A man in Bend, Oregon is making national news -- with his bizarre flight of fancy, sitting in a lawn chair, hanging from 100 helium balloons, floating over 200 miles across Oregon at 11,000 feet.
“The good part was getting to see the terrain,” said the gas station owner from Bend. “I went through the John Day River system, which was beautiful. And I was glad it was all working the way it should have.”But it wasn’t all fun and games for Couch, who started out on the northeast side of Bend and made his way 193 miles, as the crow flies, in eight hours and 45 minutes.
“There was that mountain range by Anthony Lakes, and I dreaded going over that because there were these little bouts of wind (pulling me around) and that has never happened before,” Couch said. “It was spooky, because there were no good places to land. If I had landed out there nobody would have found me for days.”
Even though he didn’t make it Idaho like had he hoped, the experience was, in a lot of ways, dreamy. Way up in the wild blue yonder, Couch could hear cows mooing and kids talking. He heard gun shots, which worried him. While he was at 11,000 feet, a black butterfly flew past him. The clouds he passed through, he said, were fluffy.
There's a lot more - so read the rest. Discuss.
July 10, 2007
Posted in in the news 2007. |
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8:21 a.m.
Jul 11, '07
The funniest part of the whole story was the fact that his video camera took off with the balloons and lawn chair after he bailed.
I wish I could remember what Charles Gibson said after the story ran on ABC last night. It made me laugh.
Jul 11, '07
So... it this an example of life imitating art which already imitated life?
Jul 11, '07
Oregon. We love dreamers.
Jul 11, '07
I have a no mission in life.
Jul 11, '07
I meant to say: new mission in life.
This guy is my hero.
11:34 a.m.
Jul 11, '07
Barton, I'm in.
11:41 a.m.
Jul 11, '07
Kari, can you send me your client contact list before you go. :^)
11:45 a.m.
Jul 11, '07
Sounds like this guy is full of hot-air!
1:58 p.m.
Jul 11, '07
Kari, can you send me your client contact list before you go. :^)
This is one of those things that sounds like a much better idea afterward than beforehand. But I agree, put your affairs in order before repeating the trick.
2:37 p.m.
Jul 11, '07
At least he was wearing a parachute in case something happened.
7:47 p.m.
Jul 11, '07
I hope Myth Busters is paying attention. ; )
Jul 12, '07
There is plenty to find fault with in this adventure, I guess, but that photograph? Just about sums up the phrase "wonder and delight."
12:15 a.m.
Jul 14, '07
Aww, they interviewed him this morning on the BBC. (Also, BBC reporters seem to know how to pronounce Oregon properly.)
8:44 a.m.
Jul 14, '07