel 3 on Comcast cable systems.)


  • Jack Lorts (unverified)
    <h2>It is great to hear Merkley's comments on two of the most significant accomplishments to come out of this session of the legislature. Not to go overboard, but we all know that much of the success for the progressive gains we've made over the past six months certainly lies at the doorstep of Jeff Merkley. He is one of the rising stars of the Democratic Party and whether he succumbs to the lure of running for the Senate or stays with the legislature to continue the gains we're making within the state, Oregon will continue to be the winner.</h2>
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